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CLUB is the American version of the British "FOR MEN ONLY" published by Paul Raymond. First issue was dated February, 1975 and has been published monthly until the present. Exceptions are a double issue dated December 1975 - January 1976, a Holiday 1976 issue and then a 13th issue titled 'Holiday' beginning in 1988. All issues from #1 thru 9/90 are Oversized (9x12). All issues contain numerous pictorials usually featuring only the best models and top photographers. No wonder it's one of the best and most popular of all the titles year after year.

CLUB had a number of popular recurring features. Some of those are as follows: Fiona Richmond appeared in the first issue and monthly until 8/76. Each issue featured a different location - a la Jane Dolinger. She also wrote a monthly news column from 3/80 - 11/80. Lady Althea Drummond had a monthly advice column from 5/79 - 12/81. Marilyn Chambers had a monthly advice column beginning in 3/80 and which was expanded in 7/80 to include photos. Her column appeared in every issue thru 12/93.


Other Letters columns include one by Debbie Sass (aka Debbie Jordan) which appeared from 10/85 thru 5/92. Following that was one by Carrie-Ann (Tiffany Towers) that ran from 6/92 - 5/93. Toni Kessering had a column from 7/88 - 8/89 under the alias Dolores Deecups and Pat Wynn had a column (as 'Auntie Jayne') in 5/88 & 6/88 and then from 9/89 - 8/90 (following Toni K) and then from 11/90 - 8/92. All of these typically had 2 or 3 small photos along w/ the letters. The major exception to that is the Debbie Sass column which regularly had a full page photo if not more.


Dr. Karl Steiner had several features to his credit. There was a monthly article from 2/75 - 9/75 and then in 11/75, 3/76, 6/76, 10/76, holiday 76, 3/77 and 5/77 - 6/77. 'Steiner's Carnal Jigsaw' ran from 11/80 - 10/81 and 1/82 - 4/82. In 5/82 he began a monthly column titled 'The Kalmann Diaries' which ran until 10/82. Then from 4/83 - 11/83 there was the 'Steiner Sex Probe' . During all of that there was a monthly letters column titled 'The Steiner Bureau' which ran from 1/81 - 8/84.


Similar features include 'The Tether Report' which appeared in 6/77 and 11/77 and then monthly from 1/82 - 4/84. Dr. Steven Roles had a monthly aticle from 1/84 - 10/84 and Dr. Karl Brenner began a monthly column titled 'Pains, Pleasures & Perversions' in 9/84 which ran thru 9/85


A 4 page color comic strip titled 'Milly Molly Mantlepiece' ran each month from 4/75 - 9/75. The incomparable Bill Ward had a 4 pg strip titled "Sizzle, The Woman From A.U.N.T." which began in 5/84 and ran thru 9/87. Prior to that he had numerous illustrations in the previously mentioned 'Tether Report'. After 'Sizzle' ended in 9/87 a shorter 2 pg strip titled 'Debbie' appeared on a monthly basis thru 9/89 except for the months of 3/88, 4/88, 10/88 and 7/89. That strip took a 6 month hiatus but returned in 4/90 and appeared monthly until 8/92. Noted artist Chris Achilleos was also a frequent contributor to the magazine with many excellent full and double page illustrations. In addition, Olivia de Berardinis appears in numerous issues from the end of 1975 into the 80s.


Other regular features include 'Feels On Reels" which is 3 - 5 pgs of X-rated movie reviews starting in 11/80. "Connections - Swingers Forum" begins in 5/81, changes it's name to "Contacts" in 1/85 and runs thru 3/89. The "Swinger of the Month" feature begins in 1/82 and runs thru 8/89. A feature titled "Weapons of War" begins in 10/85 and was still running monthly thru 1994. Most issues contain a short 2 or 3 page feature on a particular automobile but beginning in 5/87 it is titled "Wheels" and again was still running thru 1994.


Model IDs for the first 10 years or so are sketchy since most have only a single name. Complicating things is the fact that there are a number of girls who appeared in different issues but with a different name each time. A good example is the cover girl on the very first issue. In the first issue she is listed as 'Astrid' on the contents page. In the issue of 7/76 she appears as Sheila. Also, most of the girls before 1980 are relatively unknown or primarily known from European pubs.


Marilyn Chambers begins to make regular appearances beginning in 1980, followed by Seka in 1982. Also in 1980 begins a steady increase in the number of well known American models that can be identified.


Beginning in about 1990 things get very complicated for a couple of reasons. First the magazine began using the same models over and over - often as many as 6 or 8 times in a 2 year span. Each time the hair, make-up, costumes, etc. are different and they are shot by different photographers who seem to go out of their way to avoid giving any clear facial shots by which to identify the girls. Also, they fell into a rut with naming the models and for a number of years almost every girl who appears usually has one of only about 12 names. So you have one girl named Claire who appears in about 10 issues but at the same time you have 4 other girls all also named Claire appearing in the same time frame. Plus some of the models appeared in the British version of the magazine under completely different names. I have done my best to cross-reference as much as possible but apologize for any missed or erroneous identifications. Any clarifications and/or corrections will be appreciated.


Please refer to the individual issue descriptions for full details regarding contents.


To view a Complete Gallery of Front Covers click here
                  1970s     1980s     1990s





Club - 1975-02

(v1 #1) Oversized 1st American Issue of this popular British Mag comes w/ a 12 pg 1975 calendar bound in. An Interview w/ legendary Mae West, 3 pgs of outstanding Chris Achilleos art and a feature on Auburn Autos. Covergirl is Astrid Ohlsson - she has a 6 pg feature in 7/76 as 'Sheila'. Barbara Castle has a big 9 pg pictorial inc CF as 'Sasha' (she is also Covergirl of 4/75 and appears as Olivia Clark in 2/76). Ava Cadell has a nice 7 pg feature as 'Rae'. Plus Beth Grant and Polly each have 6 pgs, Karen Miller has 4 pgs. Fiona Richmond has a 4 pg story w/ pics. Karl Steiner article 'The Fears of the Obsessed'.

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Club - 1975-03

Covergirl is Becky Finch (she is also in Gallery 2/75 as Becky Thatcher), Soraya has 7 pgs inc CF. Jennifer Donnaly has 6 pgs as 'Elise' and Crystal Rieva has 5 pgs. Plus Saffron Jenkins has 5 pgs, Jo-Ann has 4 pgs, Denise has 6 pgs, and Black beauty Jenny has 5 pgs. Plus Fiona Richmond in Hong Kong, a Peter Ustinov interview, an article about Sally Sanford (the Queen of Sausilito), another about sex in Japan, a feature on Lotus Autos and Karl Steiner writes about exhibiitionism.

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Club - 1975-04

Sasha (aka Barbara Castle - the CF from 2/75) is back, this time on the FC w/ a custom chopper. Christine Burke (aka Sofia Bradbury) has a big 9 pg feature inc CF as 'Chris' and Susan Nell has 6 pgs as 'Vanessa Reynolds'. Plus Flora has 6 pgs (she is also in Men Only v40.03), Claire has 5 pgs and Teresa Ann Savoy has 4 pgs as 'Terry'. Tinka & boyfriend Tim have 6 pgs. Plus an interview w/ Federico Fellini, Fiona Richmond in Sydney, the De Tomaso Pantena auto and Milly Molly Mantlepiece - a 4pg color comic by Robin Ray. Karl Steiner expounds on rubber fetishes aka 'Mackintosh Fun' and a 3 pg feature on erotic leatherware.

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Club - 1975-05

Debbie Hatfield (aka Virginia Winter) has FC + 9 pg pictoral inc CF - she is also FC & CF of Men Only v40.04. Mary Millington has 5 pgs as 'Candace' and Ava Cadell (as Rae from 2/75) has 4 pgs w/ boyfriend. Also Ulla Ramqvuist has 7 pgs, Arabella Hart has 6 pgs and Lulu has 5 pgs. Plus a Jackie Collins Interview, Fiona Richmond in Washington, 'The Honey Wagon' custom car, Milly Molly comic strip 4 pages, Karl Steiner article 'Rubber Soul' and 3 pgs of leather clothing.

