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Pic - 1964-07

Pic - 1964-07

v1 #4 - Elke Sommer close-up FC + 2 pgs. Huge 11 pg feature on Angie Dickenson, Ingela Brander has 10 pgs, Lena Van Martens (Roger Vadim's new discovery) on inside FC + 8 pgs, Andrea D'Andrea has 9 pgs, Melina Mercouri and Harry Belfonte have 7 pgs, Mylene Demongeot has 5 pgs. Long feature 'Inside Jack Ruby's Strip Club' and an article about why Oswald didn't kill Kennedy. Another long article about Malcolm X and the Black Muslims. Avg wear - VG

Product #: pic1964-07e
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
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