Carol Needham-p
Brunette British model popular from late 70s thru the 80s. Appeared in numerous European pubs as well as most American mags. Frequent covergirl - CHERI 3/87, EROS 10/82, GALLERY 4/86, GENESIS 1/87 & PARTNER 8/83 & 9/85 - she was also the PLAYBOY Playmate of 2/79 as Lee Ann Michelle.
Cheri - 1983-10
Special Hawaii Issue. Covergirl is Mei Ling (aka Jenny Kim) and Rachel Ashley has 9 big pgs inc a 3 pg foldout CF as 'Malia'. Linda Wong has 6 pgs as 'Moana' - same photo set as Hustler 4/76. Noehelai & Nalani each have 6 pgs, Jennifer has 5 pgs. Carol Needham & Marie Harper share 6 pgs as 'Pam & Sheila' and girlfriends Angie & Marcella share 6 pgs.
Cheri - 1987-03
Covergirl Carol Needham also has 8 pgs as 'Diane' and Carolynn has 8 pgs inc CF. Porsche Lynn and HOTM Stormy (Eva Werner Pedersen?) each have 7 pgs. Blondi & girlfriend Nikki Randall share 6 pgs as 'Claire & Molly'. Jill has 8 pgs, Jennifer has 5 pgs and The Girls of Michigan get 6 pgs.
Eros - 1982-10
Covergirl is Carol Needham (the Playboy Playmate of 2/79 as 'Lee Ann Michelle'). Samantha Fox has BC + 7 pg pictorial. Lee Carroll and boyfriend share 7 pgs. A very familiar looking blonde Lana has 7 pgs inc CF. 'Comeback' Interview w/ Harry Reems and 'Lotta Erotica' a 4 pg color comic strip. Plus more girls w/ no names inc 1 with scuba gear. FINE+ copy is very bright & glossy - barely touched. Fine copy is nearly new but has a clean 1" crease on bottom corner of BC.
Gallery - 1986-04
Product ID: gall1986-04bCovergirl Carol Needham also has 10 pgs inc CF as 'Tanis'. Girl Next Door Farris has 6 pgs. Sandra Jane Moore has 9 pgs as 'Lori' and Mae has 6 pgs. Interview w/ author of 'The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy' Douglas Adams. First appearance of new monthly column 'Heroes - The Vietnam Experience'. Articles about Income Tax Loopholes, the Justice System (It's Criminal), Why Cops Hate you and real-life treasures waiting to be found. Barely touched, Fine+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
Genesis - 1987-01
Carol Needham has FC + 8 pgs as 'Iris',
Blondi has 11 fantastic pages inc CF as 'Priscilla'. Gail McKenna has 8 pgs as 'Cindy',Margie has 8 pgs and Gina S. also has 8 pgs. Photo-Interview w/ ZZ Top. Articles about The Meese report and cheap wheels plus the NBA forecast.
Girls/Girls - 1985-02
Product ID: gene-gg1985-02bCovergirl is Carol Needham. Jacqueline Lorians in a black wig has 6 pgs as 'Annie Sands' (8/82 less 1 pg). Marina Larsen has 7 pgs as 'Mary Lou' (1/83). Penelope (is Debbie Boyland?) has 7 pgs (12/82). Veronique Cassion has 8 pgs (1/83 less 1 pg), Astrid has 11 pgs (1/83), Margo has 10 pgs (2/83 less 1 pg) Amanda (2/83), Clancy (1/83) and Suzi (2/83) each have 7 pgs. FINE+ copy is very bright & glossy, barely touched!
Number in Stock: 2
Price: $20.00
Girls/Girls - 1988-3
Product ID: gene-gg1988-3cFall - Covergirl is Tracey Elvik, Aneliese Nesbitt has 9 pgs as 'Austin' (10/86) and Theresa Jane as 'Cassy' also has 9 pgs (2/87 less 1 pg). Carol Needham as 'Iris' (1/87) and Christie Lyons as 'Astrid' (2/87) each have 8 pgs and Gail McKenna as 'Cindy' has 7 pgs (1/87 less 1 pg). Plus Margie has 7 pgs (1/87 less 1 pg) and Allison (2/87) & Esperanza (3/87) each have 8 pgs. FINE copy is very bright & glossy, light crease along edge of BC
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
Girls/Girls - 1992 # 09
Product ID: gene-glgl1992.09bCarol Needham as 'Iris' (1/87) and Christie Lyons as 'Astrid' (2/87) each have 8 pgs and Theresa Jane as 'Cassy' (2/87 less 3 pgs) has 7 pgs. Marni has 8 pgs inc CF (5/92), Mandy (9/87) and Rae (7/87) each have 8 pgs. FINE+ copy is very bright & glossy, barely touched!
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
Oui - 1983-04
Alexandra Day has excellent FC + 8 pgs inc CF, Hyapatia Lee has 6 pgs, Karen Mifflin has 8 pgs as 'Wendy', Carol Needham has 6 pgs as 'Debbie McCall'. Tina Ross has 6 pgs as 'Roxanne', Madeline also has 6 pgs, Holly-O has 5 pgs and Nancy Suiter has 2. Articles about the NY Arrows indoor soccer team, turbo diesel autos that run on vegetable oil and the USFL.
Partner - 1983-08
Another issue with lots of reprinted material. Covergirl is Carol Needham. Sissy has 6 pgs inc CF. Bond Women Carole Bouquet & Cassandra Harris from "For Your Eyes Only" have 6 pgs (reprint of feature from 2/81 less 3 pgs). Pam Holliday has 3 pgs (reprint of 2/81). Interview w/ Kenneth (author of 'Hollywood Babylon') Anger.
Partner - 1985-09
Product ID: part1985-09Covergirl is Carol Needham and Gloria has 7 pgs inc CF (reprint of 8/82). Rabia Roche has 6 pgs (reprint of 7/80 less last pg). Jacqueline Brooks has 3 pgs as 'Nina' - partial reprint of 6/81. Chrissie Beauchamp has 3 pgs as 'Scotti' - partial reprint of 2/84. Cherry Ross has 2 pgs - same as 7/79. Marlene has 7 pgs (reprint 0f 5/81). Very bright & glossy, barely touched - FINE+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
Penthouse - 1982-10
Morgan Fairchild has stunning close-up FC + 6 pg fashion feature w/ Eric Estrada. Laurie L' Oranger has 19 pgs inc CF. Carol Needham has 10 pgs as 'Carol Simpson'. Article about juvenile junkies. Plus the 20 worst college football teams and the 10 greatest college sex scandals. Sweet Chastity - 6 pg comic strip.
v 29 - Girls of America
1988 Winter - Another issue of all reprints. Covergirl is Carol Needham and Ramona has 8 pgs inc CF (2/88). Candie Evans has 6 great pgs as a cowgirl in silver hat (6/87). Kay Griffiths as 'Tisha' (2/88), Corrine (7/87), Joey (10/87), Debbie (1/88) and Blondi(?) as 'Tammy' (7/87) each have 6 pgs. Girlfriends Sheena Horne and Barbii share 6 pgs (1/88). Terrie Woods as 'Stephanie' (5/87) has 5 pgs. Gwendolyne Gray (11/87) and Lisa (6/87) each have 4 pgs. Extremely bright & glossy, barely touched! - FINE+. I have a 2nd copy that has been heavily read and handled - VG, but is missing the CF.