Marilyn Chambers-p
Adam - 1983-07
Product ID: adam1983-07dMarilyn Chambers has a 6 pg Interview w/ pics. Julia Parton has 6 pgs as 'Julie'. A very familiar looking 'Alice' has 6 pgs (she also has 6 pgs in 3/84 as 'Marcille') and Lena has 4 pgs. Girlfriends Ann & Irene share 4 pgs and an Oriental girl and unknown guy share BC + 8 pgs and Gina LaRosta has 4 pgs w/ ron Jeremy. Plus 'Fanta' a 5 pg color comic strip. Bright & glossy, minor corner bumps - VG+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
Adam - v17 #09
Product ID: adam-v17.09d10/73 - Claudia Beatty (aka Aparna Jones) has 6 pgs inc CF as 'Jane Roberts' - she was also CF in 11/72 as 'Cory Beaumont'. Nickie Stevens has 5 pgs as 'Nancy Stevens', Marissa King and Connie Carlot each have 6 pgs. Movie review of 'Behind The Green Door' with Marilyn Chambers inc a nice full pg pic. Bright & glossy, a few spine stresses - VG+
Number in Stock: 2
Price: $20.00
Adam Film World - v09.07
Product ID: adfiwo-v09.07c7/83 - FC is Angelique (aka Heaven St. John) from 'Body Talk' + a 4 pg review. Reviews of 'Up N Coming' starring Marilyn Chambers - 7 pgs, 'Mascara' w/ Lisa de Leeuw & Lee Carroll - 11 pgs, 'Expose Me Now' w/ Danielle Martin - 5 pgs, 'Little Orphan Dusty 2' w/ Rhonda Jo Petty - 4 pgs and 'The Oui Girls' - 4 pgs w/ Sharon Kane, Anna Ventura and more. Also has an Interview w/ Dorothy LeMay and an article about Meryl Streep w/ a full pg pic. Bright & glossy, a couple of minor stresses on BC - Fine
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
Behind The Green Door
Product ID: 8mm-begd-3ptsThe movie that made Marilyn Chambers a star. Also features Johnnie Keyes. Movie is in 3 separate parts in 3 separate boxes and each box has B&W label glued to front. Run time of each part is over 14 minutes - total running time over 42 minutes. Sold as a set only - all 3 parts
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $75.00
Best of Genesis - 1982.3
Fall - 'Letters' issue - Mag is letters from readers w/ numerous small pics throughout. Marilyn Chambers has 2 full pg pics + several smaller ones. Have 2 copies - 1 is very bright & glossy, practically new but has a 3/4" tear on edge of BC and last 3 pgs. Second copy is bright & glossy w/ a few minor stresses and a bit of rubbing on covers Same price, your choice.
Club - 1980-01
Covergirl Elenor has a pictorial in 3/80 and is CF of 12/80, Piper Smith has 6 pgs as 'Victoria'. Marilyn Chambers makes her 1st of many apps in a 7 pg pictorial, the anonymous tennis player from FC of 12/79 returns w/ 9 pgs inc CF. Club's 1980 calendar has 1/2 pg pics of the 12 CFs from 1979. Plus an Interview w/ Roman Polanski, a 2 pg feature on Olivia's 'O Cards' w/ a total of 13 illos and some awesome Street Rods.
Club - 1981-02
Marilyn Chambers has FC + 7 pgs w/ another girl and a 2 pg 'magic movie' - the BC is designed to be movie viewer. Yolanda Lancaster has 9 pgs inc CF as 'Yvonne', Loni Sanders & Sylvia Benedict share 6 pgs w/ a guy on a beach. Plus Jacey has 6 pgs and a pair of girlfriends share 7 pgs. Articles on Biological Weapons tests on the public, the 1931 Chrysler Imperial and Karl Steiner explores S&M.
Club - 1981-06
Marilyn Chambers has FC + 9 pgs inc CF w/ various friends inc Ron Jeremy and Mike Ranger. Roberta Pedon has 2 small pics, Tipi Rocks has 8 pgs as 'Sheena'. Clarissa has 7 pgs and Annie has 6 pgs. An expose of the drug industry, custom cars and Karl Steiner's Jigsaw examines Voyeurism & Scopophilia.
