Photo Exhibit - 1957-07
v1 #1 - subtitled 'The 7 Sensations of Man'. Interesting format has mag divided into 7 chapters each by a different photographer. 'Beauty' - 10 pgs of B&W figure studies by Andre de Dienes; 'Violence' - 10 pg article w/ pics by Weegee; 'Love' - 8 pgs of pics by Leon Levenstein; 'Madness' - 8 pgs of pics by Earl Leaf; 'Lust' - 10 pgs of pics from the Gideon Bachmann Still Collection; 'Hunger' - 8 pgs of pics by Peter Buckley; 'Fantasy' - 10 pgs of pics by Morris Kaplan. Center of book is 4 pgs of color figure studies inc a 2 pg CF + 1 more pg by Peter Basch. Lightly read - about Fine
Product #: photoexh1957-07c
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00