Christine Burke-p
Slim, usually blonde model from the mid 70s, especially 1975. Was CF of CLUB 4/75 as 'Chris' and Covergirl w/ pictorial of Hustler 4/75 as 'Lolita', Covergirl of Gallery 5/75 and CF of 6/75 as 'Jesse', Covergirl & CF of Penthouse 5/75 as 'Ava Gallay' and Covergirl of OUI 1/77.
Also known as Sofia Bradbury.
Club - 1975-04
Sasha (aka Barbara Castle - the CF from 2/75) is back, this time on the FC w/ a custom chopper. Christine Burke (aka Sofia Bradbury) has a big 9 pg feature inc CF as 'Chris' and Susan Nell has 6 pgs as 'Vanessa Reynolds'. Plus Flora has 6 pgs (she is also in Men Only v40.03), Claire has 5 pgs and Teresa Ann Savoy has 4 pgs as 'Terry'. Tinka & boyfriend Tim have 6 pgs. Plus an interview w/ Federico Fellini, Fiona Richmond in Sydney, the De Tomaso Pantena auto and Milly Molly Mantlepiece - a 4pg color comic by Robin Ray. Karl Steiner expounds on rubber fetishes aka 'Mackintosh Fun' and a 3 pg feature on erotic leatherware.
Club - 1975-07
Anonymous covergirl w/ a hose washing a yellow Corvette is also FC of Men Only v40.07. Peggy Sue Brooks has 9 pgs inc CF - same photo set as Men Only v40.06. Previous CFs Christine Burke (4/75) & Debbie Hatfield (5/75) join a guy in a bathtub, plus Penny Warren & Stephanie Bloom each have 5 pgs. Also Fiona Richmond in Singapore, an Interview with Peter Sellers, pubic hair styling, Milly Molly comic strip 4 pgs and Karl Steiner 'Feeling the Urge'
Club - Best of # 001
1975 - Oversize, squarebound issue has 116 pgs and reprints highlights from the first year including over 50 pgs of fabulous CLUB girls. Debbie Hatfield (aka Virgina Winter) has 2 separate features - one is 9 pgs, the same as her 5/75 CF feature and the other is 6 pgs w/ Christine Burke and a guy in a bathtub (7/75). Karyl Pierson (aka Kelly St. John) has 7 pgs (2/76). Christine Burke has 6 pgs solo (4/75 - less 3 pgs inc CF) + 6 pgs w/ Debbie Hatfield and a guy in a bath tub (7/75). Mary Millington has 5 pgs as Candice (5/75), Cheryl 'Rainbeaux' Smith and Anna Noble have 9 pgs w/ a Bentley (9/75) and girlfriends Marisa & Karen share 5 pgs (10/75). Chris Achillees (sic) has 2 nice color illos - each is 2/3 pg. Olivia de Berardinis has a 2 pg illo. Interview w/ actor Telly Savalas. VG/VG+ copy is clean, tight & flat, a bit of normal wear and small scuff at top of spine. Good copy has some scuffing and top edge has slight roll but still decent.
Gallery - 1975-05
Christine Burke has FC in white lingerie & silver top hat (is also CF of 6/75 as 'Jesse'). Denise has 8 pgs inc a 3 pg foldout CF. Dee Kahn (is this very early Denise Deland?) has 5 pgs and Faye Walker also has 5 pgs. Janet Kimberly has 4 pgs. A symposium w/ comedians Peter Boyle, Robert Klein and Marshall Efron. Int w/ film director Mike Nichols, an article about Suzy Quatro and a feature on antique French postcards. Also a Very good and extremely long (13 pgs) feature on Underground Comix.
Gallery - 1975-06
Product ID: gall1975-06bCovergirl is Angela Jay (billed as 'Stephanie Kellund'), she also has a pictorial in the issue of 7/75. Christine Burke (was Covergirl of 5/75) has 9 pgs inc CF as 'Jesse' (first issue w/ standard 2 pg CF). Lee Ann Reno has 6 pgs, Anelia and Mona each have 6 pgs. . Int w/ former Beatle George Harrison. A feature on The Marquis Von Bayros w/ 4 pgs of illos and porno star Marc Stevens - His Own Story. Plus Harlan Ellison fiction 'Croatoan'. Beautiful Fine+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $30.00
Penthouse - 1975-05
Christine Burke has FC + 13 pgs inc CF as 'Ava Gallay', Octavia Corriell has 6 pg pictorial. Interview w/ E. Howard Hunt. Article about CIA Hit Men - 1st in a series about 'The Intelligence Community'. Article about the history of beer. The Vietnam Veterans Adviser - 1st installment of a monthly feature that runs thru 1989. Oh Wicked Wanda 8 pg comic strip. VG