Mariah Clark-p
Slim, attractive brunette w/ long hair popular in the late 70s - was a frequent Covergirl and/or CF
aka Chrissy in Hustler mags
aka Chrissy in Hustler mags
Hustler - 1984-12
Product ID: hust1984-12bUnusual issue has FC w/ miniature pics of 56 previous covers. Also contains 11 different 3 pg foldouts - all previous CFs - these pics are similar to but not the same as original CFs. Mariah Clark has 4 pgs inc a 3 pg foldout as Honey of the decade 'Chrissy'. Kari Klark & Nikki Randall also have 3 pg foldouts. Plus a 12 pg feature on massage and a pair of anonymous girlfirends share 8 pgs. Articles about the Moonies and Poker champ Stu Unger. FINE
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
Hustler - 1997-09
Product ID: hust1997-09dCovergirl Trisha also has 8 pgs. Girlfriends Kathy & Rose share 10 pgs inc a 3 pg foldout CF. Mia & Lilith each have 8 pgs. Mariah Clark as 'Chrissie' has 8 pgs - was CF w/ poster in 1/78 - these are different pics than 1/78. Nikki Tyler and boyfriend Bobby have 8 pgs. VG+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $10.00
Hustler Best of # 004
Product ID: hust-bo.004d1979 - This issue has a very unusual mix of features - Hustler was pushing the envelope in all directions. Mariah Clark has 10 pgs inc CF (1/78 - 10 pgs only). An anonymous girl being shaved for execution has 10 pgs (2/78 - 10 pgs only). Girlfriends Janet & Karen share 8 pgs (4/78 - 8 pgs only), a very hairy Jungle Jill has 5 pgs (3/78 - 5 pgs only) and a couple on a 'love chair' have 8 pgs (7/78 - 8 pgs only). Graphic pictorial features on the shooting of Larry Flynt and child abuse victims. An Interivew w/ SCREW publisher Al Goldstein, Charles Bukowski Fiction 'An Affair of Very Little Importance' and Hustler's Erotic Beaver Guide - 7 pgs of 'pussy paintings' by Alex Ebel (3/78). Plus 5 pgs of Beaver Hunt pics. Bright & glossy, lightly read - VG++
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
Library Edition #02
Product ID: hust-libed.02eGiant squarebound volume is 2 complete issues of Hustler (minus the original front covers and 8 pg posters) bound together. This volume contains the issues of 12/77 & 1/78. Some normal wear, small corner creases and stresses - VG
12/77 - Lydia has 4 pgs (no poster), Marlynn has 8 pgs, Vicki has 5 pgs and Shane has 6 pgs. Interview w/ the publisher of 'High Times' Andrew Kowal. Article about Cuba. Honey Hooker comic strip.
1/78 - Mariah Clark has 4 pgs (no poster) as 'Chrissy' - she also has 3 pgs in the issue of 12/84 and 8 pgs in the issue of 9/97 - different pics. Connie has 8 pgs, Allyson Russell also has 8 pgs and 'Blue' has 5 pgs. Articles about the energy shortage and the State of the (American) Indian Nation. Honey Hooker comic strip. Alex Ebel has a 2 pg. illo.
12/77 - Lydia has 4 pgs (no poster), Marlynn has 8 pgs, Vicki has 5 pgs and Shane has 6 pgs. Interview w/ the publisher of 'High Times' Andrew Kowal. Article about Cuba. Honey Hooker comic strip.
1/78 - Mariah Clark has 4 pgs (no poster) as 'Chrissy' - she also has 3 pgs in the issue of 12/84 and 8 pgs in the issue of 9/97 - different pics. Connie has 8 pgs, Allyson Russell also has 8 pgs and 'Blue' has 5 pgs. Articles about the energy shortage and the State of the (American) Indian Nation. Honey Hooker comic strip. Alex Ebel has a 2 pg. illo.
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $10.00
Velvet - 1978-09
Mariah Clark has FC + 5 pgs as 'Samantha Norris', Anonymous has 10 pgs inc a 4 pg foldout CF. Anna Maria & Jaclyn each have 5 pgs. Two couples share 9 pgs - 1 of the girls is Carol Stern. Articles about Satanists and Paraquat. Also part 4 of a 6 part series on crazy sex laws and 'Mistress of the Spoils' a 5 pg comic strip by Don Lomax. FINE+ copy is basically NEW, barely touched. FINE copy is very bright & glossy, lightly read, a couple of minor stresses.
Wall Calendar - 1981
Product ID: hust-wcal1981dSingle page (8 1/2" x 11) calendar is 12 months, 12 pages plus cover, stapled on top edge. Models in order from Jan thru Dec. Sylvia Wright (4/80), Barbara Peckinpaugh (7/80), Miranda (9/80), Becky (6/79), Debbie (11/79), Mariah Clark (as Chrissy - 1/78), Madeline Kelly (5/80), Cindy (7/79), Lolita (10/79), Pam (10/80), Jan (6/80) and Copper Penny (as Melisa - 8/80). Nice shape - VG+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $10.00