Nike (Nikki) Clark(e)-p
Popular British model and page 3 girl from the 80s. Was in the James Bond movie 'A View to A Kill'. Covergirl of MAYFAIR v18 #6 and v18 #10 as well as numerous British & European mags. Name is spelled with numerous variations depending on the magazine it's in.
aka Beth Johnson. Often confused with Janine Andrews.
aka Beth Johnson. Often confused with Janine Andrews.
1984 - Best Of Gallery
Product ID: gall-spec1984-bodNo month listed but is dated Winter/Spring 1985 and says 1985 Collector's Edition on cover so is late 1984. Loaded w/ girls inc Edy Williams in a very nice 8 pg feature (same as 4/84). Nike Clarke has 10 pgs as 'Loretta', Julia Parton has 5 pgs as 'Sasha' (same as 1/84), Paula Ann Wood has 9 pgs as 'Shawna' (same as 9/84). Plus current GND of the Year Nikki B has 8 pgs inc CF, GND of the Year for 1982 Mattie Kay has 8 pgs and Black model & Miss America finalist Michelle Wright has 7 pgs (same as 10/84). Ray Bradbury fiction 'Banshee'. Bright & glossy, a bit of rubbing on covers and a light bump on top right corner - VG+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
Best of Genesis - 1983.4
Product ID: gene-bo1983-4cWinter - Girls/Girls - Lisa Star has FC + 8 pgs (11/82 less 3 pgs), Susanne Henrik (aka Veronica Waters) as 'Erika' has 10 pgs inc CF (10/82 less 1 pg). Shauna Grant as 'June' (12/82 less 1 pg) and Michelle Bauer as 'Carla' (10/82 less 1 pg) each have 6 pgs, Michelle Roden as 'Pamela' (8/82), Debbie Tays as 'Alice Collins' (9/82) and Teddi Treacher as 'Lena' (8/82) each have 8 pgs. Nike Clark as 'Josie' (9/82) and Jackie Jones as 'Christie Nathan' (10/82) each have 6 pgs. Lynne (2/83 less 1 pg), Marti (12/82 less 1 pg) and Jeanne (10/82) each have 8 pgs. Very bright & glossy, lightly read - FINE
Number in Stock: 3
Price: $20.00
Club - 1980-09
Product ID: club1980-09dCovergirl is Nike Clark (same photo as FC of MEN ONLY v45 #8), Mandy Miller has 9 pgs inc CF as'Barbara' - she is also in 4/79 & 9/81. Gabrielle Freeman has 7 pgs as 'Clara', Paulette has 6 pgs and Mollie has 5 pgs. Plus 2-girls (Doctor & Patient) have 7 pgs and a 7 pg feature 'Kate Templeton Special Agent & The Nuclearmobile'. A profile of tennis stars Bjorg, Connors & McEnroe, Mayfair Was My Manor by Debbie, the Aston-Martin Bulldog and a fabulous 2 pg illo of Dragon Lady by Olivia de Berardinis VG+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $10.00
Eros - 1983-01
Covergirl is Nike Clark. Kitten Natividad has BC + 6 gorgeous pgs, Amber Lane has 7 pgs. Samantha Fox has regular 3 pg feature. Busty brunette Gina has 7 pgs and more girls w/ no names. Plus 'Lotta Erotica' a 4 pg color comic strip. Beautiful, NEW, unread copy - FINE++. Also have another copy that is basically new but has a couple of very faint 'thumb' marks - FINE+.
Gallery - 1984-03
Product ID: gall1984-03bCovergirl Nike Clark also has 10 pgs as 'Loretta'. Girl Next Door Lori H has 9 pgs inc CF. Bernadette Masson has 9 pgs as 'Bianca'. Articles about the CIA, sexy golden age comic books (by Ron Goulart), and former NBA player turned politician Bill Bradley.
Number in Stock: 2
Price: $20.00
Genesis - 1982-09
Mary Bell has FC + 12 pgs inc CF. Ashley Pace has 8 pgs. Debbie Tays also has 8 pgs as 'Alice Collins' and Nike Clark has 7 pgs as 'Josie'. Photo-Interview w/ author (How To Pick Up Girls) Eric Weber.
