Laura Lynnwood-p
Buxom brunette with medium length straight hair. One of the most popular models throughout the 70s she appeared in scores of titles often as Cover Girl and/or CF.
The name Laura Lynnwood is from FLING magazine. She appeared in the issue of 9/73 and then returned an incredible 5 more times in just the next year alone! (Was in 11/73, 12/73, 1/74, 5/74 and 9/74 as Covergirl).
Also appeared as Linda or Megan Schmidt, Linda Schmitz, and is also known as 'Eleanor'.
40RTY PLUS - v03.1
Product ID: modvd-40rty-v3.1(1972) - Big 72 pg issue with 8 in color. Laura Lynnwood (as 'Amanda') has close-up FC + big 10 pg feature. Candy Samples has 11 pgs w/ boyfriend, Ann Ali has nice 8 pg pictorial as 'Kitten'. Bill Ward very detailed full pg illo as 'Satana'.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 997
Price: $9.95
Ace - 1977-04
Product ID: ace1977-04dFawn Faurote has FC + 4 pgs as 'Baby Gray' and Suzi has 6 pgs inc CF. Denise Deland has 6 pgs, Laura Lynnwood has 4 pgs and Roxanne Brewer has 3 pgs as 'Stella'. Eve & Bonnie each have 6 pgs, Debbie has 3 pgs. Very bright & glossy, a few minor stresses and small price written on cover - VG++
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
Adam - v17 #02
Product ID: adam-v17.02d3/73 - Laura Lynnwood in fabulous 9 pg pictorial inc CF as Audrey Andrews. Donelda McDonald has FC + 8 pgs, Olivia Tiernan has 5 pgs, Sarah has BC + 4 pgs and Astrid Holland has 4 pgs. Also a 3 pg article about 'Choppers' (motorcycles) and and Interview w/ a Black whore has several pics of Mia Coco. Bright & glossy, a bit of normal wear but no serious defects - VG+
Number in Stock: 2
Price: $25.00
Breasty Annette #4
Product ID: modvd-bran.4Winter, 1973 issue by Marquis Pub Co. Slick 48 pg mag is all Laura Lynnwood and features 8 pgs of color and lots of great full pg photos. Must have if you love Laura!!
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 998
Price: $9.95
Candy - v4 #4
Product ID: pn-candy-v4.4c(Spring, 1978 - Maverick Pub. Co.) - Entire mag is Candy, some solo pics but mostly w/ a variety of partners. One 4 pg set is bondage pics w/ another girl - from same photo shoot as 'Blonds in Bondage'. There is also a 5 pg set of Candy in chains. 2 separate sets of Candy w/ male slaves - whips & chains, etc. and a short 2 pg set of Candy & Laura Lynnwood w/ a male slave. Very light wear, bright & glossy - FINE
This issue is also available on a CD for only 9.95. Please see the Great Mags on CD category for more information.
This issue is also available on a CD for only 9.95. Please see the Great Mags on CD category for more information.
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $200.00
Candy - v4 #4
Product ID: modvd-candy-v4.4(Spring, 1978 - Maverick Pub. Co.) - Entire mag is Candy, some solo pics but mostly w/ a variety of partners. One 4 pg set is bondage pics w/ another girl - from same photo shoot as 'Blonds in Bondage'. There is also a 5 pg set of Candy in chains. 2 separate sets of Candy w/ male slaves - whips & chains, etc. and a short 2 pg set of Candy & Laura Lynnwood w/ a male slave.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 996
Price: $9.95
Caper - 1974-03
Product ID: capr1974-03ev17 #2 - Laura Lynnwood has 6 stunning pgs as Effie Taylor from TN! Rosemary Sheen has 4 pgs inc CF. Lee Jennings has 8 pgs and Marsha has 6 pgs. Black model Dawn Howard, Annie Warner and Rosie each have 5 pgs. A big 8 pg feature on the 1973 Miss Nude World contest, 6 pgs on Munich 'The Sin Capitol of the World' and fiction by Con Sellers 'The Honeymoon's Over'. A bit of normal wear, corner creases - VG
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
Casanova - 1978-10
Product ID: casa1978-10dv5 #5 - Laura Lynnwood has 6 great pgs as 'Linda'. Khepri James has 7 pgs. Plus 6 more girls w/ single names and a couple of 2-girl sets. Bright & glosssy - sharp VG+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
Escapade - 1973-07
