Kelly Nichols-p
Legendary model/porn star from the late 70s to mid 80s. A slim brunette w/ (nearly always) shoulder length curly hair she appeared in countless mags, often as a Covergirl and/or CF. She also had a career in straight films and may be best known as the stunt girl for Jessica Lange in the 1976 remake of ''King Kong'.
aka Marianne Walter(s) - the name under which she appeared in King Kong. Also in PENTHOUSE 5/79 w/ longer hair.
aka Marianne Walter(s) - the name under which she appeared in King Kong. Also in PENTHOUSE 5/79 w/ longer hair.
Adam - 1981-09
Covergirl is Jolande, Vicki has 6 pgs inc CF (she was CF of Caper 5/80 as 'Susan Watt'). Tina has BC + 6 pgs, Bobby has 6 pgs and Kelly Nichols & girlfriend share 4 pgs. Mag contains a giant 8 pg detachable poster (one side only, other is blank) of Sian Adey-Jones (as Shian Kelly) - she is also CF of 10/81. VG+ copy is bright & glossy, a few minor spine stresses and a clean 1 1/2" crease on lower corner of BC - poster is still attached. Good copy has been well read and handled, poster is detached.
Adam - 1982-07
Product ID: adam1982-07bRaven has FC + 6 pgs inc CF. Kelly Nichols & girlfriend share 4 pgs, Jody has BC + 4 pgs and Laura has 4 pgs. Plus a Richard Pacheco Interview w/ pics and 'Fanta' a 5 pg B&W comic strip. Extremely bright & glossy, barely touched - FINE+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
Cheri - 1983-06
Special Tampa Issue. Covergirl is British Page 3 model Ann West, Jeanette Starion has 9 pgs inc 3 pg foldout CF as 'Honey'. Tina Hudson returns as 'Dana' w/ 6 pgs, Carrie Nelson as 'Candy' has 6 pgs w/ girlfriend Candy - really, they are both called Candy. Kelly Nichols has 4 pgs. Wanda (was in 7/82) has 6 pgs, Leslie & Linda each have 5 pgs and Sandy has 6 pgs w/ Marc Wallice. Plus Salome (Bridgite Monet?) in harem girl costume has 4 pgs and an article on vintage pin-ups.
Cheri - 1983-07
Great Issue! Kelly Nichols has excellent close-up FC + 9 pgs inc a 3 pg foldout CF. Also begins writing a monthly column and appears in several other places throughout the mag. Alexandra Day has 7 pgs, Laura Sands has 5 pgs as 'Becky', Karen Mifflin has 6 pgs as 'Laura'. Dawn and Barbara split 5 pgs - one is Jeanette Starion, the other is Maria Berggren. Honor has 6 pgs, Polly has 5 pgs and Betsy & boyfriend Paco have 6 pgs. Plus a nice 8 pg feature on custom choppers w/ girls, an article on pro wrestling and 4 pgs of illos from "The Blue Book".
Chic - 1980-11
Suzanne has 12 pgs inc a 3 pg foldout CF. Kelly Nichols has 8 pgs as 'Laurel' and 2 girlfriends share 5 pgs. Articles about The Church & Demonic Possession, The Secret Service and Joe Ancis - the man behind Lenny Bruce.