Club - 1983-01
Marilyn Chambers FC in white lingerie + 17 pgs inc a preview of her new movie 'Up 'n' Coming' inc a long set of Marilyn w/ Tom Byron and Marc Wallace w/ a 3 pg foldout CF. Shauna Grant & boyfriend have 6 pgs, Amber Lane has 6 great pgs as 'Becky'. Nina has 7 pgs and 2 girls in a red convertible sports car have 7 pgs. Also the Miss Nude America Pageant, a feature on the Panther Convertible and an article on the Moral Majority. The Tether report w/ a full page illo by Bill Ward and an interesting 2 pg illo by Chris Achilleos.
Club - 1983-06
This one has a 3-girl FC. Debi Diamond has 10 pgs inc CF as 'Simone', Shauna Grant and Rachel Ashley share an 8 page pictorial and Tina Ross has 7 pgs as 'Terri'. Plus a girl w/ a hobby horse has 7 pgs and an 8 pg section of Private Pages w/ 3 girls & 2 guys - one of the girls is Jenny Taylor. Also a 6 pg preview of Marilyn Chambers movie 'Up 'n' Coming' w/ Marilyn and John Holmes. Also, the Atlantis auto, The Tether Report w/ 1 full page illo by Bill Ward and the Steiner Sex Probe.
Club - 1984-03
Marilyn Chambers has solo FC + 9 pgs inc CF w/ boyfriend. Melissa (covergirl from1/84) returns w/ a 6 pg feature plus cowgirl Bobby Joe (aka Roberta) has 8 pgs and a pair of girlfriends share 6 pgs. Article on customizing firearms, mud wrestling, custom choppers & The Tether Report w/ a full pg illo by Bill Ward. Mag comes w/ a 16 pg catalog insert at center.
Club - 1984-07
Product ID: club1984-07bMarilyn Chambers has solo FC in black leather + 9 excellent pgs inc CF w/ 2 bikers. Girlfriends Tessa & Ginny share 8 pgs - 1 is Rowan Moore. Tina has 7 pgs, girlfriends Ann & Nikki have 6 pgs. Bill Ward has 4 fantastic pages of "Sizzle". Chris Achilleos has a 2 pg illo of girl on beach. Plus a Corvette dragster, the Steiner Bureau and all the usual goodies. Mag comes w/ 16 pg catalog insert at center - intact. FINE+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
Club - 1985-03
Marilyn Chambers has solo FC + 8 pgs w/ 2 girlfriends - 1 is Rikki Blake plus a detachable 4 pg Poster. CF feature is a truck driver (Rick Cassidy?) and 2 girls - 1 is Stacey Donovan, the other is Lois Ayres? Laurie (Lori) Smith has 6 pgs as 'Ruth'. Susie has 6 pgs and girlfriends Laura & Penny share 7 pgs. Article about Col. Muammar Qaddafi of Libya. Bill Ward 4 pg 'Sizzle' comic strip.
Club - 1986-07
Marilyn Chambers has solo FC + 6 pgs w/ boyfriend. Melissa has 9 pgs inc CF, girlfriends Billy & Jo share 8 pgs and Donna has 6 pgs. Bill Ward 4 pg 'Sizzle' comic strip.
Club - 1988-01
Product ID: club1988-01bMarilyn Chambers has FC + 5 pgs by Suze Randall, Sarah Mealing has 10 pgs inc CF in the bath. Debbie Sass (aka Debbie Jordan) has 5 pgs. Susan Hart & Randy West have 8 pgs, Belinda Box has pics on 6 pgs along with story (these are from the photo shoot on a bus). Girlfriends Karen & Nicole share 7 pgs - 1 is Amanda Barrington (aka Shrempton). Bill Ward 2 pg 'Debbie' comic strip. FINE+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
Club - 1992-12
Marilyn Chambers at 40 years old - FC + 6 excellent pages. Laura (pretty sure this is Laura Anthony) has 10 pgs inc CF. Misty McKaine has 2 separate features - 7 pgs as Claire w/ Brian and 6 pgs as Anne-Marie w/ Simon. Jo Guest has 6 pgs, Michelle Willings has 5 pgs and Stacy Moran has 4 pgs (anonymously). Emma Caesari shares 7 pgs w/ girlfriend Lisa. Plus a 3 pg B&W cartoon strip - Dick Thrust P.I.
