Bonnie Locke-p
Busty model from the 70s who regularly appeared in numerous PN slicks, often anonymously or with only a first name. She was featured in the entire issue of Knockers & Nipples v1 #4 as Monica.
aka Carla Bedford
aka Carla Bedford
Block Busters - v03.1
Product ID: movdvd-blb-v3.1(1973) - Great close-up FC w/ frequently used photo of Joan Brinkman leaning against a bumper pool table w/ cue stick. Uschi Digard has 4 pgs w/ a motorcycle as 'Cathy', Toby Wenig has 5 pgs in cowboy hat w/ 6 gun and Bonnie Locke Has 4 pggs as 'Carla'. Jamie has color BC. Plus lots of familiar faces and quite a few full pg pics inc Joy Woods, Lois Harman, Regina Anderer, Nika Movenka, Julie Williams and more! Another rare file copy with embossed seal in upper right corner.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 998
Price: $9.95
Block Busters - v03.4
Product ID: modvd-blb-v3.4(1974) - Great Issue! Roberta Pedon has FC + 6 pgs inc 3 full pg color pics. Carol Doda has 4 pgs, a blonde Janice Ormes has 4 pgs as 'Nancy', Rosalie Strauss has 4 pgs as 'Wanda', Penny Ellington has 5 pgs as 'Cybil' and Roxanne Brewer has 4 pgs as 'Vivian' . Plus full pg pics of Margaret Middleton, Uschi Digard and Arlene Bell, Bonnie Locke on the BC and even more girls you'll recognize.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 996
Price: $9.95
Kingsize - V6.3
Product ID: modvd-king6.3(7-8-9/75) - Big 64 pg issue with 8 in color. Joyce Gibson has 2/3 FC. Clyda has 3 full pg pics (1 color) and others. Dyanne Thorne has 2 full pg pics + 6 others. Nika Movenka, Billie Jo Wellman and Heather each have 2 full pg pics (1 color) and others. Black model Debbie McGuire has 2 full pg pics and 5 others, Julia Winger has a full pg pic + 5 others, Lisa Matthews has a handful of pics, Candy Samples has 3 and Bonnie Locke has the BC.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 990
Price: $9.95
Knockers & Nipples - v1.4
Product ID: knock&nip-v1.4b(1-2-3/76) - Entire 64 pg mag, cover to cover (2 pgs of ads), is Bonnie Locke as Monica. Mostly solo pics, approximately 135 in all w/ 8 pgs of color. Very lightly read, bright & glossy - FINE+
This issue is also available on a CD for only 9.95. Please see the Great Mags on CD category for more information.
This issue is also available on a CD for only 9.95. Please see the Great Mags on CD category for more information.
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $50.00