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Hyapatia Lee-p

Adam Girls - v 03.12

Adam Girls - v 03.12

Product ID: adgi-v03.12b
(3/95) Big 100 pg issue is nearly cover to cover color photos, mostly full pg on glossy paper - this is a VERY nice mag! Dozens of major stars, mostly w/ only a single page although there are a few w/ 2 or 3 pgs and a handful of pics w/ more than 1 girl. A partial listing includes the following: Taylor Wane (on both covers  + 3 pgs), Dyanna Lauren (4 pgs), Rebecca Wilde, Bianca Trump, Rebecca Bardoux, Rowan Moore, Hyapatia Lee, Tiffany Mynx, Nikki Sinn, Candy Evans, Felecia, Cindy Nelson, Angel Kelly, Crystal Breeze, Busty Brittany O'Neil and Andrea Clarke. Extremely bright & glossy, this one is NEW and unread but has a bit of VERY LIGHT 'rubbing' along spine.


Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
  • Quantity:

Bounce - Fantasy #4

Bounce - Fantasy #4

Product ID: bounce-fant.04d
1992 - This issue features pregnant & lactating women. Trinity Loren has FC + 5 pgs of color pics, Hyapatia Lee has 4 pgs of color pics. Bunny Bleu has 6 full pg pics - all B&W and Wendy Wilson (aka Leslie Winston) has 4 2/3 pg pics - all B&W. Very bright & glossy, a few minor stresses and small corner bumps but FC has price stickers & writing.

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
  • Quantity:

Cavalier Pictorials - 1992-05

Cavalier Pictorials - 1992-05

Premiere issue of new revamped format. Hyapathia Lee has 10 great pages. Kirsten Imrie also has 10 outstanding pages. Annelie Nilsson has 14 pgs inc CF, Tabitha Stevens & boyfriend have 12 pgs, Michelle has 10 pgs. Annie has 9 pgs and girlfriends Nicole Simmons & Yvonne (Currie?) share 10 pgs.

  • Quantity:

Cheri - 1986-02

New England Issue. Hyapatia Lee has 9 pgs inc CF and begins monthly Letters column. Pipi Andersson has 7 pgs as 'Mariel', Barbi (not the same as Barbii), HOTM Kelsey, Trixie and Colette each have 6 pgs.

  • Quantity:

Cheri - 1987-04

Covergirl is Andrea Kovic and Hyapatia Lee has 10 pgs inc CF. Linda & Lorraine share 8 pgs - Linda is Jamie Summers and Lorraine is Terrie Woods. Sandra has 8 pgs, HOTM Angela Maracino (Andrea Kovic?) and Hannah each have 6 pgs and Tina has 5 pgs. A big 10 pg feature on the Girls of Tampa and the return of Ugly George.

  • Quantity:

Cheri - 1988-06

Debee Ashby has FC + 6 pgs with her Mother. Riva Rose has 8 pgs inc CF. Krista Lane has 6 pgs and Jay Milo has 6 pgs as HOTM Lauren. Lu Varley as 'Desiree', Kay Griffiths as 'Jessica', Amanda Barrington as 'Elaine' and Hyapatia Lee each have 4 pgs. Christina & Lori each have 4 pgs and a feature on the Girls of Kansas.

  • Quantity:

Club - Best of # 031

Club - Best of # 031

4-5/85 - Oversize issue is 84 pgs. Hyapathia Lee has FC + 8 pgs as 'Rusty (2/84). Seka has 4 pgs (1/84). Cowgirl Bobby Joe (aka Roberta) has 8 pgs (3/84), Rachelle has 6 pgs (11/83), Melissa has 6 pgs (3/84 - she was FC of 1/84), Jasmine has 6 pgs (12/83), Cherry has 6 pgs (11/83) - she also has 9 pgs inc CF in Best of #30 as 'Wendy'. Rosa has 5 pgs. A very familiar looking platinum blonde has 9 pgs inc CF w/ diff guys (5/84 - 'Grope Therapy'). Nice feature on a custom Corvette. FINE copy is bright & glossy, a few minor stresses.