Club - 1985-01
Nina Hartley & girlfriend share the FC, Kelly Nichols & Blake Palmer have big 9 pg feature inc CF. Ginger Lynn has 6 pgs as 'Lynda' and Josie Jones has 8 pgs. Sue Ellen Carwardine (Lois Ayres? in a wig) & boyfriend have 7 pgs and a pair of girlfriends share 6 pgs. Also Bill Ward 4 pages of 'Sizzle', the Triumph TR250K, neighborhood posses and the title of the monthly Connections feature is changed to 'Contacts'. FINE+
Club - Best of # 020
Product ID: club-bo.020c1982 - Private Pages. Oversize issue is 84 pgs. Kelly Nichols, Cara Lott and Kevin James share 8 pgs (7/82), Shauna Grant and boyfriend have 6 pgs(1/83). Several anonymous couples from 3/81, 10/81 and 11/82 have 8 pg features. Plus the Ms. Nude America pageant, tattoos, pulling contests and an article about El Salvador. Very bright & glossy, lightly read - FINE
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
Club - Best of # 028
Product ID: club-bo.028c8-9/1984 - Private Pages - Oversize issue is 84 pgs. Barbara Peckinpaugh has 9 pgs w/ a football player in locker room (2/84), Kelly Nihcols & Cara Lott have 8 pgs w/ Kevin James (7/82), Julia Parton & girlfriend have 8 pgs w/ sailor Tom Byron (3/83). An aristocrat and maid have 8 pgs (10/83), 3 girls and 2 gangsters have 8 pgs (6/83 - 1 is Jenny Taylor) and a couple in a dressing room have 8 pgs (3/81). Candy Samples has 4 pgs in Ontario (9/83) plus pics in another 4 pg feature 'Titzapoppin!' w/ Juia Parton, Annie Sprinkle and some guys (5/84 but only 4 pgs and no 3-D). The Miss Nude Galaxy Pageant gets 3 pgs. Bright & glossy, a few minor stresses - FINE
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
Dude - 1981-01
Monique has 6 pgs inc CF. Kelly Nichols has 5 pgs in a 2-girl set w/ spanking - pics from same photo shoot as Adam 9/81 & 7/82. Fia Morrow has 4 pgs as 'Leah', Darla Hood has 3 pgs as 'Happy', Wendy has 5 pgs. A 5 pg co-ed hockey game where the girls are wearing body paint. A great article on Zippo lighters, Mango Motel a 4 pg B&W comic strip by Otis Sweat. Extremely bright & glossy, bascially new - FINE+
Eros - 1978-01
Elke Sommer has nice FC + 6 great pages. Kelly Nichols has 6 pgs w/ girlfriend in shower and a 'Cabaret' pictorial featuring 6 diff girls. A 4 pg feature on artist Vincent Melilli. Fiction by Ted Mark 'Do Me Robert...Redford...Redford,...Redford'. Articles about The Night of the Long Knives and other Nazi depravities and Plato's Retreat in NY. VG+ copy is bright & glossy, a bit of normal wear. Good copy has been well read and handled - multiple creases, some spine wear.
Fox - 1985-01
Product ID: fox1985-01bCovergirl is Debbie Boyland?? Kitten Natividad has 7 excellent pgs inc CF. Jeanette Starion has big 10 pg feature as 'Kerri', Suzi Griffiths has 5 pgs and Kelly Nichols has a 6 pg interview with pix. Kathy Brown has 8 pgs, Alexandra has 7 pgs, Sasha & Danielle each have 6 pgs and Kim Suzanne & Francesca each have 5 pgs. Extremely birght & glossy, barely touched - FINE+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
Genesis - 1978-09
Product ID: gene1978-09dCovergirl is Frances Voy, Mira Lakeland has 12 pgs inc CF. Jennifer Patterson has 9 pgs as 'Julianne Josephs', Shawn Carney has 8 pgs as 'Cassie Bern' and Kelly Nichols has 7 pgs as 'Sable'. 1st issue w/ Friends and Lovers Photo Album - 3 pgs, 1st girl is Lori Armbrust. Interview w/ Mel Brooks. Article about tomorrow's technology. VG+
Number in Stock: 2
Price: $10.00
Gentleman's Companion - 1983-04
Product ID: getlc1983-04aPamela has 9 pgs inc CF. Kelly Nichols has huge 10 pg feature as 'Eileen'. Shannon & Andrea each have 8 pgs and Lois has 7 pgs. Article on boxing deaths. Fetish column on telephone sex. Plus 'Gloria' a one page color comic strip by Blas Gallego. FINE++ copy is NEW, unread!
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $30.00
Gentleman's Companion - 1985-08
Product ID: getlc1985-09cCovergirl Marsha is also on the inside FC. Shana Ross has 8 pgs inc CF as 'Tiger'. China Doll has 9 pgs, Lara has 5 pgs and Patience has 4 pgs. Kelly Nichols & girlfriend have 6 pgs w/ Kevin James - pics from same photo shoot as Club 7/82. Fetish column on bondage. Basically new copy has light stresses along right edge of FC - FINE
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
High Society - 1980-03
Angela Newman has 7 pgs inc CF - sure looks like Piper Smith to me. Lesley Anne Down has 6 pgs. Loni Sanders has 7 pgs as 'Belinda' and Kelly Nichols has 6 pgs, Marlene Willoughby and girlfriend have 7 pgs playing croquet. Laurien Dominique has 5 pgs and 'Gloria' a 5 pg color comic strip.
