Blaze Starr-p
Legendary stripper from the 50s who had a famous affair w/ governor Earl Long of Louisiana.
Best For Men #24
Product ID: befm.24dv4 #6 - 12/65 - Bond Girl Molly Peters has super sexy FC + 3 pgs. Blaze Starr has a nice 4 pg feature. Review of Japanese nudie movie 'The Glamorous Ghost' and a feature on movie bathing scenes. Con Sellers fiction 'Playmate for Pay'. Lightly read, minor scuffing near spine, glossy VG+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $30.00
Cabaret - 1956-06
Denise Darcel has FC + 5 pgs, singer Julie Wilson has 3 pgs and Blaze Starr has 2 pgs. A big 6 pg feature on 'The Block' in Baltimore w/ pics of Robin Sweet and Ruby Rose. More features on Sammy Davis Jr., talent scout Max Gordon, German night clubs and 'Blind Pigs' (after hours clubs). A guide to night life in Paris. Have 3 copies in VG+, all are bright & glossy, one has some scuffing on BC, the second has a scuff on bottom right corner of FC, third has some rubbing along spine and small bump at top. VG copy has some normal wear and writing in upper right corner of cover.
Follies - 1957-09
(v2.5) Greta Thyssen has outstanding FC + 1 page, Dane Arden 4 pages inc a great color CF. Lynne O'Neal has 3 pgs, Gloria Hamilton and Lee Sharon each have 2 pgs. Misty Ayers, Monique Van Vooren, Lee wilson and Blaze Starr each have 1 page. Bonnie Evans, Sharon Marlo, Gilda Perry, India Murray, Yvonne Renay, Peggy Middleton, Georgia LaBeuer, Lois Meridan, Melba Toast, Carole St. anthony, Judy Dawn and Jonnie Wilson each have 2 pgs. Plus dozens of other models inc Lana Bashama. VG++ copy is bright & glossy, lightly read - would be FINE grade except a few interior pgs have naturally occuring wrinkles in the paper and there is a small ink mark on cover - CF is perfect! VG+ copy is bright & glossy, small bump at bottom of spine and a few interior pgs have naturally occuring wrinkles in the paper. VG copy has some normal wear, bump on bottom right corner and wrinkled pgs near bottom edge last half of mag. Good copy has been heavily read and handled, kind of rough but all there.
Fotografia Artistica - 1955-09
Product ID: fotoartis1955-09eThis is the Spanish language edition of 'Art Photography' 6/55. Anonymous Covergirl looks familiar. Good 7 pg feature on Burlesque has 1 pg + 1 pic of Blaze Starr, Camille also has 1 pg. Anita Ekberg has a full pg pic, Jean Crain has 1 pic. Mag has 10 pgs of B&W figure studies inc a CF by Andre de Dienes. A photo feature on the natives of the Orinoco River Region. Nice VG
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
Frolic - 1958-02
Product ID: frol1958-02cBlaze Starr has great FC + 2 pgs, Kay Douglas is the CF. Betty Brosmer and Honey Merrill each have 2 pgs inc a full pg color pin-up. Jackie Miller has 3 pgs, Margie Moran, Beverly Carroll, Dana Castle, Cecelia Peters, Janette Russell, Dawn Christy, Jonni Lynne, Jeanne Robbins and Sonya Hoff each have 2 pgs. Judy Bamber and Betty Baker have full pg pics, Beth Miller. Susie Peterson, Lori Hilton and Lynne Turner each have 1 pg and Bettie Page has a 3/4 pg pic. Bright & glossy, lightly read, light wrinkle on FC - VG++
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $40.00
Frolic - 1967-04
Stacey Walker has FC + 4 pgs as 'Liz Trainor'. Eve Early (Covergirl of Follies 11/68 and Vue 9/67), Carleen Brady and May August each have 3 pgs. Blaze Starr, Lisa Collins, Elke Dunn, Eileen Franklin, Cherie Chase, Suzanne Morton, Dorothy Parker, Mania Marlow, Becky Broderick, Valerie Van Doren and Gay Robbins each have 2 pgs. Cleo Simmons and Simmer Lee each have 1 pg, Starr Murphy has a nearly full pg color pic as 'Marie Chandler'. Plus many other popular models inc Sandi Frost, Teri Martine, Ann Walker, Vivian Maledy, Margaret Middleton and more!. Good copy has been well read and handled, some spine stresses, 1" tear on top edge of cover but no serious defects.