  • Quantity:

Club - Best of # 052

Club - Best of # 052

Product ID: club-bo.052d
8-9/1989? - Oversize issue is 84 pgs. Hyapatia Lee has 9 pgs (12/88), Eden has 9 pgs (5/88) and Bubbles also has 9 pgs (2/89) - she is on the lower left corner of FC. Stephanie Rage has 8 pgs (12/88), Keisha (hol 88) and Megan Leigh (6/88) each have 6 pgs. Kascha has 8 pgs w/ Randy West (11/88), Stephanie Adams has 7 pgs w/ Jon Dough (5/88) and Seka has 5 pgs w/ Jeanna Fine (5/88). Tight & flat, a bit of normal wear - VG+

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
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Eros - Sex Stars #2

Eros - Sex Stars #2

Product ID: eros-sexst2d
1984 - Nice FC of Marilyn Monroe Look-a-Like Vicky Scott. Hyapathia Lee has 7 great pages. Tiffany Clark has 7 pgs inc CF - reprint of 11/83. Black porn star Shanna Evans has 5 pgs. An Interview w/ John Holmes - reprint of 5/84. Pia Zadora, Grace Jones and Maud Adams have 1 pg each. The 10 best porn films of 1983 and loads of nameless babes. Very bright & glossy, a few minor stresses and small bump on top right corner - VG++

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
  • Quantity:

Erotic Film Guide - 1983-12

Erotic Film Guide - 1983-12

v1 #12 - Hyapatia Lee has FC + fabulous 12 pg pictorial inc a giant 3 pg foldout CF. She is also featured in reviews of the following films: 'Let's Get Physical', 'Body Girls' and 'Sweet Young Foxes'. Sue Nero has an 8 pg pictorial, Kimberly Carson also has 8 pgs and Melanie Scott has 6 pgs. Also a 3 pg interivew of Joyce James by Gerard Damiano and a 2 pg interview of Marilyn Chambers w/ pics. Movie reviews of 'Tuesday's Lovers', 'Silk, Satin & Sex' and 'Night Hunger'. Have 2 copies - both are bright & glossy w/ clean white covers but a bit of rubbing along spine. One has a small bump at bottom of spine and a TINY nick on spine, the other has a TINY tear at top of spine and a light crease on upper corner of BC. Same price, your choice.

  • Quantity:

Erotic X-Film Guide - 1989-01

Erotic X-Film Guide - 1989-01

Product ID: erfg1989-01d
v7 #1 - Ariel Knight (aka Tammi White) has 8 pgs inc CF, Nina de Ponca has 10 pgs w/ King Dong. Long interviews w pics of Jerry Butler, Hyapatia Lee, Alicia Lashley & Richard Pacheco and a 6 pg feature on the AVA Awards. Plus movie reviews of 'Sex in Dangerous Places' w/ Barbara Dare; 'Candy's Little Sister, Sugar' w/ Ariel Knight, 'Heiress' w/ Stephanie Rage; 'Beyond the Denver Dynasty' and many more. Mag has a 16 pg detachable porn star calendar for 1989. Calendar is all big stars inc Porche Lynn FC, Candy Evans CF & Erica Boyer BC. Extremely Bright & glossy, minor spine stresses and small corner bumps - VG++

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
  • Quantity:

Fox - 1993-06

Fox - 1993-06

Product ID: fox1993-06c
Covergirl Devon also has 7 pgs and girlfriends Flo & Edie share 9 pgs inc CF. Hyapatia Lee has 7 pgs, Sandee & Alberta each have 6 pgs. Lacey (Rose?) has 8 pgs w/ boyfriend Dale. Plus a feature on the CES show in Vegas. Very bright & glossy, clean white cover, a few minor stresses - FINE

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
  • Quantity:

Gentleman's Companion - 1983-09

Gentleman's Companion - 1983-09

Product ID: getlc1983-09a
Covergirl is Britt Erickson? Kristen has 7 pgs inc CF. Hyapatia Lee shares 8 pgs w/ Cindy Nelson as her maid and Tina Ross has 8 pgs as 'Dusty' - pics from same photo shoot as Hustler 5/83. Maria has 10 pgs and Patti Simmons has 8 pgs as 'Barb'. Fetish column on virgins. Plus 'Gloria' a one page color comic strip by Blas Gallego. FINE++ copy is NEW, unread!

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $30.00
  • Quantity:

Girls/Girls - 1990 # 01

Girls/Girls - 1990 # 01

Product ID: gene-gg1990.01d
Angela Newland has FC & BC and Tanya has 9 pgs inc CF (7/87).  Hyapatia Lee (1/89 less 1 pg) and Shanna Evans as 'Carmen' (9/87) each have 9 pgs. Angel Kelly (source unknown) and Keisha (3/88 less 2 pgs) each have 8 pgs. Ali has 9 pgs (1/89), Esperanza has 8 pgs (3/87) and Suzi has 6 pgs (2/83 less 1 pg). VG++ copy is very bright & glossy, barely touched but has a very light vertical crease near center of FC - hard to see but there. 

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
  • Quantity:

Heisse & Susse Girls #1

Heisse & Susse Girls #1

Big 100 pg mag is loaded w/ pics. Covergirl is Nicky Cooper. Stacey Donovan, Hyapatia Lee, Michelle Bauer, Jackie St. Claire & Mel Appleby each have 2 pgs plus several more familiar faces. VG++ copy is extremely bright & glossy, lightly read, small bump at top of spine.