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Club - 1975-06

Nicky Stanton has FC + 5 pgs as 'Zena Stendhoom'. Twins Sharon & Yvonne have 9 big pgs inc CF - they are also FC & CF of Men Only v40.05. Anita Hemmings has 6 pgs as 'Robyn', Denise Denny has 7 pgs as 'Janine' & Bliss has 4 pgs. A 7 pg pictorial of 3 separate girls in Greece features Lia, Mary & Stephanie Marrian and Fiona Richmond visits New York. Also a Tina Turner interview, Chris Achilleos has 2 full page illos, an article about Irezumi (Japanese tattoos) and the Rolls Royce Camargue. Milly Molly  comic strip 4 pgs and Karl Steiner writes about Masochism.

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Club - 1975-07

Anonymous covergirl w/ a hose washing a yellow Corvette is also FC of Men Only v40.07. Peggy Sue Brooks has 9 pgs inc CF - same photo set as Men Only v40.06. Previous CFs Christine Burke (4/75) & Debbie Hatfield (5/75) join a guy in a bathtub, plus Penny Warren & Stephanie Bloom each have 5 pgs. Also Fiona Richmond in Singapore, an Interview with Peter Sellers, pubic hair styling, Milly Molly comic strip 4 pgs and Karl Steiner 'Feeling the Urge'

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Club - 1975-08

FC of a Topless girl lying on beach. Anna Noble has 9 pgs inc CF - she was 'Anna Parlane' in the same photo set in MEN ONLY v40 #7. Lucy Lunn has 5 pgs as  'Alma' (last name Bradley in MEN ONLY v40 #5), Plus Jane Holman has 5 pgs, Donna has 7 pgs and Black model Lucienne Camille (aka Sylvia Bayo) has 6 pgs w/ white boyfriend. Plus Fiona Richmond in Bali, an Interview with actor Telly Savalas, The Model T Ford, a great 2pg illo by Chris Achilleos, Milly Molly comic strip 4 pgs, and Karl Steiner 'The Booted Foot'.

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Club - 1975-09

Martie Fitzgerald has 9 pgs inc CF (she is called Martie Clements in MEN ONLY v40 #9). Claudine Costeau has 6 pgs and Black model Thelma Dougan has 5 pgs. Anna Noble and Cheryl 'Rainbeaux' Smith have 9 pgs in & on a Bentley - same photo set as Men Only v40.07. Also an interview.w/ author J.P. Donleav, 2 pgs of Chris Achilleos art work, Fiona Richmond in Toronto and 4 pgs of Milly Molly (last issue), Plus Slave girls of the Deep South and Karl Steiner talks about heavy women.

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Club - 1975-10

Betina Paulson has FC + 6 pgs as 'Madeline' - this is the same photo set as Men Only v40 #9, Kate Voight has 9 pgs inc CF. Carolina Simmons and Helene each have 4 pgs, Fiona Richmond in Moscow, girlfriends Karen & Marisa share 5 pgs and a couple in a toilet stall have 6 pgs. Good Evil Knievel interview w/ pics, an article on snakes through history and a feature on Custom Cars.

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Club - 1975-11

Bridget Tremayne has FC + big 9 pg pictorial inc CF as 'Lee Conrad' - she is also FC and CF of MEN ONLY v40.11 as Lee Douglas. Sylvia Drayton has 6 pgs as 'Ellie', Ginny Butler has 6 pgs (same photo set as Men Only v40.11), Sue Worthington has 7 pgs - (she is also in Men Only v40.11). Plus Daisy and her boyfriend share 6 pgs, Fiona Richmond in Monaco, a long 6 page article w/ pix about Rock star Alice Cooper and articles about Cocaine, erotic literature and 'The Cult of Dracula' by Daniel Farson. Karl Steiner pens 'Prolonged Pleasure'

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Club - 1975-12/1976-01

v1 #11 is a double issue. Kerry Turner (aka Monica Thimme - Playboy Playmate in German edition of 7/76) has FC + 9 pgs inc CF - she is also in the issue of 5/76. Vivian Kane has 6 pgs, Mia Santana has 5 pgs and Toni has 4 pgs. Plus a 12 pg 1976 Group Sex calendar, Fiona Richmond in Honolulu and a 3-girl set - same photos as Men Only v40.10 w/ diff text. Articles about Monty Python and Sci-fi sex plus a 2 pg illo (Domina) by Olivia de Berardinis and a full pg illo by John Holmes.

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Club - 1976-02

This is v1 #12 because 12/75 and 1/76 were a combined issue designated as v1 #11. Covergirl Laurette is also on FC of Men Only v41.02 and has a pictorial in 3/76. Molly McCreading has 9 pgs inc CF - an ad for 8 mm movies on pg 81 calls her Stacey Channing. Karyl Pierson (aka Kelly St. John) has 7 pgs, Olivia Clark (aka Barbara Castle, previously called Sasha in 2/75) has 5 pgs and Hilary Corona (aka Caroline Taborinne) has 6 pgs as 'Lois Hersh'. Girlfriends Agony (aka Agnes Harrington) and Serena ( NOT that one) have 7 pgs in a horse trough. Also an Interview with the Mitchell Brothers, a pictorial feature on NY nightclub The Blue Angel and an article on cult figures of our time. Olivia de Berardinis has a 2 pg illo titled 'Water Babies' and John Holmes also has a 2 pg illo.

Note: the same photo sets of Karyl Pierson and Lois Hersh are also in Men Only v40.12; the same photo sets of Molly McCreading and Agony & Serena are also in Men Only v41.01 plus Molly is on the FC. 

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Club - 1976-03

v2 #1 - Covergirl is Marguerite Turmacher (same photo, mirror image of FC of MEN ONLY v41 #6). Laurette, Covergirl from 2/76,  has 6 pgs - the same photo set is in Men Only v41.02, Amy Channing has 9 pgs inc CF - she is also in Men Only v41.02. Natasha Williams (she is CF of MEN ONLY v40 #10 as Hannah Larsson) has 5 pgs as 'Michelle Bresson'. Dora Larsson has 3 pgs and girlfriends Francie & Johninie share 6 pgs. A feature on the Bricklin SV1 Auto, Fiona Richmond in Alice Springs, Australia, 'Private Mail' by Tuppy Owens and Karl Steiner 'A Question of Taste'. Olivia de Berardinis has a 2 pg illo 'Rape, They Said' and a 1 pg. illo. by John Holmes.

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Club - 1976-04

Amanda Sue Adey has FC + 9 big pgs inc CF as 'Alison Roberts' - she is also FC & CF of Men Only v41.03. Karyl Pierson (aka Kelly St. John) has 7 pgs on a motorcycle - she is also in Men Only v41.05, Sara Lumiere (she is Sara Greene in MEN ONLY v41 #3) has 7 pgs, Robin McWherter has 4 pgs, Mimi has 6 pgs and girlfriends Felicity & Felix share 6 pgs - they are also in Men Only v40.12. Plus an interview w/ Richard Harris, Fiona Richmond's first book, a 2 pg illo 'After the Balls' by Olivia de Berardinis and a 2 pg illo by John Holmes.

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Club - 1976-05

Product ID: club1976-05c
Claire Cuthbert w/ blonde hair has FC + 9 pgs inc CF as 'Annie'  - same girl is CF in Man's World 10/77 under the name Penny Parker. Laurette (from 2/76 FC & 3/76) returns w/ 6 pgs and Kerry Turner (aka Monica Thimme - Playboy Playmate in German edition of 7/76) also has 6 pgs - she was Covergirl & CF of 12/75. Also, Fiona's first film, a 2-girl set and a couple in a car (girl is Leslie Bovee??). An interview w/ Clive Barnes, Theater critic for the NY Times, genital tattoos and a 2 pg illo (Fair Play girls) by Olivia de Berardinis. FINE

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
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Club - 1976-06

Joanie Allum has FC + 6 pgs as 'Dana' - same pics as Men Only v41.5, Lilith (last name Leon in MEN ONLY v41 #5) has 9 pgs inc CF. Plus Pam Henderson has 4 pgs as Esty - same photo set in Men Only v41.05 and 3 girls in a sauna - also the same as Men Only v41.05. Deidre & Michael have 7 pgs in a Panther DeVille V12 - same photo set as Men Only v41.02 and a pictorial feature on the Raymond Revue Bar. Also, the Jaguar XTS, Fiona Richmond in France and Karl Steiner is 'Bound To Please'. Olivia de Berardinis has a 2 pg. illo 'Ladies in Waiting'.