Club - Best of # 011
Product ID: club-bo.011d1981 - Hot Shots. Oversize issue is 84 pgs all photos, mostly 2 -4 pg pictorials and some CFs. Many top models - Serena, Marilyn Chambers & Fia Morrow each have 2 pgs, Tipi Rocks has 3 pgs. Bright & glossy, a few stresses and a bump on bottom right corner - VG+
Number in Stock: 2
Price: $15.00
Club - Best of # 013
Product ID: club-bo.013c1981 - Oversize issue is 100 pgs. Marilyn Chambers has partial FC + 6 pgs (7/80) + letters column w/ pics. Tipi Rocks has 9 pgs as 'Alexandra' (10/80). Micki has 9 pgs inc CF (4/81), Serena has 6 pgs (8/80), Anthea Drummond has 7 pgs (3/80). Loni Sanders & Sylvia Benedict share 6 pgs w/ a guy on a beach (2/81). Girlfriends Dinah & Pippa have 7 pgs (4/81). Olivia de Berardinis has a 2 pg illo 'Dragon Lady' and Jean Glenn Mitchell also has a 2 pg illo. An article about corporate crime and a feature on the Baja 1000 auto race. Bright & glossy, lightly read - FINE
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
Club - Best of # 014
Product ID: club-bo.014c1981 - Leather & Lace - Oversize issue is 84 pgs. Marilyn Chambers has 6 pgs (7/80). A girl in a desert (Brigitte Lahaie?) has 6 pgs w/ 4 male slaves (3/76). Plus 4 more 2-girl sets and a couple in a toilet stall have 6 pgs (10/75). A feature on 'Bizarre' magazine by John Willie, Robert Blue has a 2 pg painting of Bettie Page, Blas Gallego also has a 2 pg illo plus a 3 pg feature on tattoos. Bright & glossy, some minor stresses - VG++
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
Club - Best of # 016
Product ID: club-bo.016d1982 - Oversize issue is 84 pgs. Anna (Jewel Shepard?) has 9 pgs inc CF (8/81), Maria (Jacqueline Brooks?) has 9 pgs (10/81) and Prudence has 9 pgs (11/81). Marilyn Chambers has 4 pgs (from 12/81), Clarissa has 5 pgs (6/81 less pgs 36-37), 3 girlfriends 'Puss 'n' Boots' share 7 pgs (10/81) and 2 couples have 5 pgs (11/81). Very bright & glossy, lightly read but has a bump at top of spine - VG++
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
Club - Best of # 021
Product ID: club-bo.021cSpring 1983 - Private Pages. Oversize issue is 84 pgs. Marilyn Chambers has an 11 pg feature inc CF of various scenes from her new movie 'Up 'n' Coming' - (same as 1/83 less the 3 pg foldout CF). Julia Parton has 4 pgs (2/83 less pgs 18-19), Jean Clarke has 4 pgs as 'Louise' (8/82) and Charlotte has 4 pgs (3/83 less pgs 60-61). Plus short, 3 pg cut down features on Caroline (10/82), Cathy (12/82), Lucille (3/83) and girlfriends Susan & Laura (7/82). Very bright & glossy, lightly read - FINE
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
Club - Best of # 024
Product ID: club-bo.024c12/83-1/84 - Oversize issue is 84 pgs and contains 17 features that have been drastically cut down in length from the initial apps noted. Seka has partial FC + 5 pgs inc CF in black leather on a big Harley (7/82). Marilyn Chambers has 5 pgs (9/82), Margaret Wallace has 3 pgs as 'Tamara' (2/80), Claire Cuthbert has 5 pgs in an 18 wheeler w/ unknown guy (8/76). Michelle Bauer & Danielle Martin share 4 pgs (8/81), Jennifer Eccles(?) has 4 pgs as 'Paula' (2/79)and Jacqueline Brooks (?) has 3 pgs as 'Maria (10/81). Martie Fitzgerald has 3 pgs (9/75), Elenor has 4 pgs (3/80), Pattie has 4 pgs (1/82), Miss T (aka Tatum) has 5 pgs (11/77) and Elizabeth has 5 pgs (4/78). Girlfriends Cherry & Chastity have 3 pgs (9/77), Lori Smith & Marc Wallice have 5 pgs (7/83) plus several other familiar faces. Bright & glossy, a few minor stresses - FINE
