Jamie Summers-p
Adult Cinema Review - 1987-09
Product ID: adulcire1987-09dv6 #5 - Jamie Summers has nice FC + interior pics, Brandy Cruise (aka Dina Deville) has 11 pgs inc CF. Bunny Bleu has a 4 pg Interview w/ pics plus a 4 pg article about Jerry Butler w/ pics. Movie reviews of 'Ginger & Spice', 'Skyfoxes', 'Lottery Lust', 'Hotel California' - w/ Jamie Summers, 'Caught By Surprise' and 'Women In Love'. A few stresses along spine, small bump at bottom and a TINY nick on edge of BC - VG+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
Andrew Blakes's Girls
Product ID: vid-andrblgi1992(1992) Caballero Home Video (85Min) - Tori Welles, Porsche Lynn, Jamie Summers, Jeanna Fine and Ashlyn Gere.
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
Best of Genesis - 1989 # 04
Product ID: gene-bo1989.04b'Letters' - Lydia Denier has 6 pgs as 'Detroit'. Julia Parton & Michelle Bauer share 4 pgs (6/86 - 4 pgs only) and Trine Michelson has 4 pgs as 'Sara' (12/86 - 4 pgs only). Keisha, Jeanna Fine, Alicia Monet and Jamie Summers each have 2 pgs. Very bright & glossy, barely touched - FINE+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
Casanova - 1989-03
Product ID: ital-casa1989-03dGood italian mag is slightly oversize, 116 pgs on slick glossy paper - very well done. Jamie Summers has FC + 7 pgs (same photo shoot as High Society 6/87 but diff pics). Nina de Ponca shares 14 pgs w/ a couple, Isabelle has 12 pgs inc CF. Girlfriends Blondi & Sheena Horne share 8 pgs, Amber Lynn has 6 pgs and Nick & Juanita have 14 pgs (Nick is Jon Dough and Juanita looks like Keisha). Ding on upper right corner but bright & glossy - VG+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
Cheri - 1986-12
Product ID: cheri1986-12bAileen has FC + 8 pgs and Jamie Summers has excellent 10 pg feature inc CF as 'Nina'. Rachel Ashley has 8 pgs, Julia Parton w/ short punky hair has 6 pgs as 'Liza', and Elle Rio & girlfiend share 8 pgs as 'Zelda & Marlene'. HOTM Cheryl has 8 pgs and Barbara has 6 pgs on a pool table. Plus an 8 pg feature on the Miss Nude World Pageant and an Interview w/ director Henry Pachard. Very bright & glossy, barely touched - FINE+
Number in Stock: 2
Price: $20.00
Cheri - 1987-04
Covergirl is Andrea Kovic and Hyapatia Lee has 10 pgs inc CF. Linda & Lorraine share 8 pgs - Linda is Jamie Summers and Lorraine is Terrie Woods. Sandra has 8 pgs, HOTM Angela Maracino (Andrea Kovic?) and Hannah each have 6 pgs and Tina has 5 pgs. A big 10 pg feature on the Girls of Tampa and the return of Ugly George.
Cheri - 1987-06
Gail McKenna has FC + 6 pgs as 'Madeline' and Candie Evans as a cowgirl all in silver has 5 pgs inc CF plus both sides of a giant 8 page poster - Fantastic!!! Jamie Summers has 8 pgs as 'Nina', Jeri & Tanya each have 5 pgs, Lisa has 4 pgs and girlfriends Tracy & Nanci share 7 pgs.
Chic - 1992-02
Product ID: chic1992-02eCovergirl is Tracy Winn and Veronique has 7 pgs inc CF, Victoria has 6 pgs and Tanya & Taylor each have 5 pgs. Girlfriends Teena & Bonnie have 6 pgs - Teena is Ashley Lauren and Bonnie is the same girl as 12/90. Jamie Summers has 7 pgs w/ Jeff Stryker. Bright & glossy, but some normal wear, tiny corner bumps, multiple spine stresses - VG
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $10.00
Cinema Blue - 1988-08
v5 #6 - Jamie Summers has FC + 6 pgs inc CF + both sides of a detachable 8 pg poster. A long feature on the XRCO Awards and reviews of 10 new movies. Very bright & glossy, nearly new, poster still attached, some minor stresses, tiny bump at top of spine - FINE
Club Int. - 1987-09
Seka has FC and begins a new feature 'Seka's Fantasy Hot Line' - a story w/ pics. This feature runs monthly thru at least 4/91. Sheena Horne has 6 pgs, Ginger Lynn + Jamie Summers share 6 pgs and Tami White (aka Ariel Knight) has 6 pgs. Frankie has 8 pgs inc CF, Penny also has 8 pgs, girlfriends Madeline & Kate have 7 pgs
and Steve Drake & Candy have 5 pgs.
