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Uschi Digard-p

One of the most popular models of all time her last name has been given as Digard or Digart but she is usually referred to as just Uschi - sometimes spelled as Ushi. Also appeared under aliases such Debbie Bowman & Astrid Schultz.

Appeared in hundreds of mags from the late 60s well into the 80s with scores of Front Cover and CF appearances. One of only a handful of models who had numerous mags that feature only her including the 'Sherrie' series published by Marquis from 1969 to about 1973.

She also appeared in a number of 1970s nudie movies including the classic 'Street of a Thousand Pleasures'

All Issues of Gent from 1/80 - 8/85 had a letters column by Uschi, many with a full page photo.

8 x 10 Glossy Photographs

40RTY PLUS - v01.1

40RTY PLUS - v01.1

Product ID: modvd-40rty-v1.1
This appears to be a British reprint. Says 'Special International Issue' on cover. Undated, it is labelled the 'Spring' Issue. Publication credits say it is published by Pictorial Productions in Britain but the cover price is in US dollars. Features FC and huge 10 pg feature on Roni Bell (stage name given is Barbara Bell). Uschi Digard has 8 pgs - most with her boyfreind (same guy as the Sherri series of books). Carol Charter (aka Yvette Connor) has BC + 6 pgs as 'Donna Murray', Dean Ackerlund has 5 pgs as 'Selma'. Plus features on French girls, British girls and lots more.

Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.

Number in Stock: 994
Price: $9.95
  • Quantity:

40RTY PLUS - v01.2

40RTY PLUS - v01.2

Product ID: modvd-40rty-v1.2
Spring, 1972 - Eros Pub. Uschi Digard has 4 pgs as 'Diane Evans' and BC (in black corset with nylons and garters, knee high boots, red leather gloves and a big whip) + 1 pg as 'Usehi'. Roxanne Brewer has 6 pgs as 'Roxanne Lee', Patti Wayne has big 9 pg feature, Susan Walters has 8 pgs, Dee Wilson and Jamie West each have 6 pgs, Danielle Dawson has 5 pgs as 'Carol Denny' and Margaret Middleton has 2 pgs. Also a very nice full pg illustration that must be Bill Ward but is signed 'Satana'.

Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.

Number in Stock: 996
Price: $9.95
  • Quantity:

Ace - 1970-01

Ace - 1970-01

Product ID: ace1970-01d
Uschi Digard has 3 pgs inc 1 full pg color pic as 'Uschi Digger '. Danielle Gaubert returns to acting in 'Where, When & With Whom' - 4 pg feature. Sandra Blair has 2 pgs as 'Viv Mallory'. Sally Milner has 4 pgs, Audrey Bunting has 3 pgs and Nielly Michele has 2 pgs. Plus a 4 pg feature on the girls of Paris and articles about The Bahamas and computer crimes. Very bright & glossy, lightly read, a few minor stresses - VG++

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $30.00
  • Quantity:

Adam - v13 #08

Adam - v13 #08

8/69 - Covergirl is Parisian fashion model Lorenza - she also has a feature in v13 #6. Natasha (Voroshilov) has BC + 6 pgs - this is the girl in snow on a mountain wearing a black fur hat w/ ear flaps and black boots - pics from this shoot appeared in a number of mags inc All Man 3/72, Cad 11/69 and Knight 7/69. Audrey Landry (aka Cindy James) has inside FC + 6 pgs inc CF. Pam Berkeley has pgs and Uschi Digard has inside BC as 'Debbie Bowman'. Plus Harlan Ellison fiction 'Dogfight in 101' and Bill Ward has a 1/4 pg cartoon. FINE copy is very bright & glossy, light horizontal stress from stacking near bottom edge of BC, small date stamp in upper left corner of FC.

  • Quantity:

Adam - v13 #09

Adam - v13 #09

Product ID: adam-v13.09e
9/69 - Uschi Digard (as 'Debbie Bowman') has 6 pgs inc an excellent CF. Covergirl is Lea Nanni, Sharon Matt has BC + numerous pics in a 6 pg review of the nudie movie 'Linda & Abilene'. Diane Jarvis has 4 pgs, Honey Stiles has 3 pgs (she is also in v13 #12) and Debbie Hart has 2 pgs. Plus Harlan Ellison fiction "Are You Listening". Clean & bright, some spine stresses & 'thumb' marks, 2 center pgs are loose - VG

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $40.00
  • Quantity:

Adam - v15 #03

Adam - v15 #03

3/71 - Covergirl is Leslie McRay. Aneta Hopkins has BC + 6 pgs, Dana Whitney also has 6 pgs. Michelle Frazier and Susan Stevenson each have 5 pgs and Mei Chen has 4 pgs. A feature on the island of Sylt and a 7 pg review of the nudie movie 'Love Thy Neighbor' w/ pics of Uschi Digard. Charles Bukowski fiction 'Sound & Passion'. Bright & glossy, a couple of spine stresses and small bump on top right corner - VG++

  • Quantity:

All Man - 1972-08

All Man - 1972-08

Superstar Rene Bond has great FC in bath tub covered w/ bubbles + 6 pgs inc CF!! Uschi Digard as 'Ushi' has 4 pgs and Linda McDowell has 6 pgs. Plus Sandra Talbert has 6 pgs, Audrey Masters & Alison each have 4 pgs. Fantastic issue in fabulous shape.

  • Quantity:

Big Bust Vixen - V1 #1

Big Bust Vixen - V1 #1

Product ID: modvd-bbvix-v1.1
1981 - Great first issue of this title spotlights Kitten Natividad. Entire mag is all Kitten and includes 14 pgs of pics w/ 2 guys (for more of this see 'Hot Stripper') plus 10 pgs of pics from a pool party w/ Candy Samples & Uschi Digard (includes a few pics w/ John Holmes and a few w/ Angel Cash). Remainder of mag is Kitten solo including a nice color CF.

Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.

Number in Stock: 991
Price: $9.95
  • Quantity:

Big Bust Vixen - V1 #4

Big Bust Vixen - V1 #4

Product ID: modvd-bbvix-v1.4
1982 - Loretta (The Mystery Girl) has FC + 36 pgs. Mag also features BC + 10 pgs of pics from Uschi's lawn party w/ Uschi Digard, Toby Wenig, Jimmi Shine and a 4th girl.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.

Number in Stock: 997
Price: $9.95
  • Quantity:

Big Bust Vixen - V2 #1

Big Bust Vixen - V2 #1

Product ID: modvd-bbvix-v2.1
1982 - Entire mag is Candy Samples. Lots of full pg photos and 8 pgs of color inc a 2 pg CF. Most of mag is Candy solo but she has 5 pgs w/ John Holmes, 5 pgs w/ Luis the Midget and 3 pgs w/ Uschi Digard.
This was reprinted as BUSTY VIXENS v1 #1 but with a different cover and ads. As a special bonus if you order either book we will include the 2nd cover & ad pgs (and therefore a whole 2nd book) at no charge.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.

