Carol(e) Ann(e) Ste(ph)venson-p
Popular model from the mid 80s whose name has been spelled with every variation you can possibly think of.
Cheri - 1985-11
Special Nashville Issue. Covergirl is Carole Anne Stevenson as 'Toni' - she has a pictorial in 1/86. Erica Elson has 5 pgs as 'Dixie'. HOTM Sonia has 9 pgs and Jennie has 8 pgs - reprint of 2/85 less CF. Bunny has 8 pgs, Tammy has 6 pgs, and Jill & Pam share 5 pgs. This issue has detachable 16 page calendar for 1986. Calendar has Cherry Bomb FC and individual pages for Rachel Ashley, Trine Michelson, Pippi Andersson, Diane Bentley and many more of your favorites.
Cheri - 1986-01
Covergirl Suzi also has 7 pgs and Nina has 13 pgs inc a 3 pg foldout CF - this is the last issue to have a 3 pg foldout CF. HOTM Holly Ryan (also in 9/86 & 11/86) has 7 pgs, Carole Anne Stevenson has 6 pgs as 'Toni'. Andrea has BC + 6 pgs, Amanda has 6 pgs and girlfriends Brenda & Stacy share 6 pgs. A big 10 pg feature on the Miss Nude Galaxy contest from the Ponderosa Sun Club and the Miss Nude Canada contest. An 8 pg feature on the AFAA Erotic Film Awards and Ted Mark fiction 'The Man From ORGY Bounces Back' - Part 2, part 1 was in 12/85.
Eros - 1984-07
Product ID: eros1984-07cCovergril is Carole Anne Stevenson. Nancy has BC + 7 pgs inc CF, Lucy from 6/84 has 7 pgs. Lucinda & Susan each have 5 pgs. Buffy St. Claire has 3 pgs. Girlfriends Leila & Marie share 7 pgs. Interview w/ porn director Anthony Spinelli and an article on the '84 Olympics. Very bright & glossy, light rubbing on right edge & along spine - FINE
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
Fox - 1985-05
Carol Ann Stevenson has FC + 6 pgs as 'Sandy'. Jaya has 11 pgs inc CF, Victoria Young has 8 pgs as 'Dawn', Barbara Peckinpaugh has 6 pgs as 'Patricia' and Anita Hunter has 6 pgs anonymously. Monica & Nina (Carter?) each have 8 pgs and Glitter has 5 pgs. Very bright & glossy, barely touched - FINE+
Gallery - 1982-01
Carole Ann Stevenson has FC + 5 pgs as 'Moira'. Girl Next Door Karri G has 6 pgs inc a 3 pg foldout. Marielle has 6 pgs, Helle Kjaer has 4 pgs as Samantha. Int w/ Dr. Stephen Rosen (author of 'Future Facts'). Isaac Asimov - The Asimov Challenge. Mag comes w/ 16 pg "Readers Gallery" pullout booklet.
Gallery - 1986-10
Product ID: gall1986-10bCovergirl is Carol Ann Stevenson. Veronique Maugarski has 10 pgs inc CF as 'Shelley'. Grace also has 10 pgs. Girl Next Door Paige has 6 pgs and Vanna has 4 pgs. Interview w/ actor Danny De Vito. Articles about how foreign mobs control American crime and nuclear reactor accidents. Also an NFL preview. Super sharp, Fine+
Number in Stock: 2
Price: $20.00
Genesis - 1982-05
Product ID: gene1982-05cGina Charles has FC + 7 pgs as 'Jane Wells'. Carole Ann Stevenson has 11 pgs inc CF as 'Georgia Berkeley'. Alexandra Trapp has 8 pgs. Photo-Interview w/ actress Adrienne Barbeau. FINE
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
Oui - 1982-01
Product ID: oui1982-01dActress Pamela Sue Martin (Fallon on 'Dynasty') has FC + 4 pgs, Susan Mechsner (is also FC + CF of Gallery 1/83) has 6 pgs, Carol Ann Stephenson has 7 pgs. Peggy Trentini has 11 pgs inc CF as 'Meg' and Stella has 8 pgs. Female golfer Jan Stephenson has 3 pgs. Int w/ Mario Andretti, feature on the turbo Porsche and articles on medical marijuana, Jack the Ripper and Robin Moore on Andrew Young. Nice VG+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00