Dolores Reed-p
Popular pin-up model from the mid 50s - 60s appeared in many of the major titles such as Scamp, Sir & Topper.
First name is sometimes spelled Delores
First name is sometimes spelled Delores
Follies - 1959-11
(v4.6) Cynthia Carter has FC + 2 pgs, Vivian Maledy has 4 pgs inc CF. Sharon Bujese has 3 pgs. Dolores Reed, Gloria de Winter (aka Gloria Windsor - Playboy Playmate of 4/57) and Phyliss Ursin each have 2 pgs. Margot Travers, Fran Knight, Nancy Lewis, Jolie Jordan, Lee Fisher, Dora Hill, Stephanie Benson, Tanya Monlo, Edi Vassel and Jill Scott each have 2 pgs. Plua a 5 pg feature on the 'Casino De Paris' in London and dozens of other models. VG+ copy is bright & glossy, a few stresses and the number '20' written in upper right corner. VG copy is bright & glossy, a few stresses, a vertical stress line from stacking about 1" in from right edge and the number '20' written in upper right corner.
Frolic - 1959-02
Lorraine Burnett (billed as 'Sally Hayden') has FC + 1 pg. Dolores Reed has 4 pgs inc a full pg color pin-up - the same pic was used on the FC of Scamp 11/57. Lynda Scott has 3 pgs, Sandy Lane, Sheila Malone, Fran LaVerne, Lee Lane and Ramona Carter each have 2 pgs. Nickie Gibson has 1 full pg pic + 2 more. Plus dozens of other models inc Mylene DeMangeot, Coreen Rodella, Lori Hilton and Gus Thorner. Bright & glossy, some minor stresses, light rubbing on FC and some writing in upper left margin of BC - VG
Modern Man - 1962-09
Dolores Reed has FC + 3 pgs, Lillian Reis also has 3 pgs. Barbara Valentin stars in 'It's Hot in Paradise' movie review.
Monsieur - 1958-11
v1 #8 - Now published bimonthly by Body Beautiful Pubs. Nona Van Tosh has 6 pgs, Delores (Dolores) Reed has 6 pgs and Pam Perry (from 6/57) has numerous small pics on 5 pgs. VG+ copy is bright & glossy, some minor stresses and small bump on bottom right corner. VG copy is bright & glossy, a bit of spine wear, clean crease on upper right corner of FC + 1st pg.
Playtime - v1 #1
Product ID: pltm-v1.1d1958 - Only issue to have this title - beginning with #2 is Spree. Has Nikki Gibson FC + 2 pgs, Virginia de Lee haas a very nice color CF. Rita de Monte and Dolores Reed each have 2 pgs plus an Earle Schell article 'Imperial Nymph' about Valeria Messalina. Clean, white & very tight, minor corner bumps on bottom edge - VG+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $35.00
Scamp - 1957-11
v1 #4 - Dolores Reed has FC + 2 pgs. Sheila Patrick has 4 pgs inc color CF. Arlene Stevens, Sheila Rudy, Barbara Barrett and Chris Starr each have 2 pgs inc full pg color Pin-ups on glossy paper. Tamar Benamy has 3 pgs, inside BC is Jean Jani. Also fiction by William Saroyan 'Trio', Paris showgirls and an article about Burlesque w/ pics of Judy Murray. Plus a 3 pg feature on the new Winchester .458 elephant gun with Laura Raymond. Good copy has light H2O marks in lower left corner throughout, rusty staples, no stuck pgs.
Scan - 1957-02
Product ID: scan1957-02incJudy Bamber has sexy FC, inside FC + 6 pgs inc CF. Diane Webber has 4 pgs, Dolores Reed also has 4 pgs, Mona Miller and Jody Lawrence have 5 pgs each. Also a feature on an underwater wedding and a bunch of sensational stories. FC is detached from mag and BC is missing o/w OK.
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $10.00
Sir - 1965-02
Product ID: sir1965-02eCovergirl Sally Lippo also has 5 pgs, Angela Webster has 8 pgs inc a 3 pg CF. Dolores Reed has 4 pgs and 3 pgs of pics of favorite models from 1963-64. Plus a 6 pg feature on the latest Paris sex show 'Happening'. Article about Navy QB Roger Staubach and a book review of 'Eros Denied' . Bright glossy, some small light H2O spots on bottom right corner - VG
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
Topper - 1961-11
Product ID: topp1961-11dv1 #4 is special college issue. Covergirl is UCLA coed Tordis Solberg. Julie Renfro has 4 pgs, Dolores Reed, Mickey Barrington and Francesca Bellini each have 3 pgs. Feature on Hollywood Nightclub 'PJ's' w/ 3 pics of Jayne Mansfield. Rod Serling article 'Requiem for an Industry' - TV!! Nice VG+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00