Adam Film World - v09.11
1/84 - Constance Money has partial FC + 11 pg review of her comeback film 'A Taste of Money'. Reviews of 'Sex Games' w/ Shauna Grant and Julie Parton - 9 pgs, 'The Young Like it Hot' w/ Shauna Grant & Hyapatia Lee - 9 pgs, 'Bodies In Heat' w/ Annette Haven & Lisa de Leeuw - 7 pgs, 'Hot Dreams' w/ Sharon Mitchell - 6 pgs 'California Valley Girls' - 5 pgs and 'Getting Ahead' - 4 pgs. Also an Interview w/ Seka and a 4 pg article about Jacqueline Bisset w/ pics. Very clean, bright white cover - FINE
Product #: adfiwo-v09.11c
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00