Candy Samples-p
Very busty blonde model and porn star active from the 70s to the 90s. One of porn's true legends with hundreds and hundreds of mag apps and scores of films.
40RTY PLUS - v03.1
Product ID: modvd-40rty-v3.1(1972) - Big 72 pg issue with 8 in color. Laura Lynnwood (as 'Amanda') has close-up FC + big 10 pg feature. Candy Samples has 11 pgs w/ boyfriend, Ann Ali has nice 8 pg pictorial as 'Kitten'. Bill Ward very detailed full pg illo as 'Satana'.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 997
Price: $9.95
40RTY PLUS - v10.1
Product ID: modvd-40rty-v10.1(Winter 1978 - 79) - First? oversize issue - still by Maverick Pub. Co. - is a good one! Candy Samples has nice close-up FC + 6 pgs as 'Nancy', Roberta Pedon has BC + 6 pgs as 'Charity', Lisa de Leeuw has 8 pg feature as 'Sandra', Bobbi Hall has 8 pgs inc CF as 'Suzy Q' and Pepper Trecher has 6 pgs as 'Chancy'. Bill Ward - one small illo.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 994
Price: $9.95
Product ID: modvd-40rty-spec(1973 - No volume number) - entire mag is misc. pics, lots of full pg photos. Star Murphy has 3 full pg pics (2 color) + 5 others, Ann Ali also has 3 full pg pics (2 color) + 5 others. Rosinna Revelle has 3 full pg pics, Sue Walters has 2 full pg pics, Candy Samples has 10 pics total inc 1 full pg. Toby Wenig on BC. Loads of other top models as well.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 996
Price: $9.95
Adam Choice - 1981-12
(v2.5) FC photo is same pic used on the cover of GENT 5/81 and is Gina who appeared in the issues of 9/80 & 12/80. Hannah Griffin has a nice 6 pg feature, Becky Thompson (aka Carol Williams from Mayfair v14 #9) has 6 pgs as 'Jenine'. Yum Yum (as 'Darlene') shares 5 pgs w/ girlfriend Irma - they are also in v2 #10. Elaine (Everett) has 4 pgs, Pam McGiven has BC + 6 pgs, Candy Samples has 3 pgs + Letters column, Lori Groneman has 4 pgs as 'Vanessa'. Gerri Reeves has a nice full pg color pin-up + inside BC, Kim Martin has 2 pgs as 'Kelly'. FINE+ copy is basically NEW w/ a tiny stress in upper right corner and a bit of light 'rubbing' along spine on BC. FINE copy is nearly new w/ a few stresses from stacking on BC. VG+ copy is bright & glossy w/ light bump on top left corner.
Adam Choice - 1983-09
(v2 #11) Julia Parton has very nice FC. Joanne Latham (as Geraldine) has BC + 2 pgs, Candy Samples has 4 pg pictorial plus letters column. Sue Nero has a 4 pg Interview w/ pics inc 1 full pg color, Pepper Trecher (FC of v2 #10) also has 4 pgs as 'Debbie'. Kitten Natividad, Black model Diana Robinson and Rosemary Saneau each have 2 pgs, Margaret Wallace has a great full pg color pin-up. Extremely bright & glossy, lightly read, minor spine stresses - FINE
Adam Girls - v 02.08
(8/90) Big 100 pg square bound issue is nearly cover to cover color photos, mostly full pg on glossy paper - this is a VERY nice mag! Cover claims 'over 100 women' and that includes Dozens of major stars, mostly w/ only a single page although there are a few w/ 2 or 3 pgs and a handful of pics w/ more than 1 girl. A partial listing includes the following: Christy Canyon, Rowan Moore, Angel, Keisha, Lu Varley, Candy Samples, Sian Adey-Jones, Samantha Strong, Pippi Anderson, Solange and Tamara Lee (aka Pamela Self). Extremely bright & glossy, this one is NEW and unread - just beautiful!
Big Bust Vixen - V1 #1
Product ID: modvd-bbvix-v1.11981 - Great first issue of this title spotlights Kitten Natividad. Entire mag is all Kitten and includes 14 pgs of pics w/ 2 guys (for more of this see 'Hot Stripper') plus 10 pgs of pics from a pool party w/ Candy Samples & Uschi Digard (includes a few pics w/ John Holmes and a few w/ Angel Cash). Remainder of mag is Kitten solo including a nice color CF.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 991
Price: $9.95
Big Bust Vixen - V2 #1
Product ID: modvd-bbvix-v2.11982 - Entire mag is Candy Samples. Lots of full pg photos and 8 pgs of color inc a 2 pg CF. Most of mag is Candy solo but she has 5 pgs w/ John Holmes, 5 pgs w/ Luis the Midget and 3 pgs w/ Uschi Digard.
This was reprinted as BUSTY VIXENS v1 #1 but with a different cover and ads. As a special bonus if you order either book we will include the 2nd cover & ad pgs (and therefore a whole 2nd book) at no charge.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
This was reprinted as BUSTY VIXENS v1 #1 but with a different cover and ads. As a special bonus if you order either book we will include the 2nd cover & ad pgs (and therefore a whole 2nd book) at no charge.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 990
Price: $9.95
Big Bust Vixen - V2 #2
Product ID: modvd-bbvix-v2.21982 - Entire mag is Uschi Digard w/ 8 pgs in color including a 2 pg CF. Mostly Uschi solo there are also a few pgs w/ other girls & guys inc 3 pgs w/ Candy Samples and 1 pg w/ Angel Cash.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 995
Price: $9.95
Big Bust Vixen - v2.1
Product ID: bigbustvixen-v2.1c1982 - Entire mag is Candy Samples. Lots of full pg photos and 8 pgs of color inc a 2 pg CF. Most of mag is Candy solo but she has 5 pgs w/ John Holmes, 5 pgs w/ Luis the Midget and 3 pgs w/ Uschi Digard. Lightly read, bright & glossy - FINE
This mag was reprinted in 1986 as BUSTY VIXENS v1 #1 w/ a different FC + 3 pgs of new ads.
