Babe McDonnell (McDonald)-p
Popular blonde model from the early - mid 60s. Was CF of SIR 11/63.
Gentleman - 1961-04
Product ID: getl1961-04fv1 #5 - Excellent Front Cover of Vikki Dougan, Jackie Johnson has 6 pgs inc CF. Babe McDonnel (aka McDonald) has 4 pgs, Sally Ann Scott & Amy Hardy each have 4 pgs. Also a 4 pg feature on Japanese Tattoos and another on vintage airplanes. Normal wear, nothing serious - Good
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
Men's Digest #059
v11 #1 - 10/65 - Now on a monthly publication schedule and full of girls! Covergirl is Italian actress Graziella Granata from the film 'White Voices'. Mamie Van Doren and Julie Newmar each have 2 pg articles w/ pics, Babe McDonald and Dawn Grayson each have 4 pgs. An article about deadly female Marie De Brinvilliers. VG++ copy is bright & glossy, minor stresses near top staple. VG copy has a bit of normal wear, small bump on top right corner, small date stamp on cover.
Scamp - 1961-03
Product ID: scamp1961-03fv4 #5 - Sharon Wiley has FC + 2 pgs, Patty Conley has 3 pgs and Babe McDowell (aka Babe McDonald) has BC + 3 pgs. Rhoda Blume & Patty Haley each have 3 pgs. Plus features on Beach Beauties, exotic dancers and lots more. Articles about 'The Salon Kitty' in 1930s Berlin and the delinquent sons of rich fathers. Ted Mark fiction 'He Who Must Fight'. Have 2 copies. One copy has been fairly well read and handled but no serious defects, has small price sticker on FC. Other copy not as well handled but has vertical crease along spine and some chipping along edges. Same price - your choice
Number in Stock: 2
Price: $10.00
Sir - 1963-11
Product ID: sir1963-11dSpecial Bullfight Issue. FC has 2 pics - 1/2 is Italian actress Anna-Marie Ubaldi and the other half is female bullfighter Pat Hayes being gored by a bull. Babe McDonnell (aka McDonald) has nice 6 pg feature inc a 3 pg CF. Back of CF has jokes (like Playboy mag) and little cartoon character (like Femlin). Linda Tomayck has 6 pgs & Anna-Marie Ubaldi has 4 pgs. Also features on an escape through the Berlin Wall and Polaris subs. Bright and glossy, some spine stresses - VG+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
Smash - v1 #2
Product ID: vpn-smash-v1.2f1962 by Smash Pubs. - Strange mag w/ lots of girls but no names or IDs at all. Appears to be assembled from leftovers of other mags since 1st interior page is the end of a story that has no beginning. Virginia Rogers has 1 pg and Babe McDonnell (aka McDonald) has 4 pgs. Artist Lynn Garrison has 5 full pg illos and 4 smaller ones scattered throughout. At first glance mag is bright & glossy and looks really nice. However, it has a strange warp that you would normally figure was from moisture, but there are no water marks or stains at all. The staples are VERY rusty - call it Good
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $10.00
Spree - v1 #19
Product ID: spre-v1.19c1960 - Covergirl Joannie Green is also part of a 10 pg pictorial w/ Babe McDonnell (aka McDonald) and Mary Ross who is the CF. Joannie also has 5 pgs in v2 #2 as 'Polly Sue Jones'. Robin Bliss has excellent 7 pg pictorial, Virginia Steele has 8 pgs, Barbara Taylor & Jean Reed each have 6 pgs, Joy Sheldon has 5 pgs and Joann has 3 pgs. Good feature on Go Karts. Bright & glossy, lightly read - Fine
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $30.00