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
Club - Best of # 042
Product ID: club-bo.042c4-5/87 - Oversize issue is 84 pgs. Amber Lynn & Keli Stewart share 9 pgs inc CF (1/86), Pippi Andersson has 9 pgs (2/86) and Marilyn Chambers has 7 pgs (4/86). Cynthia Brooks & Rikki Blake have 7 pgs w/ a bunch of guys on a pool table (3/86). A French maid has 8 pgs (1/86), girlfriends Mandy & Tina have 6 pgs in a barn (1/86 - 1 is Gina Powell) and Jane & Joanne have 5 pgs (2/86 less 3 pgs). Plus 3 girls w/ a camera share 8 pgs (3/86). Bright & glossy, a bit of light rubbing along spine - FINE
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
Dapper - 1981-12
Covergirl is British Page 3 girl Jane Warner. Carrie Sellars has 5 pgs inc CF as 'Allison Wyatt'. A 2 pg article on Marilyn Chambers, an oriental gang bang, more nameless babes and Mistress in Leather - Wow!
Easyriders - 1980-11
Product ID: eard1980-11fIssue #89 - Has nice Marilyn Chambers FC + 6 pg pictorial. Interview w/ Chuck Traynor. Mag has very light water spots along bottom edge but still decent.
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
Erotic Film Guide - 1983-12
v1 #12 - Hyapatia Lee has FC + fabulous 12 pg pictorial inc a giant 3 pg foldout CF. She is also featured in reviews of the following films: 'Let's Get Physical', 'Body Girls' and 'Sweet Young Foxes'. Sue Nero has an 8 pg pictorial, Kimberly Carson also has 8 pgs and Melanie Scott has 6 pgs. Also a 3 pg interivew of Joyce James by Gerard Damiano and a 2 pg interview of Marilyn Chambers w/ pics. Movie reviews of 'Tuesday's Lovers', 'Silk, Satin & Sex' and 'Night Hunger'. Have 2 copies - both are bright & glossy w/ clean white covers but a bit of rubbing along spine. One has a small bump at bottom of spine and a TINY nick on spine, the other has a TINY tear at top of spine and a light crease on upper corner of BC. Same price, your choice.
Film International - 1975-07
Product ID: filmint1975-07dv1 #4 has Victoria Principal FC in green bikini by pool. Long article about Raquel Welch w/ lots of pics inc 1 full pg color photo in bikini. Actress Louisa Moritz has 1 full pg and another 2/3 pg pic in bikini. Articles w/ pics about Deborah Raffin, Robert Evans and Robert L. Roberts (the director of 'Patty', a movie about Patricia Hearst). Also Starlets of the 70s inc Susan Blakely, Tiffany Bolling & Melanie Griffith. Article about the Sunset Strip w/ pics of Nika Movenka (as Maria Nika) and Liberty West. Marilyn Chambers has full pg color pic + 2 more. Review of 'Rollerball'. Very bright & glossy, minor stresses near spine - VG++
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $30.00
Genesis - 1975-01
Marilyn Chambers has FC + 8 great pages. Gaby has 6 pgs (this same pictorial is reprinted in 2/76). Mag contains an 8 pg Calendar for 1975 w/ pics from classic X-rated movies featuring Georgina Spelvin, Linda Lovelace, Harry Reems and others. Articles about the Health Industry and country singer Charlie Rich.