Number in Stock: 990
Price: $9.95
  • Quantity:

Big Bust Vixen - V2 #2

Big Bust Vixen - V2 #2

Product ID: modvd-bbvix-v2.2
1982 - Entire mag is Uschi Digard w/ 8 pgs in color including a 2 pg CF. Mostly Uschi solo there are also a few pgs w/ other girls & guys inc 3 pgs w/ Candy Samples and 1 pg w/ Angel Cash.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.

Number in Stock: 995
Price: $9.95
  • Quantity:

Big Bust Vixen - v2.1

Big Bust Vixen - v2.1

Product ID: bigbustvixen-v2.1c
1982 - Entire mag is Candy Samples. Lots of full pg photos and 8 pgs of color inc a 2 pg CF. Most of mag is Candy solo but she has 5 pgs w/ John Holmes, 5 pgs w/ Luis the Midget and 3 pgs w/ Uschi Digard. Lightly read, bright & glossy - FINE

This mag was reprinted in 1986 as BUSTY VIXENS v1 #1 w/ a different FC + 3 pgs of new ads.


This issue is also available on a CD for only 9.95. Please see the Great Mags on CD category for more information.

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $100.00
  • Quantity:

Big Bust Vixen - v2.2

Big Bust Vixen - v2.2

Product ID: bigbustvixen-v2.2d
1982 - Entire mag is Uschi Digard w/ 8 pgs in color including a 2 pg CF. Mostly Uschi solo there are also a few pgs w/ other girls & guys inc 3 pgs w/ Candy Samples and 1 pg w/ Angel Cash. Light wear, bright & GLossy - VG++

This issue is also available on a CD for only 9.95. Please see the Great Mags on CD category for more information.

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $125.00
  • Quantity:

Big Busty #2

Big Busty #2

Product ID: modvd-bb.2-di
1979 by ABC Pubs, The Netherlands. Digest size mag is 48 pgs, all color, with 2 pg CF and the entire book is Uschi. Lots of full pg, full nudes. Outstanding!
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.

Number in Stock: 993
Price: $9.95
  • Quantity:

Big Busty #2

Big Busty #2

Product ID: pn-bigbusty.2d
1979 by ABC Pubs, The Netherlands. Digest size mag is 48 pgs, all color, with 2 pg CF and the entire book is Uschi (no ads). Lots of full pg, full nudes. Outstanding! Some light stress lines, small corner bumps and a little light scuffing near spine. Also a small spot in upper right corner where it looks like a price sticker was removed (no thin spot). Still bright & glossy - looks better than it sounds - VG+

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $100.00
  • Quantity:

Big Busty - v1

Big Busty - v1

Product ID: modvd-fdbb1
No date - ca. mid 70s - Gold Medal Collector's Edition by House of Amsterdam is Digest size with 52 pgs, 30 in color. Maya Singh (in a curly brown wig) has FC + 4 pgs inc CF - all in color. Roberta Pedon has 8 pgs - all color, mostly full pg pics, Uschi Digard has 4 pgs (1 in color), Jo-Ann Bergsson has 4 pgs, Trudy Eyre aka Linda Baynes has 2 pgs. Plus some other familiar faces inc 1 pic of Carol Charter aka Yvette Connor.

Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.

Number in Stock: 997
Price: $9.95
  • Quantity:

Big Busty - v1

Big Busty - v1

Product ID: bigbusty-v1
No date - ca. mid 70s - Gold Medal Collector's Edition by House of Amsterdam is Digest size with 52 pgs, 30 in color. Maya Singh (in a curly brown wig) has FC + 4 pgs inc CF - all in color. Roberta Pedon has 8 pgs - all color, mostly full pg pics, Uschi Digard has 4 pgs (1 in color), Jo-Ann Bergsson has 4 pgs, Trudy Eyre aka Linda Baynes has 2 pgs. Plus some other familiar faces inc 1 pic of Carol Charter aka Yvette Connor. Very bright & glossy, lightly read - VG++/FINE

Please note: this mag is also available on a DVD - see the Great Mags section

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $100.00
  • Quantity:

Block Busters - v03.1

Block Busters - v03.1

Product ID: movdvd-blb-v3.1
(1973) - Great close-up FC w/ frequently used photo of Joan Brinkman leaning against a bumper pool table w/ cue stick. Uschi Digard has 4 pgs w/ a motorcycle as 'Cathy', Toby Wenig has 5 pgs in cowboy hat w/ 6 gun and Bonnie Locke Has 4 pggs as 'Carla'. Jamie has color BC. Plus lots of familiar faces and quite a few full pg pics inc Joy Woods, Lois Harman, Regina Anderer, Nika Movenka, Julie Williams and more! Another rare file copy with embossed seal in upper right corner.

Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.

Number in Stock: 998
Price: $9.95
  • Quantity:

Blue Vanities S-620

Blue Vanities S-620

Product ID: vid-blvan-s620
1999 - 2 hrs. Big Boob Bonanza. Softcore 60s & 70s. Several Harrison Marks loops and 2 others starring John Holmes, Uschi Digard, Kitten Natividad & Keli Stewart.

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
  • Quantity:

Busty Beauties - 1988-10

Busty Beauties - 1988-10

1st Bimonthly Issue. Melissa Mounds has FC + 11 pgs inc CF. Roberta Pedon has 6 great pgs as 'Mooschi', Uschi Digard and unknown guy have 8 pgs as Indians. Ebony Ayes has 8 pgs, Cheryl Saunders has 7 pgs as 'Randi' and Le Dawn has 7 pgs. Plus Barbara has 9 pgs and good article about/tribute to Russ Meyer. Very bright & glossy, a few minor stresses, nice VG+.

  • Quantity:

Busty Vixens - v1 #1

Busty Vixens - v1 #1

Product ID: modvd-bvix-1.1
(1986) - This is a reprint of Big Bust Vixen v2 #1 with a different cover and ads. Entire mag is Candy Samples. Lots of full pg photos and 8 pgs of color inc a 2 pg CF. Most of mag is Candy solo but she has 5 pgs w/ John Holmes, 5 pgs w/ Luis the Midget and 3 pgs w/ Uschi Digard.
As a special bonus if you order either book we will include the 2nd cover & ad pgs (and therefore a whole 2nd book) at no charge.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.

