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Lee Carroll-p

Busty blonde model/porn star popular from early to mid 80s. Appeared in a wide variety of mags, often as Covergirl and/or CF.

Adam Choice - 1983-12

Adam Choice - 1983-12

(v2 #12) Lee Carroll has great FC + a 4 pg Interview w/ pics inc 1 full pg color. Keli Stewart shares 4 pgs w/ Michelle Bauer and a 3rd girl. Margaret Wallace has BC + 4 pgs as just 'Margaret' and Nicky Stanton has 3 pgs. Gwynne & Julie each have 4 pgs, Linda has 2 pgs and Carol Connors has a nice full pg color pic. Plus Candy Samples letters column. FINE++ copy is NEW, unread! FINE copy is NEW but has a 3" hairline stress along bottom edge of BC near spine. VG+ copy is basically new but has a couple of TINY corner bumps.

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Adam Film World - v09.07

Adam Film World - v09.07

Product ID: adfiwo-v09.07c
7/83 - FC is Angelique (aka Heaven St. John) from 'Body Talk' + a 4 pg review. Reviews of 'Up N Coming' starring Marilyn Chambers - 7 pgs, 'Mascara' w/ Lisa de Leeuw & Lee Carroll - 11 pgs, 'Expose Me Now' w/ Danielle Martin - 5 pgs, 'Little Orphan Dusty 2' w/ Rhonda Jo Petty - 4 pgs and 'The Oui Girls' - 4 pgs w/ Sharon Kane, Anna Ventura and more. Also has an Interview w/ Dorothy LeMay and an article about Meryl Streep w/ a full pg pic. Bright & glossy, a couple of minor stresses on BC - Fine

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
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Cheri - 1980-08

Giant 132 page Anniversary Issue. Cherry Bomb & Gerri Reeves share FC + 16 pgs. Little Oral Annie has 8 pgs and Felicity Driscoll also has 8 pgs as 'Melissa' - this is a reprint of the feature from 4/80 except that the 3 pg CF in 4/80 is now a 2 pg pic. Sian Adey-Jones has 7 pgs - this is a reprint of 2/80 minus the last pg from 2/80. Seka has 6 pgs, Sherry Moran also has 6 pgs as 'Emily S.' and Lee Carroll is featured in a 6 pg movie review of 'Tits'. Plus a big 14 pg feature on the 'Dreamsuck' Contest, girlfriends Laura & Jeanne share 6 pgs, 2 girls in a sauna have 6 pgs and Heather has 4 pgs.

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Cheri - 1980-11

Lee Carroll has  FC, BC + 9 pgs inc a 3 pg foldout CF. and Pia Snow (Michelle Bauer) has 6 pgs. Colette has 7 pgs, Sybil has 6 pgs, Mary, Serita and Sylvia on roller skates each have 5 pgs. Girlfriends Linda & Lorrie share 8 pgs. 

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Eros - 1980-10

Eros - 1980-10

Product ID: eros1980-10e
Lee Carroll has a nice 7 pg feature, Desiree Cousteau has 6 pgs. Terri Hannon (aka Dolan) and girlfriend share BC + 7 pgs inc CF, Samantha Fox has a 3 pg column w/ pics. Spine a bit worn, loose around staples, light scuffing - VG

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
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Eros - 1982-10

Eros - 1982-10

Covergirl is Carol Needham (the Playboy Playmate of 2/79 as 'Lee Ann Michelle'). Samantha Fox has BC + 7 pg pictorial. Lee Carroll and boyfriend share 7 pgs. A very familiar looking blonde Lana has 7 pgs inc CF. 'Comeback' Interview w/ Harry Reems and 'Lotta Erotica' a 4 pg color comic strip. Plus more girls w/ no names inc 1 with scuba gear. FINE+ copy is very bright & glossy - barely touched. Fine copy is nearly new but has a clean 1" crease on bottom corner of BC.

