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Victoria Knoll-p

Tall slim brunette model/porn star from the early 80s, sometimes billed as a Brooke Shields look-a-like.

Often appeared under the name Tanya Turner - PENTHOUSE 4/82, STAG 5/82 & 9/82 - and sometimes as 'Viva' - HIGH SOCIETY 3/82 & 9/82.

Cheri - 1982-02

Covergirl Strawberry has 9 pgs inc a 3 pg foldout CF. Jackie St. Clair (w/ blonde hair) has 7 pgs as 'Willa'. Veronique Maugarski has 5 pgs on a yacht. Michelle Bauer & girlfriend Victoria Knoll share 6 pgs and Gabrielle Freeman has 6 pgs as 'Lisa'. Darlene has 7 pgs, Sonia has 6 pgs and Mia has 5 pgs. Huge 20 pg feature on the Miss Nude Indiana Pageant.

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Eros - 1983-10

Eros - 1983-10

Covergirl is Angie Layne. Lois Ayres has BC + 7 pgs inc CF and Brooke shields look-a-like Victoria Knoll has 7 pgs. Samantha Fox has 4 pg feature. Sharon Kane has 2 pgs plus a porno party and 3 more pictorials of nameless models inc a 2-girl set. Article about Herpes - Leprosy of the 80s. Extremely bright & glossy - barely touched - FINE+

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Erotic Film Guide - 1982-10

Erotic Film Guide - 1982-10

Product ID: erfg1982-10f
(Velvet's) v1 #3 - Jasmine Dubois (aka Anna Ventura) and Eric Edwards share FC + 2 pgs, Little Oral Annie and Victoria Knoll share 9 pgs inc CF. Maria Tortuga has a 6 pg Interview w/ pics, Liza Moore has 5 pgs, Juliet Anderson (Aunt Peg) has 2 pgs and Ron Jeremy has 7 pgs w/ Terri. Movies reviewed inc 'Bad Girls' w/ Liza Moore, 'Titillation' w/ Kitten Natividad. 'Beauty' w/ Loni Sanders, 'Pandora's Mirror' w/ Veronica Hart, 'Moments of Love' w/ Lisa de Leeuw and Danielle Martin, 'Wild Dallas Honey' w/ Honey Wilder & Sharon Mitchell. Well read and handled but no serious defects, price written on cover in pencil - Good

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $10.00
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Game - Best of - 1982 Spring

Game - Best of - 1982 Spring

Joanne Latham has nice FC. Girlfriends Martha & Mindy share 8 pgs inc CF. Anna Ventura has 7 pgs as 'Gabriella', Carrie Nelson has 6 pgs as 'Maya' and Victoria Knoll has 5 pgs as 'Dot'. Dee Dee (not Wickizer) has 8 pgs, Camelia has 6 pgs. Plus 3 girls in a swimming pool and 12 diff girls w/ 1 pg each. Olivia de Berardinis has 3 illos on 1 pg and Steve Haris has a full pg illo + another full pg illo of 'Simone'. FINE+ copy is very bright & glossy - barely touched!  

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Genesis - 1981-05

Victoria Knoll & girlfriend (Hilary Summers?) share FC + 11 pgs inc CF as 'Sophie & Maud'. Kerry Dickerson has 8 pgs, Kathy Harcourt has 7 pgs as 'Felicity'. Photo-Interview w/ motorcycle race driver Kenny Roberts. A feature on female bodybuilder Cammie lusko, an article about the fitness boom and a pro basketball forecast.

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Gentleman's Companion - 1981-07

Gentleman's Companion - 1981-07

Product ID: getlc1981-07d
Victoria Knoll has 8 pgs inc CF as 'Arlene'. Melissa has 8 pgs, Stacey has 6 pgs and Clair Quentin (aka Cassie Wells) has 5 pgs as 'Claire'. Girlfriends Wendy Wilson (aka Leslie Winston) & Anna Ventura share 7 pgs as 'Dana & Rita' - pics from same photo shoot as Nugget 5/82. Fetish column on incest. Very bright & glossy, lightly read - VG++

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
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High Society - 1982-03alt

Alternate FC featuring Valerie. Contents same as issue w/ Jodie Foster FC. Jodie Foster has 6 pgs and Valerie has 8 pgs inc CF. Michelle Bauer has 7 pgs as 'Allison', Porn Star of the Month 'Viva' has 7 pgs - this is actually Victoria Knoll. Loni Sanders & girlfriend share 8 pgs, Sylvia Benedict has 7 pgs as 'Heather' and Angelica has 7 pgs. An anonymous couple has 8 pgs - girl is Bridgette Monet? Plus feature article 'Blown Away' - the true story behind the Laurel Canyon Massacre and arrest of John Holmes.

