Candida Royalle-p
Slim dark haired actress was one of the early superstars of porn in the late 70s. Later forming her own comapny, Femme Productions, she found addtional fame as a director and produer of her own line of films.
Adam Film World - v07.12
Product ID: adfiwo-v07.12d9/80 - FC has scenes from 'Bad Girl' starring Aimee Leigh and 'Nanci Blue' starring Kandi Barbour. Also reviews of both. A 5 pg article about Britt Ekland w/ pics, Interview w/ Candida Royalle, Serena in 2 pgs of pics from 'The First Convertible' and a Japanese film 'Sensual Sanctuary' w/ nuns in a convent - 4 pgs. Plus reviews of 'October Silk' - 6 pgs, 'National Lampoon's Frat House' - 4 pgs and 'F' - 4 pgs. Bright & glossy, minor spine stresses and small bump on bottom right corner - VG+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
Cheri - 1984-07
Covergirl is Tara Aire? Jeanette Starion & girlfriend share 12 pgs inc a 3 pg foldout CF. Candida Royalle has 5 pgs as 'Deidre' and Corinne Collins has 5 pgs as 'Paula' - with her bicycle. HOTM Laura, Sandy & Susan each have 6 pgs. Plus the 8th Annual Erotic film Awards and 2 pgs of antique postcards.
Chic - 1985-08
Jimmie has 8 pgs inc CF in black leather & chains. Sonny has 10 pgs, Jerry Butler & girlfriend have 10 pgs. Candida Royalle has a 2 pg Interview. Also an Interview w/ a Coyote (illegal alien smuggler)
and the Robert Vesco story. Plus 'Canon Law' - a 5 pg color comic strip parody of Dirty Harry.
Erotic X-Film Guide - Spotlights 1989-03
Product ID: erfg-splt1989-03dHottest X-Rated Film Scenes. Anoher mag that is mostly full pg pics in no particular order. Candida Royalle has big 12 pg article w/ pics, Brittany Morgan has an 8 pg Interview w/ pics and Lorelei (aka Laura Lei) has an 8 pg Interview w/ pics. Kendall Marks (Marx aka Isabella Roveti) has 9 pgs w/ Damien Cashmiere and Renee Morgan has a 9 pg Interview w/ pics. Extremely bright & glossy, basically new but has a clean crease on bottom left corner of BC - VG++
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
Fox - 1986-03
Covergirl is Marina Baker, Colette has 10 pgs inc CF. Desiree also has 10 pgs, Jackie has 8 pgs, Daphne & Dianna each have 6 pgs. Plus Candida Royale has a 4 pg Interview w/ pics. Very bright & glossy. barely touched, beautiful - FINE+
High Society - 1980-05
Gloria Leonard and girlfriend Joy share FC + 10 pgs inc CF. They are also featured on a FREE 33 1/3 rpm BONUS RECORD. Lara Anders has 9 pgs as 'Lacey', Candida Royalle has 4 pgs + a separate Interview. Kitty Towson and Bambi each have 7 pgs. Lorie Armbrust has 2 pgs, Arcadia Lake & Eric Edwards have 2 pgs. Plus 'Gloria' 4 pg color comic strip.
High Society - 1982-10
Suzy has FC + 7 pgs and Jessica has 8 pgs inc CF. Laura Sands has 6 pgs as 'Elsie', Cindy Nelson has 7 pgs, Candida Royalle has 5 pgs and Katrina Ferguson also has 5 pgs as 'Loretta'. Chrissie Beauchamp & Randy West have 9 pg 'Airport '69' pictorial. Also 2 girls wrestling have 8 pgs and 7 pgs of the Best Breast contest winners including 1 pg of Lolita Ramos. Plus a 5 pg feature 'Mammary Lane' w/ 1 pg each Candy Samples & Annie Ample plus 1 pg of them wrestling + 1 pg of Annie w/ Gerri Reeves and 2 pics of Tami & Rabia Roche. Mag comes w/ High Society t-shirt iron-on.
Sir - 1982-03
Covergirl Carole has 6 pgs inc CF. Interview w/ Candida Royalle inc 5 pgs pics, The John Holmes murder investigation, plus a 5 pg movie review of 'Exhausted' starring John. Belinda & Chaylin each have 5 pgs, Veronica & Helen each have 4 pgs. Have 2 copies, both are basically new. FINE+ copy has a bit of light rubbing along spine. FINE copy has some faint vertical white lines on cover (from the printing process), some light rubbing along spine.
Video Stars #1
Product ID: hust-vidst.01c1986 - Great Issue!! - Covergirl is Tracey Adams. Amber Lynn has a 10 pg Interview w/ pics (4/86). Ginger Lynn has 10 pgs - same Interview as 10/85 + 4 pgs of pics. Danielle Martin - has 9 pgs (same as Erotic Video Guide 2/88 + 1 pg). Hyapatia Lee has 9 pgs (was in Chic 4/83) and Trinity Loren has 8 pgs (wa in Chic 6/86). Taija Rae has a 7 pg Interview w/ pics (8/86). Plus a 5 pg feature on the Dark Bros Devil in Miss Jones, Ron Jeremy & Mai Lin have an Interview w/ pics (7/84) and Candida Royalle has a 2 pg Interview w/ pics. Very bright & glossy, a few minor stresses - FINE
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00