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Penny Ellington-p

Very busty blonde model from the mid 70s. Was Covergirl of FLING 7/74 and also in 9/74 with this name. Also appeared in all the major bust mags and numerous PN slicks.

Also known as Penny Pontoons (GEM 12/86).

Block Busters - v03.4

Block Busters - v03.4

Product ID: modvd-blb-v3.4
(1974) - Great Issue! Roberta Pedon has FC + 6 pgs inc 3 full pg color pics. Carol Doda has 4 pgs, a blonde Janice Ormes has 4 pgs as 'Nancy', Rosalie Strauss has 4 pgs as 'Wanda', Penny Ellington has 5 pgs as 'Cybil' and Roxanne Brewer has 4 pgs as 'Vivian' . Plus full pg pics of Margaret Middleton, Uschi Digard and Arlene Bell, Bonnie Locke on the BC and even more girls you'll recognize.

Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.

Number in Stock: 996
Price: $9.95
  • Quantity:

Block Busters - v06.2

Block Busters - v06.2

Product ID: modvd-blb-v6.2
(1976) - Darla Hood has FC + 2 pgs. Terry Jackman has BC + 4 pgs. Penny Ellington has 4 pgs, Karen Brown also has 4 pgs (no CF but 2 full pg color pics), Tina Friedman has 4 pgs as 'Wilma', Julie Hanson (also in v7 #3) has 4 pgs as 'Tillie', Black model Elaine Collins has 4 pgs w/ an afro (as 'Cindy'). Roberta Pedon has 1 full pg pic.

This issue was reprinted as Kingsize International (UK Edition) v1 #10.

Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.

Number in Stock: 999
Price: $9.95
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Kingsize - V5.3

Kingsize - V5.3

Product ID: modvd-king5.3
(7-8-9/74) - Big 64 pg issue with 8in color. Rosalie Strauss has FC + 1 full pg pic. Penny Ellington has 4 full pg pics and a couple of others, Danielle Dawson has 2 full pg pics and 5 more. Terry Jackman has 2 full pg color pics + 1 more. Roxanne Brewer has a full pg color pic + 2 more, Joan Brinkman has 2 full pg pics. Roberta Pedon, Nika Movenka & Ann Ali have full pg pics. Lots of other familiar faces in this one.

Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.

Number in Stock: 998
Price: $9.95
  • Quantity: