Olivia de Berardinis
Bettie Pages # 7
Product ID: bpgs.71992 - Olivia de Berardinis FC painting of Bettie plus a long Interview with numerous illustrations. Also features on Hollywood's 'Dirty Blondes', Playboy Playmate Susie Owens (3/88), 50s bombshell Cleo Moore and 4 pgs of British Page 3 girls including a Gaynor Goodman BC. 88 pgs. NEW! unread at original cover price!
Number in Stock: 33
Price: $5.00
Cheri - 1978-05
Miss Vickie Lou returns w/ 11 pgs inc CF (she is also in 5/77, 8/77 & 9/77). Photographer Diana Hardy has 7 pgs as model, Rosemary Saneau has 5 pgs as 'Rose Marie'. Kate Horn has 9 pgs and Jane Gross has 5 pgs. Barbara has 7 pgs, Judith Neurotica has 6 pgs and Animal has 5 pgs. Plus an article about 'Puritan' magazine, Olivia de Berardinis has a 2 pg illo and 'Earthquake' a 1 pg B&W comic by Mary Sativa.
Cheri - 1982-11
Tiffany Clark & Lisa Cintrice share 6 pgs. Harry Reems 4 pg movie review of 'Society Affiars'. Suzy, Rosalita, Lucinda & Laura each have 6 pgs, Dixie has 5 pgs and a couple other poor girls whoo have no names. Mag has 16 pg 1983 Calendar w/ Jill Russo cover and pages featuring Kitten Natividad, Keli Stewart, Little Oral Annie and Diane Bentley. Olivia de Berardinis has a very nice full pg illo.
Cheri - 1982-12
Cheri visits Colorado. Girlfriends Tracy & Ruby have 9 pgs inc a 3 pg foldout CF. Julia Parton has 6 pgs as a cowgirl. Candy has 6 pgs, Nancy & Sheila each have 5 pgs. Olivia de Berardinis Art 1 full page illo.
Cinema-X Review - 1980-04
v1 #4 - Serena has FC + 5 excellent pages inc CF. Tammy Sutton has 3 pgs, Goddess Sascha has a 3 pg Interivew w/ pics. Letters columns w/ pics by Annette Haven & Leslie Bovee. Movie reviews of 'Telefantasy', 'Inside Desiree Cousteau', 'Sensational Janine', 'Sensual Encounters of Every Kind' and 'Screwples'. Olivia de Berardinis has 1 full pg color illo. Very bright & glossy, lightly read - FINE
Club - 1975-12/1976-01
v1 #11 is a double issue. Kerry Turner (aka Monica Thimme - Playboy Playmate in German edition of 7/76) has FC + 9 pgs inc CF - she is also in the issue of 5/76. Vivian Kane has 6 pgs, Mia Santana has 5 pgs and Toni has 4 pgs. Plus a 12 pg 1976 Group Sex calendar, Fiona Richmond in Honolulu and a 3-girl set - same photos as Men Only v40.10 w/ diff text. Articles about Monty Python and Sci-fi sex plus a 2 pg illo (Domina) by Olivia de Berardinis and a full pg illo by John Holmes.
Club - 1976-02
This is v1 #12 because 12/75 and 1/76 were a combined issue designated as v1 #11. Covergirl Laurette is also on FC of Men Only v41.02 and has a pictorial in 3/76. Molly McCreading has 9 pgs inc CF - an ad for 8 mm movies on pg 81 calls her Stacey Channing. Karyl Pierson (aka Kelly St. John) has 7 pgs, Olivia Clark (aka Barbara Castle, previously called Sasha in 2/75) has 5 pgs and Hilary Corona (aka Caroline Taborinne) has 6 pgs as 'Lois Hersh'. Girlfriends Agony (aka Agnes Harrington) and Serena ( NOT that one) have 7 pgs in a horse trough. Also an Interview with the Mitchell Brothers, a pictorial feature on NY nightclub The Blue Angel and an article on cult figures of our time. Olivia de Berardinis has a 2 pg illo titled 'Water Babies' and John Holmes also has a 2 pg illo.
Note: the same photo sets of Karyl Pierson and Lois Hersh are also in Men Only v40.12; the same photo sets of Molly McCreading and Agony & Serena are also in Men Only v41.01 plus Molly is on the FC.
Note: the same photo sets of Karyl Pierson and Lois Hersh are also in Men Only v40.12; the same photo sets of Molly McCreading and Agony & Serena are also in Men Only v41.01 plus Molly is on the FC.
Club - 1976-03
v2 #1 - Covergirl is Marguerite Turmacher (same photo, mirror image of FC of MEN ONLY v41 #6). Laurette, Covergirl from 2/76, has 6 pgs - the same photo set is in Men Only v41.02, Amy Channing has 9 pgs inc CF - she is also in Men Only v41.02. Natasha Williams (she is CF of MEN ONLY v40 #10 as Hannah Larsson) has 5 pgs as 'Michelle Bresson'. Dora Larsson has 3 pgs and girlfriends Francie & Johninie share 6 pgs. A feature on the Bricklin SV1 Auto, Fiona Richmond in Alice Springs, Australia, 'Private Mail' by Tuppy Owens and Karl Steiner 'A Question of Taste'. Olivia de Berardinis has a 2 pg illo 'Rape, They Said' and a 1 pg. illo. by John Holmes.
Club - 1976-04
Amanda Sue Adey has FC + 9 big pgs inc CF as 'Alison Roberts' - she is also FC & CF of Men Only v41.03. Karyl Pierson (aka Kelly St. John) has 7 pgs on a motorcycle - she is also in Men Only v41.05, Sara Lumiere (she is Sara Greene in MEN ONLY v41 #3) has 7 pgs, Robin McWherter has 4 pgs, Mimi has 6 pgs and girlfriends Felicity & Felix share 6 pgs - they are also in Men Only v40.12. Plus an interview w/ Richard Harris, Fiona Richmond's first book, a 2 pg illo 'After the Balls' by Olivia de Berardinis and a 2 pg illo by John Holmes.
Club - 1976-05
Product ID: club1976-05cClaire Cuthbert w/ blonde hair has FC + 9 pgs inc CF as 'Annie' - same girl is CF in Man's World 10/77 under the name Penny Parker. Laurette (from 2/76 FC & 3/76) returns w/ 6 pgs and Kerry Turner (aka Monica Thimme - Playboy Playmate in German edition of 7/76) also has 6 pgs - she was Covergirl & CF of 12/75. Also, Fiona's first film, a 2-girl set and a couple in a car (girl is Leslie Bovee??). An interview w/ Clive Barnes, Theater critic for the NY Times, genital tattoos and a 2 pg illo (Fair Play girls) by Olivia de Berardinis. FINE
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
Club - 1976-06
Joanie Allum has FC + 6 pgs as 'Dana' - same pics as Men Only v41.5, Lilith (last name Leon in MEN ONLY v41 #5) has 9 pgs inc CF. Plus Pam Henderson has 4 pgs as Esty - same photo set in Men Only v41.05 and 3 girls in a sauna - also the same as Men Only v41.05. Deidre & Michael have 7 pgs in a Panther DeVille V12 - same photo set as Men Only v41.02 and a pictorial feature on the Raymond Revue Bar. Also, the Jaguar XTS, Fiona Richmond in France and Karl Steiner is 'Bound To Please'. Olivia de Berardinis has a 2 pg. illo 'Ladies in Waiting'.
Club - 1976-07
Covergirl is Andi Currie - she also has 7 pgs in 8/76 and 10 pgs in 9/76 w/ 2 other girls and she is also FC & CF of MEN ONLY v41 #7. Tamara (last name Alleyne in MEN ONLY v41 #6) has 9 pgs inc CF, Astrid Ohlsson (covergirl from first issue) has 6 pgs as 'Sheila' and Cleo has 6 pgs - she is also in Men Only v41.06. Plus 'Lashings of Fun' - 6 pgs of bondage pics featuring Conchita, a 2-girl set (1 is Molly McCreading) also in Men Only v41.03, a guy and 2 girls made up as mannequins and Fiona Richmond in San Francisco. Interview with golfer Jack Nicklaus and Olivia de Berardiis has a 2 pg. illo 'Grope Therapy'.
Club - 1976-08
Covergirl is Felice (last name Carr in MEN ONLY v41.08) - she is CF in 9/76 & also in 1/77. 2 anonymous girls share 9 pgs inc the CF - they are also in Men Only v41.07. Andi Currie (the covergirl from 7/76) has 7 pgs, Jessica has 6 pgs, Julia has 6 pgs and Benita has 5 pgs. Claire Cuthbert has 7 pgs w/ boyfriend in the cab of an 18 wheeler - they are also in Men Only v41.10. An article on David Bowie, Fiona Richmond in Bangkok (her last regular monthly column), a 2 pg illo by Chris Achilleos and a 2 pg illo by Olivia de Berardinis that is a sort of Mt. Rushmore w/ R. Welch, M. Monroe, Theda Bara, Mae West and Jean Harlow.
Note: Andi Currie, Jessica, Julia and Benita are also in Men Only v41.07.
Note: Andi Currie, Jessica, Julia and Benita are also in Men Only v41.07.
Club - 1976-10
Covergirl Letty (last name Barlow in MEN ONLY v41 #9) also has 9 pgs inc CF. Amanda Sue Adey (as Alison Roberts) has 6 pgs, Dawn also has 6 pgs and Serena (NOT that one) has 4 pgs. Felice Carr has 8 pgs w/ 4 guys in a bar and 2 girls in a cab have 5 pgs. Profile of comedian George Carlin, the Panther Lazer and a Karl Steiner article 'Tit Mad'. Bill Ward has a 2 pg illo. and Olivia de Berardinis has a 2 pg illo. 'Super Ball'. Mag comes w/ a 16 pg. digest-size insert of a new publication - Club Quest
Note: Alison Roberts, Dawn and Serena are also in Men Only v41.09,
Note: Alison Roberts, Dawn and Serena are also in Men Only v41.09,
Club - 1976-11
Covergirl is Cherry - same pic is FC of Men Only v41.10 and she is called Roxy - she is also in 12/76. Vicky Scott has 9 pgs inc CF as 'Melanie' (last name Major in MEN ONLY v41 #11). Priscilla has 6 pgs, Erika also has 6 pgs and Heather has 5 pgs. Two girls in platform shoes share 6 pgs. Plus a Profile of O.J. Simpson and a 2 pg illo by Olivia de Berardinis 'Splendor in the Grass'.