  • Quantity:

High Society - Book of Lingerie 1992.1

High Society - Book of Lingerie 1992.1

Product ID: hsoc-bol1992.1b
Spring, 1992. Trine Michelson has 4 pgs as 'Jana'. Amber Lynn has 3 pgs. Hyapatia Lee, Jeanette Starion and Tracey Adams each have 2 pgs. Extremely bright & glossy, barely touched! - FINE+

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
  • Quantity:

Insatiable Sluts #2

Product ID: hc-insatsluts.2
No date - looks like late 80s - early 90s. From VOF (Visions of Fantasy), original cover price is 35.00, mag has 68 pgs and is all color. This appears to be 2 separate mags combined to make one. One half is 3 couples in various combinations - the girls are Hyapatia Lee, Cheri (Taylor??) and Jacqueline, one of the guys is Jon Dough. The other half of the mag is all one couple - the girl is a busty redhead, click on title to see photo.

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
  • Quantity:

Live - 1983-06

Live - 1983-06

Product ID: live1983-06b
Debi Diamond in a rare magazine appearance has FC + 8 pgs inc CF as 'Debbie'. Jill Russo has 6 pgs (as just Jill), porn star Sharon Kane & boyfriend have 6 pgs, Hyapatia Lee has 2 pgs. Also an 8 pg feature on phone sex girls has full pg pics of Shauna Grant & Sylvia Benedict, Gabrielle Freeman as the gumball girl (was also in 2/83) returns w/ 6 pgs. Plus Rachel has 4 pgs, Sylvia has 5 pgs and Raquel Welch has a 1 pg ad for Celebrity Skin. Very bright & glossy, barely touched - FINE+

Number in Stock: 2
Price: $25.00
  • Quantity:

Mayfair - V19.12

Product ID: mayf-v19.12b
Giant, 200 page, squarebound Xmas issue. Joanne Latham has 13 pgs inc CF. Maria Berggren has 6 pgs as 'Maria Mann'. Hyapatia Lee has 4 pgs as 'Georgina Simpson'. Helle Michaelson (Playboy Playmate of 8/88) has 6 pgs as 'Helena Wellington', Susanne Henrik has 7 pgs as 'Veronica Waters', Petra Vieten has 6 pgs as 'Pauline Freeman' and Chrissie Beauchamp has 5 pgs as 'Amanda Lesley'. Plus a 21 page feature on Mayfair's 40 Favorite girls w/ lots of stars. And features on Morgan autos and steam locomotives. Also 'Carrie' a 2 pg color comic strip. LOTS more!! Beautiful, Fine+

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $40.00
  • Quantity:

New Look - 1985-05

v1 #1 issue is loaded w/ great photos of all kinds. Hyapatia Lee has 8 pg pictorial. Features on bow hunting a water buffalo, Germany's GSG9 Anti-terror Unit, American alligators, a South African Biker rally and much more.

  • Quantity:

Oui - 1983-04

Alexandra Day has excellent FC + 8 pgs inc CF, Hyapatia Lee has 6 pgs, Karen Mifflin has 8 pgs as 'Wendy', Carol Needham has 6 pgs as 'Debbie McCall'. Tina Ross has 6 pgs as 'Roxanne', Madeline also has 6 pgs, Holly-O has 5 pgs and Nancy Suiter has 2. Articles about the NY Arrows indoor soccer team, turbo diesel autos that run on vegetable oil and the USFL.

  • Quantity:

Partner - 1984-03

Covergirl is Ava Cadell. Hyapathia Lee has 6 pgs. Audra has 7 pgs inc CF, Blondie has 7 pgs and a maid w/ no name has 7 pgs - she is the Covergirl of 10/84 and has 7 pgs diff than these. Ginger has 8 pgs w/ boyfriend Dirk - pretty sure she is Gabrielle Freeman. Very bright & glossy, a few minor stresses - FINE

  • Quantity:

Penthouse - 1985-05

Product ID: pent1985-05d
Covergirl is Delia Impey. Andi Leigh has 17 pgs inc CF. Michelle Bauer and boyfriend have 10 pgs in a car. Vicki Vickers (aka porn star Raven) has 11 pgs and a 15 pg preview of 'New Look' magazine w/ 4 pgs of Hyapatia Lee. Interview w/ investor Meshulam Riklis. article about race car driver Danny Sullivan. Sweet Chastity - 6 pg comic strip. Sharp, glossy VG+

Number in Stock: 2
Price: $15.00
  • Quantity:

Pub - 1985-02

Pub - 1985-02

v8 #1 - Mindy Rae and Francois Papillon have FC + 7 pgs inc CF. Danielle Martin has 5 pgs, Hyapatia Lee has 3 pg, Apollonia Kotero (Prince's girlfriend) has 2 pgs. Plus a catfight, loads of other girls and a very nice Jacqueline Lorians BC. Very bright & glossy, a bit of light 'rubbing' along spine - FINE

  • Quantity:

Saddle Tramps

Saddle Tramps

Product ID: vid-saddtr1990
(1990's) Adam & Eve (30Min) - Shanna McCullough, Gina Gianette, Gina Carrera, One Zee, Nina Hartley, Hyapathia Lee, Jeannie Pepper and Tracy Adams. Generic cardboard sleeve.