Number in Stock: 999
Price: $9.95
  • Quantity:

Candy & Uschi - V1 #1

Candy & Uschi - V1 #1

Product ID: modvd-canusc-v1.1
1978 - AAE (PN). Fantastic 48 pg issue is all Candy & Uschi and has 16 pgs of gorgeous color. Extremely high quality pics in this issue!! This was reprinted as 'Whoppers' V2 #2 but with a different cover. As a special bonus if you order either book we will include the 2nd cover (and therefore a whole 2nd book) at no charge.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.

Number in Stock: 992
Price: $9.95
  • Quantity:

Candy & Uschi - v1 #1

Candy & Uschi - v1 #1

(1978 - AAE) - Great 48 pg issue w/ 16 pgs in color! Most of mag is Candy & Uschi together around a swimming pool, but Uschi also has 10 pgs of solo pics. Barely touched copy is gorgeous - FINE+. Also have a copy of the 3rd printing in nearly new condition except for tiny bump at bottom of spine.

This mag was reprinted as Whoppers v2 #2 in 1979 w/ a new cover.

This issue is also available on a CD for only 9.95. Please see the Great Mags on CD category for more information.

  • Quantity:

Candy & Uschi - v4 #4

Candy & Uschi - v4 #4

Product ID: pn-candy&uschi-v4.4d
(1981 - Eros Pub. Co. - 2nd printing) -Candy Samples adn uschi Dagrd both on FC, but no other pics together. Really nice issue has a 20 pgs feature on Uschi. All solo pics inc several pgs in a rubber suit, 4 pgs of bondage pics (tied up) and several pgs as dominant w/ balck corset, gloves, whip. Candy has BC + 22 pgs inc 9 pgs of bondage pics in a collar and chains. Normal wear, some light rubbing along spine but still bright & shiny - VG+

This issue is also available on a CD for only 9.95. Please see the Great Mags on CD category for more information.

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $100.00
  • Quantity:

Candy & Uschi - V4 #4

Candy & Uschi - V4 #4

Product ID: modvd-canusc-v4.4
(1981 - Eros Pub. Co. - 2nd printing) -Candy Samples and Uschi Digard both on FC, but no other pics together. Really nice issue has a 20 pgs feature on Uschi. All solo pics inc several pgs in a rubber suit, 4 pgs of bondage pics (tied up) and several pgs as dominant w/ black corset, gloves, whip. Candy has BC + 22 pgs inc 9 pgs of bondage pics in a collar and chains.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.

Number in Stock: 997
Price: $9.95
  • Quantity:

Caper - 1971-12

Caper - 1971-12

v15 #3 - Uschi Digard has 4 sensational pages scattered throughout the book - not one pictorial. Mari has 7 pgs inc CF. Danielle Dawson has 2 pgs as 'Dora', Cara (Carol) Peters has 2 pgs as 'Carlotta' and Angela Lake has 4 pgs as 'Judy' - this feature is reprinted in 11/72. Glenda has 4 pgs, girlfriends Betty & Gail share 4 pgs and Japanese actress Noriko Tatsumi has 3 pgs. VG++ copy is bright & glossy, lightly read. VG copy is bright & glossy, small date stamp in upper left corner, a bit of minor foxing on BC along spine.

  • Quantity:

Caper - 1974-01

Caper - 1974-01

v17 #1 - Uschi Digard has really nice 6 pg pictorial as Susie. Roberta May Evert has 4 pgs as 'Leni Bishop'. Very busty Black model Randy has 8 pgs inc CF, Brit has 5 pgs and Black model Trixie has 3 pgs. Nanci & Pixie each have 6 pgs - looks like the same girl  - pretty sure it's Nicky Stanton. 'Maidenhead' 1 pg color comic by Greg Theakston. FINE copy is bright & glossy, minor stress near right edge and small bump on bottom corner of BC. VG++ copy is bright & glossy, light, clean crease in upper right corner of cover and first few pgs.

  • Quantity:

Cavalcade - 1970-05

Cavalcade - 1970-05

Product ID: cavd1970-05d
v10 #1 - Good issue! Very familiar looking busty blonde Covergirl Carol also has 4 pgs (she is Covergirl of All Man 11/72 as 'Alice Conet'). Brat Anderson has 5 pgs as 'Heidi', Cindy has 5 pgs inc CF and Frances has 5 pgs (Bunny Bacon??). Plus Uschi Digard has 4 pgs as 'Corrine', Marianne, Gina & Kathy each have 4 pgs. A feature on the movie Myra Breckenridge starring Raquel Welch, and an article on the Mercedes 280SL. Strong sharp VG+

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $30.00
  • Quantity:

Cavalier Yearbook - 1973

Cavalier Yearbook - 1973

Product ID: cavr-yrbk1973c
Dana Johnson has 6 pgs inc CF. Uschi Digard has 3 pgs of B&W pics, Cindy Barnett has 3 pgs as 'Beverly Woods' and Billy Rainbird (Covergirl & CF of US Penthouse 5/71) has 2 pgs as 'Carolea'. Loads of other girls. Bright & glossy, light scuff and stress on spine - VG++

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
  • Quantity:

Celebrity Sleuth - V06.04

Celebrity Sleuth - V06.04

Product ID: cesl-v06.04c
1993 - Women of Fantasy 4. Michelle Pfieffer has FC + 2 pgs. Features 34 of your favorite females - each has 2-4 pgs w/ multiple pics. Sean Young has BC + 4 pgs. Uschi Digard & Kitten Natividad each have 4 pgs, plus many other dream girls. Light stresses, small crease. FINE To see complete listing click on 'More Info' to view contents page.

Number in Stock: 2
Price: $25.00
  • Quantity:

Cheri - 1980-03

First issue to have 3 pg foldout Centerfold. Seka has FC, BC + 9 outstanding pgs inc the foldout CF. Uschi Digard has a 7 pg feature 'My Life As a Sex Goddess' + a 1 pg ad for her 8mm movie. Felicity Buirski has 7 pgs as 'Rayna' and Sylvia Wright has 6 pgs on roller skates. Charlene has 7 pgs, Cynthia has 6 pgs and Helena & Jackie each have 5 pgs. Girlfriends Jocelyn & Lorrie share 8 pgs and a guide to nude beaches.

  • Quantity:

Cheri - 1982-08

Anniversary Issue featuring Mammathon '82 w/ Uschi Digard, Kitten Natividad, Raven de la Croix and Diane Bentley on FC and multiple pics of all throughout the magazine plus individual features as well - Raven has 4 pgs. Kitten has 6 pgs. Contest also features 9 more girls inc winner Mindy (is Cindy Nelson), Becky (Laura Sands) and Silvia (Joanna Storm). Mag contains giant 8 pg poster with all 13 girls on one side and Mindy (Cindy Nelson) on back. Also Angela Heaven has 6 pgs as 'Sinthia Blue', and Maria Berggren makes one of many apps in this title w/ 6 pgs as 'Tisha'. Plus Mariel has 6 pgs, Helene has 5 pgs and Marge & Midge share 6 pgs.

