Roberta May Evert-p
Busty British model from the mid 70s. Appeared in MAYFAIR v9 #3 as 'Bobbie'. A photo shoot of her w/ Clyda Rosen in a dress shop was reprinted extensively in a number of mags.
Bounce #06
Product ID: bounce.06d1976 - Covergirl Roberta May Evert also has the BC + 8 pgs as 'Trisha Enola', Medina Court has 10 pgs, Julie Vella (aka Julie Park) has 5 pgs, Bonnie McInnes has 5 pgs and Black model Charlie Wilson has 6 pgs. Plus Sue Booky has 8 pgs and Jo Lind has 6 pgs. Uschi Digard has 2 pics on the inside FC and Arlene Bell has 1 pic. Extremely bright and glossy, nearly new but has a 3/4" hairline stress on upper right corner and a bump on bottom right corner - VG++
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $30.00
Caper - 1974-01
v17 #1 - Uschi Digard has really nice 6 pg pictorial as Susie. Roberta May Evert has 4 pgs as 'Leni Bishop'. Very busty Black model Randy has 8 pgs inc CF, Brit has 5 pgs and Black model Trixie has 3 pgs. Nanci & Pixie each have 6 pgs - looks like the same girl - pretty sure it's Nicky Stanton. 'Maidenhead' 1 pg color comic by Greg Theakston. FINE copy is bright & glossy, minor stress near right edge and small bump on bottom corner of BC. VG++ copy is bright & glossy, light, clean crease in upper right corner of cover and first few pgs.