Carol Doda-p
The very first silicone superstar who gained famed as a topless dancer at San Francisco's Condor Club in the mid 60s.
Block Busters - v03.4
Product ID: modvd-blb-v3.4(1974) - Great Issue! Roberta Pedon has FC + 6 pgs inc 3 full pg color pics. Carol Doda has 4 pgs, a blonde Janice Ormes has 4 pgs as 'Nancy', Rosalie Strauss has 4 pgs as 'Wanda', Penny Ellington has 5 pgs as 'Cybil' and Roxanne Brewer has 4 pgs as 'Vivian' . Plus full pg pics of Margaret Middleton, Uschi Digard and Arlene Bell, Bonnie Locke on the BC and even more girls you'll recognize.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 996
Price: $9.95
Caper - 1969-06
Product ID: capr1969-06dv13 #10 - Vicki Carson has 3 pgs inc CF (she is also in Adam 1/72), Carol Doda has a 3 pg feature. Eve Ehlers (CF of Cavalier 5/69), Graziella, Monique Van Rutenn, Josette Une, Susie Gunn, Jan Davis and Tami Louise each have 3 pgs. Some minor stresses, small bump on upper right corner - VG+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
Caper - Annual 1969
Product ID: capr-ann1969Great issue is stuffed with over a dozen gorgeous gals. Lupe Valdin has 4 pgs inc CF, Carol Doda and Selma Borg each have 3 pgs. Also 3 pgs of bawdy paintings by Allan Woods. Very bright and glossy, a couple of minor stresses - VG++
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
Cavalier - 1966-07
Product ID: cavr1966-07fDonna Carom has 6 pgs and Carol Doda has 3 pgs. Ray Bradbury fiction 'The Year the Glop-Monster won the Golden Lion at Cannes', an article about drugs by Timothy Leary and an Interview w/ Ray Charles. A bit worn, spine split from top down to first staple, a 2" tear on FC - Good.
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $10.00
Knight - v09.08
Product ID: knig-v09.08d(12/72) Covergirl is Elizabeth Romanoff. Carol Doda has 6 fantastic pages inc CF. Movie Review of 'The Erotic Advs of Dr. Jekyll' w/ Rene Bond BC + 2 pgs. Amy Johnson on inside FC + 6 pgs, Marissa Garnet has 6 pgs, European model Katia Kastel has 4 pgs, Solange Garnier has 4 pgs. Also a Harlan Ellison short story 'Snake in the Crypt'. Nice VG+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
Live - 1982-05
Product ID: live1982-05bCarol Doda has 5 pg feature at The Chateau in SF. Tami & Rabia Roche share 5 pgs. Barbara Anne has 8 pgs inc CF, Judy & Zeona each have 7 pgs. Amanda, Connie Peterson and Gypsy Tina each have 6 pgs. A pair of unknown girlfriends share 6 pgs and Chris has 5 pgs w/ boyfriend Jimmy. Extremely bright & glossy, Barely touched - FINE+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
Modern Man - 1965-04
Cee Cee Collins has FC + 2 pgs, Carol Doda/The Condor Club has 3 and Roger Vadim has pics w/ BB, Jane Fonda, Catherine Deneuve. Articles on Tarzan, hot air balloons and kayaking in the Alps.
Partner - 1979-10
Jane Seymour has FC + 3 pgs. Carol Doda has 4 pgs, Marilyn Hammond has 8 pgs as 'Annabelle', Clair Quentin aka Cassie Wells (was CF of 7/79) has 7 pgs as 'Missy', Julie has 8 pgs inc CF and Ricci has 5 pgs. Cindy Pickett (from TV soap Guiding Light) has 1 pg. Bill Ward has a very nice full page color cartoon.
Partner - 1979-12
Joanne Latham as 'Dolly Partner' has FC + both sides of a huge 8 page detachable poster. Carol Doda & QB Ken 'The Snake' Stabler share 5 pgs. Dyan Cannon has 5 pgs. Revlin (looks an awful lot like Cookie Conrad to me) has 7 pgs inc CF, Nicki (was in 11/79) and girlfriend Sandra share 7 pgs, Gina Bon Bon and Tammy each have 5 pgs, Mistress Antoinette has 4 pgs and Sandy Cone has BC + 3 pgs. Also a 7 pg feature on the Miss Nude World contest and Club Xtazy in NY.
Partner - 1980-04
Tammy has FC + 8 pgs inc CF. Carol Doda has 5 pgs w/ a guy in a massage parlor. Annie Ample & Candy Samples have 2 pgs each. Cleveland stripper Jennifer Ryan, Star the Enchantress and Donna each have 4 pgs. Plus 5 pgs of female boxers, Pacers in San Diego and Swingers of the Month Nina & Doug have 4 pgs.