  • Quantity:

Club - 1987-04

Product ID: club1987-04b
Keisha has a gorgeous FC. Blondi has 10 pgs inc CF. Nikki Randall has 7 pgs as 'Tracy', girlfriends Donna & Brigit share 7 pgs and Josie has 5 pgs. Toni Kessering has 3 pgs as 'Candy'. Uschi Digard has 2 large B&W pics. Bill Ward 'Sizzle' comic strip - 4 pgs. FINE+

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
  • Quantity:

Dapper - 1982-03

Dapper - 1982-03

Blonde Biker bitch in black leather has FC + 4 pgs. Judy Moore has 7 pgs inc CF, Sylvie & Barbara each have 5 pgs. Uschi Digard has 5 pgs as part of 2 couples.  Fine++ copy is NEW! Fine+ same but with barely soft corner.

  • Quantity:

Diane - v1 #6

Diane - v1 #6

Product ID: pn-diane-v1.6inc
(1973 - Commodore Pub. Co.) - An All Uschi Special! 48 pg mag features a very tanned Uschi w/ blond hair. Mostly solo pics, lots of outdoor scenes inc about 10 pgs around a pool w/ a blond, bearded guy name George (he also appears in More Sherri v2 #1) and 2 other girls.
Normal wear, but still bright & shiny - VG. However, mag is missing 2 pgs (pgs 37 - 40) that have been razored out at spine.

This issue is also available on a CD for only 9.95. Please see the Great Mags on CD category for more information.

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $100.00
  • Quantity:

Diane - V1 #6

Diane - V1 #6

Product ID: modvd-diane-v1.6
(1973 - Commodore Pub. Co.) - An All Uschi Special! 48 pg mag features a very tanned Uschi w/ blond hair. Mostly solo pics, lots of outdoor scenes inc about 10 pgs around a pool w/ a blond, bearded guy name George (he also appears in More Sherri v2 #1) and 2 other girls. Mag is missing 2 pgs (pgs 37 - 40) that have been razored out at spine.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.

Number in Stock: 998
Price: $9.95
  • Quantity:

Fling - 1973-09

Fling - 1973-09

Product ID: flin1973-09e
v16 #3 is #67 and is loaded w/ popular models. Mimi Harris has FC + 4 pgs, Julie Williams has 4 pgs inc CF. Sybil Walker has 6 pgs, Laura Lynnwood & Uschi Digart each have 4 pgs. Plus 4 pgs each of Ginger Blair, Black model Ann Peterson and Heidi Jensen. Paula Page has 2 pgs. Bright, glossy pink cover, minor spine stresses, a bit of wear and a couple of small smudges on edge of BC - VG

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
  • Quantity:

Fling - 1983-05

Fling - 1983-05

Product ID: flin1983-05c
v26 #1 (Issue 124) - Sally Boothe (aka Tina Locke) has FC + 6 pgs inc CF. Uschi Digard, Kitten Natividad & Keli Stewart have 5 pgs together. Prudence Halliwell (Covergirl of 4/84) has 4 pgs Lisa de Leeuw has 3 pgs and Cindy Stewart (aka Vicki Harris) has 2 pgs. An article about actor Dudley Moore and Titanic Tina - a 4 pg B&W comic strip. Very bright & glossy, a few minor stresses along spine - FINE

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
  • Quantity:

Gem - 1979-10

Gem - 1979-10

v21 #1 - Nicky Stanton (w/ platinum blond wig and billed as 'Didi') has FC sipping a glass of milk thru a straw + 6 pgs. Kitten Natividad 10 extraordinary pages inc CF. Uschi Digard has 5 pgs inc 2 full pg color pics. Fran Lindstrom (aka Ana Lou in Gent mags) has 6 pgs as 'Crystal'. Jane Dolinger article about strange sex rites. Magazine is in great condition, new, unread - absolutely gorgeous! FINE++

  • Quantity:

Gent - 1980-10

Gent - 1980-10

Uschi Digard has FC + 4 pgs of vintage B&W pics and Maryanne (aka Geri Mandel) gets a CF feature w/ 7 pgs. Bambi Leigh and Kim Martin as 'Sherry Newman' each have 5 pgs, Dee Dee Wickizer (billed as Yum Yum Yankowitz) shares 4 pgs w/ Bette Williams and Debbie Golemis has 3 pgs. Linda Keach has 7pgs and Sue has 6 pgs. Plus an Interview with Jamie Gillis and articles about the Israeli Mossad and cannabalism. Bright & glossy, a few minor stresses - FINE

  • Quantity:

Gent - 1981-03

Gent - 1981-03

Uschi Digard has FC + 4 pgs in swimming pool + letters column. Cookie Conrad has 8 big pg feature inc CF as 'Cooki'. Sue Nero has 4 pgs of pics w/ interview. Black model Denise Hicks has 5 pgs, Jimmi Shine has 5 pgs as 'Bobbi', Mary Harper (aka Mary Herron) has 4 pgs, Wanda Leslie (CF of 7/81) has 5 pgs and Penny (Mary Penny) has 3 pgs. Plus an article about the Ku Klux Klan and a 4 pg B&W comic strip by Don Lomax. Extremely bright & glossy, a couple of minor stresses - FINE+

  • Quantity:

Gent - 1985-08

Gent - 1985-08

Danuta (Lato) makes debut app on FC + 5 pgs and Beverlee Hollings has 8 pgs inc CF. Linda Gordon has 7 pgs w/ boyfriend, Uschi Digard has 4 pgs of pics + last Letters column (has been running for 6 years). Justice Howard has 5 pgs, Christy Canyon Interview w/ full pg pic. Honey & Jayne share 5 pgs and Riva has 4 pgs. An article about auto racing schools and a 4 pg B&W comic strip by Don Lomax. Very bright & glossy, lightly read, a few minor stresses - VG++


  • Quantity:

Gent - 1986-11

Gent - 1986-11

Product ID: gent1986-11d
La Dawn has 7 pgs inc CF. Debbie Jordan & Donna Ambrose as 'Sara' share 7 pgs. Uschi Digard & Christine Cooper as 'Dina' each have 6 pgs. Black model Dawn Simpson has 5 pgs and Colette has 4 pgs. Plus a 3 pg video review of 'The Kiss-O-Gram Girls' w/ Karen Wing, Pauline Hickey, Donna Ambrose, Susan Reeves and Georgina. Don Lomax has a 4 pg B&W comic strip. Very bright & glossy, a few stresses, BC has small triangular piece off bottom left corner.