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Club - 1976-07

Covergirl is Andi Currie - she also has 7 pgs in 8/76 and 10 pgs in 9/76 w/ 2 other girls and she is also FC & CF of MEN ONLY v41 #7. Tamara (last name Alleyne in MEN ONLY v41 #6) has 9 pgs inc CF, Astrid Ohlsson (covergirl from first issue) has 6 pgs as 'Sheila' and Cleo has 6 pgs - she is also in Men Only v41.06. Plus 'Lashings of Fun' - 6 pgs of bondage pics featuring Conchita, a 2-girl set (1 is Molly McCreading) also in Men Only v41.03, a guy and 2 girls made up as mannequins and Fiona Richmond in San Francisco. Interview with golfer Jack Nicklaus and Olivia de Berardiis has a 2 pg. illo 'Grope Therapy'.

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Club - 1976-08

Covergirl is Felice (last name Carr in MEN ONLY v41.08) - she is CF in 9/76 & also in 1/77. 2 anonymous girls share 9 pgs inc the CF - they are also in Men Only v41.07. Andi Currie (the covergirl from 7/76) has 7 pgs, Jessica has 6 pgs, Julia has 6 pgs and Benita has 5 pgs. Claire Cuthbert has 7 pgs w/ boyfriend in the cab of an 18 wheeler - they are also in Men Only v41.10. An article on David Bowie, Fiona Richmond in Bangkok (her last regular monthly column), a 2 pg illo by Chris Achilleos and a 2 pg illo by Olivia de Berardinis that is a sort of Mt. Rushmore w/ R. Welch, M. Monroe, Theda Bara, Mae West and Jean Harlow.

Note: Andi Currie, Jessica, Julia and Benita are also in Men Only v41.07.

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Club - 1976-10

Covergirl Letty (last name Barlow in MEN ONLY v41 #9) also has 9 pgs inc CF. Amanda Sue Adey (as Alison Roberts) has 6 pgs, Dawn also has 6 pgs and Serena (NOT that one) has 4 pgs. Felice Carr has 8 pgs w/ 4 guys in a bar and 2 girls in a cab have 5 pgs. Profile of comedian George Carlin, the Panther Lazer and a Karl Steiner article 'Tit Mad'. Bill Ward has a 2 pg illo. and Olivia de Berardinis has a 2 pg illo. 'Super Ball'. Mag comes w/ a 16 pg. digest-size insert of a new publication - Club Quest

Note: Alison Roberts, Dawn and Serena are also in Men Only v41.09,

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Club - 1976-11

Covergirl is Cherry - same pic is FC of Men Only v41.10 and she is called Roxy - she is also in 12/76. Vicky Scott has 9 pgs inc CF as 'Melanie' (last name Major in MEN ONLY v41 #11). Priscilla has 6 pgs, Erika also has 6 pgs and Heather has 5 pgs. Two girls in platform shoes share 6 pgs. Plus a Profile of O.J. Simpson and a 2 pg illo by Olivia de Berardinis 'Splendor in the Grass'.

Note: Priscilla and Heather are also in Men Only V41.10

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Club - 1976-12

v2 #10 comes w/ 2 different covers. One covergirl is Delia who has a pictorial in the issue of 1/77 and is billed as 'Magali' in MEN ONLY v41 #11. The other Covergirl is Ava Cadell. Please see the front cover gallery for pics - Delia is the first one shown for 12/76 and Ava is listed as the alternate FC. Sheila McKenzie has 9 pgs inc CF as 'Pru' (last name Freeman in MEN ONLY v41 #10) - she is also in 8/77. Not sure who was aleep at the wheel on this issue but in addition to the 2 cover varieites there are other anomalies. In Club, Cherry (FC of 11/76 aka Cheryl Connors) has 7 pgs but in MEN ONLY V41 #10 she is billed as Roxy. However, In Club, Roxy (aka Edna May) has 5 pgs but in MEN ONLY V41 #10 she is billed as Cherry - looks like the names got criss-crossed. Plus the Mistress of the Rings has 8 pgs, Alexis has 6 pgs and a girl w/ a clown has 6 pgs. An interview w/ Bill Wyman of the Rolling Stones and lots of artwork inc 3 pgs of Eric Stanton sketchbooks, a 2 pg. illo by Robert Blue and another 2 pg. illo by Olivia de Berardinis 'Table Mannners'. I have 2 copies of this issue - 1 of each cover variety. The VG+ copy has Delia on the cover and the Fine copy has Ava on the cover.

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Club - 1976-Holiday

Product ID: club1976-hold
v2 #11 features Tommy on FC + 6 pgs (she is called Melissa in MEN ONLY v41 #11). Marta has 9 pgs inc CF (she is in MEN ONLY v42 #1 as Pamela). Plus Ava Cadell has 7 pgs, girlfriends Ruby & Rowena share 7 pgs (1 is Mary Millington) - they are also in Men Only v41.11 and Lynn and boyfriend Bryan share 7 pgs. Interviews w/ author and Howard Hughes Biographer Clifford Irving & Sean Connery. Karl Steiner writes of  'Nymphs & Satyrs'. Eric Stanton has a very elaborate 2 pg illo titled 'SMerry Christmas' and Olivia de Berardinis has a 1 pg illo. 'Santa Clawed' - VG+

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $10.00
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Club - 1977-01

v2 #12 - Linda Gordon has gorgeous FC + 8 pgs inc CF. Delia (from FC 12/76) has 7 pgs - she is also in Men Only v41.11, Felice Carr (FC of 8/76 & CF of 9/76) has 5 pgs - she is also in Men Only v42.02. Plus Julie has 4 pgs and an anonymous couple in a barn havs 8 pgs - this feature is titled 'Stable Relationships' but in Men Only v42.01 they are called Petra & Mike and the feature is titled 'The Last Straw'. Interestingly enough the title 'The Last Straw' was also used on a completely different feature in a different issue. Articles on porn lawyers and Marrakesh Unveiled plus a Gore Vidal interview and a 2 pg illo by John Holmes

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Club - 1977-02

v3 #1 - Anniversary issue - Covergirl is Nina Jensen - she is also CF of 3/77. Mary P has 8 pgs inc CF - she is also CF of Men Only v42.02. Pola Churchill has 7 pgs, plus a pair of girlfriends share 8 pgs, a 9 pg feature on Hooker School, and an 11 pg feature titled 'The Pinkskin Review' starring a dozen top porn stars inc John Holmes. Also, an interview w/ actor Richard Burton and Olivia de Berardinis has a 2 pg illo 'Shoe & Tell'

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Club - 1977-03

Covergirl is Georgina Marsh - same pic used on FC of Men Only v42.01 and she is also CF of 5/77. Nina Jensen has big 9 pg feature inc CF, Ava Cadell has 7 pgs - she is also FC & CF of Men Only v42.05 and Rosemary England has 5 pgs as 'Julie-Anne' - she is also in Men Only v41.11. Plus Debbie has 6 pgs and girlfriends Carole & Penny share 6 pgs. Karl Steiner article about 'Erotic Mysticism', a nice 3 pg piece on John Willie's "Bizarre". Olivia de Berardinis has a full page illo 'One On One'.

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Club - 1977-04

Covergirl Charlie Goode also has 9 pgs inc CF as 'Charlene' - she is also FC & CF of Men Only v42 #4. Anna Magle has 6 pgs as 'Jamie' (last name Springfield in Men Only v42 #5). Kathi Young & girlfriend share 8 pgs - they are also in Men Only v42.05. Plus 3 more pictorials - Corina (is Chiquita in Men Only v42 #5), Christina (is Chrissie in Men Only v42 #6) and an unknown couple (Lady Chatterly & her gardener). Plus Clifford Irving's interview with Richard Nixon.

