Kari Klark-p
Blonde model/porn star from the late 70s - early 80s. Was CF of Hustler 12/78 with this name, also featured in Penthouse 1/81 as 'Kari Burton'. Starred in the 1979 porn flick 'Star Virgin'.
aka Cameron Norton
aka Cameron Norton
Hustler - 1978-02
Covergirl Kari Klark also has 6 pgs as 'Pantera Malone'. Beverly Kaszycki - The 1st Beaver Hunt Winner has 10 pgs inc a 3 pg foldout CF. Mercedes has 5 pgs. An anonymous girl in prison being shaved for execution has 12 pgs. Articles about Ervil LeBaron (Preacher, Polygamist & Killer) and Cockfighting in the US. Honey Hooker comic strip. Olivia de Berardinis has a small illo.
Hustler - 1978-12
Carolyn Burch shares FC + 10 pgs w/ boyfriend. Kari Klark has 10 pgs inc a 3 pg foldout CF (She was also in Penthouse 1/81 as Kari Burton). Consuela has 12 pgs w/ 2 prison guards. Articles about the Assassination of Malcolm X and Father DePaul Genska - The Hookers Priest. Honey Hooker comic strip. Olivia de Berardinis has 1 page w/ 4 Xmas cards.
Hustler - 1979-10
Covergirl Lolita also has 8 pgs. Inga has 10 pgs inc a 3 pg foldout CF. Holly McCall has 6 pgs as 'Knotty Lady'. A 3 pg movie review of 'Star Virgin' w/ Kari Klark (CF of 12/78, aka Kari Burton). Interview w/ atheist Madalyn Murray O'Hair. Article about sex in Amsterdam. Honey Hooker comic strip - artwork now by Tom Garst solo - all issues thru 1/84. Also 3 small illos by Boris Vallejo as part of a book review and a small illo by Bob Bishop.
Hustler - 1984-12
Product ID: hust1984-12bUnusual issue has FC w/ miniature pics of 56 previous covers. Also contains 11 different 3 pg foldouts - all previous CFs - these pics are similar to but not the same as original CFs. Mariah Clark has 4 pgs inc a 3 pg foldout as Honey of the decade 'Chrissy'. Kari Klark & Nikki Randall also have 3 pg foldouts. Plus a 12 pg feature on massage and a pair of anonymous girlfirends share 8 pgs. Articles about the Moonies and Poker champ Stu Unger. FINE
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00