Rhonda Jo Petty-p
The Farrah Fawcett of porn. Extremely popular and prolific model/porn star from the late 70s - early 80s. Was almost a dead ringer for the real Farrah Fawcett and usually appeared w/ a very similar hair style. Was in countless mags and a regular in Swedish Erotica films among others.
aka Frankie Farraday in Fling mags.
aka Frankie Farraday in Fling mags.
#0188 - Lovers Reunion
1978 - Stars Rhonda Jo Petty. Annette Haven Box Cover. Have 2 copies, 1 regular 8 and 1 Super 8.
Ace - 1980-03
Product ID: ace1980-03cThey found even more girls w/ only 1 name! Covergirl Grace also has 4 pgs and Rita has 4 pgs inc CF. Cathy & Debbie have 5 pgs w/ Bill and a pair of anonymous girlfriends share 5 pgs. Rhonda Jo Petty has 3 pgs as 'Nora' and Lori Groneman has 3 pgs as 'Candy'. Mari has 5 pgs, Helen and Lisa each have 4 pgs and Hester & Chris each have 3 pgs. Very bright & glossy, a couple of very minor stresses - FINE
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
Angel - v1 #1
Product ID: modvd-angel-hc12/77 by Profile Pubs is ALL Rhonda Jo Petty. 32 Pgs, 8 in color of the Farrah Fawcett of porn. See how she makes interesting use of her hairbrush.
Mag has serious water damage to bottom right corner. Is basically confined to about a 2" wide x 3" tall strip going up the right edge from the bottom. Surprisingly does not affect too many photos that badly. Because of this you will receive 2 sets of scans. One set is each page as is with no modification - water damage and all. The second set has cropped out most/all of the water damage with minimal impact on photos.
BONUS !!!! Order this mag and receive a 2nd mag featuring Rhonda Jo for free. 'Sex Goddess' is a separate 44 pg. magazine (see listing below) and when you order 'Angel' you will receive both on the same CD for the price of one (9.95)
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Mag has serious water damage to bottom right corner. Is basically confined to about a 2" wide x 3" tall strip going up the right edge from the bottom. Surprisingly does not affect too many photos that badly. Because of this you will receive 2 sets of scans. One set is each page as is with no modification - water damage and all. The second set has cropped out most/all of the water damage with minimal impact on photos.
BONUS !!!! Order this mag and receive a 2nd mag featuring Rhonda Jo for free. 'Sex Goddess' is a separate 44 pg. magazine (see listing below) and when you order 'Angel' you will receive both on the same CD for the price of one (9.95)
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 997
Price: $9.95
Cavalier - 1980-07
Sylvia Wright has FC + 7 pgs as 'Vanessa Smith', Penny has 9 pgs inc CF. Carolyn Clark has 5 pgs (pretty sure this is same girl as Moira Smith in 3/80), girlfriends Gertie & Madeline give each other a spanking. Also The Perils of Rhonda Jo Petty - Part 7. Articles about Jackson Hole, WY and air boats. Uncle Oatie - 4 pg B&W comix by Otis Sweat, Kitten Natividad has full pg ad for 8mm movies.
Cavalier - 1980-08
Katie has FC + 2 pgs, Sandra has 9 pgs inc CF. Linda Pearl has 8 pgs, Gina Keer as 'Susan Lloyd' & Cathy Dupree each have 5 pgs. Rhonda Jo Petty - Life Story with pics, Part 8. An article about bikers and 'Kid Jabo' - 4 pgs B&W comix by Reggie Hendrix.
Cavalier - 1980-10
Laurel Ann Hardy (really) FC + 9 pgs inc CF. May has 6 pgs, Susanne has 5 pgs and Cavalier's Angels (Greta, Lauri & Toni) have 8 pgs. Articles about Meat Loaf (the Singer) and alligator farming. Rhonda Jo Petty - Life Story with pics, Part 10. 'Mrs. Gullible' - 5 pgs color comix by Don Lomax.
Chic - Best of #02
1980 - Black model Coralee has 6 pgs inc CF (1/78). Linda has 7 pgs (4/78), Joy has 6 pgs (1/78 - 1st 6 pgs only) and Rhonda Jo Petty has 3 pgs (9/78). A bald girl has 5 pgs w/ 2 Great Danes (4/78 - 1st 5 pgs only), An equestrian and her Black maid have 7 pgs (12/77 - 7 pgs only), an anonymous couple have a piano lesson (3/78 - 8 pgs only) and another couple have 5 pgs in bed (7/78 - 1st 5 pgs only). Articles about The ACLU and Freedom of Speech, Joe Coors, Americans in foreign jails and David Duke. FINE copy is very bright & glossy, nearly new but has a bit of minor spine wear. VG+ is also very bright & glossy but has a small, light crease on upper right corner of FC and a bit of minor spine wear.
High Society - 1982-04
Sylvia Benedict (as 'Heather') has solo FC + 8 pg feature w/ Barbara Schaeffer (as 'Barbara Anne'). Rhonda Jo Petty has 7 pgs, Lalla Dean also has 7 pgs. Sandy has 6 pgs inc CF and Brooke has 7 pgs. Also a 6 pg section of Celebrity nudes w/ 1 pg each (multiple pics) Raquel Welch, Brigitte Bardot, Sophia Loren and Ursula Andress. An anonymous couple marooned on an island have 8 pgs and a very pregnant Mary has 6 pgs.