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Club - 1977-05

Covergirl Dee also has a 7 pg feature - she is also in Men Only v42.01, Georgina Marsh (FC of 3/77) has 9 pgs inc CF - same photo set in Men Only v42.01. Diana Rose Hardy (in a blonde wig) has 7 pgs as 'Ziggy' (same photo shoot as Men Only v42 #6). Plus Brigitte has 4 pgs, girlfriends Gayle & NOrma share 7 pgs and a pictorial feature on how to turn your apartment into a dungeon. An Interview w/ actor Robert Duvall, Karl Steiner article 'The Pride of Shame' and a great full pg illo. by Chris Achilleos.

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Club - 1977-06

Covergirl is Camilla - she is also in 7/77 and MEN ONLY v43 #9. Carrie Sellars has 9 pgs inc CF as 'Candy' - she is also FC & CF of Men Only v42.06. Debra has 7 pgs, Lindy (is Clara in MEN ONLY v42 #2) has 6 pgs, Francine has 5 pgs and a mistress & slave pictorial. An Intervew w/ Phyllis Diller, Clifford Irving Fiction 'Sex & Tennis', Karl Steiner article 'Symbols of Sex' and the first appearance of The Tether Report.

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Club - 1977-08

Covergirl is porn star Tina Louise as 'Karen' - same pic is FC of Men Only v42.08. Debbie Richardson has 9 pgs inc CF (she is CF of Men Only 42 #8 as Allison Paynes). Diana Rose Hardy (in a blonde wig) has 5 pgs as 'Arlene' (same photo shoot as Men Only v42 #4 as 'Ziggy'), Sheila McKenzie - the CF from 12/76 returns w/ 7 pgs as 'Pru' (last name Freeman in Men Only v41 #10). Plus Rosemary England has 6 pgs as 'Tanya' - same photo set in Men Only v42.02 as 'Julie Anne', 2 girls fencing and a wild female guitar player - also in Men Only v42.08. Also, an Interview w/ Muhammad Ali and articles about Soccer and Silva Mind Control.

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Club - 1977-09

Covergirl is Jeanette - she is also CF of 10/77 plus FC & CF of Men Only V42 #11 as Donna. Porn star Tina Louise (FC of 8/77) returns w/ 9 pgs inc CF as 'Karen' - she is CF of Men Only v43.09 as Lana Driver. Nina Jensen has 7 pgs - same photo set in Men Only v42.04. Plus Tina Sen has 6 pgs - is also CF of Men Only v42.10, Caroline Coombe has 5 pgs as 'Hilary', girlfriends Cherry & Chastity share 6 pgs - they are also in Men Only v42.10 set and gangster couple Bunny & Clive. Interview w/ actor Tony Curtis. VG+

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Club - 1977-10

Product ID: club1977-10d
Covergirl is Charlotte. Jeanette (FC of 9/77) has 9 pgs inc CF - she is also FC & CF of MEN ONLY V42 #11 as Donna. Pola Churchill (from 2/77) returns w/ 7 pgs. Plus Miranda has 7 pgs - she is also in Men Only v42.10 as 'Witchy Woman', Louise has 7 pgs, a girl in a steam room and 2 girls w/ bicycles. William Burrough's Fiction 'The Health Officer', an article about Aleister Crowley and another by F. Lee Bailey 'On Pornography'. An Interview w/ author Joseph Heller and the Lotus Esprit. VG+

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $10.00
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Club - 1977-11

Product ID: club1977-11d
Covergirl Tatum (aka Miss T) also has 9 pgs inc CF in a custom Range Rover - she is also in Men Only v42.10. Charlotte (FC of 10/77) has 6 pgs and Tineka Dunscombe has 6 pgs as 'Claudine' - she is also in Men Only v42.11. Plus Island girl Marcia has 7 pgs, Meryl has 7 pgs - same photo set in Men Only v42.07 and a girl w/ King Dong. Clifford Irving Fiction 'Return to the Scene of the Crime'. Olivia de Berardinis has a 2 pg. illo, an Interview with Bjorn Borg and The Tether Report (2nd app). VG+

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $10.00
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Club - 1977-12

Product ID: club1977-12d
Covergirl is Molly McCreading. Pat Astley has 9 pgs inc CF as 'Lora' - she is also in 2/78 and is FC & CF of Men Only v43.01. Mona Solomons has 7 pgs - same photo set in Men Only v42.08. Jill has 7 pgs, Barbara has 7 pgs - also in Men Only v42.08, Janet has 7 pgs & Willie has 5 pgs. Chris Achilleos has a 2 pg illo, an Interview with movie director Otto Preminger and an article about drug paraphenalia. VG+

Number in Stock: 2
Price: $10.00
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Club - 1978-02

Covergirl is Janine - same pic is FC of Men Only v43.03, she also has 7 pgs in 3/78 as Maria and is billed as Vivian Dali in Caper 10/79. Trisha has big 10 pg pictorial inc CF. Pat Astley returns w/ 7 pgs as 'Lora' (she is Chloe in Men Only v42 #8). Plus Becky has 7 pgs, Black model Dorothy has 7 pgs - she is Becky in MEN ONLY v42 #11, Sylvie has 6 pgs and girlfriends Marilyn & Jenny share 7 pgs. Clifford Irving Fiction 'Which Way to the Azores' plus an Interview with movie director John Frankenheimer.

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Club - 1978-04

Covergirl Eve (called Jane in MEN ONLY v43 #4) is Piper Smith - she also has 7 pgs in 5/78 as 'Abby'. Valerie Clark has big 9 pg feature inc CF as 'Jolene' plus a separate 7 pg pictorial as Renee - pics from this photo shoot also in Men Only v43.04. Also Anna Magle has 7 pgs and is in Men Only v43.04, Philippa & Nicole each have 7 pgs and Elizabeth has 5 pgs. Plus an Interview with Mae West, an article about the Concorde and another about the 'Silent Invasion' of illegal aliens. Chris Achilleos has an outstanding 2 pg illo. FINE

  • Quantity:

Club - 1978-05

Covergirl is Farah, Cathy Ebelt has 9 pgs inc CF as 'Mireille' - she is also the CF of Men Only v43.04. Piper Smith has 7 pgs as 'Abby' (was FC of 4/78 as 'Eve' and in MEN ONLY v43 #4 as 'Jane'). Plus Clementine has 6 pgs - she is also in Men Only v43.01, Christianne has 7 pgs - is also in Men Only v43.05, Rachel has 5 pgs and a couple on Pleasure Island. Plus an Interview w/ actress Shirley MacLaine, artist Kasia Charko has 7 illustrations on 3 pgs and a feature on BMW vehicles.

  • Quantity:

Club - 1979-01

Covergirl is Carolyn Evans, Barbara P. has 9 pgs inc CF. Nancy Suiter (as Nicola) shares 8 pgs w/ Melanie and Tina Louise has 5 pgs as 'Penelope'. Plus Amelia has 7 pgs, Kelly & Toni each have 6 pgs. Interview w/ comedian David Brenner, articles on child prostitution and bond slavery in colonial America plus Aston-Martin convertibles and a 2 pg. illo by Olivia de Berardinis 'The Majestic Snow Ball'

  • Quantity:

Club - 1979-02

Covergirl Lynn (Bobbie Barnes?) also has 9 pgs inc CF - she is also in 3/80. Jennifer Eccles (?) has 6 pgs as 'Paula'. Marnie, Lydia, and Rosie each have 6 pgs and 2 girls in a barn share 7 pgs. Interview with Mick Jagger of the Rolloing Stones, articles on the high cost of funerals, EST training sessions and 3 pg pictorials on guns and custom 18 wheelers.

  • Quantity:

Club - 1979-09

Miss X has 9 pgs inc CF. Terri Hannon (aka Dolan) has 6 pgs as 'Joanna', Anthea Drummond has 6 pgs and Anette Hale has 5 pgs as 'Beth'. Bernadette has 6 pgs and a 3-girl bondage feature 'Kept Women'. Profile of comedienne Joan Rivers and articles about Humor mags and The Cannonball Run cross country auto race.

