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Terry Southern

Ace - 1965-01

Ace - 1965-01

Product ID: ace1965-01d
Nancy Lyon has FC + 4 pgs, Angela Jones has the inside FC + 4 pgs and Maria Hurst & Gwen Ford each have 4 pgs. Articles about the Sex Underground, Why Disco is Ruining Jazz! and Terry (author of 'Candy') Southern. Ted Mark fiction 'The Secretarial Position'. Very bright & glossy, clean white cover, a few minor stresses - VG+

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
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Putnam #1042 - By Terry Southen & Mason Hoffenberg - movie edition, 1968 - 95 cent cover pirce. Have 2 copies both beat to hell. First copy looks better but has some H2O marks in top right corner and along top edge of first few pgs but diminishing thoughout the book, some light waffling but no brittleness or stuck pgs and some bug chews along bottom edge of BC (not too bad). Second copy has no H2O marks or damage but the covers are heavily creased and the top half of the spine has been torn off. Both are completely readable. Same price, your choice

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Escapade - 1960-12

Escapade - 1960-12

v6 #1 - Dondi Penn has FC + 4 pgs, Joy Laine on inside FC + 6 pgs inc CF. Highlight of issue is 4 pg pictorial of Nichelle Nichols (Lt. Uhura on Star Trek) partially reproduced in Celebrity Skin & Celebrity Sleuth. A 3 pg feature on the show that shocked Paris 'Songs of Bilitis' w/ Nadine Tallier. The Big Bear Motorcycle Race and college humor mags. Also a short story by Terry Southern 'Guy Grand's Magic', a 1 pg column by Jack Kerouac and Escapade visits the Univ. of Washington.

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Hustler - 1985-07

Product ID: hust1985-07d
Beverly Glen aka Whitney Prince has FC + 10 pgs w/ a look-a-like of Rock musician Prince and Melody has 10 pgs inc a 3 pg foldout CF. Annelie Nilsson has 8 pgs as 'Danielle', 2 anonymous girlfriends share 10 pgs. Charles Bukowski fiction "The Lady With The Legs". Terry Southern Short Story "Virgin Love ...or Fab First _uck". VG+

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
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Man To Man - 1971-05

Man To Man - 1971-05

Product ID: mama1971-05d
v21 #3 - Has nice FC of busty blonde Jacqueline Bray (is Jacqueline Morse) + 7 pgs inc a 3 pg color foldout CF. Joyce Anderson has 5 pgs w/ 2 pg color foldout. Julie Ege & Molly Rabbet each have 2 pgs. 'Blue Movie' by Terry Southern and a bachelor's guide to Hong Kong. Lynne O'Neill has a column on Burlesque. Spine stresses, VG+

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
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Nugget - 1962-06

Nugget - 1962-06

Trudy Wise on inside FC + 4 pgs, Suzanne Ami also has 4 pgs. Long pictorial feature on Soho and an article about San Francisco. Nelson Algren 'Fabulous Istanbul Isn't the Town for Me', humor by Terry Southern 'Apartment To Exchange' and an article about Henry Miller by Gael Greene.

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Nugget - 1964-09

Nugget - 1964-09

Product ID: nugg1964-09d
Carol Cleavenger has inside FC + 4 pgs inc CF. June & boyfriend Bob have 5 pgs. A 24 pg excerpt form the book 'Candy' by Terry Southern. Jazz musician Chet Baker discusses his battle with addiction. Bright & glossy, a bit of light rubbing along spine and a couple of faint verticle white lines near right edge of FC that appear to be printing defects - VG+ 

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
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