This issue is also available on a CD for only 9.95. Please see the Great Mags on CD category for more information.
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $100.00
Big Bust Vixen - v2.2
Product ID: bigbustvixen-v2.2d1982 - Entire mag is Uschi Digard w/ 8 pgs in color including a 2 pg CF. Mostly Uschi solo there are also a few pgs w/ other girls & guys inc 3 pgs w/ Candy Samples and 1 pg w/ Angel Cash. Light wear, bright & GLossy - VG++
This issue is also available on a CD for only 9.95. Please see the Great Mags on CD category for more information.
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $125.00
Busty Vixens - v1 #1
Product ID: modvd-bvix-1.1(1986) - This is a reprint of Big Bust Vixen v2 #1 with a different cover and ads. Entire mag is Candy Samples. Lots of full pg photos and 8 pgs of color inc a 2 pg CF. Most of mag is Candy solo but she has 5 pgs w/ John Holmes, 5 pgs w/ Luis the Midget and 3 pgs w/ Uschi Digard.
As a special bonus if you order either book we will include the 2nd cover & ad pgs (and therefore a whole 2nd book) at no charge.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
As a special bonus if you order either book we will include the 2nd cover & ad pgs (and therefore a whole 2nd book) at no charge.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 999
Price: $9.95
Candy & John - v1.2
Product ID: hc-cand+john-v1.2c(1982 - AAE, 6.00 cover price) - This is a reprint of John Holmes & Candy Samples v1.2 originally published in 1979 and titled 'In Disco Heat', but with new Front Cover. 48 pgs, all Candy Samples & John Holmes (simulated sex) except 15 pgs John and other girls - several w/ Valerie Clark. Has nice 12 pg color section at center of book including an awesome CF. Very slightly soft bottom corner, otherwise excellent, sharp, glossy - Fine.
This issue is also available on a CD for only 9.95. Please see the Great Mags on CD category for more information.
This issue is also available on a CD for only 9.95. Please see the Great Mags on CD category for more information.
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $100.00
Candy & Uschi - V1 #1
Product ID: modvd-canusc-v1.11978 - AAE (PN). Fantastic 48 pg issue is all Candy & Uschi and has 16 pgs of gorgeous color. Extremely high quality pics in this issue!! This was reprinted as 'Whoppers' V2 #2 but with a different cover. As a special bonus if you order either book we will include the 2nd cover (and therefore a whole 2nd book) at no charge.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 992
Price: $9.95
Candy & Uschi - v1 #1
(1978 - AAE) - Great 48 pg issue w/ 16 pgs in color! Most of mag is Candy & Uschi together around a swimming pool, but Uschi also has 10 pgs of solo pics. Barely touched copy is gorgeous - FINE+. Also have a copy of the 3rd printing in nearly new condition except for tiny bump at bottom of spine.
This mag was reprinted as Whoppers v2 #2 in 1979 w/ a new cover.
This issue is also available on a CD for only 9.95. Please see the Great Mags on CD category for more information.
This mag was reprinted as Whoppers v2 #2 in 1979 w/ a new cover.
This issue is also available on a CD for only 9.95. Please see the Great Mags on CD category for more information.
Candy & Uschi - v4 #4
Product ID: pn-candy&uschi-v4.4d(1981 - Eros Pub. Co. - 2nd printing) -Candy Samples adn uschi Dagrd both on FC, but no other pics together. Really nice issue has a 20 pgs feature on Uschi. All solo pics inc several pgs in a rubber suit, 4 pgs of bondage pics (tied up) and several pgs as dominant w/ balck corset, gloves, whip. Candy has BC + 22 pgs inc 9 pgs of bondage pics in a collar and chains. Normal wear, some light rubbing along spine but still bright & shiny - VG+
This issue is also available on a CD for only 9.95. Please see the Great Mags on CD category for more information.
This issue is also available on a CD for only 9.95. Please see the Great Mags on CD category for more information.
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $100.00
Candy & Uschi - V4 #4
Product ID: modvd-canusc-v4.4(1981 - Eros Pub. Co. - 2nd printing) -Candy Samples and Uschi Digard both on FC, but no other pics together. Really nice issue has a 20 pgs feature on Uschi. All solo pics inc several pgs in a rubber suit, 4 pgs of bondage pics (tied up) and several pgs as dominant w/ black corset, gloves, whip. Candy has BC + 22 pgs inc 9 pgs of bondage pics in a collar and chains.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 997
Price: $9.95
Candy - V1 #1
Product ID: modvd-candy-v1.11977 by Profile Pubs. Entire 48 pg mag is all Candy Samples. Solo & w/ partners inc 4 pgs w/ Uschi. Lots of full pg pics and 6 pgs in color. Some hardcore. Incredible!
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 992
Price: $9.95
Candy - V1 #2
Product ID: modvd-candy-v1.21977 by Profile Pubs. Entire 48 pg mag is all Candy Samples. Solo & w/ partners. Lots of full pg pics and 8pgs in color. Dynamite!
