Jack Ritchie
Adam - v10 #05
Product ID: adam-v10.05c5/66 - Rena Horton has close-up FC + 6 pgs of pics from movie 'Mud Honey' also starring Lorna Maitland. Trippi Skipington (aka Skepington) has 4 pgs inc CF. French stripper Sophie Rieu has inside FC + 4 pgs, Kim Conway has 4 pgs and Nancy Kovack has BC + 2 pg (was in movie 'The Silencers' w/ Dean Martin). The One Percenters - an article about bikers and Althea Currier letters column. Plus fiction by Earle Schell 'Such Revenges On You Both' & Jack Ritchie 'The Id of Irving' and Part 4 of 'The Satyricon' by Petronius. Very bright & glossy, lightly read - FINE
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $30.00
Adam - v11 #04
Product ID: adam-v11.04d4/67 - Covergirl is Sue Anderson, Carole Martin has 6 pgs inc CF. Bambi Simone on inside FC + 5 pgs, Mitzy Lee has 5 pgs, Betty Phillips has 4 pgs and Marcy Diaz has 2 pgs. A 4 pg movie review of 'The Professionals' w/ Claudia Cardinale (on BC w/ Burt Lancaster). Articles about great swindlers, UFOs and Mickey Hargitay (Jayne Mansfield's ex-hysband). Fiction by W. E. Sprague 'The Last Mission' & Jack Ritchie 'Hungary For Love' and Althea Currier letters column. Very bright & glossy, some stresses - VG+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
Adam - v11 #05
Product ID: adam-v11.05b5/67 - Ida Mayer has FC + 3 pgs, Cindy James has 6 pgs inc CF, Wendy Wyatt has 5 pgs and Annie Oliver has BC + 6 pgs. Plus a 6 pg movie review of 'I, A Woman', articles about Hedy Lamarr and the Crimean War, Jack Ritchie fiction 'The Negotiators' and Althea Currier letters column. Extremely bright & glossy, basically NEW copy w/ small date stamp in upper left corner and some nearly invisible 'scratches' in lower left corner - FINE+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $30.00
Adam - v14 #03
3/70 - French model Villy Bacquet has FC + 2 pgs, Linda Varro has BC + big 9 pg feature inc CF. Katia Naruka and Anna Cushing each have 4 pgs. A feature on ancient Roman erotica, a review of the nudie movie 'Pussycat, Pussycat, I Love You' and a portfolio by photographer Harrt Spitz. Also fiction by Harlan Ellison "Kiss Me and You'll Live Forever" and Jack Ritchie "Bon Appetit, Captain". Bright & glossy, some stresses - VG+
Adam Bedside Reader #27
Product ID: adam-bdrd.27d2/67 - Covergirl is Rodica, Elba Serrano on BC (contents have been moved back inside the mag). Big 100 pg squarebound mag has 20 stories including fiction by Raymond Friday Locke 'Hymie Raises Beautiful Camellias', Con Sellers 'A Dark And Silver Cord', Jack Ritchie 'Exit Point', Georgie Starbuck Galbraith 'Will She Or Won't She' and W. E. Sprague 'Soldier Of Misfortune' plus an article by Paul Brock 'Britain's Big Boom In Bigamy'. Very bright & glossy, Nearly new but some 'rubbing' on BC - VG++
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
Debonair - 1973-05
Product ID: debo1973-05bv2 #6 - Joy Woods has nice FC + 6 pgs inc CF. Hilde Alexandra has 6 pgs, Sonja Roman has 4 pgs. Plus Trina has 6 pgs, Jacqueline has 4 pgs and Audrey has 3 pgs. Fiction by Jack Ritchie 'The Magnum' and Sindy - a 4 pg B&W comic strip by John Workman. Beautiful Fine+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
Escapade - 1960-04
Product ID: escp1960-04dv5 #3 - Covergirl Beverly Bennett also has 4 pgs. Betty Magowan has nice full pg pin-up on inside FC + 5 pgs inc CF. Joan Bradley has 4 pgs. A short story by Jack Ritchie 'Fly By Night' and Jack Kerouac has a 1 pg column on Berlin. Escapde visits Ohio State Univ. and articles about Hockey bad boy Lou Fortunato and New Orleans' Storyville.
Number in Stock: 2
Price: $20.00