Note: Priscilla and Heather are also in Men Only V41.10
Note: Priscilla and Heather are also in Men Only V41.10
Club - 1976-12
v2 #10 comes w/ 2 different covers. One covergirl is Delia who has a pictorial in the issue of 1/77 and is billed as 'Magali' in MEN ONLY v41 #11. The other Covergirl is Ava Cadell. Please see the front cover gallery for pics - Delia is the first one shown for 12/76 and Ava is listed as the alternate FC. Sheila McKenzie has 9 pgs inc CF as 'Pru' (last name Freeman in MEN ONLY v41 #10) - she is also in 8/77. Not sure who was aleep at the wheel on this issue but in addition to the 2 cover varieites there are other anomalies. In Club, Cherry (FC of 11/76 aka Cheryl Connors) has 7 pgs but in MEN ONLY V41 #10 she is billed as Roxy. However, In Club, Roxy (aka Edna May) has 5 pgs but in MEN ONLY V41 #10 she is billed as Cherry - looks like the names got criss-crossed. Plus the Mistress of the Rings has 8 pgs, Alexis has 6 pgs and a girl w/ a clown has 6 pgs. An interview w/ Bill Wyman of the Rolling Stones and lots of artwork inc 3 pgs of Eric Stanton sketchbooks, a 2 pg. illo by Robert Blue and another 2 pg. illo by Olivia de Berardinis 'Table Mannners'. I have 2 copies of this issue - 1 of each cover variety. The VG+ copy has Delia on the cover and the Fine copy has Ava on the cover.
Club - 1976-Holiday
Product ID: club1976-holdv2 #11 features Tommy on FC + 6 pgs (she is called Melissa in MEN ONLY v41 #11). Marta has 9 pgs inc CF (she is in MEN ONLY v42 #1 as Pamela). Plus Ava Cadell has 7 pgs, girlfriends Ruby & Rowena share 7 pgs (1 is Mary Millington) - they are also in Men Only v41.11 and Lynn and boyfriend Bryan share 7 pgs. Interviews w/ author and Howard Hughes Biographer Clifford Irving & Sean Connery. Karl Steiner writes of 'Nymphs & Satyrs'. Eric Stanton has a very elaborate 2 pg illo titled 'SMerry Christmas' and Olivia de Berardinis has a 1 pg illo. 'Santa Clawed' - VG+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $10.00
Club - 1977-02
v3 #1 - Anniversary issue - Covergirl is Nina Jensen - she is also CF of 3/77. Mary P has 8 pgs inc CF - she is also CF of Men Only v42.02. Pola Churchill has 7 pgs, plus a pair of girlfriends share 8 pgs, a 9 pg feature on Hooker School, and an 11 pg feature titled 'The Pinkskin Review' starring a dozen top porn stars inc John Holmes. Also, an interview w/ actor Richard Burton and Olivia de Berardinis has a 2 pg illo 'Shoe & Tell'
Club - 1977-03
Covergirl is Georgina Marsh - same pic used on FC of Men Only v42.01 and she is also CF of 5/77. Nina Jensen has big 9 pg feature inc CF, Ava Cadell has 7 pgs - she is also FC & CF of Men Only v42.05 and Rosemary England has 5 pgs as 'Julie-Anne' - she is also in Men Only v41.11. Plus Debbie has 6 pgs and girlfriends Carole & Penny share 6 pgs. Karl Steiner article about 'Erotic Mysticism', a nice 3 pg piece on John Willie's "Bizarre". Olivia de Berardinis has a full page illo 'One On One'.
Club - 1977-11
Product ID: club1977-11dCovergirl Tatum (aka Miss T) also has 9 pgs inc CF in a custom Range Rover - she is also in Men Only v42.10. Charlotte (FC of 10/77) has 6 pgs and Tineka Dunscombe has 6 pgs as 'Claudine' - she is also in Men Only v42.11. Plus Island girl Marcia has 7 pgs, Meryl has 7 pgs - same photo set in Men Only v42.07 and a girl w/ King Dong. Clifford Irving Fiction 'Return to the Scene of the Crime'. Olivia de Berardinis has a 2 pg. illo, an Interview with Bjorn Borg and The Tether Report (2nd app). VG+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $10.00
Club - 1979-01
Covergirl is Carolyn Evans, Barbara P. has 9 pgs inc CF. Nancy Suiter (as Nicola) shares 8 pgs w/ Melanie and Tina Louise has 5 pgs as 'Penelope'. Plus Amelia has 7 pgs, Kelly & Toni each have 6 pgs. Interview w/ comedian David Brenner, articles on child prostitution and bond slavery in colonial America plus Aston-Martin convertibles and a 2 pg. illo by Olivia de Berardinis 'The Majestic Snow Ball'
Club - 1980-01
Covergirl Elenor has a pictorial in 3/80 and is CF of 12/80, Piper Smith has 6 pgs as 'Victoria'. Marilyn Chambers makes her 1st of many apps in a 7 pg pictorial, the anonymous tennis player from FC of 12/79 returns w/ 9 pgs inc CF. Club's 1980 calendar has 1/2 pg pics of the 12 CFs from 1979. Plus an Interview w/ Roman Polanski, a 2 pg feature on Olivia's 'O Cards' w/ a total of 13 illos and some awesome Street Rods.
Club - 1980-03
Covergirl Cody Nicole also has 9 pgs inc CF as 'Carole'. Plus Elenor (FC of 1/80) has 8 pgs, Lynn (Bobbie Barnes?) has 7 pgs, Janice (was in 6/79) has 7 pgs and Lady Althea Drummond also has 7 pgs. An Interview w/ Truman Capote, articles on the Vietnam War and the world's fastest car plus the first monthly columns by Marilyn Chambers & Fiona Richmond. Also a 2 pg illo by Robert Blue of Bettie Page in Bondage and Olivia de Berardinis has a full pg illo as well.