Erotic X-Film Guide - Presents 1988-06
Product ID: erfg-pres1988-06fHottest Porn Stars - Buffy Davis & Blake Palmer have FC + 10 pgs inc CF. Jamie Summers has big 10 pg article w/ pics. Bunny Bleu has 6 pgs, Barbara Dare has 5 pgs and John Leslie has a 6 pg Interview w/ pics. Plus a whole mess of movei reviews inc 'Hard Rockin' Babes' - 9 pgs; 'Pleasure Game'; 'Slumber Party Reunion'; 'Ginger Snaps', 'Girls of Double D - Part 2' and 'Army Brat'. Bright & glossy but this one has been read a bit. Corner creases & bumps, BC a little rough - Good
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $10.00
Genesis - 1988-02
Jo Phillips has FC + 9 pgs inc CF as 'Domino' (she was also in 4/86). Jamie Summers has 10 pgs. Susan Quinn has 8 pgs and girlfriends Blake & Holly share 10 pgs - 1 is Melissa Wolfe. Photo-Interview w/ actor Mark Harmon. Articles about prison riots, the male 'Pill' and the Super Bowl.
Girls of Hustler #1
Product ID: hust-go.01e1989 - Main Covergirl is Quisha - she also has 6 pgs as 'Cori (10/87 - 1st 6 pgs only). Angela Baron has 8 pgs inc CF (3/88 - 1st 8 pgs only), Andrea Clarke as 'Connie' has 8 pgs (11/88), Stacey Owen as 'Coco' has small pic on FC + 8 pgs (5/88 - 1st 8 pgs only), Gail Force as 'Jeanie' has 6 pgs (11/86) and Jamie Summers & Careena Collins share 8 pgs (4/87). Olga Behr as 'Veronica' has 9 pgs (6/88 less 3 pg CF), Lexie has 8 pgs (2/88), Black model Sondra has 6 pgs (3/87) and Faye Chamberlain has 6 pgs as 'Paulette' (9/87). 3 girls - Shari, Charlene & Jill share 10 pgs - 1 is Pauline Mason (7/88) and an anonymous model 'French Vanilla' has 8 pgs (7/88). Bright & glossy, a few creases on FC and minor spine streses - VG/VG+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
Girls of Penthouse - 1989-09
Product ID: pent-go1989-09dLeanna Sommers has 11 pgs (same as 2/87) as 'Christina Lee'. Brittany Morgan has huge 17 pg pictorial and Jamie Summers has 11 pgs - both same as 3/87. Janette Littledove has 15 pgs w/ Tracy Adams - reprint of 12/86 and Joni Flynn has 8 pgs. Sharp, glossy VG++
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
High Society - 1987-01
Jamie Summers has FC + 8 pgs inc CF as 'Doreen'. Nikki Randall has 6 pgs as 'Rita'. Sheena Horne and girlfriend share 9 pgs, Nikki Knights and boyfriend have 8 pgs, Leanna Sommers has 6 pgs as 'Bambi' and Yvonne has 6 pgs. Plus a 9 pg feature on French Girls has 2 pgs each of Helle Kjaer (as 'Suzette') and Nikki Downey (as 'Louise'). An article about boxer Mike Tyson.
High Society - 1987-03
Marla has FC + 6 pgs, Stevie Walker has 8 pgs inc CF as 'Catherine' . Blondi has 7 pgs, Jamie Summers has 8 pg as 'Doreen' and Cindy has 7 pgs. Wendy Barry (CF of 4/87 as 'Vikki') has 8 pgs w/ Peter North, girlfriends Shirley & Renee have 8 pgs.
High Society - 1987-05
Amber Lynn has FC + 5 pgs inc CF and both sides of a giant, detachable 8 pg poster. Blondi and Jamie Summers (as 'Doreen') share 8 pgs, Nikki Randal has 5 pgs as 'Rita'. Tracey (was in 4/87), Ursula & Lani each have 6 pgs. Plus The CF of the Year contest, an Interview w/ Nina Hartley and an article about the FBIs 10 Most Wanted list.