  • Quantity:

Club - 1979-10

Product ID: club1979-10c
A pair of clowns (Butch & Judy) share 9 pgs inc CF. Candy Cane (aka Aki Wang) has 7 pgs as 'Josie' and Shona has 7 pgs - she is also in 12/81 as 'Penny'. Natasha has 6 pgs, Jacqui has 4 pgs and a pair of girlfriends share 6 pgs. Also a profile of NFL star Conrad Dobler, articles on The Big Legal Rip-off, the Confederate Air Force and custom vans. Chris Achilleos has a great 2 pg illo. FINE

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
  • Quantity:

Club - 1980-01

Covergirl Elenor has a pictorial in 3/80 and is CF of 12/80, Piper Smith has 6 pgs as 'Victoria'. Marilyn Chambers makes her 1st of many apps in a 7 pg pictorial, the anonymous tennis player from FC of 12/79 returns w/ 9 pgs inc CF. Club's 1980 calendar has 1/2 pg pics of the 12 CFs from 1979. Plus an Interview w/ Roman Polanski, a 2 pg feature on Olivia's 'O Cards' w/ a total of 13 illos and some awesome Street Rods.

  • Quantity:

Club - 1980-03

Covergirl Cody Nicole also has 9 pgs inc CF as 'Carole'. Plus Elenor (FC of 1/80) has 8 pgs, Lynn (Bobbie Barnes?) has 7 pgs, Janice (was in 6/79) has 7 pgs and Lady Althea Drummond also has 7 pgs. An Interview w/ Truman Capote, articles on the Vietnam War and the world's fastest car plus the first monthly columns by Marilyn Chambers & Fiona Richmond. Also a 2 pg illo by Robert Blue of Bettie Page in Bondage and Olivia de Berardinis has a full pg illo as well.

  • Quantity:

Club - 1980-04

Covergirl Fia Morrow also has 9 pgs inc CF as 'Collean', plus Black model Terri, Bridgette & Philipa each have 7 pgs. Laurette has 4 pgs and 2 girls w/ a vampire have 6 pgs. Profile of author Norman Mailer, an article about BZ gas and features on drag boats and Erotic Pompeii.

  • Quantity:

Club - 1980-05

Barbara Schaeffer is Covergirl as 'Felicia' (she is also CF of 6/80) and Adrienne has 9 pgs inc CF. Anna Bergman (daughter of famed director Ingmar) has 7 pgs plus Aggie & Christabell each have 7 pgs. Jade has 4 pgs and a pair of girlfriends share 6 pgs. Also a profile of actress Susan Anton.and features on dune buggies and the BMW M1. Jean Glenn Mitchell has a 2 pg illo.

  • Quantity:

Club - 1980-08

Special 3-D issue came with 3-D glasses attatched to FC. Alison Tyrer has 9 pgs inc CF as 'Billie' - part of this feature + a 2-girl set w/ Carole & Jacquie are 3D. The one and only Serena has 6 fantastic pgs. Sharon Sorrentino has 7 pgs as 'Bianca' and Piper Smith has 7 pgs as 'Abigail'. Begin 'Mayfair Was My Manor' feature by Debbie. Int w/ boxer James Scott, an article on corporate crime and a bunch of dynamite show cars. Fine+ copy with 3D glasses detached but present, VG+ copy has no glasses.

  • Quantity:

Club - 1980-09

Product ID: club1980-09d
Covergirl is Nike Clark (same photo as FC of MEN ONLY v45 #8), Mandy Miller has 9 pgs inc CF as'Barbara' - she is also in 4/79 & 9/81. Gabrielle Freeman has 7 pgs as 'Clara', Paulette has 6 pgs and Mollie has 5 pgs. Plus 2-girls (Doctor & Patient) have 7 pgs and a 7 pg feature 'Kate Templeton Special Agent & The Nuclearmobile'. A profile of tennis stars Bjorg, Connors & McEnroe, Mayfair Was My Manor by Debbie, the Aston-Martin Bulldog and a fabulous 2 pg illo of Dragon Lady by Olivia de Berardinis VG+

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $10.00
  • Quantity:

Club - 1980-10

Tipi Rocks has FC + 9 pgs inc CF as 'Alexandra'. Sharon Sorrentino has 7 pgs as 'Francoise'. Josephine has 6 pgs and girlfriends Debbie & Liz have 7 pgs in a locker room. Also an 8 pg feature Kate Templeton Special Agent (still after The Nuclearmobile) and 8 pages of 'Club Private Pages' featuring 2 girls and a guy in a sauna. Plus a classic car race, Mayfair Was My Manor by Debbie, an article about rodeo and an Olivia de Berardinis 2 pg illo 'Muscling In'. VG+

  • Quantity:

Club - 1980-11

Carol Ann Jackson has FC + 9 pgs inc CF as 'Emma'. Mei Ling has 7 pgs as 'Mikisan', Piper Smith has 7 pgs as 'Abigail'. A special app by Benny Hill girl Andee Cromarty w/ 4 pgs and a pair of girlfriends share 7 pgs. Profile of author Gay Talese and an article on How The Gov't Killed Thurman Munson. Last issue for 'Mayfair Was My Manor' by Debbie and Fiona Richmond's column. Begin monthly feature "Feels On Reels" - reviews of X-rated movies and videos w/ lots of small pics from numerous features. Karl Steiner begins his Carnal Jigsaw monthly feature w/ an article on Ritualism.

  • Quantity:

Club - 1980-12

Anna Ventura has very nice FC, Elenor (from 1/80 & 3/80) has 9 big pgs inc CF. Jill Russo(?) has 7 pgs as 'Gilly'. Also Genevieve has 7 pgs, Fenella has 4 pgs and an anonymous couple has 7 pgs. Karl Steiner examines Religious Mania & The State of Ecstasy plus an article on tattoos.

  • Quantity:

Club - 1981-01

Covergirl Bobbie Barnes also has 9 pgs inc CF as 'Penelope'. Brigitte Monet has nice 6 pg set as 'Alison', Christie has 7 pgs, and Lady Althea Drummond has 3 pgs. Plus a 1981 calendar w/ 1/2 pg pics of all 12 CFs from 1980. An article about pheromones, Karl Steiner's Jigsaw examines Undinism and wet sex and a new monthly feature titled The Steiner Bureau answers questions from readers.

  • Quantity:

Club - 1981-02

Marilyn Chambers has FC + 7 pgs w/ another girl and a 2 pg 'magic movie' - the BC is designed to be movie viewer. Yolanda Lancaster has 9 pgs inc CF as 'Yvonne', Loni Sanders & Sylvia Benedict share 6 pgs w/ a guy on a beach. Plus Jacey has 6 pgs and a pair of girlfriends share 7 pgs. Articles on Biological Weapons tests on the public, the 1931 Chrysler Imperial and Karl Steiner explores S&M.

  • Quantity:

Club - 1981-03

Girlfriends Michelle & Louisa share 9 pgs inc CF - 1 is Lizzie Williams. Amanda & Rosemary each have 7 pgs, Brooke & Clarrie each have 6 pgs (Clarrie is Carolyn Evans?), and 8 'Private Pages' featuring an anonymous couple. Also features on the Air Force's newest weapons and American Radio - 'Opiate of the Masses'. Karl Steiner discusses Saliromania (the desire for dirt). Mag comes with a 16 page catalog insert @ center.

  • Quantity:

Club - 1981-05

Product ID: club1981-05b
Claudia has 9 pgs inc CF. Harriet & Cherry each have 7 pgs, girlfriends Carrie & Loretta share 7 pgs. First app of 'Connections' swingers forum. Also an article on religious rip-offs, a feature on hot-air balloons and Karl Steiner talks about Demonstrationism. FINE+

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
  • Quantity:

Club - 1981-06

Marilyn Chambers has FC + 9 pgs inc CF w/ various friends inc Ron Jeremy and Mike Ranger. Roberta Pedon has 2 small pics, Tipi Rocks has 8 pgs as 'Sheena'. Clarissa has 7 pgs and Annie has 6 pgs. An expose of the drug industry, custom cars and Karl Steiner's Jigsaw examines Voyeurism & Scopophilia.