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
  • Quantity:

High Society - 1981-04

Britt Ekland has FC + 6 pgs. Uschi Digard (as an Indian) has 8 pgs w/ a brave. Candy Samples has 7 pgs, Annie Ample also has 7 pgs and Wendy Wilson (aka Leslie Winston) playing Little Bo Peep has 7 pgs inc CF as 'Celina Andrews'. 'Gloria' 4 pg color comic strip.

  • Quantity:

Knight - v07.02

Knight - v07.02

(6/69) - Lynn Breeden (was in 11/67) FC in clear plastic raincoat and umbrella. Mamie Van Doren has 5 classic pages. Anne Besant, Bobbie Helms, Lorne Mitchell & Susan Walters have 4 pgs each. Cara (aka Carol) Peters has 3 pgs and Uschi is on BC - you can't see her face, she is standing with her back to you, wearing a pair of white lace panties and unfastening her bra in front. Fiction by Raymond Friday Locke 'River Inn Interlude'. Article about C.B.N. - chemical-biological-nuclear warfare. VG+ copy has slightly soft bottom right corner.

  • Quantity:

Knight - v10.04

Knight - v10.04

(4/74) - Popular model Hildy (Hilde) Alexandra has FC + 6 pgs. Birgitta Lundgren has 7 pgs, a stripper named Delilah has 6 pgs and Tanya Lai (billed as Hawaiian) has 6 pgs - looks kind of like Maya Singh. Movie reviews of 'The Impersonator and 'Little Miss Innocence' w/ Sandy Dempsey. Uschi Digard on BC. 'Superchicks' article has full pg pic of Linda Lovelace.

  • Quantity:

Knockers & Nipples - UK Ed - v1.3

Knockers & Nipples - UK Ed - v1.3

Product ID: modvd-k&n-UK1.3
(1978) - This mag is a reprint of the American Edition v3 #4 w/ minor changes as listed below. Entire mag, cover to cover (2 pgs of ads), is Uschi Digard. All solo pics, approximately 110 in all w/ 8 pgs of color inc an excellent CF.
The picture on pg 4 of the American edition is now the FC and there is a different pic that does not appear in the American Edition on pg 4. The pub credits on page 2 are different. The 2 pgs of ads are different from the American Edition. The Back cover is blank - the American Edition has a full page photo on the BC. As a special bonus if you order either book we will include the 2nd cover & ad pgs (and therefore a whole 2nd book) at no charge.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.

Number in Stock: 996
Price: $9.95
  • Quantity:

Knockers & Nipples - v3.4

Knockers & Nipples - v3.4

Product ID: modvd-k&n-3.4
(1978) - Entire mag, cover to cover (2 pgs of ads), is Uschi Digard. All solo pics, approximately 110 in all w/ 8 pgs of color inc an excellent CF.
This was reprinted in the UK as v1 #3 with the following changes. The picture on pg 4 of the American edition is now the FC and there is a different pic that does not appear in the American Edition on pg 4. The pub credits on page 2 are different. The 2 pgs of ads are different from the American Edition. The Back cover is blank - the American Edition has a full page photo on the BC. As a special bonus if you order either book we will include the 2nd cover & ad pgs (and therefore a whole 2nd book) at no charge.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.

Number in Stock: 996
Price: $9.95
  • Quantity:

Knockers & Nipples - v7.3

Knockers & Nipples - v7.3

Product ID: modvd-k&n-7.3
(1982) - Entire mag, cover to cover (3 pgs of ads), is Uschi Digard. Nearly all solo pics, many full pg, approximately 100 in all w/ 8 pgs of color.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.

Number in Stock: 996
Price: $9.95
  • Quantity:

Modern Man - Special #60

Modern Man - Special #60

Product ID: modm-spec.60
Quarterly - Summer 1970. Super Girls of 1970. Debbie Balog has 5 pgs inc a 2 pg color foldout on heavy stock paper and Carol Kirsten also has 5 pgs. Uschi Digard (billed as Ushi Devon) has a great full pg pin-up on inside FC + 3 pgs. Alice Adams (aka Eve Bowers), Dawn Meadows, Cindy Blaine, Pam Moran, Evelyne Traeger, Terri Juston, Wendy Winders, Sally Dixon, Jessica Sanders, Regina Noyes, Claudia Benson, Lilli Duchee, Penny Fulton and Sandy Soule each have 4 pgs. Sarah Davenport, Terri Stevens, Phyllis Haines and Barbara Stanton each have 3 pgs. Bright & glossy, a few stresses and light 'thumb' marks - VG/VG+

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $40.00
  • Quantity:

More Sherri - V2 #1

More Sherri - V2 #1

Product ID: modvd-mosherri-v2.1
(Spring, 1971 - RNS Pubs.) - Big 64 pg issue is all Uschi Digard. Mostly solo pics w/ lots of full pg photos. Last 20 pgs or so are supposed to be scenes from a movie and include other people - mostly 2 different guys, one at a time.

Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.

Number in Stock: 996
Price: $9.95
  • Quantity:

More Sherri - v2 #1

More Sherri - v2 #1

Product ID: pn-mosherri-v2.1d
(Spring, 1971 - RNS Pubs.) - Big 64 pg issue is all Uschi Digard. Mostly solo pics w/ lots of full pg photos. Last 20 pgs or so are supposed to be scenes from a movie and include other people - mostly 2 different guys, one at a time. Minor signs of wear - bright & glossy - strong VG+

This issue is also available on a CD for only 9.95. Please see the Great Mags on CD category for more information.

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $300.00
  • Quantity:

Night & Day Supermamas

Night & Day Supermamas

Product ID: modvd-nidasuma-1.1
v1 #1 - Spring 1974 is giant 100 pg issue loaded with your favorite girls! Beginning w/ Roberta Pedon FC in a pink nightie + 10 pgs of pics it also has a 9 pg feature on Roxanne Brewer inc a killer color CF. Mag finishes w/ 10 pgs of Uschi Digard as 'Ushi Winston'. In between are Carol Charter, Elaine Everette, Rosalie Strauss, Jamie Lynn and several other familiar faces. Classic!!
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.