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Erotic Film Guide - 1982-06

Erotic Film Guide - 1982-06

Product ID: erfg1982-06c
(Velvet's) v1 #1 Issue features Lee Carroll FC + 6 pgs, Hillary Summers has outstanding 8 pg pictorial, Veronica Hart has 5 pg Interview w/ pics, Tara Aire also has 5 pgs. Mike Ranger has 8 pgs w/ Irene Cetera (aka Irene Olafson). Long reviews & pictorials of 'Urban Cowgirls', 'Desire For Men', 'Centerspread Girls', 'Undercovers', 'Between the Sheets', 'The Bitch Goddess' and lots more. Bright & glossy, lightly read - FINE

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $30.00
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Erotic Film Guide - 1982-08

Erotic Film Guide - 1982-08

Product ID: erfg1982-08b
(Velvet's) v1 #2 - Danielle Martin has nice FC. Lee Carroll has a big 10 pg feature, Christy Welles has 7 inc CF, Vanessa del Rio has a 6 pg Interview w/ pics, Serena & Leslie Bovee share 6 pgs. Reviews of 'Never So Deep', 'Amanda By Night', 'The Blonde Next Door', 'Lips' and 'Inspirations'. Nearly New, Gorgeous, FINE+

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $30.00
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Erotic Film Guide - 1983-01

Erotic Film Guide - 1983-01

Product ID: erfg1983-01b
(Velvet's) v1 #4 - Lisa de Leeuw has FC, a 9 pg pictorial inc CF and 33 1/3 rpm record. Michelle Bauer and Danielle Martin share 8 pgs, Marie Sharp and Hillary Summers also share 8 pgs, Harry Reems has a 6 pg Interview w/ pics. Plus the 6th annual AFAA Awards and movie reviews of 'Cafe Flesh' - Film of the Year, 'The Seductress', 'One Way at a Time', 'Foreplay', 'Intimate Lessons' and 'Suze's Centerfolds #6'. Extremely bright & glossy, barely touched, record is still attached - FINE+

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $35.00
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Game - 1984-06

Game - 1984-06

Busty Barbara has 8 pgs inc CF + thumbnail in top right corner of FC. Lee Carroll shares 7 pgs w/ Kevin James and a bowl of popcorn, Jennifer Eccles has 7 pgs. Porn star profiles - 1 pg each Hyapatia Lee, Georgina Spelvin & Sharon Kane. Keli Stewart has 3 pics on 1 pg and Pam Brown has 4 pics on 1 pg. Very bright & glossy, barely touched but some light 'rubbing' on BC - FINE/FINE+

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Knave - 1983-11

Knave - 1983-11

Product ID: knav1983-11c
Great Issue w/ Cover to Cover Porn Stars! Anna Ventura has FC + 3 pgs, Danielle Martin has 7 pgs inc CF. Kandi Barbour, Serena, Susanna Britton (aka Barbara Peckinpaugh) and Sylvia Benedict (as 'Ullie') each have 5 pgs. Leslie Bovee has 4 pgs plus a 4 pg comparison of Sue Nero & Lisa de Leeuw. Lee Carroll has 4 pgs w/ Kevin James, Mai Lin has 3 pgs w/ Ron Jeremy, Tawny Pearl & Cheri Champagne each have 4 pgs w/ unknown actors. Very bright & glossy, clean white cover, minor stress on BC - FINE/FINE+

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $30.00
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Partner - 1980-11

Lee Carroll has nice solo FC + 6 pgs w/ boyfriend. Lolita Jones has 8 pgs inc CF. Annie Hockersmith has 6 pgs, Carmelita also has 6 pgs and Margaret Wallace has 5 pgs as 'Margaret'. Plus a pair of anonymous girlfriends share 7 pgs, the Miss Nude Colorado contest and Avant Garde - a NY Swing Club.

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Partner - 1981-02

Bond Women Carol Bouquet & Cassandra Harris (from the movie 'For Your Eyes Only') split FC + 9 pgs. Lee Caroll has 5 pgs, Kitten Natividad also has 5 pgs and Barbara Peckinpaugh has a nice 8 pg feature as 'Heather Bentley'. Sally & Denise each have 7 pgs, Asian model Meu & boyfriend have 5 pgs and Pam Holliday has 3 pgs. Romy Schneider & Laura Antonelli each have 2 pgs.