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 992
Price: $9.95
Candy - v1 #2
Product ID: pn-candy-v1.2d(1977 - Profile Pubs.) - Entire 48 pg mag is all Candy Samples. Mostly solo & w/ partners. One 4 pg set w/ another girl, 8 pgs w/ a young guy outdoors and 5 pgs w/ a diff guy in shower. Lots of full pg pics and 8 pgs in color. Dynamite! Very light wear, bright, glossy - VG++
This issue is also available on a CD for only 9.95. Please see the Great Mags on CD category for more information.
This issue is also available on a CD for only 9.95. Please see the Great Mags on CD category for more information.
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $200.00
Candy - V1 #3
Product ID: modvd-candy-v1.31978 by Profile Pubs. Entire 44 pg mag is all Candy Samples. Solo & w/ partners. Lots of full pg pics and 6 pgs in color. Fantastic!
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 992
Price: $9.95
Candy - v1 #3
Product ID: pn-candy-v1.3c(1978 - Profile Pubs.) - Entire mag is Candy - cover says over 240 photos. Some solo pics but Candy has a variety of male partners including a black guy. Also 2 pgs of pics w/ Uschi and a 3rd girl. Tiny bump on upper right corner otherwise practically new - FINE
This issue is also available on a CD for only 9.95. Please see the Great Mags on CD category for more information.
This issue is also available on a CD for only 9.95. Please see the Great Mags on CD category for more information.
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $200.00
Candy - v4 #4
Product ID: pn-candy-v4.4c(Spring, 1978 - Maverick Pub. Co.) - Entire mag is Candy, some solo pics but mostly w/ a variety of partners. One 4 pg set is bondage pics w/ another girl - from same photo shoot as 'Blonds in Bondage'. There is also a 5 pg set of Candy in chains. 2 separate sets of Candy w/ male slaves - whips & chains, etc. and a short 2 pg set of Candy & Laura Lynnwood w/ a male slave. Very light wear, bright & glossy - FINE
This issue is also available on a CD for only 9.95. Please see the Great Mags on CD category for more information.
This issue is also available on a CD for only 9.95. Please see the Great Mags on CD category for more information.
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $200.00
Candy - v4 #4
Product ID: modvd-candy-v4.4(Spring, 1978 - Maverick Pub. Co.) - Entire mag is Candy, some solo pics but mostly w/ a variety of partners. One 4 pg set is bondage pics w/ another girl - from same photo shoot as 'Blonds in Bondage'. There is also a 5 pg set of Candy in chains. 2 separate sets of Candy w/ male slaves - whips & chains, etc. and a short 2 pg set of Candy & Laura Lynnwood w/ a male slave.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 996
Price: $9.95
Candy Samples
Product ID: 8mm-combo-candysThis is 'The Collection' films #1 and 2 spliced together on a 7", 400' reel. Also has a spliced on lead in that says 'Adult Cinema Presents'. Film is in a very nice heavy duty gray plastic box from Montgomery Ward.
Running time of first movie is 12:51 -it's missing about 30 seconds in the middle. Film quality and color is pretty good. Running time of 2nd film is 13:12 - it's missing a few seconds from beginning. Film quality and color is also pretty good, but a shade less than part 1.
This is Candy w/ short blonde hair and a husky blonde guy w/ a beard. Full hardcore action w/ a long B.J. scene and plenty of close-ups.
Running time of first movie is 12:51 -it's missing about 30 seconds in the middle. Film quality and color is pretty good. Running time of 2nd film is 13:12 - it's missing a few seconds from beginning. Film quality and color is also pretty good, but a shade less than part 1.
This is Candy w/ short blonde hair and a husky blonde guy w/ a beard. Full hardcore action w/ a long B.J. scene and plenty of close-ups.
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
Candy Samples - Autobiography of Pt1
Product ID: modvd-csauto.11978 by Profile Pubs. Entire 48 pg mag is all Candy Samples. Solo & w/ partners. Lots of full pg pics and 16 magnificent pgs in color inc a killer 2 pg CF. Spectacular!
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 990
Price: $9.95
Candy Samples - Autobiography of Pt2
Product ID: modvd-csauto.21978 by Profile Pubs. Entire 48 pg mag is all Candy Samples. Solo & w/ partners Lots of full pg pics and 16 pgs in color inc a 2 pg CF w/ Mike Ranger. Incredible!
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 991
Price: $9.95
Cheri - 1981-02
Helle Linnebjerg (aka Helena Blake) has FC, BC + 9 pgs inc a 3 pg foldout CF (former Miss Denmark according to text). Candy Samples has 7 pgs with 2 other girls - part of LA Personal Services Club. Cathy Ebelt and boyfriend have 6 pgs in a shower and Bambi Leigh and Barbara Peckinpaugh each have 3 pgs. Movie Review of 'Skin Tight' w/ Lee Carroll. Plus Faith on a boat, Brenda the Ballerina, Margo and Gail the exercise freak each have 6 pgs; Donna & Carol in a black leather corset and fishnets/boots each have 5 pgs.
Club - 1983-09
Seka has beautiful close-up FC + 6 pgs. Jacqueline Lorians and boyfriend have 9 pgs inc CF and Candy Samples has 4 enjoyable pages in Ontario. Plus Suzie Farrell has 6 pgs as 'Lauren', Helen Masters has 6 pgs as 'Sophia' and Devin Shepard has 8 pgs as 'Christa'. An aritcle on poison gas, an Interview w/ Mistress Candice, the BMW Alpina, the Tether Report w/ 1 full page illo by Bill Ward and the Steiner Sex Probe gets into Rubber Rites.