Gala - 1957-01
Product ID: gala1957-01eCovergirl Cheryl Kubert (Playboy Playmate of 2/58) also has 2 pgs, Jean Martin is the CF. Eva Lynd, Pandora, Elliot Lor, Tamar Benamy, Ronnie Marshall, Jet Hamrin, Mickey Hallet, Roxanne Arlen and Brandee Kayse each have 2 pgs. Blaze Starr, Valerie French, Sandra Giles, Chic James, Jayne Hacklin, Zona Northcutt, Carol Singleton and Gail Audrey each have 1 pg. Plus many other popular models. Mag is clean and bright but has some minor color flaking and a few small chips on edges of cover and along spine - VG
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
Gala - 1957-05
Good issue w/ lots of top models! Covergirl Maureen Davies also has 2 pgs, Kathy Lodge is the CF. Jean Jani, Marilyn Hanold, Lili Lisande, Marie Devereux, Texas Sheridan, Donalda Jordan and Dana Craig each have 2 pgs. Greta Thyssen, Mary Ann Such and Tonya Shreve each have 1 pg, Plus lots of other models inc Blaze Starr, Gloria Pall and Joanne Arnold. VG++ copy is clean and bright w/ a few minor stresses. Good copy has some normal wear, price written in upper right corner but no serious defects.
Gallery - 1976-12
Covergirl Randi has 7 pgs inc CF. Girl Next Door Marlene H. has 6 pgs. Former Mouseketier Doreen Tracey has a 5 pg pictorial. Int w/ singer Neil Sedaka. Articles about Minorities - Part 4 - American Indians, legendary stripper Blaze Starr w/ pics. Plus a 16 pg pull-out section of holiday greeting cards.
Gallery International - v1 #11
Product ID: gall-int-v01.11cUS 12/76 - Randi has 7 pgs inc CF and Former (Mickey) Mouseketier Doreen Tracey has a 5 pg pictorial. An article about legendary stripper Blaze Starr w/ pics and an Interview w/ singer Neil Sedaka. Features NOT found in the American edition include Susie w/ 9 pgs and an anonymous couple w/ 9 pgs. Articles about Spanking, the sexual nature of violence and Environmental Warfare (same as US 11/76). Very bright & glossy, barely touched, has '560' written in upper left corner in pencil - FINE
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
Glamour International - Bizarre Life #3
Product ID: glamint-bl.31/91 -Special Bondage Issue. This 100 pg issue features covers & 27 pgs of artwork by Georges Pichard as follows: 'Paulette' - 6 pgs, 'Marie-Gabrielle De Saint Eutrope' - 3 pgs, 'Ulysse' - 2 pgs, 'Trois Filles De Leur Mere' - 5 pgs, 'Memories D'une Chanteuse Allemande' - 6 pgs, 'La Comtesse Rouge' - 2 pgs and 'Les Sorcieres De Thessalie' - 3 pgs. Also included are 11 pgs of 'Gwendoline' by Eric Stanton, 'Miniskirt Maxidecency' a 7 pg strip by Riccardo Messina and a 21 pg section of work by Roberto Baldazzini as follows: Solo work - 8 pgs, 3 pgs each w/ Daniele Brolli & Armando Calvelli and 7 pgs with Lorena Canossa. Photographs include 11 pgs by Helmut Newton, 5 pgs of photos by Irving Klaw and 13 pgs featuring Bettie Page, Tempest Storm, Blaze Starr & Lilly Christine.