Number in Stock: 989
Price: $9.95
  • Quantity:

Nugget - 1970-11

Nugget - 1970-11

Uschi Digard has dynamite FC. Beverlee has 6 pgs inc CF. Black model Geraldine has 4 pgs and Lolita has 4 pgs w/ a snake. Vicki Kennedy has a full pg pic. Articles about Guayaquil, Ecuador and nymphomaniacs. Very bright & glossy, a few minor spine stresses - VG+

  • Quantity:

Nugget - 1971-11

Nugget - 1971-11

Product ID: nugg1971-11d
A nice 6 pg feature on the Girls of California by Bunny Yeager has lots of familiar faces inc a Mary Wingard CF and a full pg color pic of Uschi Digard as Billie Johnson. Pamela Moore and Camelia Corrales (CindyJames?) each have 4 pgs, Rennie Shaw has 3 pgs. Black model Toby Sims & Sharon Church share 3 pgs. A feature article about Chile. Very bright & glossy, a few minor stresses, top half of spine is cleanly split - VG+

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
  • Quantity:

Nugget - 1972-11

Nugget - 1972-11

Uschi Digard has 6 big pgs inc a great close-up CF!! Candy Earle as 'Shawn' and Sandra Carponi each have 4 pgs. Andy Collins, Tina Ross, Judy Cutter & Liz each have 3 pgs. Very bright & glossy, a few minor stresses - VG++

  • Quantity:

Nugget - 1982-05

Nugget - 1982-05

Cindy has 6 pgs inc CF. Wendy Wilson (aka Leslie Winston) & Sue London (Anna Ventura) have 6 pgs washing a car. Jane Dailey has 5 pgs and a 5 pg feature on apartment house wrestling has Uschi Digard on 3 pgs, 1 w/ Candy Samples, also Annie Owens 1 pg, Hannah Griffin (aka Viek) 2 pics and Seka w/ Rosemary Saneau 1 pic. Debbie and boyfriend Mark have 5 pgs. Plus 6 pgs of bondage pics and a John Travolta Inteview w/ full pg pic. Amputee Corner - 4 pgs of artwork by R.H. Dee. Extremely bright & glossy, basically NEW w/ a TINY nudge on top right corner - FINE+

  • Quantity:

Nugget - Annual 1974

Nugget - Annual 1974

Product ID: nugg-ann1974d
Uschi Digard has 6 pgs inc CF (11/72). Bridget has BC + 4 pgs (3/73 less 1/2 of CF). Tracy & Jill each have 4 pgs. Donna (3/73), Michelle (3/73 less 2nd pg), Cheri (3/73 less 2nd pg), Karla, Smokey and Risa (3/73 - Not Powell) each have 3 pgs. Girlfriends Linda & Vicki (1/73) share 4 pgs and  Mandy & Diane (1/73) have 3 pgs. All of the girls for whom no source is listed are probably from the issue of 5/73. Bright & glossy, a few minor spine stressess, tiny bump on bottom right corner - VG++

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $30.00
  • Quantity:

Nugget - Yearbook 1983

Nugget - Yearbook 1983

Product ID: nugg-yrbk1983
Covergirl is Jennifer Eccles (pic from same shoot as 10/78). Cindy has 6 pgs inc CF (5/82). Jane Dailey (5/82) and Valerie Clark as 'Marcie' (3/82) each have 5 pgs. Bobbie Barnes as Sandra 'Sunny' Brooks has 4 pgs (7/82 less 1 pg). Christine has 3 pgs (2/81 less 2 pgs). Betty & Jane have 5 pgs w/ Jack (7/82) - pretty sure 1 of them is Tarri Micas. A 5 pg feature on 'Apartment House Wrestling' has 3 pgs of Uschi Digard - 1 w/ Candy Samples and 1 pg of Annie (aka Little Oral Annie) Owens. Also 4 pgs of mud wrestling. A 6 pg feature on Oriental women. Bitchella and her male slave have 7 pgs (3/82). Haley Tiresius has 4 pgs. An article about New York underground sex clubs. Plus Amputee Corner - 4 pgs of artwork by R.H. Dee and 'For Pete's Sake' a 4 pg B&W comic strip. Very bright & glossy, a few minor stresses. small bump on bottom right corner + VG+

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
  • Quantity:

Parade # 040

Parade # 040

Kay Griffiths FC + 2pgs. Debee Ashby Challenger is Uschi - 2 pgs (inc 1 full pg pic) of each. Keli stewart has 2 pics.

  • Quantity:

Partner - 1983-06

Covergirl is Helle Linnebjerg. Nancy Suiter has 6 pgs inc CF. Marilyn Hammond has 5 pgs on an exercise machine as 'Shana', Rosemary (aka Linda Wren) has 6 pgs as 'Twinkie O'Toole'. Uschi Digard has 2 pgs as a blonde - pics are circa 1970 vintage. Plus Asian model Kiko has 6 pgs, a feature on Japanese Porn & Wally Wood has 3 pgs of kinky comix.

  • Quantity:

Partner - 1984-12

Product ID: part1984-12b
Lisa DeLeeuw and Little Oral Annie have 8 pgs as 'Amber & Dawn'. Rosemary Saneau has 7 pics on 1 pg and Uschi Digard has 1 pic. The Cat has 8 pgs, another girl w/ no name has 7 pgs inc CF and Donna has 3 pgs. Very bright & glossy, a few minor stresses - FINE

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
  • Quantity:

Penthouse - 1973-11

Product ID: pent1973-11c
Carol on FC. Debbie Griffin has 11 pgs inc CF. Venus has 10 pg pictorial. Also a 6 pg pictorial 'The American Dream' has a full pg pic of Uschi Digard and a fat guy. This entire pictorial was issued as a calendar for 1974. Interview w/ NY Cops Dave Greenberg & Bob Hantz (Batman & Robin) - inspiration for the movie 'Supercops'. The Penthouse Sex Index - A New Dictionary - Part 23 of a series that continues through the issue 7/74. Zero government - article about the libertarians. A 5 pg feature and first appearance of Balloon Head comics by Art Cumings. OH Wicked Wanda - 6 pg comic strip. Bright, glossy - FINE

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
  • Quantity:

Rascal #64

Rascal #64

Product ID: rasc.64d
v9 #10 - 5/72 - Special Nude Movie Issue has reviews of a dozen flicks. Cover pic + 7 pgs from 'Women or War. 'Below The Belt' w/ 7 pgs of pics inc a CF of Uschi Digard and a guy. Also 'The Animal', 'The Toy Box', 'Gun Runner', 'Joys of Jezebel', 'The Private Dick', 'The Dirtiest Game in the World', 'The Tender Moment' starring Nathalie Delon, 'Substitution', 'Office Love In' and 'Escape to Passion'. Bright & glossy, a few minor stresses and light 'rubbing' near spine - VG+

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
  • Quantity:

Rogue - 1973-03

Rogue - 1973-03

And yet another batch of girls with only 1 name or none at all. Brandy Chapman has 6 pgs as 'Jacy Lomis'. A Yacht party pictorial (5 pgs) has 2 couples - 1 girl is Uschi Digard. Lola has 8 pgs inc CF, Charlene has 7 pgs, girlfriends Melisa & Sally share 6 pgs and another pair of anonymous girlfriends share 6 pgs. FINE copy is extremely bright & glossy, white cover is very clean, nearly new but a few very light stresses (from stacking?). VG++ copy is very bright & glossy, white cover is very clean, a few spine stresses.