Club - Best of # 028
Product ID: club-bo.028c8-9/1984 - Private Pages - Oversize issue is 84 pgs. Barbara Peckinpaugh has 9 pgs w/ a football player in locker room (2/84), Kelly Nihcols & Cara Lott have 8 pgs w/ Kevin James (7/82), Julia Parton & girlfriend have 8 pgs w/ sailor Tom Byron (3/83). An aristocrat and maid have 8 pgs (10/83), 3 girls and 2 gangsters have 8 pgs (6/83 - 1 is Jenny Taylor) and a couple in a dressing room have 8 pgs (3/81). Candy Samples has 4 pgs in Ontario (9/83) plus pics in another 4 pg feature 'Titzapoppin!' w/ Juia Parton, Annie Sprinkle and some guys (5/84 but only 4 pgs and no 3-D). The Miss Nude Galaxy Pageant gets 3 pgs. Bright & glossy, a few minor stresses - FINE
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
Club Int. - 1983-01
Covergirl is Fia Morrow. Cara Lott has 6 pgs as 'Daisy'. Candy Samples and boyfriend have 8 pgs. Ruth has 8 pgs. Lots more!
Club Int. - 1983-04
Candy Samples has solo FC + 10 pgs inc CF w/ boyfriend in 3D. Jenny has 6 pgs, The Louisiana Landslides has 6 pgs. Plus a couple of poor girls who have no name and a 3-girl set. Mag comes w/ 3D glasses attached to cover. Copy with some average wear - VG but no newspaper.
Club Int. - 1983-06
Seka has both sides of foldout FC + 10 pgs inc CF. Maria Berggren has 8 pgs as 'Katherine'. Candy Samples begins monthly Letters column.
Club Int. - Best of # 016
Product ID: clubint-bo.016cSpring, 1983 - Farrah Fawcett has partial FC + 4 pgs. Desiree Cousteau & John Holmes share 6 pgs, Candy Samples & boyfriend have 8 pgs and Pat Wynn has 4 pgs. Denise has 10 pgs, girlfriends Clarissa & Melanie also have 10 pgs, 3 girls in a steam room have 12 pgs and an anonymous pair of girlfriends (1 Japanese) share 8 pgs inc CF. Olivia de Berardinis has a 2 pg illo. Very bright & glossy, a bit of very minor spine wear and TINY bump on bottom right corner - FINE
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
Club Int. - Best of # 017
Product ID: clubint-bo.017aSummer, 1983 - Candy Samples has 6 hot pgs w/ boyfriend. Jerry Butler and girlfriend have 8 pgs, Siamese Twins Kate 1 & Kate 2 have 6 pgs and female body builder Pillow has 4 pgs. An anonymous couple has 10 pgs inc CF and a she-male & girlfriend also have 10 pgs. Extremely bright & glossy, bssically NEW - FINE+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
Debonair - 1979-11
Product ID: debo1979-11bv8 #11 - Carrie Sellars has FC + 6 pgs as 'Allison'. Angel Cash has 4 pgs as Nancy, Serena and girlfriend Dotty share 2 pgs, Candy Samples has 2 pgs and Black model Kim also has 2 pgs. Plus 7 more girls. Barely touched Fine+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
Game - 1977-03
A pair of anonymous girlfriends share 8 pgs inc CF. Candy Samples has 3 excellent pages. Fran has 7 pgs plus 7 more girls have 2 - 4 pgs each. Interview w/ porn actress/author Summer Brown. A short feature on the BRM P25 and Michael Jupp has a full pg color illo. FINE copy is very bright & glossy, lightly read.
Game - 1981-11
An anonymous Oriental girl has FC + 8 pgs inc CF (she was Tess in 8/81). Kitten Natividad has 5 fantastic pgs by Russ Meyer and Barbara Peckinpaugh (aka Sussana Britton) has 8 pgs as 'Heather Bentley'. Martine (Piper Smith?) & Sal each have 5 pgs - Martine is also in Bachelor 3/82 as 'Bridget'. Joanne Latham, Candy Samples and Jennifer Eccles each have 2 pgs. Bill Ward has a very nice full page color cartoon. Gil Elvgren has 1 pg w/ 4 playing cards. FINE+ copy is extremely bright & glossy - barely touched! VG+ copy is bright & glossy w/ bump on top right corner.
Gem - 1983-08
v24 #5 - Patty Murphy has FC + monster 18 pg feature inc CF as 'Dahlia'. Candy Samples has thumbnail on FC + 6 fantastic pages, Lillian Parker (as Adrianne Stout) also has 6 pgs. Black beauty Nicki Lee has 6 pgs and Helen Schmidt has 5 pgs as 'Dyan'. Very bright & glossy, basically new w/ minor stress along right edge from stacking - FINE+
Gent - 1982-02
Helen Schmidt has FC + 8 pgs inc CF. Candy Samples has a 7 pg Interview w/ lots of pics and Black model Pam Brown has 7 pgs as 'Kim'. Lisa DeLeeuw has 4 pgs and Linda Gordon has 4 pgs w/ boyfriend. Eunice has 5 pgs and Terry Jaspar & May (CF of 9/80) each have 4pgs. An article about private detectives and spying plus a 4 pg B&W comic strip by Don Lomax. FINE+ copy is extremely bright & glossy, barely touched! FINE copy is very bright & glossy, has 2 TINY thin spots on bottom edge of cover.