Club - 1980-09
Product ID: club1980-09dCovergirl is Nike Clark (same photo as FC of MEN ONLY v45 #8), Mandy Miller has 9 pgs inc CF as'Barbara' - she is also in 4/79 & 9/81. Gabrielle Freeman has 7 pgs as 'Clara', Paulette has 6 pgs and Mollie has 5 pgs. Plus 2-girls (Doctor & Patient) have 7 pgs and a 7 pg feature 'Kate Templeton Special Agent & The Nuclearmobile'. A profile of tennis stars Bjorg, Connors & McEnroe, Mayfair Was My Manor by Debbie, the Aston-Martin Bulldog and a fabulous 2 pg illo of Dragon Lady by Olivia de Berardinis VG+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $10.00
Club - 1980-10
Tipi Rocks has FC + 9 pgs inc CF as 'Alexandra'. Sharon Sorrentino has 7 pgs as 'Francoise'. Josephine has 6 pgs and girlfriends Debbie & Liz have 7 pgs in a locker room. Also an 8 pg feature Kate Templeton Special Agent (still after The Nuclearmobile) and 8 pages of 'Club Private Pages' featuring 2 girls and a guy in a sauna. Plus a classic car race, Mayfair Was My Manor by Debbie, an article about rodeo and an Olivia de Berardinis 2 pg illo 'Muscling In'. VG+
Club - Best of # 001
1975 - Oversize, squarebound issue has 116 pgs and reprints highlights from the first year including over 50 pgs of fabulous CLUB girls. Debbie Hatfield (aka Virgina Winter) has 2 separate features - one is 9 pgs, the same as her 5/75 CF feature and the other is 6 pgs w/ Christine Burke and a guy in a bathtub (7/75). Karyl Pierson (aka Kelly St. John) has 7 pgs (2/76). Christine Burke has 6 pgs solo (4/75 - less 3 pgs inc CF) + 6 pgs w/ Debbie Hatfield and a guy in a bath tub (7/75). Mary Millington has 5 pgs as Candice (5/75), Cheryl 'Rainbeaux' Smith and Anna Noble have 9 pgs w/ a Bentley (9/75) and girlfriends Marisa & Karen share 5 pgs (10/75). Chris Achillees (sic) has 2 nice color illos - each is 2/3 pg. Olivia de Berardinis has a 2 pg illo. Interview w/ actor Telly Savalas. VG/VG+ copy is clean, tight & flat, a bit of normal wear and small scuff at top of spine. Good copy has some scuffing and top edge has slight roll but still decent.
Club - Best of # 002
1976 - Another Oversize, squarebound issue w/ 116 pgs. Vivian Kane has 6 pgs (12/75), Amy Channing has 7 pgs (same as her 3/76 CF feature less 1 pg and the CF is now a 1 pg pic), Molly McCreading has 9 pgs (same as her 2/76 CF app), Laurette (Covergirl of 2/76) has 6 pgs (3/76), Karyl Pierson (aka Kelly St. John) has 5 pgs on motorcycle wearing helmet (same as 4/76 less pgs 74-75) and Toni has 4 pgs (12/75). Denise Denny has 5 pgs (same as 6/75 less pgs 28-29), 3 girlfriends share 6 pgs (12/75) and a girl in a desert (Brigitte Lahaie?) has 6 pgs w/ 4 male slaves (3/76). Olivia de Berardinis has a 2 pg illo. Interview w/ motorcycle stunt driver Evel Knievel. VG copy has a bit of minor scuffing, light soiling in white areas of cover, scratches on BC.
Club - Best of # 004
Product ID: club-bo.004d1978 - Oversize, squarebound issue w/ 100 pgs. Covergirl Georgina Marsh also has 8 pgs (5/77 less pg 43), Tina Louise has 6 pgs as 'Karen' (9/77 less pg 43). Camella Donnor has 7 pgs as 'Morgan' (7/77). Charlie Good has 6 pgs as 'Charlene' (4/77 less pg 43) and Diana Rose Hardy has 5 pgs as 'Ziggy' (5/77 less pgs 78-79). Jeanette has 8 pgs (10/77 less pg 43), Tina Sen has 6 pgs (9/77) and girlfriends Cherry & Chastity have 5 pgs (9/77 less pg 30). Plus Clifford Irving Interview w/ Richard Nixon. Olivia de Berardinis has a 2 pg illo 'Taiwan On', Chris Achilleos also has a 2 pg illo and a 3 pg feature on the sketchbooks of Eric Stanton. Clean & bright, a few minor spine stresses and small bump on bottom right corner - VG+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
Club - Best of # 013
Product ID: club-bo.013c1981 - Oversize issue is 100 pgs. Marilyn Chambers has partial FC + 6 pgs (7/80) + letters column w/ pics. Tipi Rocks has 9 pgs as 'Alexandra' (10/80). Micki has 9 pgs inc CF (4/81), Serena has 6 pgs (8/80), Anthea Drummond has 7 pgs (3/80). Loni Sanders & Sylvia Benedict share 6 pgs w/ a guy on a beach (2/81). Girlfriends Dinah & Pippa have 7 pgs (4/81). Olivia de Berardinis has a 2 pg illo 'Dragon Lady' and Jean Glenn Mitchell also has a 2 pg illo. An article about corporate crime and a feature on the Baja 1000 auto race. Bright & glossy, lightly read - FINE
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
Club Int. - 1976-02
Product ID: clubint1976-02dv4 #11 - Covergirl Marie-Claude Montand also has 5 pgs. Eve Astor has 7 pgs inc CF as 'Bobbie Ferguson' and Betina Paulson has 5 pgs as 'Madeline'. Sukie and Cecile each have 6 pgs, and girlfriends Zara & Janie share 5 pgs. Olivia de Berardinis art - 1 pg illo. VG+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
Club Int. - 1981-11
Charmaine has 8 pgs inc CF. Cherry & Mickie each have 8 pgs, The 'Birminghm Bazookas' have 5 pgs. Olivia de Berardinis has a 2 pg illo.
