Susanne Henrik-p
Busty brunette model from the late 70s - early 80s.
aka Veronica Waters - she appeared in Mayfair v17 #8 and v19 #12 under this name.
aka Veronica Waters - she appeared in Mayfair v17 #8 and v19 #12 under this name.
1984-01 - The Pleasure Book
Covergirl Susie-Ann Watkins also has 2 pgs as 'Sylvie Roulet'. Susan Kohler & Greta Meyer each have big 10 pg pictorials and Susanne Henrik (aka Veronica Waters) has 3 pgs as 'Suzanne Killian'. Also Dynamic Duos - 5 diff 2-girl sets (2 pg each) inc Kandi Barbour & Shauna Grant w/ diff girlfriends. Bright & glossy but some light soiling along spine and rubbing on covers.
Best of Genesis - 1983.4
Product ID: gene-bo1983-4cWinter - Girls/Girls - Lisa Star has FC + 8 pgs (11/82 less 3 pgs), Susanne Henrik (aka Veronica Waters) as 'Erika' has 10 pgs inc CF (10/82 less 1 pg). Shauna Grant as 'June' (12/82 less 1 pg) and Michelle Bauer as 'Carla' (10/82 less 1 pg) each have 6 pgs, Michelle Roden as 'Pamela' (8/82), Debbie Tays as 'Alice Collins' (9/82) and Teddi Treacher as 'Lena' (8/82) each have 8 pgs. Nike Clark as 'Josie' (9/82) and Jackie Jones as 'Christie Nathan' (10/82) each have 6 pgs. Lynne (2/83 less 1 pg), Marti (12/82 less 1 pg) and Jeanne (10/82) each have 8 pgs. Very bright & glossy, lightly read - FINE
Number in Stock: 3
Price: $20.00
Gallery - 1983-10
Covergirl Gina Keer also has 5 pgs. Girl Next Door Shelley R has 9 pgs inc a 3 pg foldout CF. Susanne Henrik (aka Veronica Waters) has 10 pgs and an 11 pg feature on J.A.P.s (Jewish American Princesses). Articles about Toys of the Rich, the 200 Best Bars in America and How to watch football.
Genesis - 1982-10
Susanne Henrik (aka Veronica Waters) has 11 pgs inc CF as 'Erika'. Michelle Bauer has 7 pgs as 'Carla'. Jackie Jones has 7 pgs as 'Christie Nathan' and Jeane has 8 pgs. Photo-Interview w/ Pia Zadora. Article about gun control and a pro football forecast.
Girls/Girls - 1992 # 01
Product ID: gene-gg1992.01bBringing back some oldies here! Julia Gilda as 'Monique' has 9 pgs inc CF (3/91). Sylvia Wright as 'Marietta' (4/80) and Susanne Henrik as 'Erika' (10/82 less 3 pgs) each have 8 pgs. Jill Russo as 'Shana' (12/80 less CF) and Cathy Ebelt as 'Riva Sutton' (7/80) each have 7 pgs. Lucinda (6/80) and Tina (9/85 less 1 pg) each have 8 pgs and Chris O'Carroll has 6 pgs (12/80). FINE+ copy is very bright & glossy, barely touched!
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
Mayfair - V19.12
Product ID: mayf-v19.12bGiant, 200 page, squarebound Xmas issue. Joanne Latham has 13 pgs inc CF. Maria Berggren has 6 pgs as 'Maria Mann'. Hyapatia Lee has 4 pgs as 'Georgina Simpson'. Helle Michaelson (Playboy Playmate of 8/88) has 6 pgs as 'Helena Wellington', Susanne Henrik has 7 pgs as 'Veronica Waters', Petra Vieten has 6 pgs as 'Pauline Freeman' and Chrissie Beauchamp has 5 pgs as 'Amanda Lesley'. Plus a 21 page feature on Mayfair's 40 Favorite girls w/ lots of stars. And features on Morgan autos and steam locomotives. Also 'Carrie' a 2 pg color comic strip. LOTS more!! Beautiful, Fine+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $40.00
Nugget - 1978-10
Covergirl looks like same girl as 2/77 (Anne Bie), Chili has 6 pgs inc CF - she is also in Dude 9/77 as 'Lolita'. Jennifer Eccles has 6 pgs in black leather boots & lingerie w/ a big whip as 'Karina' and Susanne Henrik (aka Veronica Waters) has 3 pgs as 'Rhoda'. Mag has 2 Asian models - Suzi has 6 pgs and Suzy Choy has 5 pgs. Plus Barbara has 6 pgs, Louisa Bertolucci has 5 pgs and Nazi bitch Hilda has 4 pgs. Plus Mango Motel a 4 pg B&W Comic strip by Otis Sweat. FINE+ copy is very bright and glossy, barely touched! FINE copy is bright & glossy, a couple of very minor stresses.
Nugget - Annual 1979
Product ID: nugg-ann1979Chili (10.78) has 6 pgs inc CF. Jennifer Eccles as 'Karina' (10/78) and Lorraine Sommer (8/78) each have 6 pgs. Suzi Choy (10/78) has 5 pgs. Dolly (8/78 less last 2 pgs), Barbara (10/78 less last 2 pgs), Greta Gordon (8/78 less 2 pgs) and an anonymous girl (8/78) each have 4 pgs. Susanne Henrik as 'Rhoda' (10/78), Barbara (6/78 less 2 pgs) and Grace (8/78 less 1 pg) each have 3 pgs. Girlfriends Twila & Delphine (12/77) share 4 pgs. Mike Ranger has 6 pgs boxing w/ a girl. Plus Mango Motel - a 4 pg B&W comic strip by Otis Sweat. Very bright & glossy, a few minor stresses - FINE
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00