Gent - 1990-12
Product ID: gent1990-12cKimberlee Kupps has FC + 7 pgs and Susie Boobies has 8 pgs inc CF. Candy Samples has 4 pgs. Vikki Bronson has 7 pgs, Rosemary (NOT Linda Wren) & Annie each have 6 pgs and Dee & Cathy (was in 10/89) each have 5 pgs. An article about plastic guns. Very bright & glossy, a couple of minor stresses - FINE
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
Gent - 1995-08
Product ID: gent1995-08cErika Everest has FC + 6 pgs. Susie Boobies, Staci Vaughn, Christine & Fran each have 6 pgs and Kim Chambers & Letha Weapons share 6 pgs. Candy Samples has 2 pgs. Mag contains a 32 pg pullout section - Chelsea Blue has FC + 6 pgs inc CF and Patty Plenty has 6 pgs. Very bright & glossy, lightly read - FINE
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
Gent - Special # 03
Best of Gent - 1984 Ed. Covergirl is Corinne Collins. Julia Parton has 8 pgs inc CF as 'Joyce Patrick' (5/83). Karen Brown has 7 pgs (6/83), Auburn Blake (9/83) and Penny (Mary Penny, 11/83 less CF)) each have 6 pgs, Cindy Nelson (6/83) & Black model Millicent Brown (5/83) each have 5 pgs. Sodiroulla Turner has 4 pgs as 'Suzi' (3 pgs from 6/83 + 1 pg from 10/83), Candy Samples has 3 pgs (6/83 less last pg), Plus Candace Moore (8/83 less last 2 pgs), Kathy (6/83), pregnant Melina (5/83) and Wendy (5/83 less last pg) each have 5 pgs and Kate (11/83 less 1 pg) has 4 pgs. Bright & glossy w/ some stresses. There is a 3 1/2" split on the spine between the staples and a 1" tear on the edge that has been repaired w/ a 1" piece of clear tape on the inside of the cover - VG
Gentleman's Companion - 1983-10
Product ID: getlc1983-10aCandy Samples has huge 14 pg pictorial w/ a young stud - same photo set as Hustler 3/79 + 2 additional pgs. Heather has 8 pgs inc CF and Catherine has 8 pgs. Jean Clarke has 6 pgs as 'Kathy' w/ her motorcycle and Patti Simmons has 5 pgs as 'Paula'. Fetish column on women who crave violence. Plus 'Gloria' a one page color comic strip by Blas Gallego. FINE++ copy is NEW, unread!
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $30.00
High Society - 1981-01
Farrah Fawcett has FC + 5 pgs and Linda Noel (is Laurie Noel) has 6 pgs inc CF. Candy Samples has 9 pgs w/ a group of students. Tiffany Clark has 5 pgs, Diana Hardy has a 3pg Interview w/ pics. A 6 pg feature on the 'Torrid Transsexuals of Times Square'. Article about the dangers of nuclear power.
High Society - 1981-04
Britt Ekland has FC + 6 pgs. Uschi Digard (as an Indian) has 8 pgs w/ a brave. Candy Samples has 7 pgs, Annie Ample also has 7 pgs and Wendy Wilson (aka Leslie Winston) playing Little Bo Peep has 7 pgs inc CF as 'Celina Andrews'. 'Gloria' 4 pg color comic strip.
High Society - 1981-06
Morgan Fairchild has FC + 3 pgs. Annie Ample and Candy Samples share 7 pgs wrestling. Maria Tortuga has 5 pgs. Natlee Gibbs has 6 pgs inc CF and an anonymous racquetball player has 7 pgs. The Girls of Pacers in San Diego have 6 pgs and an Interview w/ musician David Allan Coe.
High Society - 1981-08
Barbara Bach has FC + 2 pgs, Jennifer Patterson (as 'Georgia Washington') has 7 pgs inc CF. Cody Nicole has 8 pgs as 'Elizabeth'. Sue Nero has 5 pgs, Candy Samples has 7 pgs at the Personal Services Club aka Fantasy Factory. Plus a 5 pg feature on 'Bond Girls' w/ 2 pgs of Kim Mills plus 1 pg each Lalla Dean, Chai Lee & Carole Bouquet. Interview w/ magician Carl Truchel. Plus 2 girls have 9 pgs w/ Charlie Chan and Number One son. Also a 6 pg feature article on tattoos. Mag has a 16 pg digest size insert at center - 'Annie Ample's Treasure Chest' - a catalog of toys, films, etc.
High Society - 1981-09
Barbara Carrera has FC + 2 pgs, Jacqueline Lorians has 7 pgs inc CF as 'Sassy Morgan'. Lorie Armbrust has 7 pgs, Annie Sprinkle has 5 pgs, Vanessa Del Rio (as a cavewoman) has 9 pgs w/ a caveman. Randy West as a stripper at a bitrthday party for 6 girls inc Candy Samples & Annie Ample. Cherri Bomb has 3 pgs at the Renaissance Fair. An Interview w/ Gerard Damiano and a 4 pg movie review of 'Bad Girls'
High Society - 1983-09
Covergirl Lindsey also has 6 pgs (also 6 pgs in 2/84). Candy Samples & Kitten Nativadad share 11 pgs inc both sides of a detachable 4 pg poster. Julia Parton has 6 pgs as 'Donna', Gerri Reeves has 5 pgs. Deborah Harry (aka Blondie) has 5 pgs, Lola has 6 pgs, Julie & Priscilla each have 5 pgs and Jo Peace has 2 pgs a 'Joanne'. An anonymous Indian couple (Chief Big Dong & Running Slit) have 8 pgs.