Club Int. - 1983-02
Product ID: clubint1983-02cSiamese Twins - Kate 1 & Kate 2 have 6 pgs inc CF. Koo Stark has 2 pages. Plus loads of anonymous models. Olivia de Berardinis has a
2 pg illo. Fine+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
Club Int. - 1983-10
Titanic Tina (Small) aka Miss 84" has 8 pgs. Roxanne has 10 pgs inc CF. Olivia de Berardinis has a 2 pg illo.
Club Int. - Best of # 016
Product ID: clubint-bo.016cSpring, 1983 - Farrah Fawcett has partial FC + 4 pgs. Desiree Cousteau & John Holmes share 6 pgs, Candy Samples & boyfriend have 8 pgs and Pat Wynn has 4 pgs. Denise has 10 pgs, girlfriends Clarissa & Melanie also have 10 pgs, 3 girls in a steam room have 12 pgs and an anonymous pair of girlfriends (1 Japanese) share 8 pgs inc CF. Olivia de Berardinis has a 2 pg illo. Very bright & glossy, a bit of very minor spine wear and TINY bump on bottom right corner - FINE
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
Eros - 1978-08
Candy Clark has FC, BC + 6 pgs as 'Jenny' (she was CF and poster girl in Hustler 12/76), a slim brunette has 7 pgs inc CF. Jill has 8 pgs, Patrice has 5 pgs, Chanel has 6 pgs. Olivia de Berardinis has a 4 pf feature w/ 7 paintings, Bill Ward has 1 full page color cartoon. Barely touched, beautiful FINE+
Gallery - 1975-03
Rene Bond has nice 6 pg feature as a blond. Erica has 8 pgs inc a 3 pg foldout CF, Melanie Seasons has 7 pgs. Female wrestlers for hire Kathy & Caryl have 4 pgs. Int. w/ Peter Fonda. Olivia de Berardinis artwork 4 pgs, John Willie has 2 pgs from 'Sweet Gwen'. Articles about Cocaine, female porn director Roberta Findlay and the 1st Annual Hookers Ball.
Genesis - 1975-05
Nessa has 6 pgs inc CF, Laura also has 6 pgs, Coris has 5 pgs and the always popular Anonymous also has 5 pgs. Interview w/ TV newsman Richard Valeriani. Articles about the phony energy crisis and baseball player Catfish Hunter. Olivia de Berardinis
Art - 1 full page.
High Society - 1977-06
Jessica Standish has FC (she has 8 pgs in 8/77). Liza has 9 pgs inc CF. Candy Clark has 6 pgs as 'Chloe'. Sissy has 6 pgs and Ginger has 3 pgs - was BC of 4/77. A 5 pg feature of Women as raw meat. An anonymous couple has 7 pgs and an article about Voodoo. Olivia de Berardinis has a 2 pg illo.
Hustler - 1978-11
Julia Edwards has 10 pgs inc a 3 pg foldout CF as 'Sheila'. Shawn Carney has 8 pgs w/ a werewolf and an anonymous couple have 7 pgs. Suze Randall has 3 bondage pics from the magazine Kinque. Article about the Assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King by Mark Lane. Articles about Willie Nelson and Abortion. Honey Hooker comic strip - 1st by Brian Forbes. Olivia de Berardinis has a 2 pg illo.
Hustler - 1978-12
Carolyn Burch shares FC + 10 pgs w/ boyfriend. Kari Klark has 10 pgs inc a 3 pg foldout CF (She was also in Penthouse 1/81 as Kari Burton). Consuela has 12 pgs w/ 2 prison guards. Articles about the Assassination of Malcolm X and Father DePaul Genska - The Hookers Priest. Honey Hooker comic strip. Olivia de Berardinis has 1 page w/ 4 Xmas cards.
Hustler - 1979-01
Nancy Suiter FC in bed w/ boyfriend. Dana has 20 pgs inc both sides of detachable 8 pg poster. An anonymous Black couple has 10 pgs and Superhero Beaverman has 9 gs w/ 2 girls. Annual Guide to mens mags by John Mayall. Articles about the Robert Kennedy Assassination and Elizabeth Claire Prophet - the Guru of the 80s. Theodore Sturgeon fiction 'The Country of Afterward' w/ 2 pg illo by Olivia de Berardinis. Honey Hooker comic strip.
Hustler - 1979-07
5th Anniversary issue has FC artwork by Olivia de Berardinis. Cindy has 20 pgs inc both sides of a detachable 8 pg poster. Misty Knight has 8 pgs as 'Chrissie' and Laurie Smith has 6 pgs w/ 2 guys - 1 is Mike Ranger. Also a 7 pg feature 'Great Moments in Hustler 1974-1979'. Articles about Doug Kershaw (The Ragin' Cajun Fiddle Player), wife abuse and Defenders of our Freedoms (organizations inc the ACLU). Honey Hooker comic strip.