High Society - 1980-06
Kelly Nichols has 7 pgs. Ivy Lerner has 7 pgs inc CF and Chili has 6 pgs. A big 9 pg section of Celebrity nudes inc 3 pgs of Barbara Bouchet, 2 pgs each of Angie Dickinson and Pam Grier and 1 pg each of Susan Blakely and Dyan Cannon. Also a feature on 'The Chicken Ranch' in Nevada and 'Gloria' 5 pg color comic strip.
High Society - 1982-01
Priscilla (Three's Company) Barnes has FC + 6 pgs, Kelly Nichols has 7 pgs. Michelle Bauer has 5 pgs w/ girlfriend and Santa. Peggy has 8 pgs inc CF, Mei Ling has 8 pgs as 'Bambi' and Morgan has 8 pgs, Alexis has 5 pgs. Interview w/ boxer Gerry Cooney. Mag contains 16 pg detachable porn star calendar.
Hustler - 1979-09
Melanie Sutherland has FC + 8 pgs, Carolyn Burch (aka Debbie Gordon) has 10 pgs inc a 3 pg foldout CF as 'Wanda'. Starr Wood has 7 pgs and Kelly Nichols has 5 pgs w/ boyfriend in 'East Side Story' pictorial. Articles about the fall of the Greek and Roman Empires by Drs. Eberhard and Phyllis Kronhausen, the International Tobacco market and midget wrestler Little Tokyo. Honey Hooker comic strip - artwork by Tom Garst and Dearick Gross - this issue only. Alex Ebel has a 1 pg illo plus 3 small Vargas illos in a book review of his biography by Reid Austin.
Hustler - 1984-03
Anonymous Covergirl has an 8 pg bondage pictorial and Karina (Schally?) has 13 pgs inc a 3 pg foldout CF. Al Goldstein Celebrity Photo shoot w/ 5 girls including Kelly Nichols & Julia Parton. Pictorial feature of Congressman Larry McDonald and woman. Elvira (aka Cassandra Peterson) has 2 pgs of pics reprinted from Game 6/75. Articles about rock (music) wars and The Hemlock Society. Editorial by Timothy Leary 'The Joy of Pornography'. Honey Hooker comic strip by Gaetano Liberatore - one issue only.
Hustler - 1984-10
Product ID: hust1984-10cKelly Nichols has FC + 8 pgs. Ron Jeremy and an unknown blonde have 12 pgs inc a 3 pg foldout CF in the desert. Mindy Rae has 9 pgs w/ a watermelon and 2 girls in a swimming pool have 8 pgs. Articles about X-rated movies and movie critic Joe Bob Briggs. Honey Hooker 4 pg comic strip by Howard Darden. FINE
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
Partner - 1982-10
Covergirl is Helle Kjaer? Jacqueline Lorians has 8 pgs and Toni has 8 pgs inc CF. Michelle Roden has 6 pgs as 'Bobbi', Sian Adey-Jones has 7 pgs and Paula has 6 pgs. A feature on Harry Reems comeback in 'Society Affairs' plus 6 pgs of the girls from the movie inc 2 pgs of Kelly Nichols. Last issue w/ 'Celebriteasers' feature.
Penthouse - 1979-05
Carrie Nelson has FC only as 'Lynda Clark' (is CF in 6/79). Brieanna Bujold has 13 pgs inc CF, Natalia Farris has 10 pg pictorial, Kelly Nichols (as 'Marianne Walters') has 13 pgs. Interview w/ Baseball superstar Pete Rose. Bill Lee cartoons - 5 pgs on baseball. Feature article about Hobos, article about musician Billy Joel and 'Last Tango With Brando' by his ex-wife. Oh Wicked Wanda 8 pg comic strip.