Product ID: escp1973-07cv17 #4 - Laura Lynnwood has wonderful 8 pg feature inc a 3 pg foldout CF as 'Jolaine'!! Darlene and Lori each have 6 pgs and Daphne has 5 pgs. Carla has 4 pgs and girlfriends Haddie & Esmeralda share 4 pgs. Plus 'Connie Lingus' a 2 pg color comic strip by Bruce Jones. Very bright & glossy, lightly read - FINE
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $30.00
Fling - 1973-09
Product ID: flin1973-09ev16 #3 is #67 and is loaded w/ popular models. Mimi Harris has FC + 4 pgs, Julie Williams has 4 pgs inc CF. Sybil Walker has 6 pgs, Laura Lynnwood & Uschi Digart each have 4 pgs. Plus 4 pgs each of Ginger Blair, Black model Ann Peterson and Heidi Jensen. Paula Page has 2 pgs. Bright, glossy pink cover, minor spine stresses, a bit of wear and a couple of small smudges on edge of BC - VG
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
Fling - 1973-12
Product ID: flin1973-12dv16 #5 is #69. Laura Lynnwood has nice FC + 7 pgs. Marita Martin has 6 pgs (she is Covergirl of 3/74), Trudy Eyre has 5 pgs. Kathy Toohey & Tina Sim each have 4 pgs. Betina Kubiak & Pauline Helfer each have 3 pgs, Nicki Shaw & Mary Milner each have 2 pgs. Bright & glossy, some spine stresses, light wrinkle on BC - VG
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $30.00
Jaguar - 1973-04
Product ID: jagu1973-04dv7 #3 - Laura Lynnwood has 6 excellent pgs inc CF as 'Bella'. Danillo Fairbanks(?) has 6 pgs as 'Loretta'. Chris Chandler (aka Shirley Grinnell) has 2 pgs as 'Marcia'. Vicky Vargas has 5 pgs, Sue has 4 pgs, Flora (Covergirl of 3/73) and Gloria each have 2 pgs. Nice VG+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
Jaguar - 1974-07
Product ID: jagu1974-07cGinger Blair has FC + 3 pgs, Laura Lynnwood has really nice 6 pg feature inc CF as 'Susan Stapleton'. Christine de Schaeffer has 4 pgs as 'Tessie'. Melba (the girl in snow w/ a motorcycle) has 6 pgs (same photo set as Duke 7/75), popular black model Diana has 6 pgs. Articles about Portugal and the newest fad - Streaking! Small price written on cover but sharp, glossy Fine!
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $30.00
King Size
Product ID: modvd-fdks2-wsDigest size, No date (late 70s), from Intex-Nederland B.V. This one says 'Candy' in the top right corner of the FC and has 64 pgs, 16 in color. All full pg photos except for 2 double page pics. Is absolutely loaded with busty babes Galore! Wendy Smith (aka Geraldine) has excellent color FC + 4 full pg color pics. Katrina Lane with dark hair has 4 color pgs inc CF, Dean Ackerlund is on BC. Laura Lynnwood has 6 pgs, Nika Movenka has 4 pgs, Dawn Harris (aka Heather) has 3 pgs, Rosalie Strauss and Heather Collins each have 2 pgs, Roberta Pedon has 1 pg. Marie Queen has 13 pgs.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 998
Price: $9.95
Knockers & Nipples - v2.1
Product ID: knock&nip-v2.1c(4-5-6/76) - Entire 64 pg mag, cover to cover (2 pgs of ads), is Laura Lynnwood as 'Adelle'. All solo pics, approximately 107 in all w/ 8 pgs of color inc an excellent CF. Lightly read, small scuff on FC , bright & glossy - FINE
This issue is also available on a CD for only 9.95. Please see the Great Mags on CD category for more information.
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $75.00
Knockers & Nipples - v2.1
Product ID: modvd-k&n-2.1(1976) - Entire 64 pg mag, cover to cover (2 pgs of ads), is Laura Lynnwood as 'Adelle'. All solo pics, approximately 107 in all w/ 8 pgs of color inc an excellent CF.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 999
Price: $9.95
Sir - 1973-05
Product ID: sir1973-05dCovergirl is Glenda Allen, Laura Lynnwood has fantastic 8 pg pictorial inc a 2 1/2 pg color CF! Birgitte Persson has 4 pgs (she was in 3/71), Resa Stewart (is Risa Powell) has a 2 pg photo. Feature on Alice Cooper - the Queen of Rock & Roll and an article about 'Deep Throat'. Luv Ullman and Claire Kallen each have 4 pgs, Tiffany O'Hara has 2 pgs. Very bright, glossy, a few minor stresses - VG++
Number in Stock: 2
Price: $30.00