Partner - 1980-06
Joanne Latham has FC + 6 pgs as 'Dolly Partner'. Linda Morgan (girl w/ 3 boobs!) has 8 pgs inc CF. Carol Doda has 3 pgs, Kitten Natividad has 2 pgs. Kelly Klusewski and Sleazerella each have 5 pgs, Andrea has 4 pgs and a pair of anoymous girlfriends have 5 pgs. A feature on the Venusian Church in Seattle w/ Sharon Kane (2 pgs) and the Pittsburg Pirate has 4 pgs.
Partner - 1982-08
Covergirl is Jewel Shepard? Gloria has 7 pgs inc CF and Jasmine (Karen Mifflin?) also has 7 pgs. Piper Smith? has 5 pgs (reprint of 12/80 less last pg). Janey G. has 5 pgs (a reprint of 2/80) and Lois & Jilly have 5 pgs w/ an anonymous guy (reprint of 4/81). Carol Doda has 3 pgs - how to strip for your husband (reprint of 6/80). Features on Mardi Gras, Elysium nudist camp and a carny strip show.
Partner - Sex Stars v1
1981 - GREAT ISSUE!!!! Tanya (Charlie's Angels) Roberts has FC + 3 pgs. Ali McGraw has 5 pgs inc CF. Dyan Cannon and Sally Struthers each have 5 pgs . Brigitte Bardot, Shirley MacLane and Sophia Loren each have 3 pgs. Joanne Latham has 4 pgs. Tami Roche and Kandi Barbour each have 6 pgs. Carol Doda and Ken Stabler have 5 pgs. Lots more! For complete listings click on photo to see contents page. These are all extremely bright & glossy, basically NEW copies with very minor flaws from handling. FINE copy has a bit of light rubbing on spine.
Rascal #18
Product ID: rasc.18dv3 #6 - 3/66 - Outstanding facial super close-up of Sophia Loren + 4 interior pgs. Special Topless Disco issue features Carol Doda on inside FC + 2 pgs, Oriental go-go dancer Tosha McDonald has 4 pgs, Judy Keen 'The Golden Girl' has 3 pgs and Debbie Green also has 3 pgs. June Palmer has 1/2 pg pic. Fiction by Con Sellers 'Showdown At Sunup'. Bright, shiny, tight & flat this is a nice copy but has small nick on spine and small date stamp on Sopohia's forehead - VG++
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $30.00
Rascal #36
Product ID: rasc.36dv6 #6 - 3/69 - Covergirl Norma Vanden also has 4 pgs. Cindy Neal & Sybil Tag each have 3 pgs, Sue Layton has 2 pgs. Interview w/ Carol Doda has 2 pics. Nudie movie review of 'Kitten In The Cage' and a feature on the musical "Hair". Fiction by Con Sellers 'The Connoisseur'. Very bright & glossy, a few minor stresses and small date stamp in upper left corner - VG++
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
Rogue - 1970-06
Product ID: rogu1970-06dCovergirl is Diana Vre - she is also in 8/70. Penny McDermott has 5 pgs inc CF w/ Ahmed Al Raheed - the Giant Turk. Yvonne Stephens has 4 pgs, Wilhemina Wrobel has 3 pgs and Ann has 5 pgs. Plus Sex Superstars of the 70s featuring 8 girls each w/ 2 pgs - Carol Doda, Geri Miller, Leslie Rubin, Kathrin King (Oh Calcutta), Rosella Olson (Guess What We Learned in School Today?), Ronda Copeland (The Strawberry Statement), Mimsy Farmer (More) and topless cellist Charlotte Moorman. An article about Jack Nicholson. Bright & glossy, a few stresses - VG+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
Sir - 1965-01
Good issue! Marlys (Marli) Renfro has FC + big 8 pg feature inc 3 pg CF. Jamie Hilton has 5 pgs (she is also in Bachelor 10/64), Suzi Simpson has 4 pgs, plus a feature on topless clubs in SF w/ multiple pics of Carol Doda. An article about Sophia Loren w/ 2 pgs of pics, another on Christine Keeler and one on our Playboy President, Warren Harding. Bright & glossy, small price sticker on cover, is missing pgs 17-20 (Jamie Hilton) and 51-54 are present but detached.
Topper - 1965-08
Product ID: topp1965-08cCarol Doda has 6 excellent pages. A feature on SF strip clubs has 6 pgs inc a couple more of Carol. Claudia Cardinale has 3 pgs and Vicki Rein has 7 pgs as Peggy Phillips. Bright & glossy - FINE, has arrival date '7/3' written in upper right corner.