High Society - Best Of #003
Product ID: hsoc-bo.003c(1985) - Two Girl special. Serena & Mei Ling (as 'Mai Lin') share FC + 5 pgs (4/83 only 5 of 9 pgs, 3 same, 2 diff). Goldie & Jeanie Beth share 8 pgs (6/84). Ashley & girlfriend share 6 pgs (11/84 less last 2 pgs). Anita & Sandra have 5 pgs (1/84). Candy Samples and Kitten Natividad share 6 pgs (9/83 - only 6 of 11 pgs, 5 same, 1 diff, no poster). Sylvia Benedict & Cynthia Brooks (as Dee Dee) have 8 pgs inc CF w/ lifeguard Jim (8/84). Julia Parton, Michelle Bauer & Corinne Collins as prisoners on a chain gang share 8 pgs w/ guard Lois Ayres (2/84). Roller derby babes Mean Marsha & Sheena have 6 pgs w/ male ref - 1 is Lois Ayres (10/83 less last 2 pgs). Sheri & Linda have 6 pgs (6/83). Shauna Grant (as 'Screwball')and girlfriend ('Lefty') have 6 pgs playing baseball (5/83 less 1 pg). An 8 pg Summer Sexcapades feature w/ Gloria Leonard, Corinne Collins, Heather Thomas, Cody Nicole, Nikki Randall, Diana, Debbie & Suzie (9/84 - only 8 of 14 pgs). FINE copy is Very bright & glossy, tiny bump on top right corner. VG+ copy is Very bright & glossy, some rubbing along spine on BC and some light scratches on BC
John & Candy 2
Product ID: hc-john+cand1979cJohn & Candy 2 - In Disco Heat (1979) by Holly Pubs (PN), 5.00 cover price. Was reprinted in 1982 as Candy & John - v1 #2 with a new front cover and 6.00 cover price. 48 pgs, all Candy Samples & John Holmes (simulated sex) except 15 pgs John and other girls - several w/ Valerie Clark. Nice 12 pg section of color pics at center of mag inc an awesome CF. Lightly read, bright, glossy Fine. RARE Book!
This issue is also available on a CD for only 9.95. Please see the Great Mags on CD category for more information.
This issue is also available on a CD for only 9.95. Please see the Great Mags on CD category for more information.
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $100.00
John Holmes & Candy Samples
Product ID: modvd-johnh+candys(1978 - Profile Pubs) - BIG 64 pg mag w/ 16 in color. Approximately 2/3 of book is a 3-way with Candy Samples, John Holmes and Valerie Clark. Other 1/3 is a separate set of only Candy & John. Simulated sex w/ lots of full pg pics and close-ups. Classic stuff!
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 997
Price: $9.95
John Holmes & Candy Samples
(1978 - Profile Pubs) - BIG 64 pg mag w/ 16 in color. Approximately 2/3 of book is a 3-way with Candy Samples, John Holmes and Valerie Clark. Other 1/3 is a separate set of only Candy & John. Simulated sex w/ lots of full pg pics and close-ups. Classic stuff! 2 copies available. 1st is original from 1978 w/ tiny nudge on upper right corner and very light rubbing along edges, but bright & shiny - VG++. 2nd copy is 3rd printing (Pioneer Press)and has some scuffing along spine but also bright and glossy - VG. RARE Book!
This issue is also available on a CD for only 9.95. Please see the Great Mags on CD category for more information.
This issue is also available on a CD for only 9.95. Please see the Great Mags on CD category for more information.
Knockers & Nipples - v4.2
Product ID: modvd-k&n-4.2(1978) - Entire mag, cover to cover, except for 2 pgs of ads and a full page pic of Hannah Griffin on the BC, is Candy Samples. All solo pics, approximately 85 in all w/ 8 pgs of color inc an excellent CF.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 996
Price: $9.95
Linda McDowell & Candy Samples
Product ID: 8mm-combo-lindamdThis is 3 movies spliced together on a 7", 400' reel. Film is in a heavy cardboard box from a Scotch reel-to-reel audio tape.
First film is Pretty Girl #11 w/ Linda, John Holmes & Rick Cassidy. Running time is 11:40. Film is mirror image of the original and has a slight reddish tint but is still pretty good. Great hardcore action and an incredible D.P.
Second film is Playmate #11 w/ Linda and John Holmes. Running time is 10:30 - appears to be missing the beginning sequence. Quality is pretty good.
Third film is truncated version of Cinema Sex #142, running time is 11:31 -it's missing the entire opening scene. Is Candy Samples and 2 guys in full hardcore action. Quality is pretty good.
First film is Pretty Girl #11 w/ Linda, John Holmes & Rick Cassidy. Running time is 11:40. Film is mirror image of the original and has a slight reddish tint but is still pretty good. Great hardcore action and an incredible D.P.
Second film is Playmate #11 w/ Linda and John Holmes. Running time is 10:30 - appears to be missing the beginning sequence. Quality is pretty good.
Third film is truncated version of Cinema Sex #142, running time is 11:31 -it's missing the entire opening scene. Is Candy Samples and 2 guys in full hardcore action. Quality is pretty good.
