Nancy Mann-p
Busty blonde model frrom the late 70s - early 80s. One particular photo shoot of her taking a bath was used in a number of PN slicks including several covers.
Vue - 1977-03
Product ID: vue1977-03cv31 #2 - Now by Twain Pubs, Inc. Annie Sprinkle has a 6 pg feature. Lots of very familiar faces in this one but all the models have only 1 name. Brenda and Elaine each have 6 pgs, Nancy Mann has 5 pgs as 'Tess'. Denise Deland has 4 pgs as 'Belle', Kathi, Maria & Danielle each have 4 pgs. Lightly read, glossy Fine
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00