Karen Kelly-p
Popular blonde model from the mid 80s who appeared under a variety of names, often just a single name. Was Covergirl of GALLERY 7/85 & HIGH SOCIETY 7/87
Cheri - 1983-09
Cheri visits Arizona Issue. Covergirl is Linda Lusardi and Rachel Ashley has 9 pgs inc a 3 pg foldout CF as 'Shelly'. Amber (aka Vicki) Lane has 7 pgs as 'Faith', Karen Kelly has 6 pgs as 'Brett' and Fia Morrow has 5 pgs as 'Billi' - pics from same photo shoot as Eros 5/84. Rose has 6 pgs, Marie and tennis player Toni each have 5 pgs. Plus sisters Jackie & Joy share 6 pgs, an article about stuntmen and the NY Critics Adult Film Awards.
Cheri - 1985-12
Cassandra Leigh has giant 13 pg pictorial inc a 3 pg foldout CF. Karen Kelly has BC + 5 pgs as 'Katya' and Joni Flynn has 5 pgs. HOTM Tami & Lynn each have 7 pgs, Rachel has 6 pgs and Dana & Denise share 7 pgs. A big 12 pg feature on the Stripper of the Year contest from the Junction in NY and 8 pgs on the Ms. Nude World Pgeant from Naked City. Plus An 8 pg movie review of 'Corporate Assets' and fiction by Ted Mark 'The Man From ORGY Bounces Back' part 1, part 2 in 1/86.
Gallery - 1985-07
Product ID: gall1985-07bCovergirl Karen Kelly also has 6 pgs as 'Arienne'. Girl Next Door Lisa has 6 pgs. Pia Snow (aka Michelle Bauer) has 10 big pgs inc CF. Plus the Girl Next Door Review - 1/2 pg each of previous 12. Interview w/ British comic Benny Hill. Also 4 pgs of Richard Corben artwork and an article on James Bond (A View to a Kill). Barely touched Fine+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
High Society - 1985-07
Joanne Latham has FC + 6 pgs. Rebecca has 7 pgs inc CF (she is also in 8/85) and Nikki Downey has 6 pgs as 'Claire' - pics from same photo shoot as Men Only v50 #10. Karen Kelly has 5 pgs as 'Randi'. Plus Lisa & Anise each have 6 pgs a apir of anonymous girls share 8 pgs and an anonymous couple have 7 pgs. An Interview w/ baseball player Jay Johnstone and an article about UFOs.
High Society - 1986-07
Sue Simmonds has FC + 6 pgs as 'Vicki', Leslie has 7 pgs inc CF. Nina Hartley & Kristara Barrington share 8 pgs, Sheena Horne and boyfriend Bobby have 8 pgs, Karen Kelly has 6 pgs as ' Randi'. Jeanette Severinsen has 2 pgs as 'Carly'. Plus Kelly & Jasmine each have 7 pgs and an article about the Italian Mafia.
High Society - 1986-10
Corinne Russell has FC + 6 pgs, Blondi has 7 pgs inc CF as 'Darlene'. Nikki Knights & Krista Lane share 8 pgs, Jeanette Littledove and Buck Adams have 7 pgs. Karen Kelly returns w/ 6 pgs as 'Randi'. Michelle Bauer has 6 pgs as 'Sheryl'. An 8 pg feature on British Girls has 2 pgs of Aneliese Nesbitt as 'Amelia'. Article about hunting Nazis.
High Society - 1987-07
Karen Kelly makes 3rd app as 'Randi' w/ FC + 6 pgs, Candi Evans has 7 pgs inc CF. Trine Michelson has 8 pgs as 'Kristin', Taija Rae and boyfriend David have 7 pgs. Mindy has 6 pgs (was in 3/86) and girlfriends Tanya & Renee have 7 pgs. A big 9 pg feature on Girls of the Mediterranean and an Interview w/ Krista Lane. Article about roller derby.
High Society - Best Of #012
1987 - Big Boob Special. Debee Ashby has 6 pgs inc CF (8/86 - 4 pgs same, this has CF that replaces last 2 pgs in 8/86), Becky LeBeau as 'Sharona' (1/86 less 2 pgs), Julia Parton as 'Rhonda' (8/86), Justice Howard (4/86), Christine Dupre as 'Lilianne' (11/85) and Marina Baker as 'Catherine' (8/86) each have 6 pgs. Trinity Loren as 'Sonia' (2/86), Karen Kelly as 'Randi' (7/85) and Lena (3/86) each have 5 pgs. Interview w/ Martin Mawyer - editor of Moral Majority Report. FINE+ copy is extremely bright & glossy, barely touched! FINE copy is extremely bright & glossy, a few minor stresses.