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Partner - Sex Stars v2

Partner - Sex Stars v2

Spring, 1982 issue has sexy Jacqueline Bisset FC. Nastassia Kinski has 4 pgs, Hillary Summers has 7 pgs, Julia Edwards has 7 pgs inc CF as 'Diane', Tiffany Clark has 6 pgs and Lee Carroll has BC + 3 pgs. Also 8 pg feature on Bond Girls plus pin-ups of Joanne Latham and Kandi Barbour on the inside covers. Way too many celebs to list. For complete listings click on photo to see contents page. Extremely bright & glossy, barely touched, fabulous condition - FINE+

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Pub - 1982-10

Pub - 1982-10

v6 #6 - Features a 9 page comparison of Michelle Bauer w/ Lee Carroll. Anna Ventura & girlfriend share 4 pgs, Rosemary Saneau & boyfriend share 4 pgs. Morgan has 6 pgs inc CF, Jade West has 4 pgs, Candice & Lena each have 5 pgs. Girlfriends Marya & Jeanne share 8 pgs and Marge & Tawny also have 8 pgs. Plus female boxers Marcie & Colleen have 4 pgs and Mistress Tanya & Lisa have 4 pgs of bondage pics. Extremely bright & glossy, some very light 'rubbing' along spine and just a bit of looseness at bottom staple - VG++

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Sir - 1981-05

Sir - 1981-05

Product ID: sir1981-05c
Lee Carroll & boyfriend share FC + 6 pgs, Michelle has 6 pgs inc CF. Jacqueline Lorians has 2 separate features - 4 pgs as 'Mattie' and 6 more as 'Monique', plus Millie and her toy train have 5 pgs, Trish and Kelly each have 5 pgs - Kelly is 'Nicki' in 4/82. Laurie has 4 pgs and a 5 pg movie review of 'Tramp'. Extremely bright & glossy, some light scuffing along spine - FINE

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
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Sole Lickers - v1.1

Sole Lickers - v1.1

Product ID: pn-solelick-v1.1d
(1993) - Holly Pubs (PN) - Mag is 32 pgs - All Color. Despite what it says on the FC this is an all-girl issue. Lee Carroll & Kitten Natividad share 3 pgs, Lili Xene has BC + 2 pgs w/ a pair of girlfriends and some whipped cream. Several other familiar faces in this one. Bright & glossy, upper right corner is a bit soft - VG++

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $10.00
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v 02 - Breast of Cheri - v 2

v 02 - Breast of Cheri - v 2

1981 - Cherry Bomb and Gerri Reeves share 16 pgs (8/80); Sian Adey-Jones has 7 pgs (2/80 less last pg); Colette has 7 pgs (11/80); Uschi Digard has 6 pgs (3/80); Lee Carroll has 6 pgs (11/80 less CF); Toby Wenig (aka Michelle) has 6 pgs (2/80). Helle Linnebjerg has 6 pgs (2/81 less CF); Gabrielle Freeman (as 'Solitaire') has 6 pgs (1/81 less CF); Melissa has 6 pgs (4/80 less CF); Charlotte has 6 pgs (1/81 less last pg); Ronnie has 6 pgs (7/80 less last pg); Camella Donnor has 5 pgs as 'Cocoa' (12/80 less 2 pgs); Bonnie Sue has 4 pgs (1/81 - 1st 4 pgs only); Carrie has 4 pgs (10/80 - 1st 4 pgs only). Very bright & glossy, basically new but has some very light scratches from being moved around - FINE/FINE+

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Velvet - 1980-10

Velvet - 1980-10

Product ID: velv1980-10d
Lisa DeLeeuw has nice FC laying on craps table covered w/ chips + 9 pg pictorial w/ Kevin James. Lee Carroll has inside BC + 8 pgs inc CF, Desiree Cousteau shares 9 pgs w/ Sharon & Jim. Stella has 6 pgs and Karla Drake has 3 pgs. Plus 3 familiar looking girls on a boat rescue a guy in a lifeboat (Mike Ranger?). Interview w/ actor Tim Curry - star of the Rocky Horror Picture Show. Bright & glossy, a couple of minor spine stresses, top right corner is soft - VG+

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
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Velvet Special #9

Velvet Special #9

Product ID: velv-spec.09c
1986 - Kinky Couples - Lee Caroll & Kevin James have 6 pgs, Yum Yum & girlfriend Shelly Byron share 7 pgs - pics from same photo shoot as Gent 6/90, Jasae & Francois Papillon have 8 pgs, Chrissie Beauchamp & Randy West have 6 pgs. Erica Elson (as 'Loretta') and boyfriend have 5 pgs. Belinda Badd and Buck Adams have 7 pgs. Angel Cash has 3 pg story w/ pics, lots of other familiar faces in this one. Very bright & glossy, basically new but has a couple of light vertical scratches on cover - FINE

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
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