Sharon Hawthorne-p
Slim blonde model from the late 80s - early 90s. Was CF of Mayfair twice - v25 # 8 and v25 #12
Gallery - 1993-01
Girl Next Door of the Year Alexandria is featured on FC + huge 14 pg pictorial inc CF (she was in 3/92). Current Girl Next Door Chrissy has 10 pgs. Kayley Trenton (aka Capri Danell) has 8 pgs as 'Randi', Sharon Hawthorne has 6 pgs as 'Lizzy', Karina Schally has 6 pgs as 'Zandra' and Astor has 6 pgs. Feature article on new cars.
Genesis - 1992-12
Claire King has FC + 8 pgs as 'Louise' (she is also CF of 10/93), Toni has 9 pgs inc CF. K.C. Williams has 8 pgs, Tracy has 8 pgs and girlfriends Jennie & Victoria share 8 pgs. Sharon Hawthorne has 6 pgs and Qwi Lin has 4 pgs. Article about security devices.
High Society - 1991-06
Savannah has FC as 'Shannon'. Capri has 10 pgs inc CF. Rosanna Arquette has 6 pgs. Meche Capwell (as 'Nicole') & boyfriend have 8 pgs. Sharon Hawthorne has 8 small pics on 4 pgs. Candy Starrak has 6 pgs. Celine & Michelle each have 6 pgs and Cinabar has 5 pgs. Girlfriends Arianne & Helena have 6 pgs. An article about Roy Radin.
Hustler - 1992-09
Product ID: hust1992-09dCovergirl Minette also has 8 pgs. Dallas has 10 pgs inc a 3 pg foldout CF. Girlfriends Deidre (Holland) and Karen share 8 pgs and Sharon Hawthorne (as 'Varisa') has 8 pgs w/ Napoleon the midget. Articles about Jeffrey Willets (cop & pimp), foster kids and mean whores. VG+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00