Busty Brittany-p
Becomes Brittany O'Neil during 1996 see additional listings under that name.
Fox - 1994-01
Product ID: fox1994-01cAshlyn Gere has FC + 7 pgs, girlfriends Jae & Brittany (Busty Brittany O'Neil) share 9 pgs inc CF. Serenity has 7 pgs, 'Genna and Sherri each have 6 pgs. Eve has 8 pgs w/ boyfriend Robert. Very bright & glossy, a few minor stresses - FINE
Number in Stock: 2
Price: $20.00
Fox - 1994-05
Product ID: fox1994-05dLisa Lipps has solo FC + 7 pgs w/ boyfriend Darren. Girlfriends Busty Brittany (O'Neil) and Jay MIlo share 8 pgs inc CF as 'Josie & Jane'. Tonisha Mill and Trisha each have 7 pgs, Dalton Summers and Amber each have 6 pgs. Plus an Interview w/ director Henri Pachard. Bright & glossy, some spine stresses - VG+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
Genesis - 1992-07
Product ID: gene1992-07dMelinda has FC + 9 pgs inc CF. Busty Brittany (O'Neil) has 8 pgs. Cameo also has 8 pgs and Lyden Johnson has 4 pgs. Girlfriends Adele & Emily share 8 pgs (1 is Jane Botham) and Morgan has 8 pgs. Article about the new NATO.
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $10.00
Gent - Special # 41
(1992 - Lingerie Display) - Tiffany Towers has great FC + 10 pgs inc CF (6/92). Wendy Whoppers as 'Tommy Tatas' (4/92), Angel Bust (11/92) and Tracy (7/92) each have 7 pgs. Busty Brittany (O'Neil - 7/92)), Susan (Dickson 2/92) and Charli (5/92) each have 6 pgs. Ingrid Barsby (8/92 less first pg), Valerie Le Fevre (3/92), Chelsea Rose (3/92), Georgia King (aka Megan Hughes) as 'Emily' (10/92) and Roxanne (9/92) each have 5 pgs. Angelica Lopez (6/92 - first 4 pgs only) and Penny Larson (7/92 less last pg) each have 4 pgs. FINE++ copy is extremely bright & glossy, basically NEW! VG+ copy is bright & glossy but top 3" of FC has been cut off.
Glamour Girls #30
Product ID: glamourgirls.30d1992 - Covergirl Miss Pinky also has 4 pgs. Busty Brittany (O'Neil) has 7 pgs inc CF w/ boyfriend. Article about Amsterdam w/ pics. Bright & glossy, stresses alng top edge and spine - VG+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
Rustler Sex Fantasy #7
Product ID: rust-sexfant.7e68 pg mag w/ heavy stock covers is all color on glossy paper featuring 4 diff pictorials that are 16 pgs each. Kascha on FC only. Busty Brittany (O'Neil) has16 pgs w/ cowboy in a barn. Bunny Bleu (w/ big new tits) also has 16 pgs w/ a bodybuilder type in a bathroom w/ blue tile. An Asian girl (pretty sure it's Kristara Barrington) has 16 pgs w/ an unknown guy and Steve Drake has 16 pgs w/ an unknown girl. Vertical crease about 1/4" in from spine, some scuffing, '3.00' price written on cover - interior in nice shape - VG
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00