Karen Klause-p
Busty brunette model from the late 50s - early 60s.
Fling Festival - v 6
Product ID: flin.fest.6eSpring, 1961 issue has gorgeous close-up FC of Diane Webber. Plus 4 pgs of Eve Meyer by husband Russ, 3 pgs of Terry Higgins and a big 8 pg feature of Karen Klaus.Also 5 pgs on nude Channel swimmer Randy Stilwell and 2 pgs of Virginia Bell. An Interview with Harry Belafonte, an article on comedian Joe E. Lewis and a feature on Ibiza Island. Spine is frayed, clean crease on top left corner BC, minor bumps, small piece out of edge of 1 interior page otherwise VG.
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
Sir - 1967-10
Product ID: sir1967-10dCovergirl is Judith Adams. Karen Klaus has 8 pgs inc CF. Issues now have the signature 2 1/2 pg CF. Popular black model Debbie Moore has 4 pgs, Linda Moore (could be Eve Eden?) has 3 pgs, and Barbara Kockritz has a nice full pg color pic. Lots of good articles too. One on actor Michael Caine, one on the '67 Olds Toronado plus the Gyrocopter personal aircraft and UFOs. Bright & glossy, minor streses, bump at bottom of spine - VG+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
Spree - v1 #16
Product ID: spre-v1.16c1959 - Cindy Tyler (Covergirl of Sir Knight v2 #9) has BC, inside FC + 5 pgs, CF is Jan Lee. Eva Lynd, Cynthia Dallice (she was also in #9) and Shellie St. Monte each have 4 pgs, Karen Klaus has 3 pgs. A feature on the 1934 Alfa Romeo Mille Miglia and a Connie Sellers article 'Where is Your Wife Tonight?'. Bright shiny copy w/ a couple of light 'thumb' marks - Fine
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $30.00
Venus - v1 #11
Product ID: vens-v1.11d1959 - This one is loaded! Sexy Bonnie Logan FC, Nicki Gibson has 8 pgs inc CF. Dawn Danielle has inside BC + 8 pgs, Iris Bristol has BC + 6 pgs and Karen Klaus has 5 pgs. Very clean & bright, small bump on bottom of spine, CF is loose - VG++
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $35.00