  • Quantity:

Club - 1982-02

Product ID: club1982-02b
Jean Clarke has 9 big pgs inc CF as 'Abigail'. Faye has 7 pgs, Julia Humphries has 6 pgs as 'Emma' and Jane has 4 pgs. Girlfriends Julianna & Clarissa share 6 pgs, 2 girls and a guy have a 3-way in a prison cell and Swinger of the Month Shelley Karlin has 4 pgs. Also an article about arson for profit, a feature on Vector autos, The Tether Report and Karl Steiner delves into Collectivism. Plus a 2 pg win a date w/ Seka feature. FINE+

Number in Stock: 2
Price: $20.00
  • Quantity:

Club - 1982-04

Product ID: club1982-04b
Great issue with lots of familiar faces and a good example of why you can't always believe what they tell you. Covergirl is Peggy Trentini and Rachel Ashley has 9 big pgs inc CF as 'Carly'. Lizzie Williams has 6 pgs as 'Penny', Nadine has 7 pgs and Linda Shaw has 3 pgs as Swinger of the Month 'Simone Garcia'. A 2-girl set titled 'A Nice Pizza Ass' looks like Jean Clarke and possibly Jacqueline Brooks. In what appears to be another mix-up a Suze Randall set titled 'Triple Decker' w/ a girl & 2 guys says it's Daisy Downs (aka Cara Lott), Kelly Nichols and Kevin Jay - which is obviously 2 girls and 1 guy , not 1 girl and 2 guys as in the pics - although 1 of the guys IS Kevin Jay (aka James) - the girl is Terry Pepper. Interestingly enough, there IS a 'Private Pages' feature in 7/82 that is Cara Lott, Kelly Nichols & Kevin Jay. A 2 pg feature titled 'Plato's Revisited' has a guy in a sauna w/ 4 girls - 1 is Jackie St. Claire. Also an article on Mob violence, the Ferrari Mondial, The Tether Report, Karl Steiner studies Homo & Bisexuality and Bob Bishop has a full page illo. FINE+

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
  • Quantity:

Club - 1982-05

First of many covers over the next 10 years featuring 2 (or more) girls - one is Tracy Dixon. Cara Lott (as 'Nancy') has 9 pgs inc CF w/ boyfriend Richie and Jackie St. Claire has a 6 pg pictorial as 'Nadia'. Carmen and Tracy each have 6 pgs, girlfriends Liz & Jennie share 7 pgs and a girl w/ a guy in a hockey mask have 4 pgs. Swingers of the Month Jo-Ann Bishop & Cindy Hoffman have 4 pgs. Also an article about Aleister Crowley, The Tether Report, Karl Steiner begins a new monthly column 'The Kalmann Diaries' and Chris Achilleos returns w/ an interesting 2 pg illo.

  • Quantity:

Club - 1982-06

Another 2-girl FC featuring Sci-Fi sex kittens. Dace has 9 pgs inc CF, Fay and Kirsty each have 7 pgs and Jeannette has 4 pgs. A 4 pg feature on Seka's party in Chicago and 2 separate 2-girl sets. Swinger of the Month Clarissa Adams has 4 pgs .Also an article on banning guns, the Benttley Mulsanne, The Tether Report w/ 1 full page illo by Bob Bishop and The Kalmann Diaries.

  • Quantity:

Club - 1982-08

Product ID: club1982-08b
Covergirl is Gina Charles, girlfriends Kim & Dinah share 9 pgs inc CF. Anthea (on roller skates) and Kristy each have 7 pgs, Barbara and Carol each have 6 pgs and Jean Clarke? has 4 pgs as 'Louise'. Also an article on 'EMP' as a security threat, the Audi Quattro, The Tether Report w/ a full pg illo by Bob Bishop and The Kalmann Diaries. Mag comes with 16 pg catalog insert. FINE+

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
  • Quantity:

Club - 1982-10

Caroline has 9 pgs inc CF (she was also in 12/81), Lizzie Williams returns w/ 5 pgs as 'Penny' and Cindy Nelson has 6 pgs as 'Susan'. Randy West has 7 pgs w/ Simone from 9/82, girlfriends Melissa & Wendy share 7 pgs. Also an Inteview & feature on model/photograher Sylvia Kitt, The Tools of the Executioner, Big Rigs, Mardi Gras, The Tether Report and the last installment of Karl Steiner's Kalmann Diaries.


  • Quantity:

Club - 1982-11

Virginia has 9 pgs inc CF and Seka has 4 pgs in San Diego. Jo has 7 pgs, Annette has 6 pgs and Lee has 4 pgs. Girlfriends Andrea & Beverly share 7 pgs and 8 'Private Pages' w/ 2 couples. Also an article about El Salvador, Drag Boats, Ugly George, The Tether Report w/ a full pg illo by Bob Bishop and Chris Achilleos has a full page illo.

  • Quantity:

Club - 1982-12

Seka has gorgeous FC + 15 fantastic pages w/ giant 3 pg foldout CF. Charlie Dean (aka Charlotte Bianci) has 5 pgs as an anonymous blind date and Barbara Peckinpaugh (aka Susanna Britton) has 3 pgs. Rosemary has 7 pgs (was also in 3/81), Cathy has 5 pgs, girlfriends Jasmine & Dorothy share 6 pgs and a dom bitch and her slave have 7 pgs. Also an article about computer crime, racing tractors and The Tether Report.

  • Quantity:

Club - 1983-01

Marilyn Chambers FC in white lingerie + 17 pgs inc a preview of her new movie 'Up 'n' Coming' inc a long set of Marilyn w/ Tom Byron and Marc Wallace w/ a 3 pg foldout CF. Shauna Grant & boyfriend have 6 pgs, Amber Lane has 6 great pgs as 'Becky'. Nina has 7 pgs and 2 girls in a red convertible sports car have 7 pgs. Also the Miss Nude America Pageant, a feature on the Panther Convertible and an article on the Moral Majority. The Tether report w/ a full page illo by Bill Ward and an interesting 2 pg illo by Chris Achilleos.

  • Quantity:

Club - 1983-04

Seka has FC + 6 great pgs and Cindy Nelson has big 9 pg pictorial inc CF as 'Claudia'. Also Jennie Fresh has 8 pgs w/ Blake Palmer (pics from same photo shoot as Velvet 4/84), Anna Belle has 7 pgs, a pair of girlfriends share 6 pgs & a 6 pg feature on the Ladies of Crazy George. Plus the Porsche 944, The Tether Report and Karl Steiner returns w/ a new monthly column 'The Steiner Sex Probe'.

  • Quantity:

Club - 1983-06

This one has a 3-girl FC. Debi Diamond has 10 pgs inc CF as 'Simone', Shauna Grant and Rachel Ashley share an 8 page pictorial and Tina Ross has 7 pgs as 'Terri'. Plus a girl w/ a hobby horse has 7 pgs and an 8 pg section of Private Pages w/ 3 girls & 2 guys - one of the girls is Jenny Taylor. Also a 6 pg preview of Marilyn Chambers movie 'Up 'n' Coming' w/ Marilyn and John Holmes. Also, the Atlantis auto, The Tether Report w/ 1 full page illo by Bill Ward and the Steiner Sex Probe.

  • Quantity:

Club - 1983-08

Shauna Grant has 6 outstanding pgs as a pearl diver. Debi Diamond (CF in 6/83) returns w/ her boyfriend in a 9 pg feature inc CF. Shana Ross and a bald Janey Robbins share 8 pgs. Seka has 4 pgs, Pauline has 6 pgs and a pair of girlfriends share 6 pgs. An article about Earthquakes, feature on the Porsche convertible, Oil wrestling, The Tether Report w/ 1 full page illo by Bill Ward, the Steiner Sex Probe and lots more.