Hustler - 1979-12
Debi has 10 pgs inc a 3 pg foldout CF. Serena and Jamie Gillis have 8 pgs. Articles about Anton LeVay and the privileges of politicians. Honey Hooker comic strip. A 2 pg illo by Olivia de Berardinis
Leg Show - 1985-03
Product ID: lesh1985-03dMarla has 8 pgs inc CF. Monique, Prudence, Meg and Helga each have 7 pgs. Mary Waters has 4 pgs and Jeanne Pepper has 3 pgs w/ an unknown guy. April has 5 pgs, Jane has 3 pgs and 7 pgs of pics by Elmer Batters. Bill Ward has a 4 pg story w/ 1 full pg color illo and 3 smaller B&W illos and Olivia de Berardinis has a 4pg color ad for "O" cards. Bright & glossy, a few minor stresses - VG+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
Partner - 1981-03
Girlfriends Carol, Amy & Sara share FC + 7 pgs - 1 is Lara Anders. Kathy has 7 pgs inc CF. Claire Quentin (aka Cassie Wells) has 7 pgs as 'Holly'. Debra Lee Johnson has 6 pgs as 'Regina' - she begins a monthly letters column in 5/81 and has another feature in 2/82. Jo Peace has 6 pgs as 'Alice' and Michelle Bauer & girlfriend share 6 pgs. Candy Graham has 7 pgs and Simone Griffith & Mary Oogle each have 3 pgs. Olivia de Berardinis art 2 pgs.
Partner - 1981-04
Gita Daniels has 8 pgs inc CF. Sylvia Benedict has 8 pgs as 'Pamela'. Annie Sprinkle and Romy Schneider each have 2 pgs, Cass has 8 pgs, Patsy has 6 pgs and Bunny has 5 pgs, Ellie Mae & boyfriend Luke have 9 pgs and Lois & Jilly have 5 pgs w/ an anonymous guy. Olivia de Berardinis has 3 illustrations.
Partner - 1981-05
Tanya has FC + 7 pgs inc CF and Sara Trammel (looks like Sylvia Wright to me) has 7 pgs. Marlene has 7 pgs, Annette has 6 pgs and girlfriends Tanya & Jill share 8 pgs Features on the 'Sex-Plosion' in Europe and French photographer Michel Craig. Olivia de Berardinis has a 2 pg illustration.
Penthouse - 1983-11
Covergirl Lale Hansen also has 19 pgs inc CF (she also has 10 ps in Australian edition 1/84). Julia Parton has wonderful 10 pg pictorial. Feature on Olivia de Berardinis has 10 pgs of artwork. Interview w/ David Bowie, fiction by Isaac Asimov 'The Robots of Dawn' plus Confessions of Son of Sam and more. Sweet Chastity - 6 pg comic strip.
Penthouse - 1983-12
Product ID: pent1983-12ePet of the Year Sheila Kennedy FC + 15 pgs. Lisa Schultz (FC of 9/83) has 19 pgs inc CF. Also a 4 pg pictorial 'Ladies of the New Rock'. Interview w/ ex-CIA agent Frank Terpil. Feature article on the death of Karen Silkwood. Fiction by William F. Buckley Jr. 'Operation Rheingold'. Cartoons by Mischa Richter - 5 pgs 'An Executive Xmas Carol'. A full pg painting of Bettie Page by Olivia de Berardinis. Sweet Chastity 6 pg comic strip.
Mag contains a 16 pg booklet 'Photographing Nudes' at center. Normal wear, VG
Number in Stock: 3
Price: $10.00
Scream Queens Ill. # 20
Product ID: scrq.20b(1997) - Melissa Wolf has FC + a 10 pg feature on her virtual strip club featuring her and other top models. Glori Anne has 5 pgs inc a 3 pg foldout CF. Also a 12 pgs fantasy art portfolio featuring work by Olivia de Berardinis (5 pgs), Vargas, Chris Achilleos, Hajime Sorayama, Dave Stevens and others. Fine+
Number in Stock: 5
Price: $15.00
Product ID: bk-ill-sexydreamsFrom Taschen, 1982 - 9" x 12" squarebound, softcover - 80 pages of great female fantasy art including work by Olivia de Berardinis (FC + 11 pgs.), Chris Achilleos (12 pgs.), Boris Vallejo (3 pgs.) and many others. All artwork is full color, minimal text in English, German & French. NEW!
Number in Stock: 3
Price: $15.00
Swank - 1975-04
Lark Gossage has 11 pgs inc CF, Mollie Sloane has 9 pgs and girlfriends Urline & Erica share 5 pgs. Olivia de Berardinis has 1 full pg color illo + a 1/2 pg B&W illo. Bright & glossy, a few minor stresses - VG+.