Men's Challenge - 1979-01
v8 #1 - Lori Groneman has FC + 8 pgs inc CF as 'Mickey'. Rhonda Jo Petty & girlfriend Gina share 7 pgs. Plus 8 more girls w/ only 1 name and a 2-girl set. Barely touched - beautiful FINE+
Oui - 1988-01
Product ID: oui1988-01eCarol Nash has FC + 12 big pgs inc CF. Madonna has 6 pgs (the early years). Rhonda Jo Petty shares 8 pgs w/ boyfriend. Maxi has 6 pgs (was Covergirl of 9/87) and girlfriends June & Sandra share 8 pgs. Good articles about boxer Michael Spinks, Vietnam Snipers, and nuclear terrorism. A little wear, VG
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $10.00
Puritan - v1 #03
Product ID: hc-puritan.03inc1978 - Big 148 pg volume is squarebound with glued spine. Original cover price 7.95. Pictorials, articles, fiction, news, reviews, swingers - all kinds of stuff. Rhonda Jo Petty FC (only). Feature on Chante Fox, Miss Nude USA. Jamie Gillis and Serena share 8 pgs. Carol Connors and John Holmes have 2 pgs, plus photography by Ron Raffaelli. Also 'The Wrights of Spring' - a 3 pg color comic strip and an article about how the gov't helps the rich rip you off - tax shelters. Glue on spine has dried out and Mag has separated from covers and is missing pgs 77 -80.
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $10.00
Sex Goddess #1
Product ID: modvd-sexg-hcNo date or Pub info. Circa 1978, 44 pg mag is all color and features Rhonda Jo Petty with her chauffeur in full hardcore action. Original 12.50 cover price.
BONUS !!!! Order this mag and receive a 2nd mag featuring Rhonda Jo for free. 'Angel' is a separate 32 pg. magazine (see listing above) and when you order 'Sex Goddess' you will receive both on the same CD for the price of one (9.95)
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
BONUS !!!! Order this mag and receive a 2nd mag featuring Rhonda Jo for free. 'Angel' is a separate 32 pg. magazine (see listing above) and when you order 'Sex Goddess' you will receive both on the same CD for the price of one (9.95)
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 998
Price: $9.95
Swank - 1984-05
Product ID: swan1984-05bThe cheerleaders on the cover also have 6 pgs in a locker room - 1 is Barbara Peckinpaugh? Sophie Miller has 9 pgs inc CF as 'Laverne' (the ice cream parlor photo set). Rachel Ashley has 5 pgs, Samantha Fox 8 has pgs w/ Jerry Butler, Rhonda Jo Petty has 6 pgs w/ George Payne and Darla has 6 pgs. Extremely bright & glossy, Barely touched. - FINE+
Number in Stock: 2
Price: $20.00
Swank - Gold Press - v02.02
7/83 - "Superstars of Sex". Giant 100 page squarebound Issue. Seka has FC + 10 pgs. Danielle Martin has 7 pgs, Joey Karson has 8 pgs. Rhonda Jo Petty & George Payne have 8 pgs, Lenora Bruce has 7 pgs w/ football team. Wendy O. Williams has 4 pgs and Tigr (aka Chelsea Manchester) has 6 pgs. Plus an 8 pg feature on Eric Edwards and an Interview w/ porn director Anthony Spinelli. FINE+ copy is very bright & glossy - basically new but has a small bump at top of spine.
Swank - Special - v07.05
Product ID: swan-spec-v07.05d2/84 - "X-Rated Cinema". Cassandra Leigh has FC + 6 pages. Rhonda Jo Petty has 8 pgs inc CF w/ George Payne. Mai Lin has a 6 pg Interview w/ pics and an Interview w/ Jack Wrangler. Movie reviews of 'Bodies In Heat' w/ Annette Haven, 'Babylon Blue', 'When She Was Bad' w/ Anna Ventura, 'Virginia' w/ Shauna Grant, 'Public Affairs' w/ Kelly Nichols, 'Piggy's' w/ Blair Castle and 'G-Strings'. Bright & glossy, a bit of spine wear and rubbing along spine. small bump on bottom right corner - VG+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
Tender Shavers #06
Product ID: pn-tenshav-v2.2v2 #2 - 1980 from Briarwood Corp. 44 pgs 8 in color. Covergirl Vanessa also has 11 pgs inc CF. Busty blonde Pippa has BC + 7 pgs, Rhonda Jo Petty has 8 pgs as 'Teddy', Meryl has 8 pgs and Babette has 6 pgs.
Mag is missing 2 pgs (13/14 & 37/38 - both are probably ads since all Briarwood pubs had ad pgs and this one does not). Light 'rubbing' along spine but bright & glossy - VG++.
Mag is missing 2 pgs (13/14 & 37/38 - both are probably ads since all Briarwood pubs had ad pgs and this one does not). Light 'rubbing' along spine but bright & glossy - VG++.
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
Velvet - 1979-08
Mag has foldout covers w/ a 2 pg pic on the inside of each. Rhonda Jo Petty & boyfriend have 19 pgs inc both sides of a giant 8 pg detachable poster. Marilyn Hammond has 10 pgs inc the foldout on inside FC as 'Vickie'. Stephanie (FC of 7/79) has 7 pgs and Geri Mandel (aka Maryanne) also has 7 pgs as 'Leslie' - pics from same photo shoot as GENT 10/80. FINE copy is basically NEW w/ a small bump on top right corner. VG++ copy is very bright & glossy, small bump at top of spine and a bit of light rubbing along spine on BC. VG+ copy is bright & glossy, some stresses and a bit of light rubbing along spine on BC, Poster is detached.