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $35.00
Partner - 1980-04
Tammy has FC + 8 pgs inc CF. Carol Doda has 5 pgs w/ a guy in a massage parlor. Annie Ample & Candy Samples have 2 pgs each. Cleveland stripper Jennifer Ryan, Star the Enchantress and Donna each have 4 pgs. Plus 5 pgs of female boxers, Pacers in San Diego and Swingers of the Month Nina & Doug have 4 pgs.
Peaches Special #30
Product ID: peac-spec.30b1981 - Candy Samples has wraparound covers + 8 pg pictorial (4 full pg color pics) in white lingerie and wedding veil. Black model 'Pam' (was FC of regular Peaches #2) has full pg color pic + 1 more. Several more familiar faces in this one. Extremely bright & glossy, nearly NEW - FINE+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $50.00
Stag - 1981-03
v32 #3 - is loaded! Veri Knotty has 11 pgs inc CF w/ female sailor. Candy Samples & Sylvia Wright share 7 pgs w/ Stag's Angels Mandy (Terry Pepper) Connie & Ellen. Kandi Barbour (as Nora) has Letters Column w/ 1 full pg pic and several smaller ones. Vanessa del Rio Interview w/ 3 pgs pics - nice! Sue Nero also has 3 pgs. The Cutthroats (rock band) w/ Gina Harlow. FINE++ copy is NEW! FINE+ copy has small stress near spine.
Stag - 1983-08
v34 #8 - Kandi Barbour has FC + 4 pg Interview w/ pics and usual letters column. Candy Samples has 6 pgs, Jacqueline Lorians also has 6 pgs as 'Tammy'. A pair of anonymous girlfriends share 7 pgs inc CF, Randy West & girlfriend (Barbara Peckinpaugh?) have 6 pgs and The Mr. Nude Trucker contest from Naked City, IN. Bill Ward has a very nice full pg color cartoon. Extremely bright & glossy, barely touched - FINE+
Sucking Candy
Product ID: modvd-suckcan-hcV1 #1 (1980) - by Academy Press (PN) - 48 pgs, all B&W photos, all Candy, full hardcore lots of oral. Very Rare book.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 994
Price: $9.95
Super Bust Review
Product ID: pn-superbustreview-a(1979 - AAE) - Fabulous issue featuring 10 of biggest stars!! Giant, squarebound volume is 80 pgs and ALL COLOR! Uschi Digard on FC + 8 pgs. Candy Samples has BC + 8 pgs. Roberta Pedon has 8 pgs as 'Melody O'Hare', Roxanne Brewer, Joyce Spaeth & Hannah Griffin each have 8 pgs, Angel Cash has 8 pgs as 'Nancy Neal', Sue Nero has 8 pgs as 'Cole'. Kitten Natividad & Bobbi Hall each have 6 pgs. Book is in absolutely gorgeous condition - LIKE NEW.
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $300.00
Superbusen #3
Product ID: modvd-fdsb33/79 - Large digest size (6 1/2 x 9/ 1/2) mag is 64 pages, all color, all photos - nearly all full pg - on heavy slick paper.. Appears to be Swiss and is exceptionally high quality throughout - most of the photos seem to be unique to this title. Absolutely loaded with all the biggest names. Teri Martine has a nice FC, Candy Samples has 6 pgs and Joyce Gibson is the CF. Karen Brown has 4 pgs, Elaine Everett has 3 pgs, Uschi Digard, Arlene Bell, Sylvia McFarland and Chris Chandler (aka Shirley Grinnell) each have 2 pages. Nika Movenka, Julie Vella, Shirley Bowman, Rene Bond, Ann Ali, Lori Groneman and Ditta Haslund all have full pg pics. Plus even more faces you'll probably recognize. Covers are separated from mag and have multiple creases, small chunk out at bottom staple. Also a tear on first page but rest of mag is nice - VG/VG+
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 996
Price: $9.95
Swank - Gold Press - v01.04
Product ID: swan-gopr-v01.04b1982-09 - "Superstars of Sex". Kelly Nichols has FC, Hillary Summers has 7 pgs inc CF. Veri Knotti has 9 pgs w/ a female sailor, Nicole Black, Christie Ford, Ashley Brooks and Laurien Dominique each have 5 pgs, Candy Samples & Georgina Spelvin each have 4 pgs. Loni Anderson (of WKRP fame) has a nice full pg pic + 2 pg Interivew, a good 4 pg feature on Burt Reynolds' girls and an article about John Holmes w/ pics. Extremely bright & glossy, basically new! - FINE+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
Swank - Gold Press - v03.05
Product ID: swan-gopr1985-08c1985-08 - 'Adult Video' features 75 reviews of movies and videos. All your favorite stars. Steve Drake and a slim blonde (Lana Burner?) have 8 pgs inc CF. Karen Summer has 6 pgs, Ginger Lynn has a 5 pg Interview w/ pics. Lynn Ann (aka Wendy Wilson aka Leslie Winston) has 3 pgs andCandy Samples has a couple of pgs too. Extremely bright & glossy, some minor spine stresses - FINE
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
The Collection #01
Product ID: 8mm-coll.01'Sweet Candy - Part 1' in brown photo illustrated box. Short lead in, run time 13:20. Stars Candy Samples w/ short, platinum blond hair and a husky blonde guy w/ a beard. Opens in bed, then shower scene and back to bed. Excellent B.J. scene w/ great close-ups. Film quality and color are excellent - practically new.