  • Quantity:

Rogue - 1973-07

Rogue - 1973-07

Still more girls w/ only 1 name or none at all. Alison Cole has 8 pgs inc CF, Uschi Digard has 5 pg 'movie audition' pictorial. Camille has 6 pgs, Jeannette has 5 pgs and girlfriends Anjanette & Connie share 5 pgs. Moira and her Black girlfriend Patty share 5 pgs, another pair of anonymous girlfriends also share 5 pgs and a set of 3 girlfriends w/ no names share 5 pgs. FINE copy is bright & glossy, very lightly read, a couple of minor spine stresses.  VG+ copy is bright & glossy, some minor spine stresses and a bump on the bottom right corner.

  • Quantity:

Seven Days of Sheri

Seven Days of Sheri

Product ID: modvd-sheri-v1.2
V1 #2 (10/69) by Marquis Pub. Big 64 pg issue is all Uschi! Lots of full pg pics and full nudes plus 8 pgs of color inc 2 pg CF.This is very early Uschi and classic material!

Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.

Number in Stock: 992
Price: $9.95
  • Quantity:

Sheri One More Time

Sheri One More Time

Product ID: modvd-sheri-v1.4
V1 #4 (1972 - is called Winter, 1973 issue) by Marquis Pubs. Another in this fantastic series of all Uschi books. This one has 48 pgs (4 pgs of ads) all solo Uschi with 8 color pgs inc a stunning 2 pg nude CF. Fabulous!

Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.

Number in Stock: 993
Price: $9.95
  • Quantity:

Sherrie One More Time #4

Sherrie One More Time #4

Product ID: pn-sherrieonemore
V1 #4 (1972 - is called Winter, 1973 issue) by Marquis Pubs. Another in this fantastic series of all Uschi books. This one has 48 pgs (4 pgs of ads) all solo Uschi with 8 color pgs inc a stunning 2 pg nude CF. Fabulous! Barely touched copy with full cover gloss, looks new! Fine+

This issue is also available on a CD for only 9.95. Please see the Great Mags on CD category for more information.

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $300.00
  • Quantity:

Special Photos #25

Special Photos #25

Product ID: fran-spph.25d
French mag - December Issue 1984? Features Bo Derek on FC + 6 pgs inc CF. Uschi Digard has 2 pgs as 'Veronique'. Plus Jennie Lee, Shauna Grant & Kristara Barrington each have 1 pg. Has been handled a bit but still glossy - VG+

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $30.00
  • Quantity:

Street of a Thousand Pleasures

Street of a Thousand Pleasures

Product ID: vid-stthsdplsr1970
1970 - 80 mins. A Harry Novak sizzler exposing the white slave trade. An unbelievable 71 different girls - nearly anybody who was IN films at the time. Including Joyce Gibson, Uschi Digard, Michelle Angelo and Bambi Allen. Yep - all in the same film - and for more than a few seconds. Softcore, simulated sex.

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
  • Quantity:

Super Bust Review

Super Bust Review

Product ID: pn-superbustreview-a
(1979 - AAE) - Fabulous issue featuring 10 of biggest stars!! Giant, squarebound volume is 80 pgs and ALL COLOR! Uschi Digard on FC + 8 pgs. Candy Samples has BC + 8 pgs. Roberta Pedon has 8 pgs as 'Melody O'Hare', Roxanne Brewer, Joyce Spaeth & Hannah Griffin each have 8 pgs, Angel Cash has 8 pgs as 'Nancy Neal', Sue Nero has 8 pgs as 'Cole'. Kitten Natividad & Bobbi Hall each have 6 pgs. Book is in absolutely gorgeous condition - LIKE NEW.

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $300.00
  • Quantity:

Tiger - v28

Tiger - v28

Product ID: tigr.28c
Winter, 1973 issue is Loaded with your favorite models under bogus names - 20 in all!!. Chris Chandler (aka Shirley Grinnell) has very nice FC + 7 big pgs inc foldout CF on heavy stock. Uschi Digard has 4 pgs and Rene Bond, Denise Taylor (aka Nancy Beldner), Lois Mitchell, Angel Cash and Eve Bowers each have 4 pgs solo. Danillo Fairbanks has 4 pgs as 'Stephanie Norton' and may have 4 more as 'Terri Stevens'. Lightly read, sharp, glossy Fine

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $40.00
  • Quantity:

Tit Bangers - v1 #1

Tit Bangers - v1 #1

Product ID: modvd-titbangers-v1.1
(1980 - AAE) - Big 64 pg mag w/ 16 in color! Mag starts w/ a 10 pg feature on Candy Samples inc pics w/ John Holmes. Then Candy & Uschi Digard take on black stud Johnny Keyes. Uschi has 11 pgs of solo pics and 4 more w/ Candy. Finale is another 3-way w/ Candy, Uschi & Johnny Keyes. VERY RARE

Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.

Number in Stock: 998
Price: $9.95
  • Quantity:

Tit Bangers - v1.1

Tit Bangers - v1.1

Product ID: pn-titbang-v1.1b
(1980 - AAE) - Big 64 pg mag w/ 16 in color! Mag starts w/ a 10 pg feature on Candy Samples inc pics w/ John Holmes. Then Candy & Uschi Digard take on black stud Johnny Keyes. Uschi has 11 pgs of solo pics and 4 more w/ Candy. Finale is another 3-way w/ Candy, Uschi & Johnny Keyes. VERY RARE - Beautiful, barely touched copy - FINE+

This issue is also available on a CD for only 9.95. Please see the Great Mags on CD category for more information.

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $200.00
  • Quantity:

Top Heavy #1

Top Heavy #1

Product ID: pn-topheavy.1c
(1972 - Phenix Pubs. Ltd.) - Fantastic Issue! Loaded w/ full pg photos, this is not the same old material that has been recycled 100 times. Most of this material I have not seen anywhere else. A Really outstanding magazine!
Teri Martine (as Terry Martini) has very nice FC + huge 14 pg pictorial. Uschi Digard has BC + 16 pgs! Michelle Angelo has a huge 14 pg feature (as 'Michelle Stoupman'). Carol Charter (aka Yvette Connor) has a killer 16 pg pictorial inc a dynamite CF on a white rug in front of a fireplace. Mag has a slightly soft bottom right corner and a few light streses but is almost new - call it - FINE
This issue is also available on a CD for only 9.95. Please see the Great Mags on CD category for more information.

