Brandy Ledford-p
Stunning blonde model from the 90s who went on to become a noted actress in numerous TV series and legitimate movies.
Was Penthouse Pet of the Month for 5/90 as 'Jisel'. Was Pet of the Year for 1992 under the name 'Brandy' and had several other apps in Penthouse using that name.
Also appeared in Club, Club International (a regular monthly feature from 10/90 - 12/91) and Swank as Giselle. Was a regular feature in British editions of Club as 'Ginny'.
aka Brandy Sanders
Chic - 1990-05
Product ID: chic1990-05dBrandy Ledford aka Giselle has FC + 8 pgs inc CF. Jacquie has 7 pgs on a beach, Girlfriends Liza & Nicole share 8 pgs and Donna has 8 pgs w/ 2 bikers - pretty sure thiis is Tami Monroe . An article about Sturgis Bike Week. Bright & glossy, a couple of minor stresses - VG++
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
Club - 1990-10
v16 #9 is first regular size issue, pg count increased to 116. Samantha Fox on FC, Samantha Taylor has 10 pgs inc CF as 'Claire'. Seka has 5 pgs Brandy Ledford (as 'Giselle') shares 6 pgs w/ girlfriend Krystina, Jolene Juggs has 4 pgs. Emma Nixon has 6 pgs, Ashley Nicole (as 'Kat') has 6 pgs w/ boyfriend, Shanelle has 6 pgs, Jennifer has 4 pgs and Kim has 3 pgs. Bill Ward 2 pg 'Debbie' comic strip.
The CF of this issue, Claire, (aka Samantha Taylor), is a perfect example of why making IDs is such a royal pain. She was in several issues in about a year's time as follows: 10/90 - CF, hol '90 - 5 pgs, 3/91 - 5 pgs, 10/91 - 7 pgs as 'Mandy' and 1/92(?) - 7 pgs. The last one is a 2-girl feature 'Gill & Claire'. If she is the Claire half then the other girl is Gill. However, Gill was the CF of both 8/91 & 11/91 as 'Claire'. So, if that is the Claire in this pictorial then Claire is Gill - got it?
The CF of this issue, Claire, (aka Samantha Taylor), is a perfect example of why making IDs is such a royal pain. She was in several issues in about a year's time as follows: 10/90 - CF, hol '90 - 5 pgs, 3/91 - 5 pgs, 10/91 - 7 pgs as 'Mandy' and 1/92(?) - 7 pgs. The last one is a 2-girl feature 'Gill & Claire'. If she is the Claire half then the other girl is Gill. However, Gill was the CF of both 8/91 & 11/91 as 'Claire'. So, if that is the Claire in this pictorial then Claire is Gill - got it?
Club - 1991-05
Donna Ewin has another FC. Vida Garman has 10 pgs inc CF. Brandy Ledford (as 'Giselle') has a huge 4 pg detachable poster. Louise Hodges has 6 pgs. Lisa Remzi has 5 pgs. Tessa Rosa has 4 pgs, Tanya de Vries has 3 pgs as 'Fanny'. Sam has 5 pgs solo + 6 pgs w/ girlfriend Minnie. Mia Powers and Cal Jammer have 6 pgs plus some other girls w/ no names.
Club - Best of # 066
Product ID: club-bo.066d7-8/91 - Tracey West has partial FC. Samantha Taylor has 10 pgs as 'Claire' (10/90), Seka has 6 pgs (4/91), Emma Nixon (1/91), Julia (Hol 90) and Sam (5/91) each have 5 pgs and Suzy has 4 pgs (3/91). Girlfriends Brandy Ledford (as 'Giselle') & Krystina share 6 pgs (10/90), Tami Monroe & boyfriend Alex have 6 pgs (11/90) and June & John have 6 pgs (6/91). Bill Ward has 2 pg 'Debbie' comic strip. Bright & glossy, a few minor stresses - VG+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
Club Int. - 1991-04
Sarah Hollett FC, Stacy has 6 pgs inc CF. Brandy Ledford (as 'Giselle') has 8 pgs. Girlfriends Annie & Salem share 6 pgs, Jo has 5 pgs, Lara & Pamela each have 4 pgs.