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High Society - 1985-10

Ginger Lynn has FC + 8 pgs and Maggie Randall has 7 pgs inc CF as 'Taryn'. Pauline Hickey has 6 pgs as 'Zoe', Sarah Thorne has 6 pgs as 'Jocelyn' (she was also in 1/85), Debbie Henton has 6 pgs as 'Gayle'. Madonna has 4 pgs. Jenny Cope and girlfriend Gail Thackray share 6 pgs. Victoria Knoll and boyfriend share 8 pgs and girlfriends Janice & Donna share 4 pgs - 1 is Keli Stewart? An article about Chinese gangs and 'From Yippies to Yuppies' by Timothy Leary.

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High Society - Best Of #007

High Society - Best Of #007

Product ID: hsoc-bo.007b
Fall, 1986 - Erotic Couples. Michelle Bauer has two seperate layouts - one is 6 pgs w/ girlfriend (12/85 less 2 pgs) and the other is 7 pgs inc CF as 'Sheryl' w/ a snake (4/85). Gail Force and Blake Palmer have 8 pgs (9/85). Victoria Knoll & boyfriend have 8 pgs (10/85) and Ali Moore & boyfriend have 8 pgs in a pool (11/85). Girlfriends Sandy & Teri have 6 pgs (8/84). Plus a bunch of anonymous people - 2 girls from 5/85 have 7 pgs, 2 girls from 7/85 have 8 pgs and a couple from 4/85 has 7 pgs. Extremely bright & glossy, barely touched! - FINE+

Number in Stock: 2
Price: $25.00
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Hustler - 1981-02

Linzi Drew has 10 pgs inc a 3 pg foldout CF as 'Dixie'. Dawn (CF of 11/80) & Tipi Rocks (CF of 12/80) share 10 pgs. Victoria Knoll and her dream lover have 10 pgs. Candy has 5 pgs and Jamie Lyn Bauer (from soap The Young & Restless) has 3 pgs. Articles about William Gaines (the publisher of MAD magazine) and how you are being poisoned by dangerous chemicals everywhere. Honey Hooker comic strip. Bob Bishop has 1 small illo. Good copy has 2 pgs from the Beaver Hunt feature missing.

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Nugget - 1982-11

Nugget - 1982-11

Product ID: nugg1982-11b
Covergirl Kathy Rich also has 4 pgs and Roz Sheffield has 6 pgs inc CF. Victoria Knoll has 3 pgs as 'Tanya Turner' and Alexandra Day? has 5 pgs as Beth Wallace. Girlfriends Luana & Tracey share 6 pgs - pretty sure this is Aki Wang & Terry Pepper. Beverly & Roberta have a 6 pg catfight  - same girls as 9/82. Plus 4 pgs of bondage pics and Amputee Corner - 5 pgs of artwork by R.H. Dee. Haley Tiresius begins monthly column. Extremely bright & glossy, barely touched - FINE+

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
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Penthouse - 1982-04

Joanne Latham has excellent FC in white lingerie & hat. Muriel Rousseau has 19 pgs inc CF, Victoria Knoll has 10 pgs as 'Tanya Turner'. Interview w/ horror meister Stephen King. Articles about boxing manager Angelo Dundee, the ACLU and 'Who Killed Sal Mineo?'. Sweet Chastity - 6 pg comic strip.

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Penthouse Letters - 1985-02

Product ID: pent-lets1985-02d
v3 #2 - Covergirl is Tanya Turner aka Victoria Knoll - she had a pictorial in Penthouse 4/82. Danielle Martin has 2 pgs, Kelly Nichols has 4 pics. Some 'rubbing' along spine - VG+

Number in Stock: 2
Price: $10.00
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Sir - 1982-12

Sir - 1982-12

Victoria Knoll has sexy FC in blue jeans + big 8 pg feature as 'Sheila' - the same 8 pgs are reprinted in the issue of 1/84. Cindy Nelson has 4 pgs as 'Linne', Peggy Trentini has 5 pgs as 'Paulette'. Plus Monique gets shaved, Miss X and Anne each have 6 pgs, Nancy has 5 pgs inc CF and Rita has 4 pgs. Movie reviews of 'Wanda Whips Wall St.' and 'Intimate Lessons'. Have 2 copies, both are basically new. FINE+ copy has TINY bump on top right corner, FINE copy has some faint vertical white lines on cover (from the printing process).

