Lydia Farrell-p
Busty brunette model from mid to late 60s.
aka Letitia Farrell, Carole Turner (FC of Dude 11/66)
aka Letitia Farrell, Carole Turner (FC of Dude 11/66)
Ace - 1966-03
Product ID: ace1966-03eSilvia Sorrente has FC + 4 pgs and Lydia Farrell also has 4 pgs. Merry Murray & Lis Helgesen each have 3 pgs and Mickey Jines has 2 pgs as 'Maggie Smith'. Dana Craig is on the inside FC and Lupe Lopez is on the BC as 'Sandra Montez'. An article about hypnosis and fiction by Con Sellers 'For the Love of a Redheaded woman' and Ted Mark 'A Pool For Miss Roundheels'. This one has been read a bit - normal wear, some scuffing on cover and small creases on top edge of BC - VG
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
Adam Bedside Reader #34
Product ID: adam-bdrd.34d4/68 - Janet Price (aka Laura Patten, Peggy Cooper) has nice FC. Lydia Farrell has full pg color pic on BC. Big 92 pg squarebound mag has 17 stories including fiction by Earle Schell 'Stranger Within The Gates'. Extremely bright & glossy, lightly read - VG++
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
Escapade - 1966-04
Product ID: escp1966-04ev11 #3 - Stacey Walker has nice FC on a beach in a white mesh top + 5 pgs inc CF. Dany Carrel has 4 pgs and Lydia Farrell also has 4 pgs as Terry (Teresa). Article about Lobster. A bit of normal wear, no serious defects but 2 center pgs are detached - nice VG.
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
Follies - 1968-05
Product ID: foll1968-05d(v12.2) Val Whalen has FC + 4 pgs. Bunny Duke & Lydia Farrell each have 4 pgs, Darby Flynn has 3 pgs. Eve Kennedy, Cynthia Joy, Kitty Love, Barbara Treat, Betty Sherryl, Carmen Cellino, Sandy Anderson and Leah Arnett each have 2 pgs. Jean (aka Gee) Gentle, Marilyn Wesly and Yvonne Holden each have 1 pg. Plus a big 6 pg feature on the nudie movie Yummy Awards, a 4 pg movie review of 'Mondo Topless' and dozens of other models. Bright & glossy, clean white cover, a few minor stresses, small bump on top right corner and date stamp in upper left corner - VG+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
Men's Digest #084
Product ID: medi.084dv13 #2 - 11/67 - Covergirl also has 4 pgs - is IDed as both Laura Tyler (contents pg) and Jane Smith in pictorial feature. Tatiana Teran has 3 pgs and Lydia Farrell also has 3 pgs as 'Terri Ann'. A movie reivew of P.P.S. - Prostitutes Protective Society. Plus a long feature on nudists, part 5 of a series on the book 'CANDY' and fiction by Con Sellers ' Stud Service'. Bright & glossy, a few minor stresses and small creases on top edge BC - VG+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00