Swank - 1975-05
Product ID: swan1975-05fThe one and only Serena has 9 pgs (as Wendy), Evelyn Welsh has 11 pgs inc CF and black model Samantha McKelway has 9 pgs. Also an Interview w/ radio jock Don Imus and 'The Night of the Maligath' by Emmanuelle Arsan w/ a full pg illo by Olivia de Berardinis. Well read and handled - Good
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $10.00
Swank - 1975-06
FC of a girl w/ a beach ball. Besty Arnold has 11 pages inc CF, Patty Scott has 7 pgs. Plus 2 girls & a guy in a movie theatre share 9 pgs and Lucy & Larry frolic in a jacuzzi. Articles about dirigibles, 'Billy Jack Fights Back' by Rex Reed and 'The Palace Guard' (Haldeman & Erlichman) by Dan Rather & Gary Paul Gates. Plus 'The Night of the Maligath' by Emmanuelle Arsan w/ a full page color illo by Olivia de Berardinis. Bright & glossy, light corner crease on bottom right corner, another on bottom left corner of BC, small bump at top of spine - VG/VG+
Swank - 1975-10
Product ID: swan1975-10eCassandra has 9 pgs inc CF. Sonya Dortmunder has 5 pgs & Patricia Nixon has 4 pgs. Plus 'Starting out in Brooklyn' a memoir by Henry Miller and How the CIA Blew Away Dominican dictator Trujillo. Also the NFL Football Forecast '75, a full pg color illo by Olivia de Berardinis and lots more. Bright & glossy, has a tear in tear left corner near spine and soft upper right corner - VG
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $10.00
Swank - 1976-01
Angela Greene has FC + 9 big pgs inc CF sucking on a popsicle. Concepcion has 5 pgs, Marci Robertson has 4 pgs and girlfriends Philippa & Andrea share 7 pgs. Features on erotic paintings - 300 yers of tits & ass & National Poontang - a take-off on the National Lampoon, Articles about Michael Livingston WerBell III of the CIA and jazz in the '30s. Olivia de Berardinis artwork - 1 full pg illo. This one has been read a bit but no serious defects - nice VG
Swank - 1976-10
Margie has solo FC + 7 pgs w/ boyfriend. Paula Bell has 7 pgs inc CF, Hilary Corona (aka Caroline Taborrine) also has 7 pgs as 'Lynette' - she was also in 3/76. Mona Flowers & Christie each have 5 pgs. Articles about Larry Flynt and Valium plus an article by CA guv, Jerry Brown. Olivia de Berardinis artwork - 4 diff 1/2 pg B&W illos. Bright & glossy, a few minor stresses - VG+
Swank - 1976-11
FC of a girl in a football helmet ready to hike the ball. Claire Hunter has 7 pgs inc CF (she was also in 9/76), girlfriends Laurel & Natalie share 7 pgs, Judy Martell and Nadia each have 5 pgs. Plus the 1976 NFL forecast and a 5 pg portfolio 'Bound For Stardom' of female stars in poses of submission by Francois Colos. Oliva de Berardinis art - 1 full + 4 diff 1/2pg illos - all B&W. Rowena Morril has 1 full pg color painting. Plus 'Lecherous Limericks' by Isaac Asimov. VG copy is bright & glossy w/ very clean white cover but has some light H2O spots in bottom right corner
Swank - 1977-03
Violet Neill has 7 pgs inc CF, Louise Macy also has 7 pgs. Claudia Lucarelli and Maria Duarte each have 5 pgs. Articles about 'The United States of Conspiracy' - Who really Runs America? and Detective Irwin Blye plus 'Putzler" magazine - a take-off on Hustler. Olivia de Berardinis artwork - 5 diff 1/2 pg illos. Some 'rubbing', minor stresses along spine, a bit of normal wear - VG
Swank - 1977-04
Linda Gordon has nice topless FC. Kay Wallace has 9 pgs inc CF. Nancy Davis has 7 pgs, Valerie Cruz & Charlotte McAfee each have 5 pgs, a pair of anonymous girlfriends share 9 pgs and a slim blonde Marty has 3 pgs in a girl scout uniform. Article about musician Willlie Nelson. Olivia de Berardinis art - 5 diff 1/2 pg illos. FINE+ copy is very bright & glossy, barely touched! Fine copy also bright & glossy, some light 'rubbing' along left edge of BC.
Swank - 1977-05
Covergirl is Karyl Pierson aka Kelly St. John. Sharon Sussman has 7 pgs inc CF (she is also in 7/77), Claire Boylan and boyfriend have 7 pgs. Christine Wyatt and Alice Miller each have 5 pgs. Articles about George Harrison of the Beatles & Muhamed Ali. Olivia de Berardinis artwork - 5 diff 1/2 pg illos. Rowena Morril has 1 full pg painting. Bright & glossy, very lightly read - FINE. Have a 2nd copy in nice shape except it is a 3/4 cover copy - title bar has been torn off, small price stamp in upper right corner.