High Society - 1987-06
LOADED: Porche Lynn has solo FC + 8 pgs w/ black model Sade. Jeanette Littledove has 7 pgs inc CF, Sheena Horne has 7 pgs, Jamie Summers has 6 pgs. Samantha Fox has 5 pgs and Candi Evans has 7 pgs w/ boyfriend Richie. Shari & Terri each have 6 pgs and Christy has 5 pgs. An Interview w/ Barbara Dare and an article about the KKK.
High Society - 1987-09
Aneliese Nesbitt has FC + 6 pgs as 'Amelia', Marie Harpur has 7 pgs inc CF, Jamie Summers has 6 pgs, Trine Michelson has 6 pgs as 'Kristen', and Quisha (was in 8/87) has 6 pgs w/ boyfriend. Darla & Renee each have 6 pgs, Cindy has 5 pgs and girlfriends Lisa & Sonya share 6 pgs. An Interview w/ Sheena Horne and an article about TV Evangelists.
High Society - Best Of #018
1988 - Porn Star Special. Barbara Dare has FC + 5 pgs (10/87 less CF), Amber Lynn has 9 pgs inc CF (11/87). Taija Rae has 8 pgs (2/87), Porsche Lynn & Sade share 8 pgs (6/87), Jamie Summers has 6 pgs (6/87), Elle Rio also has 6 pgs (12/86 less CF), Candie Evans has 7 pgs (7/87), Jeanna Fine and boyfriend Ted have 7 pgs (8/87). Gloria Leonard has a 3 pg Interview (5/86). FINE copy extremely bright & glossy, tiny bump at bottom of spine. VG+ copy is very bright & glossy, bottom right corner is soft, there is a 2" horizontal slice (box cutter?) near center of FC.
High Society - Best Of #019
1988 - Carnal Couples Special - is all 2-girl sets. Nina Hartley & Jeanna Fine share FC + 8 pgs (5/88), Blondi & Jamie Summers share 8 pgs (5/87), Sheena Horne & Samantha have 7 pgs (1/87 less last 2 pgs), Ali Sky & Beverly Glen (as Anita & Maria) have 6 pgs (10/87). Dotty & Lori have 8 pgs inc CF (2/87), Shirley & Renee also have 8 pgs (3/87), Lisa & Sonya have 6 pgs (9/87) and Nina & Laurie also have 6 pgs (8/87). FINE+ copy is extremely bright & glossy, barely touched! FINE copy is extremely bright & glossy, a few minor spine stresses.
High Society - Best Of #021
1989 - Porn Star Special. Nikki Randall has FC + 6 pgs (1/87 - last pg diff). Jeannette Littledove has 7 pgs inc CF (6/87). Aneliese Nesbitt as 'Amelia' has 6 pgs 6/88), Jamie Summers as 'Doreen' has 5 pgs (3/87). Marianne Cooper has 6 pgs (8/87). Girlfriends Nichole & Tina share 6 pgs (1/88) and Melody Sands as 'Karen' has 6 pgs w/ boyfriend Jack (11/87). Margo has 6 pgs (10/87) and Sonya has 5 pgs (12/87). Taija Rae has 2 pg Interview w/ pic (8/87). Articles about the Mafia and greatest sports upsets. FINE+ copy is extremely bright & gloss, barely touched! VG+ copy is bright & glossy, some spine stresses and 3.00 price written near top right corner of FC.
High Society - Best Of #025
Product ID: hsoc-bo.025b1990 - Porn's Hottest Sex Queens. Amber Lynn has FC + 7 pgs inc CF (5/87, no poster). Jamie Summers (9/87), Megan Leigh (10/88) and Barbara Dare (1/89) each have 6 pgs. Sabre has 6 pgs (11/89 less 3 pgs). Nina Hartley has 6 pgs (4/88 less 1st pg). Kascha has 5 pgs (8/88 less CF). Stephanie Rage and girlfriend Teri have 6 pgs (5/89 less last 2 pgs). Alicia Monet and boyfriend have 6 pgs (5/88 less 2 pgs). Article about TV Evangelists. Extremely bright & glossy, barely touched! - FINE+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
High Society - Book of Lingerie 1991.4
Winter 1991 - 100 pg issue is practically cover to cover photos - mostly 2-4 pgs/model. Lots of familiar faces. Covergirl is Jeanette Starion? Kirsten Imrie & Solange each have 4 pgs. Ashley Lauren has 3 pgs and Jamie Summers has 2 pgs. Extremely bright & glossy, barely touched! - FINE+
Hustler - 1987-04
Miss Nude Universe Jessica Jensen has FC + 10 pgs inc a 3 pg foldout CF. Girlfriends Jamie Summers & Careena Collins share 8 pgs. Martina has 6 pgs and Sylvia has 10 pgs w/ boyfriend Fernando. Articles about Prostitution and escort services.
