Lisa Spencer-p
Popular British model from the mid to late 80s
aka Toni Simmons - was covergirl with pictorial in Mayfair v20 #2 under this name.
aka Toni Simmons - was covergirl with pictorial in Mayfair v20 #2 under this name.
Chic - 1986-11
Product ID: chic1986-11dCovergirls are Gail Thackray & Lisa Spencer - they have a pictorial in Hustler 8/86, Sheena Horne has 8 pgs inc CF as 'Mikki' and Pippi Andersson and boyfriend share 8 pgs. A pair of girls on a float in a pool have 10 pgs and Jaz has 5 pgs. Bright & glossy, a few minor stresses and a bit of rubbing on BC - VG+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
Gallery - 1985-01
Covergirl & Girl Next Door Desiree M has 7 pgs inc CF. Lisa Spencer has 9 pgs as 'Ann' and Rosemary Jenkins has 5 pgs as 'Rita'. Sally has 8 pgs and Kristie has 6 pgs. Int w/ special effects artist Tom Savini. Articles about a cocaine hotlineand cable TV - 'The Cable Octopus'.
Hustler - 1986-08
Covergirls Gail Thackray & Lisa Spencer also share 8 pgs as girlfriends 'Wendy & Janet'. Stormy has 12 pgs inc a 3 pg foldout CF. Taija Rae has 7 outstanding pgs plus interview. A 10 pg Office Party pictoriral features Gabriella aka Jacqueline Roget as stripper 'Sheila' who was the CF of 10/85 as Carolyn.
Oui - 1987-09
Covergirl is Maxi (she has 6 pgs in 1/88). Danielle has 11 pgs inc CF. Esmerelda Marcos has 6 pgs, Lucy has 8 pgs, girlfriends Jennifer & Lisa (is Lisa Spencer) share 8 pgs. Also an 8 pg 3-girl set, one is Shirley Ellison and one is Julie Wilson (pics from the same photo shoot as Parade #63). Long feature on England's Royal family w/ pics. Article on cocaine smuggling and cigarette boats. FINE++ copy is new, still wrapped in cellophane.
Parade # 041
Product ID: para.041cDebee Ashby shares FC + 6 pgs w/ Tracy Neve. Julia Parton has 5 pgs as Stella, Lisa Spencer shares 4 pgs w/ 3 other girls and Belinda has 4 pgs. Shiny, bright Fine
Number in Stock: 2
Price: $25.00