Swank - 1977-07
Carrie Sellars has FC + 5 pgs as 'Dorothy Brunner', Sharon Sussman (CF of 5/77) has 7 pgs. Lucy Flaherty, Stella Mapes and Claire Boylan each have 5 pgs, girlfriends Christa & Lainie share 7 pgs. Plus articles about The Secret Sex Life of Howard Hughes, rating the sportscasters and rock star Robert Palmer. Olivia de Berardinis artwork - 5 illos each 1/2 pg. FINE+ copy is very bright & glossy, barely touched! Has very minor writing in upper right corner. VG+ copy has small clean crease in upper right corner, small 1/2" tear at rop of spine on BC
Swank - 1977-09
The one and only Serena has 9 incredible pgs inc CF as 'Edie Mason'. Nora also has 9 pgs, Sharon Mitchell and girlfriend Suzaye London share 7 pgs and a preview of Swank's Hot Shots 2. Article about the rock band Kiss in Japan. Olivia de Berardinis artwork - 1 full pg illo + 4 smaller illos - all color. Rowena Morrill has a full pg color illo. This one has been read and handled quite a bit, some creases, small 1/2" tear on top edge of BC but tight & solid - G/VG
Swank - 1977-12
Tina Atchison has 10 pgs inc CF - she is Covergirl and CF of Nugget 4/78 as 'Susan'. Bunny Allen has 8 pgs as 'Diane', 2 girls and Santa share 9 pgs. Bernice Carlson has 5 pgs and girlfriends Jodie & Janet share 5 pgs - 1 is Christine de Schaeffer. Article about mass murderers. Olivia de Berardinis art - 3 diff 1/2 pg illos. Bright & glossy, a bit of spine wear - VG+
Swank - 1978-01
Product ID: swan1978-01cCovergirl Bonnie Jean Cummings also has 9 pgs. Darlene has 10 pgs, Jennifer has 6 pgs and a preview of Swank's Hot Shots #3. Plus a big 11 pg feature w/ a pair of brawling bimbos vs Father Time - this includes a detachable 4 pg poster. Olivia de Berardinis art - 4 diff 1/2 pg illos. An article aboutrock star agents. Bright & glossy, very lightly read, 4 pg poster at center is still attached - FINE
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
Swank - 1978-04
Product ID: swan1978-04eCovergirl is Mona Solomons. Dorianne has 8 pgs inc CF, Valerie Clark has 7 pgs as 'Zasu'. Candice & Denise each have 6 pgs, Black model Mayala has 5 pgs. Plus a Xaviera Hollander short story and articles aboutThe Allman Brothers Band and Cocaine. Olivia de Berardinis art - 5 diff 1/2 pg illos and a full pg color cartoon by Bob Aull. Some stresses along spine, minor corner bumps but still nice - VG
Number in Stock: 2
Price: $10.00
Swank - Special - v02.01
Product ID: swan-spec-v02.01b1977 - "Female Fantasies". Mag has 5 pictorials - girlfriends Jill Radclyffe & Julia Hall share 7 pgs (1 is Leslie Bovee), Laurel & Natalie also share 7 pgs. Bunny gets shaved, plus Jessica & Stephen have 7 pgs and a 3-some w/ 2 girls. Remainder of mag is stories & letters loaded w/ illustrations by Olivia de Berardinis. Very bright & glossy, clean white cover, basically new w/ a bit of very minor rubbing on BC near spine - FINE+
Number in Stock: 2
Price: $20.00
Tease! #1

Product ID: tease.1
1994 - Actually says v2 #1 (Previously The Betty Pages) in publication credits as this title is designed to be a continuation of the cheesecake/pin-up theme of that title. Later issues do not have the volume designation and are simply numbered.
FC illo 'Dog Pounds' by Greg Theakston. Article about 50s blonde bombshells Juli Redding & Sandra Giles. Interview w/ pin-up artist Joyce Ballantyne has numerous pics & illos. Interview w/ film director John Waters. Nice piece on Hollywood 'creature features' starring 'distressed damsels in prehistoric peril'. Also the 'Exotic World' Museum, 3 pgs of vintage French postcards and 3 pgs of artwork by Olivia de Berardinis inc CF titled 'Bon Bons'. A memoir by Kate Worley and 6 pgs of drawings by John Kricfalusi.
NEW - unread copy - FINE++
FC illo 'Dog Pounds' by Greg Theakston. Article about 50s blonde bombshells Juli Redding & Sandra Giles. Interview w/ pin-up artist Joyce Ballantyne has numerous pics & illos. Interview w/ film director John Waters. Nice piece on Hollywood 'creature features' starring 'distressed damsels in prehistoric peril'. Also the 'Exotic World' Museum, 3 pgs of vintage French postcards and 3 pgs of artwork by Olivia de Berardinis inc CF titled 'Bon Bons'. A memoir by Kate Worley and 6 pgs of drawings by John Kricfalusi.
NEW - unread copy - FINE++
Number in Stock: 10
Price: $20.00
Tease! #5
Product ID: tease.51995 - Dangerous Women Issue. Julie Strain FC painting by Olivia de Berardinis + 6 pg feature article. Tura Satana has a 9 pg Interview w/ pics, Cleo Moore has 6 pgs, Poison Ivy (of the rock band The Cramps) has 6 pgs inc CF. Also features on artist Milt Caniff, 1960s nudie movie bad girls and juvenile delinquents.
NEW - unread copy at original cover price - FINE++
Number in Stock: 10
Price: $6.95
Tease! #7
Product ID: tease.71997 - International issue. FC painting by Enock Bolles. Great 11 pg feature on Josephine Baker w/ lots of pics and CF painting by Olivia de Berardinis. Features on Danish pin-up Lulu, the British comic strip 'Jane' and Swiss pin-up artist Heinz Villiger. Articles on the birth of girlie mags, artist Robert Sarsony and more record album covers.
NEW - unread copy at original cover price - FINE++
Number in Stock: 10
Price: $6.95
Velvet - 1983-08
Covergirl is Mona Page - she also has 10 pgs w/ a girlfriend (Blair Castle?) and 2 guys (1 is Marc Wallice) on a beach. Suzie Farrell has 8 pgs inc CF, Sascha has 7 pgs. A long feature on San Diego w/ numerous pics of Annie Ample, a Chicago swingers convention, and a strippers convention w/ Jennie Lee & other strippers of yesteryear. Olivia de Berardinis has a 2 pg illo. Mag has a 16 page Erotic Film Guide insert w/ Loni Sanders FC + CF. FINE+ copy is basically new, barely touched! VG copy is bright & glossy but has some warping near top ege of FC and first few pgs. No H2O marks or anything
Velvet - 1983-09
Product ID: velv1983-09bSerena has FC + 13 pgs inc 2 separate 2 pg foldouts. Janine Andrews has 6 pgs as 'Lila', Alexandra Day(?) has 6 pgs as cowgirl 'Sandra Lynn'. Cowboy Sam has 8 pgs w/ 2 girls - 1 is Mindy Rae. Olivia de Berardinis has a 2 pg illo. Lots more! Extremely bright & glossy, barely touched - FINE+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $30.00