Fox - 1991-11
Product ID: fox1991-11fCovergirl Brandy Ledford (aka Giselle) also has 6 pgs. Girlfriends Selma & Louise share 9 pgs inc CF - 1 is Vida Garman, the other is Sharon Hawthorne? April Rayne has 8 pgs plus a separate 3 pg Interview w/ pics. Lizzy has 6 pgs and Ava has 5 pgs. Taylor Wane (as 'Nola') has 10 pgs w/ boyfriend Ryan. Bright & glossy, but mag has some light warping and faint water marks on bottom right corner - not too bad and no stuck pgs - Good/VG
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $10.00
Genesis - 1990-10
Product ID: gene1990-10dKirsten Imrie has FC + 8 pgs as 'Lenna'. Brandy Ledford has 9 pgs inc CF as 'Irene', Pauline Hickey has 4 pgs as 'Dolly'. Andrea has 7 pgs, Rose has 6 pgs and Genesis Classic Mai Lin (not the porn star) has 8 pgs. Feature on Paintball War.
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
Girls/Girls - 1991 # 07
Product ID: gene-gg1991.07bSophie Favier has FC & BC, Marlene has 10 pgs inc CF (Hol 90). Brandy Ledford as 'Irene' (10/90) and Tara Bardot as 'Charlotte' (9/90) each have 9 pgs and Samantha Taylor as 'Rachel' has 8 pgs (Hol 90). Dee Ivens as 'Penny' has 5 pgs (1/91), Pauline Hickey as 'Dolly' (10/90) & Stacey Owen as 'Elvira' (11/90) each have 4 pgs. Madeline has 8 pgs (1/91) and Margo has 6 pgs (12/90). FINE+ copy is very bright & glossy, barely touched!
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
High Society - 1990-04
Julia Parton has FC + 9 pgs inc CF as 'Nina'. Brandy Ledford has 6 pgs as 'Marlene', Ashley Rene and girlfriend share 6 pgs and Tami Monroe has 5 pgs. Nikki & Allison each have 6 pgs and Leia has 5 pgs. Christina has 8 pgs w/ Eric Price. Valeria Golino (from the movie 'Rain Man') has 4 pgs and an article about Elvis Presley.
High Society - 1990-11
Anna has FC + 6 pgs. Diane Bentley has 10 pgs inc CF. Alicia Monet and girlfriend Stephanie share 6 pgs, Brandy Ledford has 6 pgs as cowgirl 'Annie', Charmaine Sinclair has 6 pgs as 'Charlene'. Meg Tilly has 4 pgs, Vanessa del Rio has 2 pgs. Jacqueline & Maria each have 4 pgs and Lisa has 8 pgs w/ boyfriend Brian. A feature on shark fishing.
High Society - Best Of #031
Product ID: hsoc-bo.031b1991 - Oral Sex Queens. Amber Lynn has FC + 2 pgs (9/90), Cheri Taylor has 8 pgs inc CF (9/90, no poster). Catalina L'Amour (10/90), Ashlyn Gere (12/90), Nina Hartley (7/90 - 6 pgs only of 10, no CF) and Brandy Ledford as 'Annie' (11/90) each have 6 pgs. Stephanie Adams has 5 pgs (9/90, no poster) and Christy Canyon has 4 pgs (1/90). Alicia Monet & Stephanie (Adams?) have 6 pgs (11/90, no poster) and Christina has 6 pgs w/ Eric Price (4/90 less 2 pgs). Nice features on vintage hot rods and Hitler's Treasure in Lake Toplitz. Extremely bright & glossy, barely touched! - FINE+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
High Society - Book of Lingerie 1991.2
Summer 1991 - 100 pg issue is practically cover to cover photos - mostly 2-4 pgs/model. Lots of familiar faces. Anonymous Covergirl also has BC + 3 pgs. Kirsten Imrie and Jane Botham each have 4 pgs. Jeanette Starion, Brandy Ledford and Marianne Cooper each have 2 pgs. Extremely bright & glossy, barely touched! - FINE+
High Society - Book of Lingerie 1992.2
Product ID: hsoc-bol1992.2dSummer, 1992. Mikki Brenner has 6 pgs. Heather Thomas has 4 pgs as 'Audrey'. Louise Germaine as 'Cindy', Donna Ewin, Sarah Thorne and Brandy Ledford each have 2 pgs. Very bright & glossy, clean white cover, some minor stresses and a clean crease on bottom left corner of BC and last page - VG+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
High Society - Book of Lingerie 1992.3
Fall, 1992. Covergirl is Helen Labdon. Donna Ewin and Karen Brennan each have 4 pgs. Debee Ashby, Kascha, Brandy Ledford, Natalie Banus and Jane Botham each have 2 pgs. Kirsten Imrie has 1 pg. FINE+ copy is very bright & glossy, barely touched! VG+ copy is bright & glossy, some minor stresses and a light vertical crease along spine.
