Debbie Boyland-p
Very popular British Page 3 model from the early 80s. Was featured in MAYFAIR v17 #4 and was Covergirl of v21 #12. Appeared n a number of US mags from the same time frame often as a covergirl - GAME 9/82, GENESIS 2/82 (FC & CF), OUI 3/84 and SWANK 8/81.
Best of Genesis - 1983.1
Product ID: gene-bo1983-1bSpring - Girls/Girls - Barbara Peckinpaugh as 'Esme Wynn' (7/81), Barbara Schaeffer as 'Diane Donovan' (11/80), Jewel Shepard as 'Louia Layland' (1/82), Debbie Boyland as 'Rena Latelli' (2/82 less 3 pgs) Helle Kjaer as 'Janey Prine' (3/82), Lindy Benson as 'Pearl' (7/82) and Helle Linnebjerg as 'Pia Horvath' (7/82 less 3 pgs) each have 8 pgs. Tipi Rocks has 6 pgs as 'Francine' (3/82 less 5 pgs). Plus Lisa McDaniel has 10 pgs (1/80), Britta Abele (3/81 less 1 pg) Jennifer Jason (8/81 less 1 pg) and Marisa Velez-Agincourt (7/81 less last 2 pgs) each have 6 pgs. FINE+ copy is very bright & glossy, barely touched.
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
Cheri - 1981-11
Covergirl Bobbi (is Jacqueline Brooks) shares 8 pgs w/ girlfriend Billie. Debbie Boyland has 6 pgs as 'Tara', Laurie Smith has 6 pgs as 'Trixie'. Claire & Bella each have 6 pgs, Stevie & Virginia each have 5 pgs. This issue has a 16 pg calendar for 1982. Calendar covergirl is Jackie Jones and includes half page pics of Gerry Reeves, Little Oral Annie, Anna Ventura, Sian Adey Jones, Helle Linnebjurg and Seka and 6 others. Plus bodypainting, female boxers and lots more.
Game - 1982-09
Debbie Boyland has sexy FC. Jacqueline Noir (aka J. Lorians) has 7 fantastic pages. Sally has 7 pgs inc CF, Jenny has 6 pgs and Victoria has 5 pgs. Frank Frazetta has 7 illos on 2 pgs. Gil Elvgren has 1 pg w/ 5 playing cards. FINE copy is bright & glossy, very lightly read.
Genesis - 1982-02
Debbie Boyland has FC + 11 pgs inc CF as 'Rena Latelli'. Faith Adams has 8 pgs as 'Kristin Stevens'. Tammy Hill (Penthouse Pet of 10/79) has 7 pgs as 'Melissa Sue Rainey'. Photo-Interview w/ actress Ann Jillian. Olivia de Berardinis Artwork 2 illos on 1/2 page. Article about an NFL dream team. Also 'Randi Ann Reddy' a 3 pg color comic strip by Larry Hama and Ralph Reese.
Girls/Girls - 1984-10
Product ID: gene-gg1984-10bCovergirl is Samantha Fox. Helle Kjaer as 'Janey' (3/82), Helle Linnebjerg as 'Pia Horvath' (7/82 less 3 pgs) and Lindy Benson as 'Pearl' ( 7/82) each have 8 pgs. Debbie Boyland has 6 pgs as 'Rena Latelli (2/82 less 5 pgs) and Shawn Carney has 6 pgs as 'Cassie Bern' (9/78 less last 2 pgs). Paula Hamilton has 9 pgs as 'Ingrid Nilsson' (5/79 less 1 pg), Sandra O'Quinn has 8 pgs (3/80 less 2 pgs) and Angela Murphy has 7 pgs (9/79 less 1st pg). FINE+ copy is very bright & glossy, barely touched!
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
Girls/Girls - 1992 # 03
Helle Kjaer has 8 pgs as 'Janey' (3/82), Helle Linnebjerg has 8 pgs as 'Pia Horvath' (7/82 less 3 pgs), Lenora Bruce has 8 pgs as 'Hedy' (12/80) and Debbie Boyland has 4 pgs as 'Rena Latelli' (2/82 but only 4 pgs). Maggie has 8 pgs inc CF (6/91), Marti (12/82 less 1 pg) and Madeline (1/81) each have 8 pgs and Sandra O'Quinn has 7 pgs (3/80). FINE+ copy is very bright & glossy, barely touched! VG+ copy is verybright & glossy, a few minor spine stresses, crease on bottom corner of BC.
Mayfair - V17.04
Nina Taylor is Covergirl, Ann Muir has 9 pgs inc CF. Debbie Boyland has 6 pgs. Madeline Burton & Petre Laurant have 6 pgs each, Hazel MacDonald has 5 pgs, Tina Howard & Trish Thomas have 4 pgs each. Features on the Baby Austin (auto) and tattoos, an article about WWI fighter pilot Billy Bishop. Also 'Carrie' a 2 pg color comic strip.
v 11 - Breast of Cheri - v 5
1983 Fall - Mostly reprints as noted but also some new material featuring 14 busty beauties w/ first names only. Anna Ventura as 'Brandy' (8/81) has a nice 8 pg feature, Debbie Boyland as 'Tara' (11/81) has 6 pgs. Bonnie Sue (1/81), Barbara (9/81) and Eve (12/81) each have 7 pgs. Mishu (4/81 less last pg), Patricia (5/81), Veronica (6/81 less last pg), Sherry (7/81) and Samantha (10/81) each have 6 pgs. New material - Sue-Ann has 7 pgs, Donna has 6 pgs and Dora & Belinda split 7 pgs - 1 is Tara Aire. Very bright & glossy, basically new, barely touched - FINE+