  • Quantity:

Club - 1983-09

Seka has beautiful close-up FC + 6 pgs. Jacqueline Lorians and boyfriend have 9 pgs inc CF and Candy Samples has 4 enjoyable pages in Ontario. Plus Suzie Farrell has 6 pgs as 'Lauren', Helen Masters has 6 pgs as 'Sophia' and Devin Shepard has 8 pgs as 'Christa'. An aritcle on poison gas, an Interview w/ Mistress Candice, the BMW Alpina, the Tether Report w/ 1 full page illo by Bill Ward and the Steiner Sex Probe gets into Rubber Rites.

  • Quantity:

Club - 1983-10

Product ID: club1983-10c
Gina Carrera has big 9 pg feature inc CF as 'Pauline' - pics from same photo shoot as Velvet 8/84. Rose has 6 pgs, 2 girls in a van have 7 pgs and an 8 pg section of 'Private Pages' w/ an anonymous couple. A feature article on crimes against the elderly, tha Mazda RX-7, The Tether Report w/ a full pg illo by Bill Ward, Steiner Sex Probe and more. FINE

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
  • Quantity:

Club - 1983-12

Seka has solo FC + 9 pages inc CF w/ girlfriend Sally-Anne. Jasmine has 6 pgs, an anonymous rock & roll singer has 8 pgs and girlfriends Carla & Cassie share 6 pgs. Plus Rolls-Royce autos, The Tether Report w/ 1 full page illo by Bill Ward the Steiner Bureau and the other usual features. Mag comes w/ a 16 pg catalog insert at center.

  • Quantity:

Club - 1984-01

Product ID: club1984-01f
Melissa has nice FC in white lingerie - she also has 6 pgs in 3/84. A double dip of Pippi Andersson who has a 6 pg solo feature as 'Harriet' and also a 9 pg pictorial inc CF w/ Blake Palmer. Nikki Randall has 8 pgs as 'Mia' and Seka has 4 pgs w/ the winner of the win-a-date contest. Plus Maria has 6 pgs and a pair of girlfriends share 6 pgs. Article on acid rain, The Lamborghini Countach, The Tether Report and a new monthly feature by Dr. Steven Roles with an article on S&M. Fairly well read and handled but no serious defects - Good 

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $10.00
  • Quantity:

Club - 1984-03

Marilyn Chambers has solo FC + 9 pgs inc CF w/ boyfriend. Melissa (covergirl from1/84) returns w/ a 6 pg feature plus cowgirl Bobby Joe (aka Roberta) has 8 pgs and a pair of girlfriends share 6 pgs. Article on customizing firearms, mud wrestling, custom choppers & The Tether Report w/ a full pg illo by Bill Ward. Mag comes w/ a 16 pg catalog insert at center.

  • Quantity:

Club - 1984-04

Product ID: club1984-04b
Seka has 9 pages inc CF w/ boyfriend, a girl named Orgasmatron (is Lois Ayres? in a big blond wig) has 6 pgs. Plus Susie & her snakes have 7 pgs and 2 girls (guard & prisoner) in jail have 8 pgs. An article about space wars, the Aston-Martin Lagonda, the last issue for The Tether Report and Chris Achilleos has a 2 pg illo. FINE+

Number in Stock: 2
Price: $25.00
  • Quantity:

Club - 1984-06

Ginger Lynn has 8 pgs w/ Marc Wallace and Kristara Barrington has 8 pgs w/ Blake Palmer. Seka has 3 pgs, Sunny Daze has 7 pgs and Sharon has 6 pgs. Pat Wynn as Auntie Jane has 7 small pics w/ Donna Ambrose. Bill Ward 4 pg comic strip "Sizzle". An article about the robot revolution. Magazine came with record attached to FC.

  • Quantity:

Club - 1984-07

Product ID: club1984-07b
Marilyn Chambers has solo FC in black leather + 9 excellent pgs inc CF w/ 2 bikers. Girlfriends Tessa & Ginny share 8 pgs - 1 is Rowan Moore. Tina has 7 pgs, girlfriends Ann & Nikki have 6 pgs. Bill Ward has 4 fantastic pages of "Sizzle". Chris Achilleos has a 2 pg illo of girl on beach. Plus a Corvette dragster, the Steiner Bureau and all the usual goodies. Mag comes w/ 16 pg catalog insert at center - intact. FINE+

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
  • Quantity:

Club - 1984-10

Busty covegirl in bathtub is same as 8/84? A couple in a limo have big 9 pg pictorial inc CF, Georgina has 7 pgs, Janine has 6 pgs and a pair of girlfriends share 8 pgs w/ a birthday cake. Pat Wynn as Auntie Jane has 2 pgs w/ a girlfriend. Bill Ward has 4 excellent pgs of 'Sizzle'. An article on boxing, a feature on the racing Cobra AC, Dr. Steven Roles writes about lesbians and all the usual features.

  • Quantity:

Club - 1984-11

Product ID: club1984-11c
3 Covergirls are Stacey Donovan, Lois Ayres and Crystal Breeze. Steve Drake and his secretary have 9 pg feature inc CF. Plus Bella Donna has 6 pgs as 'Mandy' and Anita has 8 pgs. A Black girl and white guy have 6 pgs and girlfriends Gayle & Diana have 7 pgs - both look familiar. Also Bill Ward art - 4 great pgs of 'Sizzle', an article on the practical benefits of space exploration, the Paris-Dakkar Rally and the beginning of a new monthly column 'Datasex'. FINE

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
  • Quantity:

Club - 1984-12

Product ID: club1984-12b
Ginger Lynn & boyfriend go fishing, girlfriends Leslie & Doll have 8 pgs in a photo booth. Lindy and her boyfriend Dave have 7 pgs, a girl with her piano has 6 pgs and an anonymous couple go for a role in the hay - 9 pgs inc CF. Bill Ward has 4 pgs of 'Sizzle', an article on Defense Dept fraud & waste, the Lyon automobile and all the usual features. FINE+

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
  • Quantity:

Club - 1985-01

Nina Hartley & girlfriend share the FC, Kelly Nichols & Blake Palmer have big 9 pg feature inc CF. Ginger Lynn has 6 pgs as 'Lynda' and Josie Jones has 8 pgs. Sue Ellen Carwardine (Lois Ayres? in a wig) & boyfriend have 7 pgs and a pair of girlfriends share 6 pgs. Also Bill Ward 4 pages of 'Sizzle', the Triumph TR250K, neighborhood posses and the title of the monthly Connections feature is changed to 'Contacts'. FINE+

  • Quantity:

Club - 1985-02

Gina Carrera & Francois Papillon have 9 pgs inc CF in a cab. Lois Ayres & Crystal Breeze share 8 pgs w/ Peter North. Cara Lott & Marc Wallice have 8 pgs. Bo has 6 pgs (looks a lot like Josie Jones in 1/85) and female matadors Tracey & Laura have 6 pgs. Article about the spread of nuclear weapons and a feature on Zimmer autos. Bill Ward 4 pg 'Sizzle' comic strip.

  • Quantity:

Club - 1985-03

Marilyn Chambers has solo FC + 8 pgs w/ 2 girlfriends - 1 is Rikki Blake plus a detachable 4 pg Poster. CF feature is a truck driver (Rick Cassidy?) and 2 girls - 1 is Stacey Donovan, the other is Lois Ayres? Laurie (Lori) Smith has 6 pgs as 'Ruth'. Susie has 6 pgs and girlfriends Laura & Penny share 7 pgs. Article about Col. Muammar Qaddafi of Libya. Bill Ward 4 pg 'Sizzle' comic strip.

  • Quantity:

Club - 1985-05

Girlfriends Francoise & Pascal share 9 pgs inc CF. Rachel Ashley has 8 pgs w/ Steve Drake. Debbie Sass (aka Debbie Jordan) shares 3 pgs w/ Pat Wynn (Auntie Jane). Jennie & Lynda each have 6 pgs. Chris Achilleos has 1 full page painting and Bill Ward has a 4 pg 'Sizzle' comic strip.