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $50.00
The Collection #02
Product ID: 8mm-coll.02'Sweet Candy - Part 2' in brown photo illustrated box. I think this is an early release of this film since the photo on the box is not the same photo used in later catalogs. Short lead in, run time 13:19. Stars Candy Samples w/ short, platinum blond hair and a husky blonde guy w/ a beard. More footage from same shoot as part 1 - great hardcore action. Film quality and color are excellent - practically new.
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $50.00
Tit Bangers - v1 #1
Product ID: modvd-titbangers-v1.1(1980 - AAE) - Big 64 pg mag w/ 16 in color! Mag starts w/ a 10 pg feature on Candy Samples inc pics w/ John Holmes. Then Candy & Uschi Digard take on black stud Johnny Keyes. Uschi has 11 pgs of solo pics and 4 more w/ Candy. Finale is another 3-way w/ Candy, Uschi & Johnny Keyes. VERY RARE
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 998
Price: $9.95
Tit Bangers - v1.1
Product ID: pn-titbang-v1.1b(1980 - AAE) - Big 64 pg mag w/ 16 in color! Mag starts w/ a 10 pg feature on Candy Samples inc pics w/ John Holmes. Then Candy & Uschi Digard take on black stud Johnny Keyes. Uschi has 11 pgs of solo pics and 4 more w/ Candy. Finale is another 3-way w/ Candy, Uschi & Johnny Keyes. VERY RARE - Beautiful, barely touched copy - FINE+
This issue is also available on a CD for only 9.95. Please see the Great Mags on CD category for more information.
This issue is also available on a CD for only 9.95. Please see the Great Mags on CD category for more information.
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $200.00
v 07 - Breast of Cheri - v 4
1982 Fall - Another issue featuring all new material - FC says 'All-New Photos and Stories'. Mag consists of 12 separate short stories w/ an accompanying pictorial. Desiree Cousteau & her chauffer Maureen have 8 pgs in a Rolls Royce, Sally Boothe (aka Tina Locke) has 8 pgs as 'Marsha', Jo Peace has 7 pgs as 'Samantha'. Candy Samples & boyfriend share 9 pgs. Betsy has BC + 8 pgs, Alice, Deborah, Peach and Tiffany each have 8 pgs. Sally and Dotty each have 6 pgs, Senta has 5 pgs. Very bright & glossy, basically new but has some very light scratches from being moved around - FINE/FINE+
Velvet - 1982-03
Girl w/ machine gun (Sgt. Wright) has FC + 8 pgs inc CF. Peggy Trentini (aka Pamela Donnelly) has 7 pgs, Lisa DeLeeuw & Randy West have inside FC + 7 pgs and Abigail Clayton has 3 pgs. Also Nudes-A-Poppin' from the Ponderosa Sun Club w/ BC + 6 pgs of Cindy Lou (is Cindy Nelson?), Shaun Sedivec aka porn star Shaun Michelle - Winner of the Velvet Fox Hunt - has 7 pgs. Wrestlers Janet & Dean have 8 pgs - looks lke Victoria Knoll and Randy West - and a pair of girlfriends share 7 pgs - 1 is Brigitte Monet? Candy Samples has 2 pgs + letters column. FINE++ copy is NEW, unread! FINE copy is bright & glossy, basically new but has a bit of light rubbing along spine.
Velvet - 1984-03
Product ID: velv1984-03aCovergirl is Chrissie Beauchamp. Candy Samples, Kitten Natividad, Cara Lott and Mei Ling (as 'Jenny Kim') share 12 pgs inc CF. Porn star Diva (aka Deva) has big 14 pg pictorial w/ 2 pirates and Gloria Vasquez as 'Maria' and her roller skates have 7 pgs. Blake Palmer has 10 pgs w/ Lisa Lake and another blonde you'll recognize. Long 9 pg feature/movie review on 'Lingerie' w/ John Holmes, Lisa Lake, Jennifer West, Linda Shaw and others. An Interview w/ Mai Lin w/ 8 pgs of pics, a 7 pg feature on male porn stars. Magazine is in great condition, new, unread - absolutely gorgeous! FINE++
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
Video X - 1983-07
Product ID: videx1983-07cv4 #6 - Long Jean Silver has FC + 14 pgs inc CF. Sharon Mitchell has a very long 12 pg Interview w/ lots of pics. Candy Samples has 4 pgs. Movie reviews of 'Doing It', 'In Love' and more. Bright & glossy, lightly read - FINE
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
Whoppers - V2 #2
Product ID: modvd-whop-v2.21979 by AAE (PN). This book is a reprint of 'Candy & Uschi' - V1 #1 with a different cover, interior is identical. Fantastic 48 pg issue is all Candy & Uschi and has 16 pgs of gorgeous color. Extremely high quality pics in this issue!! As a special bonus if you order either book we will include the 2nd cover (and therefore a whole 2nd book) at no charge.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 996
Price: $9.95
Whoppers - v2.2
(1979) - Fantastic 48 pg issue is all Candy Samples & Uschi Digard and has 16 pgs of gorgeous color. Extremely high quality pics in this issue!! FINE++ copy is new, unread - absolutely gorgeous. VG++ copy has been lightly read, few light stresses -bright & glossy.
This is a reprint of Candy & Uschi v1 #1 from 1978 but with a different cover.
This issue is also available on a CD for only 9.95. Please see the Great Mags on CD category for more information.
This is a reprint of Candy & Uschi v1 #1 from 1978 but with a different cover.
This issue is also available on a CD for only 9.95. Please see the Great Mags on CD category for more information.