Live - 1987-09
Porn Star Spectacular Issue has Jamie Summers FC + 8 pgs. Porsche Lynn has 8 pgs inc CF. Samantha Strong shares 8 pgs w/ girlfriend Racquel Rios - is Keisha. Gail McKenna has 6 pgs as 'Nina' and Linda Windebank has 8 pgs as 'Stacy'. Steve Drake and Stephanie have 8 pgs. A 2 pg Interview w/ Breezy Lane w/ pics, Lisa has 5 pgs and girlfriends Cindy & Jo share 6 pgs. Plus a long feature on the Million Dollar Saloon in Windsor, ON. FINE+ copy is very bright & glossy, barely touched!
Live - 1988-05
Product ID: live1988-05dRiva Rose has FC + 6 pgs, Vicki has 8 pgs inc CF. Sheena Horne & girlfriend Nicole share 8 pgs. Stephanie Adams, Jennifer May, Marie and Patti each have 6 pgs. Girlfriends Priscilla & Laurie share 6 pgs w/ a motorcycle and a different Laurie has 8 pgs w/ a sailor. Jamie Summers has a 2 pg interview w/ pics. Bright & glossy, a few mnor spine stresses - VG+
Number in Stock: 3
Price: $15.00
Most Sensuous Pictorials #3
Product ID: hust-mtsp.3d1990 - Girlfriends Leslie & Friday share FC + 8 pgs - 1 is Pauline Mason? (10/89). Callie has 8 pgs inc CF. Barbara Dare has 9 pgs w/ Jeff Stryker (8/88), Veronica Dol has 7 pgs as 'Sarah' (2/89) and Keisha has 6 pgs w/ Brad (they were in Chic 3/88). Careena Collins & Jamie Summers share 8 pgs (4/87) and Lacey & Margo share 7 pgs (11/89). Stella & Louise have 8 pgs w/ Steve (7/88) and Peter North and an unknown girl have 7 pgs (they were in Chic 10/89). Very bright & glossy, lightly read, light crease on bottom right corner - VG++
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
Penthouse - 1987-03
Product ID: pent1987-03dCovergirl and POY Runner-up Angela Nicholas also has 14 pgs. Brittany Morgan (aka Olivia Nicole - NOT the porn star) has huge 17 pg pictorial inc CF. Jamie Summers has nice 11 pg feature. Girlfriends Annie & Linnea share 11 pgs. Articles about International arms trafficking, acupuncture as a cure for drug addicts and musician Daryl Hall. Sweet Chastity - 6 pg comic strip. Strong VG+
Number in Stock: 2
Price: $25.00
Penthouse - 1987-05
Product ID: pent1987-05dMelissa Leigh FC + 17 pgs inc CF.
Riva Rose has 8 pg pictorial. Karen & Sally (are Blondi & Jamie Summers) share 12 pgs. Also a 10 pg feature on Dutch artist Hans Kanters. Interview w/ Baseball manager Billy Martin. Feature articles on 'The Mexican Time Bomb' by Jack Anderson and Dale van Atta, illegal immigrants (from Mexico) and Libertarian politician Norma Jean Almodovar. Sweet Chastity 6 pg comic strip. Bright, shiny VG++
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
Penthouse - 1987-07
Lisa Mandoki FC + 17 pgs inc CF. Lauri Gilbert has 10 pg pictorial, Jamie Summers & Peter North have 10 pgs. Also a 7 pg feature by photographer Marion Schult. Feature articles on Medical Genocide - Part 14 - Bad Diet, farm foreclosures and 'The Armageddon Network'. Bill Lee cartons - 5 pgs on summer vacations 'Last Resorts'. Sweet Chastity 6 pg comic strip.
Penthouse - 1989-10
Diana Van Gils FC + 15 pgs inc CF.
Miriam Hendriks has 8 pg pictorial, ballerinas Donnie & Tessa (one is Jamie Summers) share 10 pgs and Jaqui (is Racquel Darrian) has 11 pgs w/ boyfriend. Interview w/ Alexander M. Haig, Jr. Feature articles on the exploitation of killer whales and the 20 worst college football teams. Eric Deceitis cartoons - 5 pgs on Halloween.