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Sir - 1984-01

Sir - 1984-01

Product ID: sir1984-01b
Covergirl looks an awful lot like Chrissis Beauchamp to me. Victoria Knoll has 8 pgs as 'Sheila' - this is a reprint of the feature in 12/82. Girlfriends Helen & Gina share 8 pgs inc a 2 1/2 pg CF (you'll probably recognize these 2 - one was the CF of 6/82 as 'Georgie'). and Marcelle has 4 pgs. Plus 'The Intimate Lives of Famous People' and more. Basically new, some light rubbing along spine on BC - FINE+

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
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Stag - 1982-05

Stag - 1982-05

Product ID: stag1982-05a
v33 #5 - Covergirl is Kim Mills. Loni Sanders in blonde wig has BC + 6 pgs as 'Cattle Annie'. Danielle Martin has giant 2 pg pic. Tanya Turner (aka Victoria Knoll) has 2 pgs. Kandi Barbour has 1 pg pic plus letters column. Larry Hagman Interview w/ full pg pic of old JR Ewing. Sex Star Trading Cards and more! Spectacular - NEW! FINE++

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
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Stag - 1982-09

Stag - 1982-09

Product ID: stag1982-09a
v33 #9 - Covergirl Cindy also has a 2 pg pic - is Fia Morrow. Joanna Storm & Joey Silvera have 8 steamy pgs inc CF. Victoria Knoll has 6 pgs as 'Tanya Turner'. Mistress Candace & slave have 5 pgs, movie review of 'Room Mates'. Kandi Barbour full pg pic + letters column. Interview w/ Morgan Fairchild has full pg pic. FINE++ copy is New, unread w/ beautiful white cover.

Number in Stock: 2
Price: $25.00
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Swank - 1982-06

Swank - 1982-06

Covergirl is Sheree Boyland, Jeanne has 10 pgs inc CF, Victoria Knoll has 8 pgs (as 'Veronica') and Barbara Peckinpaugh has 5 pgs as 'Wanda'. Interview w/ John Travolta and articles about Amazon gold hunters, splatter films and Mezcal. FINE+ copy is extremely bright & glossy - barely touched! FINE copy is bright & glossy, a couple of very minor stresses.

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Swank - Erotic Series - v03.07

Swank - Erotic Series - v03.07

Product ID: swan-erse-v03.07b
1982-11 - "Bad Girls". Another good issue that is nearly all pics featuring girls with only 1 name - lots of familiar faces in this one! Anna Ventura as 'Beverly', Victoria Knoll as 'Veronica', Gabrielle Freeman as 'Carol' and Lorie Armbrust each have 8 pgs. Danielle Martin has 6 pgs as 'Betty'. April has 8 pgs inc CF, Debra Lee Johnson has 8 pgs as 'Joie'. Debbie (was Covergirl of Stag 10/81) and Lana each have 8 pgs. Extremely bright & glossy, basically new - FINE+

Number in Stock: 2
Price: $25.00
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Velvet - 1980-09

Velvet - 1980-09

Giant 18 pg 'Sex Olympics' feature w/ 5 girls and 3 guys including Loni Sanders & Victoria Knoll and Randy West & Kevin James. Ellen has 7 pgs inc CF, Dana has 5 pgs. Truck driver Randy West & anonymous girl have 9 pgs. Also an 8 pg lingerie pictorial w/ 2 girls - 1 is Barbara Peckinpaugh? Interview w/ photographer Ron Vogel w/ lots of pics! FINE++ copy is NEW, unread! FINE copy is bright & glossy, tiny bump on top right corner.

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Velvet - 1982-03

Velvet - 1982-03

Girl w/ machine gun (Sgt. Wright) has FC + 8 pgs inc CF. Peggy Trentini (aka Pamela Donnelly) has 7 pgs, Lisa DeLeeuw & Randy West have inside FC + 7 pgs and Abigail Clayton has 3 pgs. Also Nudes-A-Poppin' from the Ponderosa Sun Club w/ BC + 6 pgs of Cindy Lou (is Cindy Nelson?), Shaun Sedivec aka porn star Shaun Michelle - Winner of the Velvet Fox Hunt - has 7 pgs. Wrestlers Janet & Dean have 8 pgs - looks lke Victoria Knoll and Randy West - and a pair of girlfriends share 7 pgs - 1 is Brigitte Monet? Candy Samples has 2 pgs + letters column. FINE++ copy is NEW, unread! FINE copy is bright & glossy, basically new but has a bit of light rubbing along spine.

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Velvet - 1984-08

Velvet - 1984-08

Blake Palmer and a Mermaid (is Donna Devlin aka Heather Thomas) on the FC + 10 great pgs. Herschell Savage has 10 pgs w/ Lori and nurse Terri. Eva (FC & CF of 1/83) has 7 pgs, Monique (pretty sure this is Gina Carerra) has 6 pgs. Shana Ross and a bald Janey Robbins share 6 pgs (pics from same photo shoot as Club 8/83) and Naughty Girl finalist Candi has 4 pgs. Plus 8 pgs of Sex Olympics w/ Loni Sanders, Victoria Knoll, Randy West, Kevin James and others - diff pics from same photo shoot as 9/80. Article about Coke wars. FINE++ copy is very bright & glossy, New, unread! FINE+ copy is basically new w/ a tiny bit of light rubbing along spine.

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