  • Quantity:

Club - 1985-07

Product ID: club1985-07b
Pauline Hickey has great FC. 'Myra' & girlfriend have 9 pgs inc CF in a taxi. Susan Hart & boyfriend have 6 pgs. Nikki Downey has 7 pgs as 'Jackie'. Marianne has 6 pgs and Nina has 7 pgs - she is the NY cop who posed for Beaver magazine. Article about world hunger. Bill Ward 4 pg 'Sizzle' comic strip. Gorgeous Fine+

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
  • Quantity:

Club - 1985-08

Product ID: club1985-08c
Seka has FC + 7 pgs. Paul Thomas and a pair of hotties have 9 pgs inc CF. Tess has 6 pgs, Lynn has 5 pgs. Dolores and a cowboy have 7 pgs and girlfriends Crystal & Mary Beth share 6 pgs. Bill Ward 4 pg 'Sizzle' comic strip. FINE

Number in Stock: 2
Price: $20.00
  • Quantity:

Club - 1986-02

Product ID: club1986-02e
Seka has FC + 4 pgs and Pipi Andersson has 9 pgs inc CF. Erika Lee has 6 pgs as 'Elaine' - she was also in 9/85. Girlfriends Jane & Joanne share 8 pgs, Blake Palmer and 2 girls share 7 pgs. A feature on the SR-71 Blackbird airplane. Bill Ward 4 pg 'Sizzle' comic strip.

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
  • Quantity:

Club - 1986-03

Product ID: club1986-03e
Samantha Fox has an outstanding FC and Suze (Jewel Shapard??) has 9 pgs inc CF. Emma Daley has 6 pgs as 'Daisy', Cynthia Brooks & Rikki Blake have 7 pgs on a pool table w/ a bunch of guys inc Blake Palmer. Plus several more girls w/ no names, the Lamborghini Miura and the F-15 Eagle. Bill Ward 4 pg 'Sizzle' comic strip. VG

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $10.00
  • Quantity:

Club - 1986-05

Seka has solo FC + 7 great pages w/ Peter North. Suzanne has 9 pgs inc CF, Kay Griffiths has 6 pgs and Eva has 8 pgs. Weapons of War is a feature on tanks. Bill Ward 4 pg 'Sizzle' comic strip.

  • Quantity:

Club - 1986-07

Marilyn Chambers has solo FC + 6 pgs w/ boyfriend. Melissa has 9 pgs inc CF, girlfriends Billy & Jo share 8 pgs and Donna has 6 pgs. Bill Ward 4 pg 'Sizzle' comic strip.

  • Quantity:

Club - 1986-12

Product ID: club1986-12c
Samantha Fox has another FC and Keisha has 10 pgs inc CF. Danielle Martin has 8 pgs w/ 2 cowboys, girlfriends Karen & Lisa share 7 pgs, Andee has 5 pgs and still more girls w/ no names. Chris Achilleos has 1 full pg illo and Bill Ward 4 pg 'Sizzle' comic strip. FINE

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
  • Quantity:

Club - 1987-01

Blondi has an outstanding FC. Candy Evans and girlfriend share 9 pgs inc CF. Rachel Ashley has 8 pgs w/ a soldier. Inga and Jan each have 7 pgs, Joanne has 5 pgs and an anonymous biker babe in black leather has 6 pgs w/ a motorcycle. Chris Achilleos has a 2 pg illo and Bill Ward 'Sizzle' Comic strip - 4 excellent pages.

  • Quantity:

Club - 1987-02

Seka has solo FC + 7 pgs w/ Amber Lynn. Kerry Laugherty has 9 pgs inc CF as 'Kristin' and Trine Michelson has 6 pgs as 'Carol'. Sarah Mealing & Debbie Jay share 7 pgs as a pair of ballerina girlfriends (they are also in 11/87). Angel has 5 pgs and Blake Palmer has 8 pgs w/ a very familiar looking blonde. Bill Ward 'Sizzle' comic strip - 4 pgs.

  • Quantity:

Club - 1987-04

Product ID: club1987-04b
Keisha has a gorgeous FC. Blondi has 10 pgs inc CF. Nikki Randall has 7 pgs as 'Tracy', girlfriends Donna & Brigit share 7 pgs and Josie has 5 pgs. Toni Kessering has 3 pgs as 'Candy'. Uschi Digard has 2 large B&W pics. Bill Ward 'Sizzle' comic strip - 4 pgs. FINE+

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
  • Quantity:

Club - 1987-07

Seka has solo FC + 7 pgs w/ boyfriend. Trace has 10 pgs inc CF and Eva has 5 pgs. More girls w/ no names and the Auburn Speedster. Chris Achilleos has a 2 pg illo. Bill Ward 'Sizzle' comic strip - 4 pgs.

  • Quantity:

Club - 1987-08

Samantha Fox has another FC + 2 pgs. Blondi has 10 pgs inc CF. Keisha has 8 pgs w/ boyfriend. Jenny Cope has 4 pgs as 'Miranda' and Louise Fraser-Phillips has 3 pgs. Sarah has 6 pgs and a pair of girlfriends share 7 pgs. Bill Ward 'Sizzle' comic strip - 4 pgs.

  • Quantity:

Club - 1987-09

Seka and Ginger Lynn share the FC + 6 fantastic pages by Suze Randall. Jeanette Littledove has 10 outstanding pages inc CF. Plus several more girls w/ no names and a couple in a car. Bill Ward 'Sizzle' comic strip - 4 pgs (last one - next issue change to 2 pg 'Debbie' comic strip).

  • Quantity:

Club - 1987-11

Samantha Fox has excellent FC. Fern has 10 pgs inc CF. Blondi shares 8 pgs w/ girlfriend Saundra. Black model Shanna Evans has 7 pgs as 'Miss Jones', ballerinas Sarah Mealing & Debbie Jay share 6 pgs. Jacqui (Nikki Randall?) has 6 pgs and Jeanne Pepper has 2 pgs. Bill Ward 2 pg 'Debbie' comic strip.

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Club - 1987-12

Seka has FC + 5 pgs by Suze Randall, Maud has 10 pgs inc CF. Pauline Hickey has 5 great pgs as 'Zoe' and Belinda Box has 8 pgs as 'Vivien' (same photo shoot as Men Only v52 #6 but not all the same pics). Girlfriends Suzy & Sophie share 7 pgs - one is Annabel Fairchild. Kay has 6 pgs w/ Blake Palmer and Jazzy has 4 pgs. Bill Ward 2 pg 'Debbie' comic strip.

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Club - 1988-01

Product ID: club1988-01b
Marilyn Chambers has FC + 5 pgs by Suze Randall, Sarah Mealing has 10 pgs inc CF in the bath. Debbie Sass (aka Debbie Jordan) has 5 pgs. Susan Hart & Randy West have 8 pgs, Belinda Box has pics on 6 pgs along with story (these are from the photo shoot on a bus). Girlfriends Karen & Nicole share 7 pgs - 1 is Amanda Barrington (aka Shrempton). Bill Ward 2 pg 'Debbie' comic strip. FINE+

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
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Club - 1988-03

Samantha Fox has nice FC and Stella has 10 pgs inc CF. Emily has 6 pgs. Amanda & Leyla from 2/88 return in a bath tub - 1 is Amanda Barrington. Francois Papillon & Beverly Glen (aka Whitney Price) have 7 pgs, Janine & Black girlfriend Carol (is Angel Kelly?) share 7 pgs. Quisha has 6 pgs 'My Confession'.

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Club - 1988-05

Seka & Jeanna Fine share FC + 5 pgs, Eden has 9 pgs inc CF. Stephanie Adams has 7 pgs w/ Jon Dough. Denise & Corvette (yep, that's her name) and 1 poor girl w/ no name at all each have 6 pgs. Pat Wynn has letters column as 'Auntie Jayne'. Bill Ward returns w a 2 pg 'Debbie' comic strip.

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Club - 1988-07

Samnatha Fox has FC + both sides of a giant 4 pg poster and Sally-Ann has 10 pgs inc CF. Stephanie Adams (w/ dark hair) has 6 pgs, Andrea Clarke has 7 pgs w/ girlfriend Denise. Melody has 6 pgs and Julia Parton? shares 6 pgs w/ boyfriend. Toni Kessering begins regular monthly letters column as 'Dolores Deecup' - runs thru 8/89. Bill Ward 2 pg 'Debbie' comic strip.

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