Hustler - 1990-10
Product ID: husr1990-10dGirlfriends Racquel Darrian and Nikki Wilde share FC + 10 pgs as 'Kelly & Marina' - they were also in 8/90. Brandy Ledford has 10 pgs inc a 3 pg foldout CF (as 'Billie'). Barbara Dare has 8 pgs w/ boyfriend. Jennifer Stewart has 6 pgs as 'Porcelana'. Articles about the Dark Bros return to porn, female murderers and spanking. Alex Ebel has a 2 pg illo. VG+
Number in Stock: 2
Price: $15.00
Hustler - 1992-03
Product ID: hust1992-03dBrandy Ledford has nice FC as 'Billie' (was CF of 10/90). Dahlia Grey has 10 pgs inc a 3 pg foldout CF as 'Alicia' - she was Penthouse Pet of 3/92 as Jamie Dion. Stephanie Rage has 8 pgs as ' Steffie'. Josie has 8 pgs, girlfriends Mari & Nichelle share 8 pgs and Beaver Hunt finalist Ann has 4 pgs. Articles about Asian street gangs and abandoned POWs. S. Clay Wilson has a 2 pg illo and Spain Rodriguez also has a 2 pg. illo. VG
Number in Stock: 2
Price: $10.00
Penthouse - 1990-12
Diana Van Laar has FC + 15 pgs inc CF. Brandy Ledford has 13 pgs w/ girlfriend as 'Tracy & Dick'. Shirley Cumpanas has 8 pg pictorial + story of her affair w/ Christian Brando. Interview w/ Roseanne Barr. Feature articles on the Soviet empire's self destruction, Democratic politician & 'The Last Boss', Meade Esposito, Bob Fosse and America's 10 worst Censors by Nat Hentoff.
Mag contains 28 pg (half size) detachable calendar w/ 2 pg pics of 12 diff. girls.
Penthouse - 1992-09
Product ID: pent1992-09cRadio shock jock Howard Stern FC + article about. Seana Ryan has 15 pgs inc CF. Pet of the Year Brandy (Brandy Ledford) has 10 pg pictorial, Diana Van Laar (was CF 12/90) also has 10 pgs on a Harley and 3 girlfriends (Lena, Saskia & Tracy) share 11 pgs. Fabio has a 4 pg fashion pictorial. Feature articles on the resurgent Nazi movement in Germany, Medical Genocide - Part 25 - Radiation Fallout and Sports scandals - Boxing, Wrestling & Baseball. Bright, glossy - FINE
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
Penthouse - 1992-10
This issue was published w/ 2 alternate covers. 1 cover is Stevie Jean (CF of 1/92) and the other is comedian Jackie Mason w/ Alexis Christian (CF of 11/92). Chanel has 15 pgs inc CF - she was FC of 11/89. Tori Welles has 10 pgs w/ Pet of the Year Brandy (Brandy Ledford). Melissa Morgan also has 10 pgs and Tasha & Tisha share 10 more. Interview w/ Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin. Article about Princess Diana's wild teen years and how big business has destroyed America. Also a 4 pg feature on the Vector W8 and the 20 worst college football teams. Sharp, glossy Fine.
Alternate FC. Same as above except FC is Jackie Mason and Alexis Christian. Bright & shiny, Fine
Alternate FC. Same as above except FC is Jackie Mason and Alexis Christian. Bright & shiny, Fine
Penthouse Letters - 1993-04
v11 #4 - Nicole Simmons (she was CF of Penthouse 7/92) has 8 pgs. Brandi Ledford (aka Jisel) & Tori Welles share 3 pgs (pics from same photo shoot as Penthouse 10/92), Kirsten Imrie has 3 pics.