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $5.00
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Sir - 1984-03

Sir - 1984-03

Product ID: sir1984-03b
Lesbian Issue. Jacqueline Lorians and girlfriend (Jacqueline Brooks?) share the FC. Claire Quentin (aka Cassie Welles), Laurie (Lori) Smith & a 3rd girl share 8 pgs inc a 2 1/2 pg CF (they are also on the FC of Nugget 6/81 and Nugget 1982 Annual). Girlfriends Terry & Susan share 6 pgs, Danielle (not Martin) has 4 pgs and Hyapatia Lee has 2 pgs. Plus Mike Ranger and girlfriend have 4 pgs, a 5 pg feature on mud wrestling, and more. Basically new, some very light soiling on edges of white BC - FINE+

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
  • Quantity:

Stag - 1996-04

Stag - 1996-04

No vol number - 'Original Porn Legends' - Samantha Strong has 1/2 FC + 7 pgs, Christy Canyon & Paula Price share 7 pgs, Ginger Lynn, Hyapatia Lee and Ken Starbuck all share 7 pgs, Angel (aka Jennifer James) and Nina de Ponca each have 6 pgs, Brigitte Monet & Oan Zee each have 5 pgs, plus Joanna Storm, Juliet Anderson and more!! Extremely bright & glossy, FINE+ copy has gorgeous white cover, a few very minor stresses.

  • Quantity:

Swank - Gold Press - v02.11

Swank - Gold Press - v02.11

Product ID: swan-gopr-v02.11b
1984-10 - "Adult Movies". Seka has FC + 2 pgs, Silver Starr and Mr. Ugly have 6 pgs inc CF. Stacey Donovan (billed as Kelly Howell) has 7 pgs w/ Raven, Hyapathia Lee & Shanna McCullough share 4pgs. Cindy Nelson has 4 pgs and Laurie Smith has 3 pgs. Lots of full pg and 2 pg pics of other stars inc Ginger Lynn. Extremely bright & glossy, basically new - FINE+

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
  • Quantity:

v 23 - All Time Top Ten

v 23 - All Time Top Ten

Product ID: cheri-ce-v23c
1987 Midsummer -  An all reprint issue! Trine Michelson has FC + 8 pgs as 'Monique' (6/85 - first 8 pgs only) and Hyapatia Lee has 8 pgs inc CF (2/86 less first pg). Tracy (7/85) has 8 pgs, Sandy (3/85) has 7 pgs and Joni Flynn (12/85) has 5 pgs. Ronnie (1/85), Jennifer (9/86 less 2 pgs), Dawn (8/85 less last pg), Bunny (11/85 - first 6 pgs only) and girlfriends Brenda & Stacy (1/86) each have 6 pgs. Extremely bright & glossy, lightly read - FINE

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
  • Quantity:

Video Stars #1

Video Stars #1

Product ID: hust-vidst.01c
1986 - Great Issue!! - Covergirl is Tracey Adams. Amber Lynn has a 10 pg Interview w/ pics (4/86). Ginger Lynn has 10 pgs - same Interview as 10/85 + 4 pgs of pics. Danielle Martin - has 9 pgs (same as Erotic Video Guide 2/88 + 1 pg). Hyapatia Lee has 9 pgs (was in Chic 4/83) and Trinity Loren has 8 pgs (wa in Chic 6/86). Taija Rae has a 7 pg Interview w/ pics (8/86). Plus a 5 pg feature on the Dark Bros Devil in Miss Jones, Ron Jeremy & Mai Lin have an Interview w/ pics (7/84) and Candida Royalle has a 2 pg Interview w/ pics. Very bright & glossy, a few minor stresses - FINE 

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
  • Quantity:

Wild & Woolly

Wild & Woolly

Product ID: vid-wildwool2000
2000 from Vivid Video - 4 hrs. 1998 - Comp tape of random scenes from Vivid movies featuring an all star cast with hairy beavers. Christy Canyon box cover and multiple scenes. Multiple scenes also w/ Debi Diamond, Hyapatia Lee, Barbara Dare, April West, Ginger Lynn, Tamara Lee and Krista Lane. Plus Bunny Bleu, Laurie Smith, Lois Ayres, Nikki Charm and many others.

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
  • Quantity: