Belinda Belle-p
Slim blonde model from the mid 80s.
Gallery - 1985-04
Product ID: gall1985-04bCovergirl Belinda Bell also has 9 pgs inc CF as 'Helena'. Girl Next Door Jackie C has 7 pgs. Lizette has 7 pgs, Hetta and Marlene (Adriana Boulyn - also in Penthouse 4/86) each have 6 pgs. Int w/ author Irving Wallace. Article about Dan White - the guy who shot SF Mayor Moscone and Harvey Milk. Exceptional Fine+
Number in Stock: 3
Price: $20.00
High Society - 1983-11
Covergirl is Shana Ross? sitting on a beer keg. Belinda Belle (as 'Morgan') has 8 pgs inc CF w/ her horse. Jeanette Starion has 5 pgs as 'Chrissie'. Shauna Grant has 7 pgs w/ a guy dressed as the devil, Amber Lane has 7 pgs w/ a medieval knight and Michelle Bauer has 8 pgs w/ Devin Shepard as witches. Desiree Lane and 2 girlfriends share 6 pgs. Bond Women of 'Octopussy' has 4 pgs of Joni Flynn and 2 pgs of Black model Camelia Thomas (aka Camella Donnor),
High Society - Best Of #001
Product ID: hsoc-bo.001cV1.1 (1985) - Covergirls are Sylvia Benedict (top), Kim Duval (left) and Bobbi (right). Sylvia Benedict has 6 pg w/ Barbara Schaeffer as 'Barbara Anne (4/82 less 2 pgs).Susie Mainwaring has 6 pgs as 'Katrina' (1/84). Gloria Vasquez as 'Uilani' has 6 pgs w/ boyfriend Kalami (10/83 - less last 2 pgs).Melanie & girlfriend Cody (Nicole?) have 6 pgs (4/84 less last 2 pgs). Jeanette Starion has 7 pgs inc CF as 'Chrissie' (5/84 - mostly same, a few pics diff). Kristara Barrington has 8 pgs w/ soldier in jungle (7/84 less 2 pgs). Cowgirl Bobbi has 5 pgs (2/82 less last 2 pgs). Belinda Belle as 'Morgan' has 6 pgs w/ her horse (11/83 less CF). Dorothy (63 years old) has 5 pgs (2/83 less 2pgs). Kim Duval has 7 pgs (12/83). Very bright & glossy, a few minor stresses - FINE
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
Hustler - 1982-06
Product ID: hust1982-06cBelinda Belle has 10 pgs inc a 3 pg foldout CF as 'Holly'. Ivy has 8 pgs, Lynn has 5 pgs (she is also CF of 7/82) and a female Robin Hood has 10 pgs w/ a traveler in Sherwood Forest. Also the First Annual CF contest with pics of all 12 CFs from 1981. Article about the Bendectin Conspiracy (drug that causes birth defects). Debate between American Nazi Michael Canale and Irv Rubin of the JDL (Jewish Defense League). Honey Hooker comic strip. FINE
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
v1.3 - Poster Girls
Outstanding issue is cover-to-cover photos of 13 different girls including 5 separate 3 pg foldouts. Most of this material is reprints of features that originally appeared in Gallery magazine. Generally they are the same but a few of these have had pgs deleted from the original presentation. The dates listed are the dates this feature originally appeared in Gallery and I've noted any differences. Covergirl Sian Adey Jones also has BC (same pic without text) + 5 pgs as 'Mia' (2/85). Edy Williams (4/85 less 2 pgs) & Michelle Bauer as 'Karen' each have 6 pgs including 3 pg foldouts. Sandra Jane Moore has 7 pgs as 'Lori' (4/86 less 2 pgs), Becky LeBeau has 8 pgs as 'Chloe' (9/85 less 2 pgs), Suzie Farrell has 9 pgs as 'Jenna' (8/85 less 2 pgs). Michelle Harper as 'Toni' has 11 pgs (5/85), Belinda Belle has 8 pgs as 'Helena' (4/85 less 1 pg), Anna Ventura as 'Tamara' has 8 pgs (1/86 less 3 pgs). Plus Carole has 7 pgs, Donna Lee, Mattie Kay and Marlene each have 6 pgs including 3 pg foldouts. FINE copy is very bright & glossy, basically new w/ a few minor scratches. VG+ copy is bright & glossy, a few spine stresses and minor scratches. VG copy has fairly heavy rubbing on BC and a small corner crease on BC.
Velvet - 1982-10/11
Sian Adey-Jones has FC + 4 pgs, Belinda Belle has 8 pgs inc CF as 'Liz'. Anna Ventura has 8 pgs as 'Mickey' and Morgan Fairchild has 5 pgs. Sylvia Wright & Jean Clarke share the inside FC + 7 pgs as girlfriends 'Pat & Wendy' - the exercise photo shoot that appeared in several other mags. Black model Big Bertha has 4 pgs and She-male Nikko has 8 pgs. Also a feature on H'wood's S&M dungeon 'The Chateau' plus an Interview w/ Sir James. Very bright & glossy, barely touched - FINE+
Velvet - Best of 1983
#2 - Big 116 pg issue is basically cover-to-cover pics. Cindy Nelson has 6 pgs as 'Pamela', Clair Quentin aka Cassie Wells has 5 pgs as 'Crystal', Belinda Belle has 6 pgs as 'Liz' and Jacqueline Brooks? has 5 pgs as 'Lena'. Morgan Fairchild has 5 pgs, Lana Wood has 6 pgs. Hillary Summers & girlfriend Marie Sharpe (billed as 'Mercedes') share 8 pgs, Lisa DeLeeuw & Maria Tortuga share 6 pgs. Sylvia Wright & Jean Clarke (billed as Pat & Wendy) share 5 pgs, Loni Sanders has 5 pgs w/ Lenora Bruce & unknown guy in wading pool. A 5 pg Interview w/ Bill Margold w/ lots of pics and lots more girls too! Very bright & glossy, basically new w/ a couple of very minor stresses - FINE+