Number in Stock: 3
Price: $35.00
Hustler - 1975-02
Marcia has 9 pgs inc a 3 pg foldout CF. Gypsy has 7 pgs and Candy also has 7 pgs. Interview w/ a few small pics of legendary stripper Blaze Starr. Article about actor Robert Redford. A pictorial feature on The Morgan automobile. Honey Hooker Comic strip.
In Touch - 1974-09
Product ID: into1974-09dv1 #4 - The couple on the FC also has 9 pgs inc a 3 pg foldout CF plus 7 pgs of pics by Norman Bilisko. A very good article about Blaze Starr w/ pics and another article about actress Cybil Shepherd. A very good pictorial feature on Nashville, TN and country music. An Interview w/ US Representative Pete McCloskey and an article about black holes in space. Bright & glossy, clean white cover, a few minor stresses and small bump on bottom right corner - VG++
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
Man's Daring - 1959-06
Product ID: mansdar1959-06ev1 #1 issue has nice 3 pg feature on Blaze Starr in leopard bikini. Carol Hughes has 4 pgs, Connie Warner has 3. Marilyn Maher thumbnail pic on FC + 1 pic inside. FC painting of big game hunter and charging white rhino. Some normal spine wear, nice VG
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $30.00
Man's World - 1976-06
Product ID: manswo1976-06cv22 #6 - Covergirl Mona also has 4 pgs. Blaze Starr has 5 pg Interview plus pics. A slim model w/ long striaght blonde hair who looks a bit like Carrie Nelson but isn't, a 3 pg feature on the real life Emmanualle Arsan (author of the books), bondage games w/ pics and a nearly full pg B&W pic of Roberta Pedon (anonymously). Some spine stresss but very bright & glossy - VG+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
Men's Digest #109
v15 #3 - 12/69 - Unusual illustrated wraparound covers and long 8 pg feature on Swedish Sex comics. Another big 8 pg feature on The Miss Nude America Contest. Blaze Starr & Yvonne Stephan (she is also in #103) each have 3 pgs. An article abour female Viet Cong, a movie review of 'The Devil in Velvet' (the Marquis de Sade) and fiction by Con Sellers 'The Deadly Female'. Good copy has some color flaking along spine, clean crease across bottom of cover, small water spot along top edge.
Modern Man - 1955-11
Rita Cadillac FC and Maria Stringer
IFC Pin-up. Blaze Starr 4 great pages. Feature articles on Big Ben "the clock", Cadillac autos andThe Peacemaker Colt.
Modern Man - 1957-01
Blaze Starr jungle girl and drum FC + huge 7 pg feature inc. color CF. Bill Ward full pg B&W plus small cartoon.
Mr - 1956-07
v1 #1 - Although this is the first issue of this series it is a re-incarnation of an earlier title with the same name that ran from 1950 to sometime in 1954. FC of Jean Westad reclining in chair with legs in the air, talking on phone - this is the same photo used on the FC of LAFF 5/53. Singer Meg Myles has a nice 4 pg feature. Also 4 pgs on a new film 'Buxom Beautease' with 2 1/2 pgs of Blaze Starr and small pics of Patti Pagget, Rita Grable and Tempest Storm. Fiction by Harlan Ellison 'One Sexy Husband'. Articles about Tangier, Morocco, jazz and Alfred J. Kinsey. VG+ copy is nice, minor spine damage, but is missing the BC! Good+ copy has a date stamp on cover, a few creases, some spine wear.
