Adam Film World - v09.07
7/83 - FC is Angelique (aka Heaven St. John) from 'Body Talk' + a 4 pg review. Reviews of 'Up N Coming' starring Marilyn Chambers - 7 pgs, 'Mascara' w/ Lisa de Leeuw & Lee Carroll - 11 pgs, 'Expose Me Now' w/ Danielle Martin - 5 pgs, 'Little Orphan Dusty 2' w/ Rhonda Jo Petty - 4 pgs and 'The Oui Girls' - 4 pgs w/ Sharon Kane, Anna Ventura and more. Also has an Interview w/ Dorothy LeMay and an article about Meryl Streep w/ a full pg pic. Bright & glossy, a couple of minor stresses on BC - Fine
Product #: adfiwo-v09.07c
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00