Gina LaMarca-p
Busty auburn haired model from the 90s - was Penthouse Pet of 5/93.
Draculina - 1998 #32
Product ID: drac.32eCovergirl is Sapphire. A good 5 pg article about Linda Blair w/ lot of pics and a filmography. Gina Lamarca - Penthouse Pet of the Year for 1995 - has a short inteview and 4 pgs of pics inc CF. An interview and pics of Don 'The Dragon' Wilson and an article about artist Jack Kamen. Also a Draculina comic strip and lots of movie reviews. A few spine stresss, bit of scuffing on BC - VG/VG+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
Hustler - 1996-07
Product ID: hust1996-07dCovergirl is Gina LaMarca (Penthouse Pet of 5/93). Marla has 10 pgs inc a 3 pg foldout CF. Beaver Hunt winner Pamela has 8 pgs, Dana has 6 pgs and girlfriends Lexus & Tori share 8 pgs. Erica and boyfriend Max have 8 pgs. Interview w/ Larry Flynt. Articles about boxers Jerry & Mike Quarry and the Consumer Electronics Show. Alex Ebel has a 1 pg illo. VG+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
Penthouse - 1994-12
Product ID: pent1994-12dCovergirl Brandi Lee Braxton also has 13 pgs inc CF. Girlfriends Tiffany Burlingame (CF of 2/94) & Gina LaMarca (CF of 5/93) share 13 pgs and Sean & Crystal also share 13 pgs. Bobbi Brown has 10 pgs. Heidi Fleiss - article about w/ pics. Interview w/ Ralph Nader. Articles about South Africa, DJ Doug 'The Greaseman' Tracht, OMNI magazine Project Open Book - about UFOs. Penthouse Comix - Backlash, Episode 2 - 6 pgs. Sharp glossy VG+
Number in Stock: 2
Price: $15.00
Penthouse - 1995-06
Product ID: pent1995-06cElizabeth Ann Hilden FC + 14 pgs inc a 3 pg foldout CF. Pet of the Year Gina LaMarca & Runner-Up Leslie Glass share 12 pgs. Seana Ryan (CF of 9/92) has 13 pg pictorial. Lexus Locklear (as 'Brandi') has 10 pgs w/ Rocco Sifreddi. Pet of the Year Play-off w/ 2 pgs each of 4 diff girls. Also a 9 pg feature of artwork by Hajime Sorayama. Feature articles on the O.J. Simpson murder trial and animal rights activist Dan Matthews. Penthouse Comix - Backlash, Episode 6 - 6 pgs. Bright, glossy - FINE
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
Penthouse - 1996-01
Product ID: pent1996-01cPet of the Year Andi Sue Irwin has FC + 13 pgs. Emerald Heart has 15 pgs inc a 3 pg foldout CF, Gina LaMarca & boyfriend Jon have 13 pgs w/ a Harley. Also a 12 pg pictorial w/ 4 girls by Suze Randall and an 11 pg erotic art exhibition. Mag contains a giant 8 pg detachable poster - one side is POY Andi Sue Irwin, other side is previous POY Gina La Marca. Feature articles on missing children hysteria, ozone therapy and Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Arizona. Penthouse Comix - Backlash, episode 12 - 5 pgs. Sorayama has 1 pg illo. Nearly new - FINE
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00