Genesis - 1976-02
Covergirl is Liz (she has 7 pgs in 3/76). Lynn has 9 pgs inc CF, Nicki has 5 pgs and Gaby has 6 pgs (reprint of feature in 1/75). Marilyn Chamber's Autobiography Part 1 of 2. Movie Review of 'Story of Joanna' starring Terri Hall. Articles about the Chappaquiddick cover-up and Patty Hearst. Also 'A Plague on All The Lawyers' by F. Lee Bailey.
Genesis - 1976-03
Covergirl is Yvonne (she has 7 pgs in 4/76). Ginny has 8 pgs inc CF (this same feature is reprinted in 8/77). Liz (FC of 2/76) has 7 pgs, Melanie Porter as 'Pia' has 6 pgs (this is a reprint of the feature in 2/75 less the first picture in 2/75) and Susanna has 5 pgs. Marilyn Chambers Autobiography Part 2 (of 2). Isaac Asimov short story "Light Verse". Articles about Alabama Gov. George Wallace and snuff films.
Genesis - 1976-05
Product ID: gene1976-05dMarilyn Chambers has FC, Rhonda (was FC of 4/76) has 9 pgs inc CF. Girlfriends Nola & Connie share 8 pgs, Antoinette, Helena Morgan and Debbie Mouro each have 5 pgs - Debbie is a reprint of 9/74 less the 3 pg CF. Interview w/ Gerard Damiano. Eric Stanton 5 illos on 2 pages. Article about how the Mafia controls show business. VG+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
Genesis - 1976-12
Marilyn Chambers has FC + huge 17 pg pictorial inc CF as 'Playgirl of the Year'. Tarri Micas has 8 pgs as 'Madeline' (she is also FC of 2/77), Joni has 8 pgs, Bridget has 5 pgs and girlfriends Jeannette & Sally share 9 pgs. Movie review of 'Diversions' w/ Heather Deeley. Article about lawyer William Kunstler and 'Scarlet O'Harlot' a 3 pg color comic strip.
Genesis - 1977-12
Product ID: gene1977-12cScarce Issue has Marilyn Chambers FC + 16 pg detachable calendar. Entire calendar is Marilyn - 7 double page photos plus covers. Jane Hazeldene has 9 pgs as 'Heloise', Taffy has 10 pgs and Nancy has 9 pgs. Article about NFL Quaterbacks Bert Jones & Steve Grogan. Movie Review of 'Captain Lust' and 'Scarlet O'Harlot' a 3 pg color comic strip. Bright, glossy - FINE
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $40.00
Genesis - 1980-03
Marilyn Chambers has 9 excellent pgs inc CF. Sandra O'Quinn has 10 pgs, Angela James has 8 pgs as 'Monique Eagle' - she was FC of 3/79. Interview w/ rock star Rod Stewart. Articles about modern pirates and basketball player Lloyd Free.
High Society - 1993-11
Product ID: hsoc1993-11cCandy Cripe has FC + 8 pgs (she was also in 5/93 & 9/93). Brianna Knight has 12 pgs inc CF and Marilyn Chambers has 6 pgs. Tonisha Mills and Angela Summers share 8 pgs. Brazilian star Xuxa has 6 pgs. Cheri has 8 pgs, Sylvie, Tasha & Staci each have 6 pgs and Katja has 4 pgs. Dina and Dr. Phil have 8 pgs and Natalie has 10 pgs w/ Armond & Tim. An 8 pg feature on Porn's Dirty Dozen and 8 pgs on a supposed lesbian cult. Plus a feature on Bike Week in Daytona and an article about people who stalk celebrities. FINE
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
Marilyn Chambers Guide to Dirty Dancing
Product ID: dvd-marchdd2006 from MC Productions/Devil's Film. Hosted and narratedby Marilyn Chambers. 4 girls demonstrate different types of dancing. Jezebelle Bond lap dance, Franchesca Lay (aka Francesca Le) shower scene, Gia Paloma
chair dance & Christie pole dance. Run time is 47 min.
chair dance & Christie pole dance. Run time is 47 min.
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $10.00
National Screw - 1977-03
v1 #4 features Al Goldstein FC w/ Marilyn Chambers plus a big 9 pg pictorial - Marilyn has 4 pgs w/ Al and 5 pgs inc CF solo. Wally Wood has 4 pgs of 'Malice In Wonderland' color comix, plus articles on electric guitars and how to shoot Craps. Mag is rough - multiple creases, spine split from top down to middle staple, small piece cut off of top corner pg 63.
Nugget - 1983-01
Product ID: nugg1983-01bCovergirl Nita also has 6 pgs. Lara Anders & 2 girlfriends share 6 pgs inc CF. Marilyn Chambers Interview w/ full pg pic. Paloma Diaz & Dixie each have 5 pgs. Beverly & Roberta have a 6 pg catfight - same girls as 9/82 & 11/82. An anonymous couple has 5 pgs and a pair of anonymous girls share 3 pgs. Plus 4 pgs of bondage pics and Amputee Corner - 3 pgs of artwork by R.H. Dee. Extremely bright & glossy, barely touched - FINE+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
Oui - 1974-02
Covergirl is Claudia Jennings (Playboy Playmate of 11/69). Violente has 8 pgs inc CF (1st 2 pg CF, prior issues had 3 pgs foldouts). Pat Anderson has 6 pgs, plus a long 12 pg feature on the dancers of Hamburg's Reeperbahn w/ a 3 pg foldout. Interview w/ Marilyn Chambers and a mini-Interview w/ Georgina Spelvin. Articles about robots and Grand Prix racing. Alain Aslan has a full pg pin-up painting. Clive Collins has a full pg cartoon.
Oui - 1981-10
Morgan Fairchild has dynamite FC + 5 pg Interview w/ pics. Jay Patterson has 11 pgs inc CF. Toni White has 9 pgs (she was also Covergirl & CF of 6/81). Tami Roche has 7 pgs and Corinna Drews (aka Bech) also has 7 pgs. Marilyn Chambers has 4 pg Interview w/ pics. Raven de la Croix has 1 pg. Interview w/ baseball player George Brett.
Oui - 1982-02
Lois Areno (from TV show 'The Ropers') has FC + 6 pgs and Sylvia Wright (aka Wilson) has 8 pgs inc CF as 'Sydne'. Terry Moore has 6 pgs + Interview, rock groupie Cherry Vanilla has 4 pg Int w/ pics, Karyn (was CF of 12/79 as 'Caryn') has 5 pgs, Astrud has 5 pgs, plus an 8 pg feature on the Girls of Vegas' Folies Bergere. Profile of hockey player Don Murdoch, a feature on the Soldier of Fortune convention w/ pics of Marilyn Chambers and an article on the transcutaneous nerve stimulator.
Partner - 1980-05
Christine de Schaeffer has FC + 5 pgs. Caroline Jane has 9 pgs inc CF. Gabrielle Freeman has 7 pgs as 'Loretta Lamont' and Marilyn Chambers has 3 pgs. Big 7 pg section of 'Celebriteasers' inc Diane McBain 3 pgs, Fay Spain 2 pgs and Sheree North 1 pg. Connie has 6 pgs, Danielle Raye has 5 pgs and Cherry has 4 pgs. The New York Flash punk band has 6 pgs.
