Adam Film World - v07.12
9/80 - FC has scenes from 'Bad Girl' starring Aimee Leigh and 'Nanci Blue' starring Kandi Barbour. Also reviews of both. A 5 pg article about Britt Ekland w/ pics, Interview w/ Candida Royalle, Serena in 2 pgs of pics from 'The First Convertible' and a Japanese film 'Sensual Sanctuary' w/ nuns in a convent - 4 pgs. Plus reviews of 'October Silk' - 6 pgs, 'National Lampoon's Frat House' - 4 pgs and 'F' - 4 pgs. Bright & glossy, minor spine stresses and small bump on bottom right corner - VG+
Product #: adfiwo-v07.12d
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00