Harvey - 1984-02
Covergirl is Kim Mills as 'Inge'. 'Sick Sex Issue' has lots of familiar faces inc Jill Russo w/ 7 pgs as 'Sydney' and Renee Dubois has 6 pgs as 'Sissy'. Rachel also has 7 pgs, Plus The Meating Place swingers ads and Brian Forbes has a full pg color Granny Annie cartoon. FINE+ copy is very bright & glossy, barely touched!
High Society - 1985-04
Michelle Bauer has FC + 7 pgs inc CF w/ a snake as 'Sheryl'. Christy Canyon has 6 pgs as 'Diane' and Veronique Maugarski has 6 pgs as 'Monique'. A 10 pg feature on Bond Girls has 6 pgs of Nike (aka Nikki) Clark and 4 pgs of Sian Adey-Jones. Erin has 6 pgs, girlfriends Leigh & Elana share 8 pgs and an anonymous couple has 7 pgs. An article about Danny Bass - the man who married his mother.
Mayfair - V17.02
Kim Mills has nice FC. Helena Fairchild has 9 pgs inc CF and Nike (Nikki) Clark has 5 pgs as Beth Johnson. Julia Humphries, Sophia Tararan, Lesley Watson & Emma Birchall have 6 pgs each and Kirsten Andersson has 4 pgs. A feature on narrow gauge railways, the Aston Martin Lagonda and an article on the St. Valentine's Day Massacre. Also 'The Modern Ms' a full pg color illo by Ronald Cobb & 'Carrie' a 2 pg color comic strip.
Mayfair - V18.06
Covergirl is Nike Clark, Amanda Chaler has 9 pgs inc CF. Helle Linnebjerg has 5 pgs as 'Helena Blake'. Karen Bull has 7 pgs, Madeleine Ford has 6 pgs, Pauline Sands has 5 pgs and Beth Stewart has 4 pgs. Features on a military aircraft museum and the Vauxhall Cavalier (auto) plus an article about Adolf Eichmann. Alain Aslan has a full pg painting.
Mayfair - V18.10
Nike (Nikki) Clark is Covergirl, Kim Mills has 6 pgs. Lee Ann has 9 pgs inc CF. Nina Pickersgill (aka Gina Charles) & Betty Spencer have 6 pgs each, Georgie King & Jenny Strachan have 4 pgs each. A feature on customized American big rigs. Alain Aslan has a full pg painting. Also 'Carrie' a 2 pg color comic strip.
Mayfair - V19.09
Jeanette Starion (aka Jeanette Dyrkaer - Penthouse Pet of the Year) has FC + 8 pgs. Karen Thornton has 9 pgs inc CF. Nike Clarke has 6 pgs, Olivia Dutron (as Olivia Long) has 6 pgs. Sylvie Richard has 6 pgs, Annie Andersson has 5 pgs and Sheila McKenzie has 4 pgs as Roberta Campbell-Johnson. A feature on Corvette autos and an article about the Sunderland - the RAF's flying porcupine. Also 'Carrie' a 2 pg color comic strip.
Oui - 1983-07
Lois Ayers has big 10 pg pictorial inc CF. Veronique Maugarski has 8 pgs as 'Susanne' (she is also FC of 8/83). Nike Clark has 6 pgs as 'Nikki'. Suzie Farrell has 6 pgs w/ Mark Wallace. Tanya Roberts has article w/ pics. Karen Lynn Gorney (Saturday Night Fever) has 4 pgs, Barbara Carrera (007 - Never Say Never Again) has 3 pgs. Articles about the RFK assassination, author/murderer Jack Henry Abbott and Bodyguards.
Velvet - Foxes # 03
Product ID: velv-fox.03b(1-2/83) - Great mag is squarebound, 100 pgs of cover to cover (except 3 pgs ads) pics - mostly full page or double page. 11 photo sets in all including several familiar faces. Covegril is Nike Clark. Danielle Martin has 10 pgs as 'Georgianne', Lenora Bruce has 8 pgs as 'Veronica', Barbara Schaeffer has inside FC, BC + 8 pgs as 'Francesca', Carol Ann Jackson has 6 pgs as 'Coleen', girlfriends Stacey & Kyle share 8 pgs (1 is Linda Shaw). Plus Natalie has 6 pgs, Tanya & Jasmine each have 8 pgs, and Melissa has 10 pgs, Girlfriends Michelle & Natasha share 10 pgs and 3 girls - Clara, Sophie & Dina - have 10 pgs. Extremely bright & glossy, basically new, barely touched - FINE+
Number in Stock: 2
Price: $25.00