Pub - 1980-07
Product ID: pub1980-07cv4 #4 - Covergirl Cindy also has 6 pgs, Marilyn Chambers has a 5 pg feature w/ pics from her new movie - 'Insatiable'. Valerie Clark has 6 pgs as 'Daniella'. Girlfriends Carol & Amy share 8 pgs (1 is Kelly Nichols), Mikki has 8 pgs inc CF. Leslie Bovee letters column w/ full pg pic. Interview w/ actor Stacy Keach, article about Mario Andretti. Bright & glossy, very lightly read - FINE
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
Pub - 1983-10
v7 #1 is another loaded issue. Marilyn Chambers has 4 pgs, Amber Lane has 6 pgs as 'Britt', Jewel Shepard has 5 pgs as 'Alexis'. Long Jean Silver, Sharon Mitchell, Tiffany Clark and Helle Kjaer (billed as a cousin of Britt Ekland) each have 3 pgs. Rachel Ashley has 4 pgs as 'Lana', Piper Smith (as 'Lena') & Tom Byron have 7 pgs (Farmer's Daughter feature in a barn). Plus several other familiar faces. Exremely bright & glossy, barely touched - FINE+
Scream Queens Ill. # 08
Product ID: scrq.08b(1995) - Debbie Rochon has FC + 8 pgs, Alex Taylor (Miss Nude World 1994 and Penthouse Pet 8/94)) has 10 pgs inc a 3 pg foldout CF. Marilyn Chambers has 6 pgs of pics + Interview. Julianna Masterson has 4 pgs, Fantasia has 3 pgs. Outstanding - Fine+
Number in Stock: 4
Price: $15.00
Scream Queens Ill. # 08 Autograph Copy
Product ID: scrq.08au(1995) - Debbie Rochon has FC + 8 pgs, Alex Taylor (Miss Nude World 1994 and Penthouse Pet 8/94)) has 10 pgs inc a 3 pg foldout CF. Marilyn Chambers has 6 pgs of pics + Interview. Julianna Masterson has 4 pgs, Fantasia has 3 pgs. Like new - Fine+
Number in Stock: 6
Price: $20.00
Sir Presents 2 By 2 - 1981 Spring
Product ID: sir-pres2x21981-1bMarilyn Chambers - long movie review of 'Insatiable'. Leslie Bovee shares 6 pgs w/ boyfriend, Katrina Ferguson has 6 pgs w/ girlfriend (same as 9/80), Little Oral Annie & Lisa DeLeeuw share 3 pgs. Movie reviews of 'Co-ed Fever', 'Screwples', 'Talk Dirty To Me', 'Hot Legs' and lots more. Beautiful Fine+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
Swank - 1983-06
Lois Ayres has FC + 7 pgs inc CF as 'Layla'. Diana has 6 pgs, Shana Ross & boyfriend have 6 pgs. Jennifer & Monika each have 5 pgs plus 2 girls in a shower share 7 pgs and a Marilyn Chambers Interview w/ pics. FINE+ copy is Extremely bright & glossy - barely touched!
Swank - Best Of - 1977
v24 #14 - Claire Hunter has 7 pgs inc CF (she was CF of 11/76). Linda Gordon has 5 pgs as 'Stevie the Stew', Hilary Corona (aka Caroline Taborrine) has 5 pgs as 'Lynette'. Martha Hebert has 7 pgs, Sharon Sussman has 5 pgs. Maureen Collins and Louise (Lou) Macy each have 3 pgs, plus several diff couples. Xaviera (Hollander) Meets Marilyn (Chambers) - story by same w/ 1 1/2 pg illo by Rowena Morrill. Spanking article, lots more. VG++ copy is bright & glossy, has clean white cover, a few minor stresses. VG copy has been read and handled, multiple spine stresses, a bit of light foxing on cover, normal wear but no serious defects. Good copy has been heavily read and handled, some light soiling and heavy rubbing on covers, 2" split at bottom spine.
Swank - Erotic Series - v04.07
Product ID: swan-erse-v04.07b1983-08 - "X-Rated Cinema". Lisa DeLeeuw FC w/ Paul Thomas. Sharon Kane and Ashley Moore have 10 pgs inc CF. Laura Lazare and Randy West have 8 pgs. Plus an Interview w/ Michael Morrison and numerous movie reviews inc Marilyn Chambers 'Up 'N Coming'. Extremely bright & glossy, basically new - FINE+
Number in Stock: 2
Price: $25.00