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $200.00
  • Quantity:

Top Heavy #1

Top Heavy #1

Product ID: modvd-topheavy.1
(1972 - Phenix Pubs. Ltd.) - Fantastic Issue! Loaded w/ full pg photos, this is not the same old material that has been recycled 100 times. Most of this material I have not seen anywhere else. A Really outstanding magazine!
Teri Martine (as Terry Martini) has very nice FC + huge 14 pg pictorial. Uschi Digard has BC + 16 pgs! Michelle Angelo has a huge 14 pg feature (as 'Michelle Stoupman'). Carol Charter (aka Yvette Connor) has a killer 16 pg pictorial inc a dynamite CF on a white rug in front of a fireplace.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.

Number in Stock: 993
Price: $9.95
  • Quantity:

Topper - 1970-03

Topper - 1970-03

Product ID: topp1970-03c
Special Issue - Sex & the single serviceman. Loads of girls w/ BS names. Uta Deems has FC + 6 pgs, Uschi Digard has 3 nice pgs as 'Marie', stripper Paisley Pop has 4 pgs. Jane Dolinger in Beirut and very familiar looking redhead Wendy Partz is Norma in Cream of Caper 1976. Plus Harriet Macy has 4 pgs and Julie Holden has 3 pgs as 'Gertrude Gash'. Gorgeous, glossy copy is nearly new (Light stress line on bottom corner BC) - Fine

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $30.00
  • Quantity:

Topper - 1970-05

Topper - 1970-05

Product ID: topp1970-05d
Big Bust Issue! Uschi Digard has 3 pgs as 'Marie Brown' in a comparison w/ Starr Murphy who also has 3 pgs. Busty blonde Asa Angel has 4 pgs, Black model Topsy Williams also has 4 pgs (she was Lorna Lowell in Madcap v3 #4), Karen Queen is CF. Clean and bright - Nice VG+

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
  • Quantity:

Topper - 1972-11

Topper - 1972-11

Excellent issue has great Ronnie (aka Barbara) Bell FC. Carol Kyzer has 8 pgs inc CF as 'Ronnie', Barbara Miller has 6 pgs as 'Carol' Uschi Digard has 7 big pgs of bondage pics. Plus 7 more girls who only have one name! VG copy upper left corner soft.

  • Quantity:



Product ID: modvd-uschi-nu
1983 by Nuance, Inc. Great mag features a more mature Uschi on 40 pgs of pics w/ 8 color pgs inc CF. All solo Uschi. This mag was so popular 20 years ago it went into multiple printings!
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.

Number in Stock: 995
Price: $9.95
  • Quantity:

Uschi - Nuance

Uschi - Nuance

(1983 - Nuance Inc.) - Really nice package is 40 pgs (8 in color) of All Uschi, All Solo. Photos are contemporary (1983 vintage). Fine+ copy is Barely touched, Beautiful.

This issue is also available on a CD for only 9.95. Please see the Great Mags on CD category for more information.

  • Quantity:

v 02 - Breast of Cheri - v 2

v 02 - Breast of Cheri - v 2

1981 - Cherry Bomb and Gerri Reeves share 16 pgs (8/80); Sian Adey-Jones has 7 pgs (2/80 less last pg); Colette has 7 pgs (11/80); Uschi Digard has 6 pgs (3/80); Lee Carroll has 6 pgs (11/80 less CF); Toby Wenig (aka Michelle) has 6 pgs (2/80). Helle Linnebjerg has 6 pgs (2/81 less CF); Gabrielle Freeman (as 'Solitaire') has 6 pgs (1/81 less CF); Melissa has 6 pgs (4/80 less CF); Charlotte has 6 pgs (1/81 less last pg); Ronnie has 6 pgs (7/80 less last pg); Camella Donnor has 5 pgs as 'Cocoa' (12/80 less 2 pgs); Bonnie Sue has 4 pgs (1/81 - 1st 4 pgs only); Carrie has 4 pgs (10/80 - 1st 4 pgs only). Very bright & glossy, basically new but has some very light scratches from being moved around - FINE/FINE+

  • Quantity:

Velvet - 1978-08

Velvet - 1978-08

Covergirl also has 10 pgs inc a giant 4 pg foldout! Melinda has 7 pgs, Dawn has 5 pgs, Nancy Suiter(?) & boyfriend have 6 pgs. Julia, Marianne & Frank have 8 pgs. Uschi Digard has a 2 pg photo. Articles about suicide and the shooting of Larry Flynt. Also part 3 of a 6 part series on crazy sex laws. 'Mistress of the Spoils' a 5 pg comic strip by Don Lomax. Very bright & glossy, a few minor spine stresses - VG++

  • Quantity:

Velvet - 1980-07

Velvet - 1980-07

Product ID: velv1980-07a
Girlfriends Leslie & Melissa share FC + 6 pgs, Bonnie has inside BC + 7 pgs inc CF (is Piper Smith?). Velvet Crowns Uschi Digard "The All-Time Boob Queen Of The World" - 6 sensational pages. Jackie Jones has 4 pgs as 'Claudia' and Sandra has 5 pgs. Plus 3 girls and some aliens have 8 pgs - this is a continuation of the feature in the June issue. FINE++ copy is NEW, unread!

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $40.00
  • Quantity:

Velvet - 1980-11

Velvet - 1980-11

Product ID: velv1980-11b
Kitten (not Natividad) has FC, inside BC + 10 pgs inc CF. Uschi Digard has 9 big pgs as school teacher w/ 2 male students - this is a rather bold feature for Uschi. Nancy Suiter has 6 excellent pgs. Girlfriends Sunny & Bo share 6 pgs - 1 is Anna Ventura and Mike Ranger has 9 pgs w/ 2 girls. Punk rock singer Nita Benyaga has a 5 pg interview w/ pics. Plus ladies night at Chippendale's and Rocky Horror fans. FINE++ copy is NEW, unread!

Number in Stock: 2
Price: $35.00
  • Quantity:

Whoppers - V2 #2

Whoppers - V2 #2

Product ID: modvd-whop-v2.2
1979 by AAE (PN). This book is a reprint of 'Candy & Uschi' - V1 #1 with a different cover, interior is identical. Fantastic 48 pg issue is all Candy & Uschi and has 16 pgs of gorgeous color. Extremely high quality pics in this issue!! As a special bonus if you order either book we will include the 2nd cover (and therefore a whole 2nd book) at no charge.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.

Number in Stock: 996
Price: $9.95
  • Quantity:

Whoppers - v2.2

Whoppers - v2.2

(1979) - Fantastic 48 pg issue is all Candy Samples & Uschi Digard and has 16 pgs of gorgeous color. Extremely high quality pics in this issue!! FINE++ copy is new, unread - absolutely gorgeous. VG++ copy has been lightly read, few light stresses -bright & glossy.
This is a reprint of Candy & Uschi v1 #1 from 1978 but with a different cover.

This issue is also available on a CD for only 9.95. Please see the Great Mags on CD category for more information.

  • Quantity: