Veronique Maugarski-p
European porn star from the mid to late 70s. Also appeared in numerous magazines during the 80s. Frequently appeared with very short blonde hair w/ bangs covering her forehead and a deep tan. Many photo sets are shot outdoors, frequently on boats and/or beaches.
She appears in Gallery 4/79. She is Lucille in CHERI 9/79, Felice in Gallery 11/84 and Shelley in Gallery 10/86 and Veronique in Penthouse 6/82.
Cheri - 1979-09
Covergirl Uschi (NOT Digard) also has BC + 11 pgs and Veronique Maugarski has 8 pgs inc CF as 'Lucille'. Kitten Natividad and Brenda Dee each have 8 pgs. Loretta (first runner-up in the Dreamsuck contest) has 8 pgs and Rita has 5 pgs. Club Cheri in Jamaica features Pearl (6 pgs), Gilana (4 pgs) and Claudia (3 pgs). Cherry Bomb visits the Village People and the Miss Playhouse '79 Beauty Contest. Plus 'Balance of Payments' a 1 pg color comic by Mary Sativa.
Cheri - 1982-02
Covergirl Strawberry has 9 pgs inc a 3 pg foldout CF. Jackie St. Clair (w/ blonde hair) has 7 pgs as 'Willa'. Veronique Maugarski has 5 pgs on a yacht. Michelle Bauer & girlfriend Victoria Knoll share 6 pgs and Gabrielle Freeman has 6 pgs as 'Lisa'. Darlene has 7 pgs, Sonia has 6 pgs and Mia has 5 pgs. Huge 20 pg feature on the Miss Nude Indiana Pageant.
Club Int. - 1977-02
Product ID: clubint1977-02dv5 #12 - Girlfriends Veronique Maugarski & Lisa Stophenberg (as Konnie & Tina) share FC + 8 pgs (Veronique is CF in 5/77), Christina has 8 pgs inc CF. Layla (was also in 12/76) has 8 pgs, Patty and Mandy each have 6 pgs and Nicky Stanton has 4 pgs. Plus a 6 pg catfight (one of the girls is Pat Astley), a 2 pg illo by Michael Jupp and 'The Perverts League of America' a 4 pg color comic strip. VG+
Number in Stock: 2
Price: $15.00
Club Int. - 1977-04
v6 #2 - Roxy has 8 pgs inc CF. Veronique Maugarski & Segried Sellier share 8 pgs w/ a Black guy, Wendy Marlow has 4 pgs as'Annie'. Margaretha, Cathy, Penny & Jeni each have 6 pgs. Plus a 2 pg illo by Michael Jupp, 'The Lust League of America' a 2 pg color comic strip and 'Fartsky & Krutch' another 2 pg color comic strip.
Club Int. - 1977-05
v6 #3 - Veronique Maugarski has 6 pgs inc CF as 'Konnie'. Lynne Michael (a Liza Minelli look-a-like) has 8 pgs, French porn star Brigitte Lahaie and boyfriend have 8 pgs. Anne Nemik has 6 pgs w/ a werewolf and Kim MacBryde has 6 pgs as 'Suzannah' - she was also in 3/77. Regine (was in 12/76) has 6 pgs, Louis Hampton has 4 pgs and a 9 pg feature on Rudolph Valentino. Michael Jupp has a 2 pg illo, 'The Lust League of America' a 4 pg color comic strip and a 2 pg comic strip about Richard Nixon. VG
Club Int. - 1977-11
Farrah has 8 pgs inc CF, Debbie Richardson has 6 pgs as 'Julia'. Girlfriends Veronique Maugarski & Brigitte Lahaie share 6 pgs in a desert. Tatum has 8 pgs, Cher has 7 pgs and Racquel has 6 pgs. Marilyn Monroe article by former husband Robert Slatzer - no pics (this is part 2, part 1 is in 10/77). 'Olaf the Gang Bangor' - 2 pg color comic strip. Also an Article on Mad Magazine w/ pix.
Club Int. - 1978-09
Veronique Maugarski has 8 pgs inc CF as 'Marie', Debbie Ryan has 6 pgs as 'Karen' - she is also in 11/78. Jilly, Kristi, Julie and Penny each have 6 pgs. 'Olaf the Gang Bangor' - 2 pg color comic strip.Michael Jupp has a 2 pg illo and a 2 pg cartoon strip,
Club Int. - 1978-11
Product ID: clubint1978-11dCovergirls is Fia Morrow, Billie has 7 pgs inc CF. Veronique Maugarski (as 'Natalie'), France Lomay (as 'Lola') & Debbie Ryan (as 'Karen') each have 6 pgs. Nicole & Kay each have 5 pgs. A 6 pg feature on rubber & plastic clothing modeled by Karen Richardson. An article about 'Hit Men'. 1st issue w/ 'Affectionately Yours' section of readers photos. 'Olaf the Gang Bangor' - 2 pg color comic strip. Michael Jupp has a 2 pg illo plus 2 full pg cartoons. VG+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
Gallery - 1979-04
v7 #5 - Covergirl & Girl Next Door Suzan L has 6 pgs inc a 4 pg double foldout CF. Sexy Kandi Barbour has 6 great pgs (as Judy Warren), Veronique Maugarski has 4 pgs as 'Heidi Renk'. Plus a 7 pg feature on 'Nocturna, Dracula's Granddaughter' starring Nai Bonet. Int. w/ Flo Kennedy. Articles about IRS audits, The Kent State Massacre and our crumbling highway bridges. Tetra - Sci-fi comic. Light wear, VG+
Gallery - 1984-11
Covergirl & Girl Next Door of the Year Nikki B has 10 pgs inc CF (she was also in 12/83). Monthly Girl Next Door April L has 5 pgs, Josie has 7 pgs, Veronique Maugarski has 6 pgs as 'Felice' and Leila has 5 pgs. Articles about 'God's Mad Bombers' (religious fanatics), Alternative Political Parties and a pro foootball preview. Issue also has 16 pg Swingers Survey insert.
Gallery - 1986-10
Product ID: gall1986-10bCovergirl is Carol Ann Stevenson. Veronique Maugarski has 10 pgs inc CF as 'Shelley'. Grace also has 10 pgs. Girl Next Door Paige has 6 pgs and Vanna has 4 pgs. Interview w/ actor Danny De Vito. Articles about how foreign mobs control American crime and nuclear reactor accidents. Also an NFL preview. Super sharp, Fine+
Number in Stock: 2
Price: $20.00
High Society - 1985-04
Michelle Bauer has FC + 7 pgs inc CF w/ a snake as 'Sheryl'. Christy Canyon has 6 pgs as 'Diane' and Veronique Maugarski has 6 pgs as 'Monique'. A 10 pg feature on Bond Girls has 6 pgs of Nike (aka Nikki) Clark and 4 pgs of Sian Adey-Jones. Erin has 6 pgs, girlfriends Leigh & Elana share 8 pgs and an anonymous couple has 7 pgs. An article about Danny Bass - the man who married his mother.
Nugget - 1979-08
Covergirl Gina also has 6 pgs and Linda Gordon has nice 6 pg set inc CF. Francie James has 6 pgs as 'Goldie'. Brigitte Lahaie (as 'Rita') has 5 pgs w/ Veronique Maugarski (as 'Doris') in chains. Tina Popadopolis has 5 pgs, Eve has 4 pgs and Linda has 5 pgs w/ Mike Ranger (as Larry). Plus Mango Motel - a 4 pg B&W comic strip by Otis Sweat. Bright & glossy, lightly read, heavy bump on top right corner - VG+
Nugget - Annual 1980
Product ID: nugg-ann1980cLots of familiar faces in this one. Covergirl Bunny Allen also has 3 pgs as 'Carrie' (10/79 less last 2 pgs). Tammy HIll has 6 pgs inc CF as 'Patty' (source unknown - 12/79?). Francie James as 'Goldie' (8/79), Gina (8/79 less FC) & Jolene (10/79) each have 6 pgs. Carrie Nelson (Penthouse Pet of 1/78) has 4 pgs as 'Lisa' (10/79 less last pg). Cindy (10/79 less 1st pg) and Eve (8/79) each have 4 pgs. Brigitte Lahaie and her slave Doris (is Veronique Maugarski) have 5 pgs (8/79 - pics from same photo shoot as Club International 7/82) and Mike Ranger and a girlfriend Linda have 5 pgs (8/79). Plus Mango Motel a 4 pg B&W comic strip by Otis Sweat. Very bright & glossy, barely touched - FINE+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
Oui - 1983-07
Lois Ayers has big 10 pg pictorial inc CF. Veronique Maugarski has 8 pgs as 'Susanne' (she is also FC of 8/83). Nike Clark has 6 pgs as 'Nikki'. Suzie Farrell has 6 pgs w/ Mark Wallace. Tanya Roberts has article w/ pics. Karen Lynn Gorney (Saturday Night Fever) has 4 pgs, Barbara Carrera (007 - Never Say Never Again) has 3 pgs. Articles about the RFK assassination, author/murderer Jack Henry Abbott and Bodyguards.
Oui - 1983-08
Product ID: oui1983-08bCovergirl is Veronique Maugarski - she was also in 7/83 as 'Susanne'. Jeanette Starion has 10 pgs as 'Gail', Julia Parton has nice 8 pg feature as 'Adrianna'. An Oriental girl and guy share 10 pgs inc CF in an airplane. Chispa has 8 pgs. A party at NY's Underground and articles about smuggling and sex on MTV.
Penthouse - 1982-06
Laurie Loranger FC only. Jane Felber has 19 pgs inc CF. Veronique Maugarski has 15 pg pictorial as 'Veronique'. Pet of the Year Play-off issue has 5 girls w/ 2 pgs each. Interview w/ Ted Turner. Feature articles on Police Stings, Electroshock Therapy and Plea Bargaining. Also a feature on Reggie Jackson's auto collection. Sweet Chastity 6 pg comic strip.
Penthouse Letters - 1984-11
Product ID: petn-lets1984-11dv2 #6 - Carrie Nelson (CF from Penthouse 1/78) has 2 pgs, Veronique Maugarski also has 2 pgs. Jane Fonda has 1 pic as Barbarella. Upper left corner slightly soft - VG+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $10.00