Alison Tyrer-p
British model from the late 70s - early 80s with long straight brunette hair. Appeared in Mayfair v15 #2 under this name.
Club - 1980-08
Special 3-D issue came with 3-D glasses attatched to FC. Alison Tyrer has 9 pgs inc CF as 'Billie' - part of this feature + a 2-girl set w/ Carole & Jacquie are 3D. The one and only Serena has 6 fantastic pgs. Sharon Sorrentino has 7 pgs as 'Bianca' and Piper Smith has 7 pgs as 'Abigail'. Begin 'Mayfair Was My Manor' feature by Debbie. Int w/ boxer James Scott, an article on corporate crime and a bunch of dynamite show cars. Fine+ copy with 3D glasses detached but present, VG+ copy has no glasses.
Club Int. - 1979-10
Alison Tyrer has 8 pgs as 'Julia' (she is also in 3/80) and Debbie Chalmers has 6 pgs as 'Amanda' (she was also in 9/79). Carmen has 8 pgs, Jessica & Susan each have 6 pgs. Plus 'The Legend of Louis Baloni' - 2 pg color comic strip and Michael Jupp has a full pg cartoon.
Club Int. - 1979-12
Brigitte Lahaie has 7 pgs inc CF as 'Melanie'. Alison Tyrer has 8 pgs as 'Sarah' and Tula Cossey has 6 pgs as 'Nina'. Laura and Leslie each have 6 pgs. Fiona Flaps and Long Dong Silver share 4 pages. Plus 'The Legend of Louis Baloni' - 2 pg color comic strip. Fine+
Club Int. - 1980-03
Girlfriends Jilly & Gillian share 12 pgs inc CF - 1 is Fia Morrow, the other is Jilly Johnson? Alison Tyrer has 7 pgs as 'Julia', Clare has 8 pgs, and Francoise has 6 pgs. Joan Collins has 1 page. Michael Jupp has a full pg cartoon.
Gallery - 1981-04
Covergirl Toni White also has 10 pgs inc CF (2 pg) as 'Kathy Brown' - she is also Covergirl & CF of 12/81. Girl Next Door Mattie Kay has 7 pgs inc a 3 pg foldout. Amanda Hearn has 5 pgs as 'Loren Chester' (she was also in 10/80) and Alison Tyrer as 'Allie Arnold' has 5 pgs. Interview w/ actor Paul L. Smith (Bluto in the movie 'Popeye'). Article about exotic weapons brought to you by the good folks at DARPA. Isaac Asimov - The Asimov Challenge.
Live - 1982-12
Product ID: live1982-12dShauna Grant has FC + CF and is part of 7 pg pictorial w/ Chrissie Beauchamp, 2 other girls and a guy. Wendy Wilson (aka Leslie Winston) has 7 pgs as 'Shari' and Bridgette Monet as 'Karen' in a long platinum blonde wig has 7 pgs w/ 4 guys. Alison Tyrer has 5 pgs as 'Mrs. R.', Angel West has 4 pgs as 'Dee Dee', OLivia has 4 pgs and Brigitte Lahaie shares 5pgs w/ a girlfriend and unknown guy. An 8 pg feature on the Miss Nude America contest from Naked City, a 7 pg feature on the Miss Nude Canda pageant and 5 more pgs on the Miss Nude Quebec contest. Bright & glossy, lightly read, has TINY bump on bottom right corner - VG++
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
Mayfair - V15.02
Product ID: mayf-v15.02cBarbara Moose has FC + 6 pgs as 'Martina Turner', Michelle Farmer has 8 pgs inc CF. Robin Huddleston has 4 pgs, Rebecca Wheeler has 6 pgs, Teresa Green has 5 pgs, Alison Tyrer has 6 pgs and Black model Katsina has 4 pgs. Nice feature on BSA motor cars and an article about dueling. Also 'The Modern Ms.' a full pg color illo by Ronald Cobb & 'Carrie' a 2 pg color comic strip. FINE
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $30.00
Oui - 1980-10
8th Anniversary Issue. Covergirl is Care Felix (she was also Covergirl of 5/79). Karen Densmore has 10 pgs inc CF. Allee (Alison) Tyrer has 8 pgs (she also has 6 pgs in 5/82). Plus long 12 pg feature on Oui's Favorite Girls inc 2 pgs each Nancy Suiter, Quinn Cummings (aka Eva Voorhees), Rinah (Joyce Gibson) and 2 pgs of Nina Carter & Jilly Johnson - the singing duo Blonde on Blonde. Supermodel and girlfriend of Mick Jagger, Jerry Hall has big 5 pg Interview w/ pics. Also an Interview w/ comedian Dom DeLuise. Features on hot tubs and spas, front-wheel drive autos and college sex ed courses. Clive Collins has 1 pg cartoon.
Oui - 1982-05
Nancy Traylor (from TV show 'Hee Haw') has nice FC + 7 big pgs. Rowan Moore has 10 pgs inc CF, Allie (Alison) Tyrer has 6 pgs (she also has a pictorial in 10/80), Marie Ekkore has 5 pgs (she is also CF of 8/73 and Covergirl + CF of Penthouse 3/74) and Stella Parton has 1 full pg pic. Good Int w/ musician Charlie Daniels plus Carmine Appice's Rock Confessions. Article about Admiral Hyman Rickover's Senate testimony.