Scamp - 1957-09
v1 #3 - Susan Turner has nice FC in white lingerie looking into a mirror + 2 pgs, Dorie Stevens has very nice color CF. Carol Hill, Lynne O'Neill, Virginia De Lee and Greta Thyssen each have 2 pgs inc full pg color Pin-ups on glossy paper. Nadine Sacha has 3 pgs, Kathy Lodge, Jan O'Brien and Verna Weir each have 2 pgs. Also a 3 pg feature of a couple in the woods w/ a girl billed as Larri Thomas (is Playboy CF of 5/58 Lari Laine?) and a 4 pg feature 'A Blond for Every Occasion' w/ pics of 11 diff girls inc Virginia Bell, Nona van Tosch and Lilli Lisande. Plus fiction by Nelson Algren 'Depend on Aunt Elly' and an article about Broadway producer Earl Carroll. This one has been read a bit, mutiple stresses along spine, a bit of looseness around staples, small creases - Good+
Product #: scamp1957-09f
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00