Pub - 1980-07
Product ID: pub1980-07cv4 #4 - Covergirl Cindy also has 6 pgs, Marilyn Chambers has a 5 pg feature w/ pics from her new movie - 'Insatiable'. Valerie Clark has 6 pgs as 'Daniella'. Girlfriends Carol & Amy share 8 pgs (1 is Kelly Nichols), Mikki has 8 pgs inc CF. Leslie Bovee letters column w/ full pg pic. Interview w/ actor Stacy Keach, article about Mario Andretti. Bright & glossy, very lightly read - FINE
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
Pub - 1980-10
v4 #7 - Tina Lynn - star of 'Tinseltown' has FC + 5 pg Interview w/ pics, a very familiar looking sheila has 8 pgs inc CF. Kelly Nichols shares 7 pgs w/ a girlfriend. Loads of other girls plus Dolly Parton has a full pg pic and an article about nuclear terrorism. FINE+ copy is very bright & glossy - barely touched! FINE copy is bright & glossy, very lightly read.
Pub - 1982-02
v6 #1 - Big 108 pg issue features nice Valerie Perrine FC + 5 pgs. Lilah has 8 ps inc CF, Kelly Nichols has 6 pgs, Jill Russo has 4 pgs as 'Linda', Jane Fonda has 2 pgs. Lots of other girls inc several familiar faces plus an article about the Boston Celtics. Extremely bright & glossy, barely touched - FINE+
Stag - 1983-06
Product ID: stag1983-06bv34 #6 - Kelly Nichols has solo FC + 8 pg feature inc CF w/ Tish Ambrose. Laura Sands has 6 pgs as 'June', Patty has 7 pgs w/ a bicycle. Bill Ward has a very nice full pg color cartoon. Extremely bright & glossy, Barely touched - FINE+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
Swank - 1984-06
Product ID: swan1984-06bTammi McAndrus has FC + 9 pgs inc CF as 'Wendy'. Cindy Nelson has 8 pgs as 'Angel Baby' and Tammy has 6 pgs, Cara Lott and Rebekkah Hayward have 6 pgs w/ Herschell Savage. Kelly Nichols, Sharon Kane & Annette Heinz have 6 pgs w/ George Payne. Mag has 16 pg Swedish Erotica Booklet at center featuring 4 pgs of Desireee Cousteau and 2 pgs ea of Rhonda Jo Petty, Shauna Grant, Seka, Little Oral Annie and more. Extremely bright & glossy, basically NEW w/ a minor stress near top of spine - FINE+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
Swank - Gold Press - v01.04
Product ID: swan-gopr-v01.04b1982-09 - "Superstars of Sex". Kelly Nichols has FC, Hillary Summers has 7 pgs inc CF. Veri Knotti has 9 pgs w/ a female sailor, Nicole Black, Christie Ford, Ashley Brooks and Laurien Dominique each have 5 pgs, Candy Samples & Georgina Spelvin each have 4 pgs. Loni Anderson (of WKRP fame) has a nice full pg pic + 2 pg Interivew, a good 4 pg feature on Burt Reynolds' girls and an article about John Holmes w/ pics. Extremely bright & glossy, basically new! - FINE+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
Swank - Gold Press - v02.07
Product ID: swan-gopr-v02.07c1984-03 - "Adult Movies" - Anna Ventura has FC + 2 pgs. Kelly Nichols and Tish Ambrose share 4 pgs. Loaded w/ stars but no real pictorial features, mostly full pg and 2 pg pics inc Danielle Martin, Sue Nero, Shauna Grant and many others. Bright & glossy, some minor stresses - FINE
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
Video X - 1982-10
Product ID: vidx1982-10cv3 #8 - Kelly Nichols has FC and pics throughout mag inc several nice full pg pics. Helle Kjaer has 8 pgs as 'Stephanie', Bonnie has 10 pgs (she was FC + CF of Cavalier 3/80 as 'Moira Smith'). A long feature on the return of Harry Reems plus a movie review of 'Society Affairs'. More movie reviews and 6 pgs of new Video Vixens - 6 girls w/ 1 pg each. Fine copy is bright & glossy, nearly new except for light, clean crease on bottom right corner. Good copy has been well read and handled, numerous dog-eared pages, some creases, price written on cover.