Penthouse Letters - 1987-11
Product ID: pent-lets1987-11dv5 #11 - Covergirl Dominique St. Croix (she was CF of Penthouse 4/86) also has 1 pg. Irina ionesco has 6 pgs, Jamie Summers has 2 pgs. Also a 4 pg feature on Sculptor Doug Johns and 6 pgs of girls in love. Has 1 1/2" tear on edge of FC o/w VG+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $10.00
Swank - 1987-03
Buffy Davis has FC + 8 pgs inc CF. Amber Lynn has 8 pgs w/ Jamie Gillis, Jamie Summers has 4 pgs. Snow Bunny Tanya from 3/83 has 7 pgs - this time w/ no name (is Misty Regan?), Portia has 7 pgs, Sheila has 6 pgs and a 2-girl set. Article about mercenaries. Extremely bright & glossy, TINY crease on bottom right corner, minor stress lines along spine on BC - FINE+
Swank - 1987-04
Product ID: swan1987-04bJamie Summers has FC + 8 pgs inc CF and both sides of a detachable 8 pg poster! Mindy Rae has 9 pgs as 'Lucinda'. Christy Canyon & Bunny Bleu share 6 pgs w/ Peter North and Vanessa del Oro has 7 pgs w/ Francois Papillon. Girlfriends Cindy & Cathy share 11 pgs - 1 is Brittany Stryker? and Patty has 6 pgs. Good article about the most dangerous jobs. Very bright & glossy, barely touched - FINE+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $30.00
Swank - 1990-02
Product ID: swan1990-02dLois Ayers has FC + monster 13 pg pictorial inc CF. Stephanie Rage has 9 pg pictorial plus Letters Col w/ pics, Jamie Summers has 8 pgs and Tami Monroe & boyfriend have 10 pgs. Jackie has 8 pgs, girlfriends Joanie & Tara share 8 pgs. Tammy & Eve share 5 pgs - Looks like Barbara Peckinpaugh & Amber (aka Vicki) Lane. An 8 pg feature on the Miss Nude Edmonton contest plus 8 pgs of winner Missy. A 3 pg piece on ATV racing. Bright & glossy, some very faint scratches on cover - VG++
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
Swank - Spectacular - 1988-07
Product ID: swan-spet1988-07bv1 #6 - 'Superstars of the X-Rated Screen' is another great issue full of stars. Danielle Martin & Siobahn Hunter share 9 pgs inc CF. Ginger Lynn has a nice 7 pg feature, Joanna Storm has 7 pgs w/ Jack Wrangler and Jamie Summers has 9 pgs w/ boyfriend. Plus Rachel Ashley has 5 pgs and Jacqueline Lorians has 4 pgs. Movie reviews of 'Baby Face II', 'Blame It On Ginger', 'Pleasure Maze', 'Aerobics Girls Club', 'Wild Toga Party' and 'Angel's Revenge'. Very bright & glossy, clean white cover, barely touched - FINE+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
v 28 - Super Blondes Special
Product ID: cheri-ce-v28b1988 Fall - Another all reprint issue. Sandra Jane Moore has FC + 6 pgs as 'Trish' (1/87 - first 6 pgs only) and Michelle has 8 pgs inc CF (12/87). Jamie Summers has 8 pgs as 'Nina' (6/87) and Aileen has 8 pgs (12/86 no FC). Andrea Clark as 'Suzie' has 6 pgs (9/87), Gina Keer as 'Dana' has 6 pgs (11/87) plus Lisa (7/87), Cindy (10/87 less CF), Sandy (8/87), and Lee Ann (10/87) each have 6 pgs. Extremely bright & glossy, basically new, barely touched! - FINE+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
Video Stars #3
Product ID: hust-vidst.03c1988 - Yet another Great Issue!! - Barbii (Hall) has 6 pgs inc CF (1/88). Janette Littledove has 10 pgs (Chic 3/88) and Jamie Summers & Jeff Stryker have 10 pgs. Alicia Monet has 9 pgs (same as Erotic Video Guide 9/89 w/ diff text) and Kascha has 9 pgs w/ Francois Papillion. Jeanna Fine has 8 pgs (5/88) and Amber Lynn & Tracey Adams share 8 pgs (they were in Chic 9/87). Shanna McCullough has 5 pgs, Keisha has a 2pg Interview w/ pics (Chic 3/88) and an article about John Holmes (8/88). Extremely bright & glossy, a few minor stresses - FINE.
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00