Art Photography - 1952-08alt
v4 #2 - Says 'Annual Beach Issue' on FC. Color FC of girl buried in sand w/ head and shoulders showing, w/ same photo on BC minus text. Mag is 52 pgs w/ 14 pgs of B&W nude figure studies. Mag also has an 8 pg section of beach photos w/ 1 pg + 1 pic of Cleo Moore and 1 pic of Barbara Nichols. No date on FC, just the number '37'. This mag is identical to the previous issue dated 8/52 except that the covers (inside and out) are different. Both say 8/52 - v4 #2 on contents page and both have no date, just the number '37' on FC. I think this should be #38.
Product #: artphot1952-08alt-e
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $10.00