People Today - 1958-03
Product ID: ps-peto1958-03v15 #3 has Ingrid Goude FC + 6 pgs. Nadine Ducas has inside FC + 6 pgs, Cindy Grey has BC + 6 pgs, Blaze Starr has 2 pgs and Julie Redding has a nice full pg pic. Article on Frank Sinatra and his kids. Well read - Good
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $5.00
Pix Annual - 1957 Fall
Product ID: pixann1957.3fMag is printed on newsprint type paper, squarebound w/ glued spine. Review of the Burlesque movie 'Beautease' w/ Blaze Starr, Tempest Storm and others. Lila Leeds has 4 pgs, French singer Danielle Lamar has 4, Barbara Yung & Maria Luisa Poluzzi each have 2 pgs, Jennie Lee and Texas Sheridan each have 1 pg. Articles about the living ghost - William Navison, ancient Corinth- the greatest sin city of all time, bounty hunting Cotopaxi Indians in Brazil, Japanese war criminal Dr. Kemaburi. Well read, multiple creases, small edge tears on BC but solid - Good
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $10.00
Pose - 1958-12
v3 #7 - Blaze Starr has 4 great pgs at the beach, Simone Auger also has 4 pgs. Taffy O'Neill, Linda Christian (the World's Most Expensive Date), Sheree Winton and Maria Frau each have 3 pgs. Plus a nice full pg pic of Jacque Pruner and one nice pic of Brigitte Bardot. VG+ copy is extremely bright & glossy - at first glance looks almost new but has soft bottom right corner. VG copy bright & glossy, crease on bottom right corner thru entire book.
Pose - 1959-02
v3 #8 - has great FC of Eve Eden (aka Rosa Dolmai) in a red & white striped bikini. Whole mag is loaded w/ pics of all the big names - over 120 photos. Blaze Starr has 3 pgs, Tempest Storm & Lilly Christine, Vicki Palmer, Nejla Ates, Tana Louise, Marlyn Maher, Lisa Varga, Jacque Pruner & Marla English each have 2 pgs. Plus single pgs of Jayne Mansfield, Lili St. Cyr, Sabrina, Brigitte Bardot, Vicki Dougan, Irma the Body, Taffy O'Neill, Winnie Garrett, Lee Sharon and Julie Newmar. Plus dozens of other models. Bright & glossy, minor spine stresses, small bump on bottom right corner - VG+
Scamp - 1957-07
v1 #2 - Sexy FC of Joyce Miles in black fishnets and lingerie + 2 interior pgs of Joyce. Donalda Jordan has 3 pgs inc a beautiful full color CF. Full page color Pin-ups on glossy paper of Blaze Starr (3 pgs total), Dane Arden, Eve Marlowe (aka Sande Marlowe) and Harriet Patterson. Features on Bunny Yeager (with pics of Maria Stinger), Classic Strippers (pics of Sally Rand, Gypsy Rose Lee, Lois DeFee & Margie Hart), Paris Showgirls and Bar Belles of the Gay '90s - Art & Illustrations. Plus fiction by Jean Paul Sartre 'Hotel Stella, Fifth Floor' and articles about Boxer John L. Sullivan and New Orleans Storyville. Oh, yeah lots more girls too! VG+ copy is bright & glossy, a few light spine stresses, couple very tiny color flakes along edges and small creases in bottom left corner of BC and last several pgs. VG copy has some rubbing along spine, normal wear, very solid.
Venus - v1 #01
1958 - Covergirl is Zahra Norbo. Blaze Starr has 4 pgs, Rita Gable has BC + 3 pgs. Ginger Martin & Nancy Kirsten each have 4 pgs, French stripper Candida has 3 pgs. An article about Jazz musician Buddy Bolden. First copy is bright & shiny, very lightly read - Fine. 2nd copy has light foxing along spine on BC - VG+
Vue - 1969-07
Product ID: vue1969-07dGaby Ryke close-up FC + 4 pgs (as 'Gaby Goodwin'), Blaze Starr has 4 pgs, Bambi Allen has 4 pgs, Susannah York 4 pg article about w/ pics. Feature articles on Artists & Models Ball in LA, swamp buggy racing, buffalo round-up in Montana, body painting and a solid gold bathtub in Japan. Bright, glossy VG+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00