Shawn Carney-p
Slim blonde model from the late 70s - early 80s. Appeared in Penthouse 2/81 under this name. Was Covergirl & CF of CLUB 3/78 as 'Honey'.
Best of Genesis - 1982.1
SPRING - Girls/Girls - Angela James has FC + 8 pgs as 'Monique Eagle' (3/80). Joanne Latham has 4 pgs as 'Ruby Louise' (2/79). Julia Edwards has 10 pgs as 'Catherine' (6/79). Paula Hamilton has 9 pgs as 'Ingrid Nilsson' (5/79 less 1 pg). Shawn Carney as 'Cassie Bern' (9/78), Jennie Shimbeg as 'Barbara' (7/80 - 5 pgs same, 3 diff), Sharon Sorentino as 'Mary' (6/80 less last 2 pgs), Pamela Zinszer as 'Juliet Du Pre' (5/79), Maggie Baron (1/79 less last 2 pgs) and Angela Murphy (9/79) each have 8 pgs and Sandra O'Quinn has 10 pgs (3/80). FINE+ copy is very bright & glossy, barely touched. FINE copy is very bright & glossy, lightly read.
Club Films #114
Product ID: 8mm-club.114Honey Hits the Bottle – One of a series offered thru CLUB magazine in the late 70s – early 80s. No lead in, title or credits so I assume it’s missing the first few seconds. Features ‘Honey’, the Covergirl and CF of CLUB 3/78 who is actually Shawn Carney – a very attractive slim blonde (see photo). She is sitting on a couch wearing short gold jacket – open – gold G-string and shoes, waiting for her boyfriend to show up. She smokes a cigarette, opens a bottle of champagne and has a glass. Getting impatient she smokes another cigarette, has another glass and begins rubbing some of the champagne on her tits and sucking her fingers. Starting to get hot she begins stroking her thighs and rubbing her snatch. The G-string comes off and there is more rubbing and stroking and spread leg posing – some good close-ups. She dribbles some champagne on her pussy, more rubbing and stroking, a little titty play, finger sucking and spread leg posing. Begins drinking straight from the bottle, mouths the neck and finally humps the bottle. Picture color and quality is generally pretty good but this was shot in a lot of sunlight and some portions are very bright. There are also some black specks during the first minute or so and again at the very end. Run time is 17:06
Generic white box w/ title stamped on end flap.
Generic white box w/ title stamped on end flap.
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
Genesis - 1978-09
Product ID: gene1978-09dCovergirl is Frances Voy, Mira Lakeland has 12 pgs inc CF. Jennifer Patterson has 9 pgs as 'Julianne Josephs', Shawn Carney has 8 pgs as 'Cassie Bern' and Kelly Nichols has 7 pgs as 'Sable'. 1st issue w/ Friends and Lovers Photo Album - 3 pgs, 1st girl is Lori Armbrust. Interview w/ Mel Brooks. Article about tomorrow's technology. VG+
Number in Stock: 2
Price: $10.00
Girls/Girls - 1984-10
Product ID: gene-gg1984-10bCovergirl is Samantha Fox. Helle Kjaer as 'Janey' (3/82), Helle Linnebjerg as 'Pia Horvath' (7/82 less 3 pgs) and Lindy Benson as 'Pearl' ( 7/82) each have 8 pgs. Debbie Boyland has 6 pgs as 'Rena Latelli (2/82 less 5 pgs) and Shawn Carney has 6 pgs as 'Cassie Bern' (9/78 less last 2 pgs). Paula Hamilton has 9 pgs as 'Ingrid Nilsson' (5/79 less 1 pg), Sandra O'Quinn has 8 pgs (3/80 less 2 pgs) and Angela Murphy has 7 pgs (9/79 less 1st pg). FINE+ copy is very bright & glossy, barely touched!
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
High Society - 1978-04
Martha has solo FC + 8 pgs w/ girlfriendMinnie. Valerie Rae Clark has inside FC + 7 pgs inc CF. Marilyn Monroe has 3 pgs - the lost porno film. Shawn Carney has 6 pgs as 'Tania Treemont' and girlfriends Orange Blossom & Lotus Lips share 8 pgs. Plus Sinderella - a guy & 3 girls have BC + 7 pgs and a guy w/ 2 girls in prison has 5 pgs.
Hustler - 1978-11
Julia Edwards has 10 pgs inc a 3 pg foldout CF as 'Sheila'. Shawn Carney has 8 pgs w/ a werewolf and an anonymous couple have 7 pgs. Suze Randall has 3 bondage pics from the magazine Kinque. Article about the Assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King by Mark Lane. Articles about Willie Nelson and Abortion. Honey Hooker comic strip - 1st by Brian Forbes. Olivia de Berardinis has a 2 pg illo.
Oui - 1978-04
Covergirl is Cherie Chung. Candy Clark has 10 pgs inc CF. Shawn Carney has 8 pgs as 'Beverly' (she was also in 3/78), Susan has 5 pgs and Chiquita also has 5 pgs. Interview w/ actor Richard Burton. Articles about children of celebs, the Columbo murders in Elk Grove Village, IL, H&R Block tax service, Michael O'Donoghue and Grand Prix racing. Clive Collins has a full pg cartoon.
Penthouse - 1979-09
Giant 10th Anniversary Issue features a beautiful Joanne Latham FC + huge 18 pg pictorial inc CF. Shawn Carney & boyfriend have 10 pgs 'Swinging In the Grain'. A retrospective of previous Pets of the year w/ 2 pgs for each one from 1970 - 1978. Also has a gigantic pictorial feature on 'Disco'. Interview w/ Willie Nelson. Articles about California Governor Jerry Brown, Woodstock, Los Angeles, and the 'Great Cancer Fraud' w/ a 2 pg illo by Ralph Steadman. Oh Wicked Wanda - 8 pg comic strip.
Penthouse - 1981-02
Brenda Holliday FC + 19 pgs inc CF. Shawn Carney has 10 pg pictorial. A 15 pg boy/girl feature titled 'Andy & Marlene' is Randy West and the girl looks like Lili Marlene. Interview w/ The Reverend Jesse Jackson. Feature articles on the Evangelical Christian Movement, 'B' Movie Queens inc a full pg pic of Martine Beswicke. Also 'The Liberal threat to Free Speech' by Nat Hentoff. No Wicked Wanda comic strip.